In [72]:
#загрузим модуль
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import sys 
import modeller 
import _modeller
import modeller.automodel
import nglview
import ipywidgets
from IPython.display import Image
#зададим параметры
env = modeller.environ() = True

Выбрала белок лизоцим С с id P85045 из Bufo gargarizans andrewsi

In [4]:
In [3]:
# скачаем белок заготовку
! wget
# скачаем последовательность
! wget
--2021-05-27 03:43:33--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
Location: [following]
--2021-05-27 03:43:33--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
Location: [following]
--2021-05-27 03:43:34--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: `1lmp.pdb.4'

    [  <=>                                  ] 128,871      342K/s   in 0.4s    

2021-05-27 03:43:36 (342 KB/s) - `1lmp.pdb.4' saved [128871]

--2021-05-27 03:43:36--
Resolving (,
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 
Length: 240 [text/plain]
Saving to: `P85045.fasta.3'

100%[======================================>] 240         --.-K/s   in 0s      

2021-05-27 03:43:37 (113 MB/s) - `P85045.fasta.3' saved [240/240]

Выровняем последовательности лизоцима форели и лизоцима жабы

In [2]:
# создадим объект выравнивание

# создадим модель
mdl = modeller.model(env,
                     model_segment=('FIRST:'+'A', 'LAST:'+'B'))
# и добавим в выравнивание
# есть смысл поправить идентификаторы
alignm[0].code = 'seq'
alignm[1].code = 'pdb'
read_pd_459W> Residue type  NDG not recognized. 'automodel' model building
              will treat this residue as a rigid body.
              To use real parameters, add the residue type to ${LIB}/restyp.lib,
              its topology to ${LIB}/top_*.lib, and suitable forcefield
              parameters to ${LIB}/par.lib.
read_pd_459W> Residue type  NAG not recognized. 'automodel' model building
              will treat this residue as a rigid body.
              To use real parameters, add the residue type to ${LIB}/restyp.lib,
              its topology to ${LIB}/top_*.lib, and suitable forcefield
              parameters to ${LIB}/par.lib.
In [3]:
# делаем выравнивание.
# сохраняем в файл.
alignm.write(file='all_in_one.ali', alignment_format='PIR')
SALIGN_____> adding the next group to the alignment; iteration    1

Проверим, все ли хорошо в выравнивании

In [4]:
!cat all_in_one.ali
sequence::     : :     : :::-1.00:-1.00


Вроде бы выравнивание адекватное

Моделируем структуру лизоцима жабы

In [5]:
# выбираем объект для моделирования 
s = alignm[0]
pdb = alignm[1]

print (s.code, pdb.code)

# создаем объект automodel
a = modeller.automodel.automodel(env, alnfile='all_in_one.ali', knowns= pdb.code, sequence = s.code )'mod'+s.code
a.starting_model = 1
a.ending_model = 2
seq pdb
fndatmi_285W> Only      129 residues out of      132 contain atoms of type  CA
              (This is usually caused by non-standard residues, such
              as ligands, or by PDB files with missing atoms.)
fndatmi_285W> Only      129 residues out of      132 contain atoms of type  CA
              (This is usually caused by non-standard residues, such
              as ligands, or by PDB files with missing atoms.)

check_ali___> Checking the sequence-structure alignment. 

Implied intrachain target CA(i)-CA(i+1) distances longer than  8.0 angstroms:

read_to_681_> topology.submodel read from topology file:        3
fndatmi_285W> Only      129 residues out of      132 contain atoms of type  CA
              (This is usually caused by non-standard residues, such
              as ligands, or by PDB files with missing atoms.)
patch_s_522_> Number of disulfides patched in MODEL:        4
mdtrsr__446W> A potential that relies on one protein is used, yet you have at
              least one known structure available. MDT, not library, potential is used.
iup2crm_280W> No topology library in memory or assigning a BLK residue.
              Default CHARMM atom type assigned:  C1 -->  CT2
              This message is written only for the first such atom.
0 atoms in HETATM/BLK residues constrained
to protein atoms within 2.30 angstroms
and protein CA atoms within 10.00 angstroms
0 atoms in residues without defined topology
constrained to be rigid bodies
condens_443_> Restraints marked for deletion were removed.
              Total number of restraints before, now:    13044    12008

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      146
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1166    1166
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    12008   12008
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):     2439
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 2, NATM x NATM cell sorting
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        0   99999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :    4.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       T       F       F       F
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :         780.6552

Summary of the restraint violations: 

   NUM     ... number of restraints.
   NUMVI   ... number of restraints with RVIOL > VIOL_REPORT_CUT[i].
   RVIOL   ... relative difference from the best value.
   NUMVP   ... number of restraints with -Ln(pdf) > VIOL_REPORT_CUT2[i].
   RMS_1   ... RMS(feature, minimally_violated_basis_restraint, NUMB).
   RMS_2   ... RMS(feature, best_value, NUMB).
   MOL.PDF ... scaled contribution to -Ln(Molecular pdf).

