sp|P50866|CLPX_BACSU ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subu... 770 0.0 sp|Q891J8|CLPX_CLOTE ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subu... 555 0.0 sp|P39778|CLPY_BACSU ATP-dependent protease ATPase subunit ClpY; 90 9e-20 tr|Q890L5|Q890L5_CLOTE Negative regulator of genetic competence ... 49 3e-06 sp|P37571|CLPC_BACSU Negative regulator of genetic competence Cl... 49 3e-06 sp|O31673|CLPE_BACSU ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subu... 48 4e-06 tr|Q891B9|Q891B9_CLOTE ATP-dependent zinc metalloprotease FtsH; 43 2e-04