cartoons off select protein wireframe 70 cpk 110 color translucent 0.7 orange set measurementUnits ANGSTROMS set measure 3 color measure white measure {{{2}}} {{{2142}}} measure {{{1464}}} {{{2869}}} measure {{{120}}} {{{2898}}} select water cpk off rotate y 182 rotate z 10 select within (4.0, mn) and (hoh or mn) wireframe off select ligand cpk 230 pause reset measure off select all color cpk select protein cpk off restrict within (9.0, [mn]1383) and (glu or mn or his or hoh) select [glu]99 or [glu]93 wireframe off select [mn]1383 cpk 200 select within (4.0, [mn]1383) and hoh wireframe cpk 120 select within (4.0, [mn]1383) and (hoh or mn or protein) wireframe 70 rotate x -6 rotate y -41 rotate z -5 select within (7.0, [mn]1383) and his and *.CA label His %r select within (7.0, [mn]1383) and glu and *.CA label Glu %r select all set fontsize 11 set labeloffset -10 10