 #                     RESTRAINT_GROUP      NUM   NUMVI  NUMVP   RMS_1   RMS_2         MOL.PDF     S_i
 1 Bond length potential              :    1197       0      0   0.006   0.006      11.149       1.000
 2 Bond angle potential               :    1618       0      5   2.105   2.105      141.55       1.000
 3 Stereochemical cosine torsion poten:     814       0     31  47.816  47.816      280.45       1.000
 4 Stereochemical improper torsion pot:     502       0      0   1.213   1.213      17.222       1.000
 5 Soft-sphere overlap restraints     :    2439       0      0   0.002   0.002     0.72972       1.000
 6 Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 7 Coulomb point-point electrostatic p:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 8 H-bonding potential                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 9 Distance restraints 1 (CA-CA)      :    2405       0      0   0.128   0.128      36.267       1.000
10 Distance restraints 2 (N-O)        :    2564       0      2   0.189   0.189      79.077       1.000
11 Mainchain Phi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
12 Mainchain Psi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
13 Mainchain Omega dihedral restraints:     145       0      2   4.123   4.123      29.063       1.000
14 Sidechain Chi_1 dihedral restraints:     126       0      0  62.861  62.861      14.837       1.000
15 Sidechain Chi_2 dihedral restraints:      93       0      0  75.994  75.994      31.311       1.000
16 Sidechain Chi_3 dihedral restraints:      37       0      0  75.895  75.895      24.630       1.000
17 Sidechain Chi_4 dihedral restraints:      21       0      0  76.648  76.648      12.125       1.000
18 Disulfide distance restraints      :       4       0      0   0.006   0.006     0.27081E-01   1.000
19 Disulfide angle restraints         :       8       0      0   1.713   1.713     0.51828       1.000
20 Disulfide dihedral angle restraints:       4       0      0  32.504  32.504      3.5620       1.000
21 Lower bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
22 Upper bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
23 Distance restraints 3 (SDCH-MNCH)  :    1582       0      0   0.356   0.356      26.992       1.000
24 Sidechain Chi_5 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
25 Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints:     144      16     11  22.071  57.753      36.114       1.000
26 Distance restraints 4 (SDCH-SDCH)  :     744       0      0   0.564   0.564      35.035       1.000
27 Distance restraints 5 (X-Y)        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
28 NMR distance restraints 6 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
29 NMR distance restraints 7 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
30 Minimal distance restraints        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
31 Non-bonded restraints              :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
32 Atomic accessibility restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
33 Atomic density restraints          :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
34 Absolute position restraints       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
35 Dihedral angle difference restraint:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
36 GBSA implicit solvent potential    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
37 EM density fitting potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
38 SAXS restraints                    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
39 Symmetry restraints                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000

# Heavy relative violation of each residue is written to: seq.V99990001
# The profile is NOT normalized by the number of restraints.
# The profiles are smoothed over a window of residues:    1
# The sum of all numbers in the file:   14269.6729

List of the violated restraints:
   A restraint is violated when the relative difference
   from the best value (RVIOL) is larger than CUTOFF.

   ICSR   ... index of a restraint in the current set.
   RESNO  ... residue numbers of the first two atoms.
   ATM    ... IUPAC atom names of the first two atoms.
   FEAT   ... the value of the feature in the model.
   restr  ... the mean of the basis restraint with the smallest
              difference from the model (local minimum).
   viol   ... difference from the local minimum.
   rviol  ... relative difference from the local minimum.
   RESTR  ... the best value (global minimum).
   VIOL   ... difference from the best value.
   RVIOL  ... relative difference from the best value.


Feature 25                           : Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints     
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       6.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   4149   2G   3K C   N       9   11 -120.79 -118.00   23.53    1.10  -62.90  167.08   25.16
    1          3K   3K N   CA     11   12  162.47  139.10                  -40.80
    2   4150   3K   4Y C   N      18   20 -123.86 -124.30   10.54    0.58  -63.50 -178.98   31.76
    2          4Y   4Y N   CA     20   21  145.94  135.40                  -43.40
    3   4152   5I   6S C   N      38   40  -59.66  -72.40   27.37    1.27  -64.10  163.24   12.10
    3          6S   6S N   CA     40   41  128.18  152.40                  -35.00
    4   4153   6S   7W C   N      44   46 -145.63 -124.90   26.75    0.85  -63.00  176.08   27.58
    4          7W   7W N   CA     46   47  160.31  143.40                  -44.20
    5   4154   7W   8E C   N      58   60  -96.67 -117.80   26.27    0.79  -63.60  164.85   20.34
    5          8E   8E N   CA     60   61  121.20  136.80                  -40.30
    6   4155   8E   9D C   N      67   69  -99.59  -96.50   10.78    0.45  -63.30  148.38   16.46
    6          9D   9D N   CA     69   70  103.88  114.20                  -40.00
    7   4156   9D  10S C   N      75   77  -74.92  -72.40    2.69    0.16  -64.10  171.99   13.13
    7         10S  10S N   CA     77   78  153.35  152.40                  -35.00
    8   4158  11C  12S C   N      87   89 -148.70 -136.60   14.70    0.79  -64.10 -163.06   12.43
    8         12S  12S N   CA     89   90  142.85  151.20                  -35.00
    9   4159  12S  13Y C   N      93   95 -122.42 -124.30    8.89    0.40  -63.50 -179.97   25.87
    9         13Y  13Y N   CA     95   96  126.72  135.40                  -43.40
   10   4160  13Y  14L C   N     105  107 -119.46 -108.50   33.50    1.89  -63.50  152.67   18.87
   10         14L  14L N   CA    107  108  100.85  132.50                  -41.20
   11   4162  15Q  16L C   N     122  124  -53.03  -70.70   19.77    1.46  -63.50  174.25   24.81
   11         16L  16L N   CA    124  125  132.74  141.60                  -41.20
   12   4163  16L  17Q C   N     130  132 -105.26 -121.10   23.59    0.78  -63.80  167.72   22.70
   12         17Q  17Q N   CA    132  133  122.22  139.70                  -40.30
   13   4198  51E  52S C   N     414  416 -137.65  -64.10   81.25    8.57  -64.10   81.25    8.57
   13         52S  52S N   CA    416  417   -0.47  -35.00                  -35.00
   14   4210  63P  64P C   N     504  506  -70.41  -58.70   12.43    1.74  -64.50  178.24   12.99
   14         64P  64P N   CA    506  507  -34.66  -30.50                  147.20
   15   4288 141T 142Q C   N    1128 1130   22.63  -63.80  126.37   16.40  -73.00  129.16   10.05
   15        142Q 142Q N   CA   1130 1131 -132.49  -40.30                  140.70
   16   4289 142Q 143G C   N    1137 1139  -59.05  -62.40   25.69    4.01   82.20  143.32   10.39
   16        143G 143G N   CA   1139 1140  -15.73  -41.20                    8.50

report______> Distribution of short non-bonded contacts:

DISTANCE1:  0.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40
DISTANCE2:  2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50
FREQUENCY:     0    0    0    0    0    9   10   52   80  107  102  124  149  205  193

<< end of ENERGY.

