Arg R -2,53 Lys K -1,5 Asp D -0,9 Gln Q -0,85 Asn N -0,78 Glu E -0,74 His H -0,4 Ser S -0,18 Thr T -0,05 Pro P 0,12 Tyr Y 0,26 Cys C 0,29 Gly G 0,48 Ala A 0,62 Met M 0,64 Trp W 0,81 Leu L 1,06 Val V 1,08 Phe F 1,19 Ile I 1,38 Eisenberg normalized consensus hydrophobicity values, Average of 5 other scales, Selected (H) normalized values as published in: D, Eisenberg, E, Schwarz, M, Komaromy and R, Wall: " Analysis of Membrane and Surface Protein Sequences with the Hydrophobic Moment Plot", J, Mol, Biol, 179 (1984), 125-142,