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      146
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1166    1166
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    12008   12008
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):     2404
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 2, NATM x NATM cell sorting
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        0   99999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :    4.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       T       F       F       F
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :         801.2952

Summary of the restraint violations: 

   NUM     ... number of restraints.
   NUMVI   ... number of restraints with RVIOL > VIOL_REPORT_CUT[i].
   RVIOL   ... relative difference from the best value.
   NUMVP   ... number of restraints with -Ln(pdf) > VIOL_REPORT_CUT2[i].
   RMS_1   ... RMS(feature, minimally_violated_basis_restraint, NUMB).
   RMS_2   ... RMS(feature, best_value, NUMB).
   MOL.PDF ... scaled contribution to -Ln(Molecular pdf).

 #                     RESTRAINT_GROUP      NUM   NUMVI  NUMVP   RMS_1   RMS_2         MOL.PDF     S_i
 1 Bond length potential              :    1197       0      0   0.006   0.006      11.978       1.000
 2 Bond angle potential               :    1618       0      5   2.162   2.162      149.18       1.000
 3 Stereochemical cosine torsion poten:     814       0     32  47.853  47.853      280.75       1.000
 4 Stereochemical improper torsion pot:     502       0      0   1.354   1.354      20.247       1.000
 5 Soft-sphere overlap restraints     :    2404       0      0   0.001   0.001     0.35712       1.000
 6 Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 7 Coulomb point-point electrostatic p:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 8 H-bonding potential                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 9 Distance restraints 1 (CA-CA)      :    2405       0      0   0.131   0.131      38.348       1.000
10 Distance restraints 2 (N-O)        :    2564       0      0   0.160   0.160      68.636       1.000
11 Mainchain Phi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
12 Mainchain Psi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
13 Mainchain Omega dihedral restraints:     145       0      2   4.384   4.384      32.860       1.000
14 Sidechain Chi_1 dihedral restraints:     126       0      0  62.575  62.575      18.316       1.000
15 Sidechain Chi_2 dihedral restraints:      93       0      0  69.418  69.418      40.661       1.000
16 Sidechain Chi_3 dihedral restraints:      37       0      0  86.894  86.894      28.468       1.000
17 Sidechain Chi_4 dihedral restraints:      21       0      0  80.626  80.626      15.307       1.000
18 Disulfide distance restraints      :       4       0      0   0.008   0.008     0.41274E-01   1.000
19 Disulfide angle restraints         :       8       0      0   1.807   1.807     0.57662       1.000
20 Disulfide dihedral angle restraints:       4       0      0  29.943  29.943      3.3804       1.000
21 Lower bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
22 Upper bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
23 Distance restraints 3 (SDCH-MNCH)  :    1582       0      0   0.396   0.396      25.516       1.000
24 Sidechain Chi_5 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
25 Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints:     144      15     13  23.637  57.466      34.828       1.000
26 Distance restraints 4 (SDCH-SDCH)  :     744       0      0   0.553   0.553      31.843       1.000
27 Distance restraints 5 (X-Y)        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
28 NMR distance restraints 6 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
29 NMR distance restraints 7 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
30 Minimal distance restraints        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
31 Non-bonded restraints              :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
32 Atomic accessibility restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
33 Atomic density restraints          :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
34 Absolute position restraints       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
35 Dihedral angle difference restraint:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
36 GBSA implicit solvent potential    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
37 EM density fitting potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
38 SAXS restraints                    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
39 Symmetry restraints                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000

# Heavy relative violation of each residue is written to: seq.V99990002
# The profile is NOT normalized by the number of restraints.
# The profiles are smoothed over a window of residues:    1
# The sum of all numbers in the file:   14322.9121

List of the violated restraints:
   A restraint is violated when the relative difference
   from the best value (RVIOL) is larger than CUTOFF.

   ICSR   ... index of a restraint in the current set.
   RESNO  ... residue numbers of the first two atoms.
   ATM    ... IUPAC atom names of the first two atoms.
   FEAT   ... the value of the feature in the model.
   restr  ... the mean of the basis restraint with the smallest
              difference from the model (local minimum).
   viol   ... difference from the local minimum.
   rviol  ... relative difference from the local minimum.
   RESTR  ... the best value (global minimum).
   VIOL   ... difference from the best value.
   RVIOL  ... relative difference from the best value.


Feature 25                           : Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints     
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       6.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   4148   1S   2G C   N       5    7   84.65   78.70   18.28    0.30   82.20  168.13    8.29
    1          2G   2G N   CA      7    8  176.61 -166.10                    8.50
    2   4149   2G   3K C   N       9   11 -134.03 -118.00   17.24    0.77  -62.90 -172.44   21.65
    2          3K   3K N   CA     11   12  132.75  139.10                  -40.80
    3   4150   3K   4Y C   N      18   20  -69.76  -98.40   29.28    1.35  -63.50  165.84   26.00
    3          4Y   4Y N   CA     20   21  122.32  128.40                  -43.40
    4   4152   5I   6S C   N      38   40  -97.98  -72.40   30.14    2.43  -64.10  174.77   11.11
    4          6S   6S N   CA     40   41  136.45  152.40                  -35.00
    5   4153   6S   7W C   N      44   46 -137.58 -124.90   26.77    0.97  -63.00  166.47   25.83
    5          7W   7W N   CA     46   47  166.98  143.40                  -44.20
    6   4154   7W   8E C   N      58   60 -124.25 -117.80   27.79    1.49  -63.60  161.86   19.00
    6          8E   8E N   CA     60   61  109.76  136.80                  -40.30
    7   4155   8E   9D C   N      67   69 -104.74  -70.90   50.74    1.94  -63.30  138.26   19.74
    7          9D   9D N   CA     69   70 -171.90  150.30                  -40.00
    8   4156   9D  10S C   N      75   77  -82.52  -72.40   15.03    0.70  -64.10  162.53   12.96
    8         10S  10S N   CA     77   78  163.51  152.40                  -35.00
    9   4158  11C  12S C   N      87   89  -93.14  -72.40   80.23    5.43  -64.10  113.67    7.06
    9         12S  12S N   CA     89   90   74.90  152.40                  -35.00
   10   4159  12S  13Y C   N      93   95 -125.64 -124.30   17.63    0.99  -63.50  172.78   24.63
   10         13Y  13Y N   CA     95   96  117.82  135.40                  -43.40
   11   4160  13Y  14L C   N     105  107  -96.37 -108.50   24.86    1.42  -63.50  167.84   25.30
   11         14L  14L N   CA    107  108  154.21  132.50                  -41.20
   12   4162  15Q  16L C   N     122  124  -69.37  -70.70   16.30    1.29  -63.50  161.05   22.70
   12         16L  16L N   CA    124  125  157.85  141.60                  -41.20
   13   4163  16L  17Q C   N     130  132  -76.68  -73.00    6.86    0.52  -63.80  175.69   25.17
   13         17Q  17Q N   CA    132  133  134.92  140.70                  -40.30
   14   4198  51E  52S C   N     414  416 -136.57  -64.10   80.80    8.42  -64.10   80.80    8.42
   14         52S  52S N   CA    416  417    0.72  -35.00                  -35.00
   15   4210  63P  64P C   N     504  506  -70.52  -58.70   12.13    1.67  -64.50  179.68   13.09
   15         64P  64P N   CA    506  507  -33.22  -30.50                  147.20

report______> Distribution of short non-bonded contacts:

DISTANCE1:  0.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40
DISTANCE2:  2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50
FREQUENCY:     0    0    0    0    0    3    5   37   63  119  119  150  168  186  179

<< end of ENERGY.

>> Summary of successfully produced models:
Filename                          molpdf
seq.B99990001.pdb              780.65515
seq.B99990002.pdb              801.29517

Посмотрим что получилось

Кажется создалось 2 модели B99990001 и B99990002, посмотрим как выглядят обе и сравним с референсом

In [43]:
#Используем команду для выравнивания стуктур в pymol чтобы сравнивать их
def show_model(pdb_1, pdb_2, name):
    command = f"load {pdb_1}, model_1; load {pdb_2}, model_2; " \
              f"util.cbas model_1; util.cbab model_2; " \
              f"align model_1, model_2; " \
              f"as cartoon; as sticks, hetatm; " \
              f"as cartoon; as sticks, hetatm; orient; " \
              f"set ray_trace_mode, 3; set antialias, 2; bg_color white;set transparency, 0.5; " \
              f"png {name}.png"
    ! pymol -Qcd "$command"
In [38]:
# посмотрим на первую структуру
model1 = nglview.show_structure_file('seq.B99990001.pdb')
model1.add_cartoon('protein', color_scheme='residueindex')
model1.add_ball_and_stick('ligand', opacity=0.5)
In [44]:
# сравним жабу с форелью синим будет форель, а красным - жаба
show_model("seq.B99990001.pdb","1lmp.pdb",1 )
In [14]:
# посмотрим на вторую струткуру
model2 = nglview.show_structure_file('seq.B99990002.pdb')
model2.add_cartoon('protein', color_scheme='residueindex')
model2.add_ball_and_stick('ligand', opacity=0.5)
In [45]:
# сравним жабу с форелью синим будет форель, а красным - жаба
show_model("seq.B99990002.pdb","1lmp.pdb",2 )

Видим что в среднем смоделированные структуры довольно похожи на оригинальную структуру, но плохо смоделировался N конец, что логично, потому что белок жабы плохо выравнивается с белком форели с N конца. У форели на N конце спираль, а у жабы получилась неструктурированная петля.

Добавим лиганд в последовательность белка жабы

In [16]:
seq_liganded = ''
for res in alignm[0].residues:
    seq_liganded += res.code
for lig in alignm[1].residues[-3:]:
    seq_liganded += lig.code
alignm[2].code = 'seq_liganded'
del alignm[0]
In [17]:
# делаем выравнивание.
# сохраняем в файл.
alignm.write(file='all_in_one2.ali', alignment_format='PIR')
SALIGN_____> adding the next group to the alignment; iteration    1
In [18]:
!cat all_in_one2.ali

sequence::1    : :+149 : :undefined:undefined:-1.00:-1.00

О, теперь видим что в последовательность белка жабы добавились точки в конец, видимо это и есть лиганд, ведь мы дописывали его в конец последовательности.

Смоделируем структуру лизоцима жабы с учетом лиганда

In [19]:
# Выбираем объект для моделирования.
s = alignm[1]
pdb = alignm[0]

print(s.code, pdb.code)

# Создаем объект automodel.
a = modeller.automodel.automodel(env, alnfile='all_in_one2.ali', knowns=pdb.code, sequence=s.code) = 'mod' + s.code
a.starting_model = 1
a.ending_model = 2
seq_liganded pdb
automodel__W> Topology and/or parameter libraries already in memory. These will
                be used instead of the automodel defaults. If this is not what you
                want, clear them before creating the automodel object with
                env.libs.topology.clear() and env.libs.parameters.clear()
fndatmi_285W> Only      129 residues out of      132 contain atoms of type  CA
              (This is usually caused by non-standard residues, such
              as ligands, or by PDB files with missing atoms.)
fndatmi_285W> Only      129 residues out of      132 contain atoms of type  CA
              (This is usually caused by non-standard residues, such
              as ligands, or by PDB files with missing atoms.)

check_ali___> Checking the sequence-structure alignment. 

Implied intrachain target CA(i)-CA(i+1) distances longer than  8.0 angstroms:


getf_______W> RTF restraint not found in the atoms list:
              residue type, indices:    10   146
              atom names           : C     +N
              atom indices         :  1164     0

getf_______W> RTF restraint not found in the atoms list:
              residue type, indices:    10   146
              atom names           : C     CA    +N    O
              atom indices         :  1164  1159     0  1165
fndatmi_285W> Only      129 residues out of      132 contain atoms of type  CA
              (This is usually caused by non-standard residues, such
              as ligands, or by PDB files with missing atoms.)
patch_s_522_> Number of disulfides patched in MODEL:        4
mdtrsr__446W> A potential that relies on one protein is used, yet you have at
              least one known structure available. MDT, not library, potential is used.
iup2crm_280W> No topology library in memory or assigning a BLK residue.
              Default CHARMM atom type assigned:  C1 -->  CT2
              This message is written only for the first such atom.
43 atoms in HETATM/BLK residues constrained
to protein atoms within 2.30 angstroms
and protein CA atoms within 10.00 angstroms
43 atoms in residues without defined topology
constrained to be rigid bodies
condens_443_> Restraints marked for deletion were removed.
              Total number of restraints before, now:    14445    13409
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      149
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1209    1209
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    13409   13409
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):     2546
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 2, NATM x NATM cell sorting
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        0   99999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :    4.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       T       F       F       F
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :         921.4798

Summary of the restraint violations: 

   NUM     ... number of restraints.
   NUMVI   ... number of restraints with RVIOL > VIOL_REPORT_CUT[i].
   RVIOL   ... relative difference from the best value.
   NUMVP   ... number of restraints with -Ln(pdf) > VIOL_REPORT_CUT2[i].
   RMS_1   ... RMS(feature, minimally_violated_basis_restraint, NUMB).
   RMS_2   ... RMS(feature, best_value, NUMB).
   MOL.PDF ... scaled contribution to -Ln(Molecular pdf).

 #                     RESTRAINT_GROUP      NUM   NUMVI  NUMVP   RMS_1   RMS_2         MOL.PDF     S_i
 1 Bond length potential              :    1197       0      0   0.006   0.006      12.685       1.000
 2 Bond angle potential               :    1618       0      8   2.221   2.221      158.14       1.000
 3 Stereochemical cosine torsion poten:     814       0     28  46.951  46.951      277.97       1.000
 4 Stereochemical improper torsion pot:     502       0      0   1.314   1.314      19.376       1.000
 5 Soft-sphere overlap restraints     :    2546       2      2   0.008   0.008      17.920       1.000
 6 Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 7 Coulomb point-point electrostatic p:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 8 H-bonding potential                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 9 Distance restraints 1 (CA-CA)      :    2405       0      0   0.119   0.119      35.450       1.000
10 Distance restraints 2 (N-O)        :    2564       0      3   0.191   0.191      86.668       1.000
11 Mainchain Phi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
12 Mainchain Psi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
13 Mainchain Omega dihedral restraints:     145       0      3   4.609   4.609      36.326       1.000
14 Sidechain Chi_1 dihedral restraints:     126       0      1  70.001  70.001      24.151       1.000
15 Sidechain Chi_2 dihedral restraints:      93       0      0  70.005  70.005      28.187       1.000
16 Sidechain Chi_3 dihedral restraints:      37       0      0  77.266  77.266      23.337       1.000
17 Sidechain Chi_4 dihedral restraints:      21       0      0  67.070  67.070      12.483       1.000
18 Disulfide distance restraints      :       4       0      0   0.009   0.009     0.56218E-01   1.000
19 Disulfide angle restraints         :       8       0      0   1.651   1.651     0.48168       1.000
20 Disulfide dihedral angle restraints:       4       0      0  32.692  32.692      3.7501       1.000
21 Lower bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
22 Upper bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
23 Distance restraints 3 (SDCH-MNCH)  :    1582       0      0   0.493   0.493      56.540       1.000
24 Sidechain Chi_5 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
25 Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints:     144      18     13  20.810  62.699      38.965       1.000
26 Distance restraints 4 (SDCH-SDCH)  :     744       0      0   0.814   0.814      76.871       1.000
27 Distance restraints 5 (X-Y)        :    1401       0      0   0.030   0.030      12.130       1.000
28 NMR distance restraints 6 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
29 NMR distance restraints 7 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
30 Minimal distance restraints        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
31 Non-bonded restraints              :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
32 Atomic accessibility restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
33 Atomic density restraints          :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
34 Absolute position restraints       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
35 Dihedral angle difference restraint:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
36 GBSA implicit solvent potential    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
37 EM density fitting potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
38 SAXS restraints                    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
39 Symmetry restraints                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000

# Heavy relative violation of each residue is written to: seq_liganded.V99990001
# The profile is NOT normalized by the number of restraints.
# The profiles are smoothed over a window of residues:    1
# The sum of all numbers in the file:   15635.0195

List of the violated restraints:
   A restraint is violated when the relative difference
   from the best value (RVIOL) is larger than CUTOFF.

   ICSR   ... index of a restraint in the current set.
   RESNO  ... residue numbers of the first two atoms.
   ATM    ... IUPAC atom names of the first two atoms.
   FEAT   ... the value of the feature in the model.
   restr  ... the mean of the basis restraint with the smallest
              difference from the model (local minimum).
   viol   ... difference from the local minimum.
   rviol  ... relative difference from the local minimum.
   RESTR  ... the best value (global minimum).
   VIOL   ... difference from the best value.
   RVIOL  ... relative difference from the best value.


Feature 25                           : Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints     
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       6.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   4148   1S   2G C   N       5    7 -119.63  -80.20   49.21    3.59   82.20 -151.30   16.18
    1          2G   2G N   CA      7    8  144.65  174.10                    8.50
    2   4149   2G   3K C   N       9   11 -134.17 -118.00   38.64    1.60  -62.90  161.57   25.25
    2          3K   3K N   CA     11   12  174.20  139.10                  -40.80
    3   4150   3K   4Y C   N      18   20 -131.16 -124.30   17.49    0.70  -63.50  178.44   31.69
    3          4Y   4Y N   CA     20   21  151.48  135.40                  -43.40
    4   4152   5I   6S C   N      38   40 -137.42 -136.60   18.70    0.93  -64.10  171.58   17.67
    4          6S   6S N   CA     40   41  169.88  151.20                  -35.00
    5   4153   6S   7W C   N      44   46  -98.42 -124.90   27.50    1.39  -63.00  168.73   23.41
    5          7W   7W N   CA     46   47  150.83  143.40                  -44.20
    6   4155   8E   9D C   N      67   69  -93.71  -96.50   26.42    1.11  -63.30  131.49   14.65
    6          9D   9D N   CA     69   70   87.93  114.20                  -40.00
    7   4156   9D  10S C   N      75   77 -133.03 -136.60   15.97    0.73  -64.10 -175.97   11.40
    7         10S  10S N   CA     77   78  135.63  151.20                  -35.00
    8   4158  11C  12S C   N      87   89  -67.49  -72.40   12.66    0.91  -64.10  160.96   11.87
    8         12S  12S N   CA     89   90  164.07  152.40                  -35.00
    9   4159  12S  13Y C   N      93   95 -129.45 -124.30   32.82    1.53  -63.50  162.74   29.09
    9         13Y  13Y N   CA     95   96  167.82  135.40                  -43.40
   10   4160  13Y  14L C   N     105  107  -61.14  -70.70   14.19    1.40  -63.50  166.73   23.02
   10         14L  14L N   CA    107  108  152.09  141.60                  -41.20
   11   4161  14L  15Q C   N     113  115  -59.77  -73.00   31.68    1.85  -63.80  152.28   22.60
   11         15Q  15Q N   CA    115  116  111.92  140.70                  -40.30
   12   4162  15Q  16L C   N     122  124 -149.73 -108.50   41.37    2.01  -63.50 -169.15   23.39
   12         16L  16L N   CA    124  125  129.05  132.50                  -41.20
   13   4163  16L  17Q C   N     130  132 -129.23 -121.10   11.13    0.57  -63.80 -175.60   24.25
   13         17Q  17Q N   CA    132  133  132.10  139.70                  -40.30
   14   4198  51E  52S C   N     414  416 -136.69  -64.10   78.43    8.53  -64.10   78.43    8.53
   14         52S  52S N   CA    416  417   -5.31  -35.00                  -35.00
   15   4209  62N  63P C   N     497  499  -65.00  -64.50   60.10    4.46  -58.70  122.37   10.63
   15         63P  63P N   CA    499  500 -152.71  147.20                  -30.50
   16   4210  63P  64P C   N     504  506  -57.26  -58.70   26.30    2.29  -64.50  151.61   10.94
   16         64P  64P N   CA    506  507   -4.24  -30.50                  147.20
   17   4279 132C 133K C   N    1054 1056  -51.38  -62.90   28.58    3.29  -70.20  153.80   11.58
   17        133K 133K N   CA   1056 1057  -66.96  -40.80                  140.40
   18   4280 133K 134G C   N    1063 1065  -75.04  -62.40   15.04    2.26   82.20  162.64   12.14
   18        134G 134G N   CA   1065 1066  -33.05  -41.20                    8.50

report______> Distribution of short non-bonded contacts:

DISTANCE1:  0.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40
DISTANCE2:  2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50
FREQUENCY:     0    0    0    0    1   11   10   59   77  133  116  159  161  203  194

<< end of ENERGY.
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      149
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1209    1209
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    13409   13409
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):     2512
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 2, NATM x NATM cell sorting
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        0   99999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :    4.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       T       F       F       F
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :        1004.9974

Summary of the restraint violations: 

   NUM     ... number of restraints.
   NUMVI   ... number of restraints with RVIOL > VIOL_REPORT_CUT[i].
   RVIOL   ... relative difference from the best value.
   NUMVP   ... number of restraints with -Ln(pdf) > VIOL_REPORT_CUT2[i].
   RMS_1   ... RMS(feature, minimally_violated_basis_restraint, NUMB).
   RMS_2   ... RMS(feature, best_value, NUMB).
   MOL.PDF ... scaled contribution to -Ln(Molecular pdf).

 #                     RESTRAINT_GROUP      NUM   NUMVI  NUMVP   RMS_1   RMS_2         MOL.PDF     S_i
 1 Bond length potential              :    1197       0      0   0.006   0.006      13.745       1.000
 2 Bond angle potential               :    1618       0      7   2.294   2.294      169.78       1.000
 3 Stereochemical cosine torsion poten:     814       0     28  47.224  47.224      280.79       1.000
 4 Stereochemical improper torsion pot:     502       0      0   1.354   1.354      21.307       1.000
 5 Soft-sphere overlap restraints     :    2512       1      2   0.008   0.008      16.917       1.000
 6 Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 7 Coulomb point-point electrostatic p:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 8 H-bonding potential                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 9 Distance restraints 1 (CA-CA)      :    2405       0      0   0.139   0.139      46.539       1.000
10 Distance restraints 2 (N-O)        :    2564       3     11   0.238   0.238      141.27       1.000
11 Mainchain Phi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
12 Mainchain Psi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
13 Mainchain Omega dihedral restraints:     145       1      4   5.191   5.191      46.080       1.000
14 Sidechain Chi_1 dihedral restraints:     126       0      0  67.544  67.544      20.366       1.000
15 Sidechain Chi_2 dihedral restraints:      93       0      0  75.245  75.245      31.964       1.000
16 Sidechain Chi_3 dihedral restraints:      37       0      0  78.746  78.746      22.039       1.000
17 Sidechain Chi_4 dihedral restraints:      21       0      0  84.722  84.722      13.055       1.000
18 Disulfide distance restraints      :       4       0      0   0.008   0.008     0.46955E-01   1.000
19 Disulfide angle restraints         :       8       0      0   1.756   1.756     0.54442       1.000
20 Disulfide dihedral angle restraints:       4       0      0  30.012  30.012      3.4433       1.000
21 Lower bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
22 Upper bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
23 Distance restraints 3 (SDCH-MNCH)  :    1582       0      0   0.367   0.367      36.439       1.000
24 Sidechain Chi_5 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
25 Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints:     144      22     19  30.074  71.456      91.836       1.000
26 Distance restraints 4 (SDCH-SDCH)  :     744       0      0   0.551   0.551      34.830       1.000
27 Distance restraints 5 (X-Y)        :    1401       0      0   0.033   0.033      14.009       1.000
28 NMR distance restraints 6 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
29 NMR distance restraints 7 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
30 Minimal distance restraints        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
31 Non-bonded restraints              :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
32 Atomic accessibility restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
33 Atomic density restraints          :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
34 Absolute position restraints       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
35 Dihedral angle difference restraint:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
36 GBSA implicit solvent potential    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
37 EM density fitting potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
38 SAXS restraints                    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
39 Symmetry restraints                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000

# Heavy relative violation of each residue is written to: seq_liganded.V99990002
# The profile is NOT normalized by the number of restraints.
# The profiles are smoothed over a window of residues:    1
# The sum of all numbers in the file:   16373.9600

List of the violated restraints:
   A restraint is violated when the relative difference
   from the best value (RVIOL) is larger than CUTOFF.

   ICSR   ... index of a restraint in the current set.
   RESNO  ... residue numbers of the first two atoms.
   ATM    ... IUPAC atom names of the first two atoms.
   FEAT   ... the value of the feature in the model.
   restr  ... the mean of the basis restraint with the smallest
              difference from the model (local minimum).
   viol   ... difference from the local minimum.
   rviol  ... relative difference from the local minimum.
   RESTR  ... the best value (global minimum).
   VIOL   ... difference from the best value.
   RVIOL  ... relative difference from the best value.


Feature 10                           : Distance restraints 2 (N-O)             
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       4.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   9264 121G  37K N   O     959  298   10.25    7.92    2.32    4.59    7.92    2.32    4.59
    2   9279 122M  37K N   O     963  298    9.28    6.93    2.35    5.27    6.93    2.35    5.27
    3   9299 123G  37K N   O     971  298   11.69    9.33    2.36    4.86    9.33    2.36    4.86


Feature 13                           : Mainchain Omega dihedral restraints     
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       4.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   4329  38G  38G CA  C     300  301 -154.73 -180.00   25.27    5.05 -180.00   25.27    5.05


Feature 25                           : Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints     
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       6.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   4149   2G   3K C   N       9   11  -72.10  -70.20    2.00    0.13  -62.90  178.44   23.69
    1          3K   3K N   CA     11   12  141.00  140.40                  -40.80
    2   4150   3K   4Y C   N      18   20 -115.48 -124.30    8.84    0.65  -63.50 -174.36   27.01
    2          4Y   4Y N   CA     20   21  134.81  135.40                  -43.40
    3   4152   5I   6S C   N      38   40  -66.43  -72.40   14.18    0.66  -64.10  174.55   12.51
    3          6S   6S N   CA     40   41  139.53  152.40                  -35.00
    4   4153   6S   7W C   N      44   46 -131.20 -124.90   17.15    0.67  -63.00  170.66   25.92
    4          7W   7W N   CA     46   47  159.36  143.40                  -44.20
    5   4154   7W   8E C   N      58   60 -113.75 -117.80   14.35    0.63  -63.60  170.86   20.47
    5          8E   8E N   CA     60   61  123.03  136.80                  -40.30
    6   4155   8E   9D C   N      67   69 -135.85  -96.50   39.38    1.61  -63.30  169.03   17.96
    6          9D   9D N   CA     69   70  112.67  114.20                  -40.00
    7   4156   9D  10S C   N      75   77 -138.39 -136.60    3.94    0.15  -64.10 -174.21   18.75
    7         10S  10S N   CA     77   78  154.71  151.20                  -35.00
    8   4158  11C  12S C   N      87   89  -71.43  -72.40   32.51    1.95  -64.10  140.30   10.62
    8         12S  12S N   CA     89   90 -175.11  152.40                  -35.00
    9   4159  12S  13Y C   N      93   95  -52.68  -98.40   46.45    1.87  -63.50 -179.71   29.16
    9         13Y  13Y N   CA     95   96  136.56  128.40                  -43.40
   10   4160  13Y  14L C   N     105  107  -83.91  -70.70   18.82    1.20  -63.50  165.07   24.14
   10         14L  14L N   CA    107  108  155.00  141.60                  -41.20
   11   4161  14L  15Q C   N     113  115   93.73 -121.10  145.32    5.33  -63.80 -125.62   30.34
   11         15Q  15Q N   CA    115  116  146.15  139.70                  -40.30
   12   4162  15Q  16L C   N     122  124  -83.74  -70.70   19.60    1.23  -63.50  163.82   23.96
   12         16L  16L N   CA    124  125  156.24  141.60                  -41.20
   13   4163  16L  17Q C   N     130  132 -112.51 -121.10   21.46    0.85  -63.80  167.57   22.40
   13         17Q  17Q N   CA    132  133  120.03  139.70                  -40.30
   14   4183  36F  37K C   N     288  290   67.06  -62.90  159.83   20.70   56.60  172.75   11.57
   14         37K  37K N   CA    290  291 -133.84  -40.80                   38.60
   15   4184  37K  38G C   N     297  299  -91.49  -62.40   38.06    5.49   82.20  175.51   12.60
   15         38G  38G N   CA    299  300  -16.66  -41.20                    8.50
   16   4198  51E  52S C   N     414  416 -137.38  -64.10   81.51    8.52  -64.10   81.51    8.52
   16         52S  52S N   CA    416  417    0.69  -35.00                  -35.00
   17   4209  62N  63P C   N     497  499  -64.16  -64.50   55.08    4.13  -58.70  127.34   10.97
   17         63P  63P N   CA    499  500 -157.72  147.20                  -30.50
   18   4210  63P  64P C   N     504  506  -56.57  -58.70   25.62    2.29  -64.50  152.37   10.96
   18         64P  64P N   CA    506  507   -4.97  -30.50                  147.20
   19   4265 118D 119P C   N     942  944  -62.31  -64.50   33.45    2.38  -58.70  144.36   11.64
   19        119P 119P N   CA    944  945  113.82  147.20                  -30.50
   20   4266 119P 120N C   N     949  951  152.21  -63.20  144.60   21.86  -63.20  144.60   21.86
   20        120N 120N N   CA    951  952  -40.05  -41.10                  -41.10
   21   4279 132C 133K C   N    1054 1056  -51.86  -62.90   28.36    3.27  -70.20  153.78   11.56
   21        133K 133K N   CA   1056 1057  -66.92  -40.80                  140.40
   22   4280 133K 134G C   N    1063 1065  -75.53  -62.40   15.75    2.35   82.20  162.98   12.15
   22        134G 134G N   CA   1065 1066  -32.51  -41.20                    8.50

report______> Distribution of short non-bonded contacts:

DISTANCE1:  0.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40
DISTANCE2:  2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50
FREQUENCY:     0    0    0    0    0    6   16   52   81  131  120  121  181  190  217

<< end of ENERGY.

>> Summary of successfully produced models:
Filename                          molpdf
seq_liganded.B99990001.pdb      921.47980
seq_liganded.B99990002.pdb     1004.99744

Опять получили 2 структуры, посмотрим на обе

In [21]:
model_lig_1 = nglview.show_structure_file('seq_liganded.B99990001.pdb')
model_lig_1.add_cartoon('protein', color_scheme='residueindex')
model_lig_1.add_ball_and_stick('ligand', opacity=0.5)
In [46]:
# сравним жабу с форелью синим будет форель, а красным - жаба
show_model("seq_liganded.B99990001.pdb","1lmp.pdb",3 )
In [47]:
# сравним жабу с жабой без лиганда синим будет жаба без лиганда, а красным - жаба с лигандом
show_model("seq_liganded.B99990001.pdb","seq.B99990001.pdb",4 )
In [48]:
model_lig_2 = nglview.show_structure_file('seq_liganded.B99990002.pdb')
model_lig_2.add_cartoon('protein', color_scheme='residueindex')
model_lig_2.add_ball_and_stick('ligand', opacity=0.5)
In [49]:
# сравним жабу с форелью синим будет форель, а красным - жаба
show_model("seq_liganded.B99990002.pdb","1lmp.pdb",5 )
In [50]:
# сравним жабу с жабой без лиганда синим будет жаба без лиганда, а красным - жаба с лигандом
show_model("seq_liganded.B99990002.pdb","seq.B99990002.pdb",6 )
In [51]:
# сравним жабу с жабой без лиганда синим будет жаба без лиганда, а красным - жаба с лигандом
show_model("seq_liganded.B99990001.pdb","seq.B99990002.pdb",6 )
In [52]:
# сравним жабу с жабой без лиганда синим будет жаба без лиганда, а красным - жаба с лигандом
show_model("seq_liganded.B99990002.pdb","seq.B99990001.pdb",6 )

Визуально кажется, что добавление лиганда не сильно изменило конформацию смоделированного белка жабы относительно модели белка без учета лиганда, разве что меняет положение N хвоста

Перемещение лиганда

Выберем диапазон аминокислот - карман, куда мы попробуем переместить лиганд

In [53]:

Выберу остатки 48 - 62 в качестве кармана. Это место рядом с основным карманом

In [54]:
! rm seq_liganded.rsr
In [55]:
['/', Residue BLK, Residue BLK, Residue BLK]
In [56]:
class mymodel(modeller.automodel.automodel):
    def special_restraints(self, aln):
        rsr = self.restraints
        at = self.atoms
        for x,y in [('N:48','O6:147'), ('N:62', 'O6:149')]:
                                            at[x],at[y]),mean=3.0, stdev=0.1))

from modeller import *
from modeller.automodel import *    
a = mymodel(env, alnfile='all_in_one2.ali', knowns=pdb.code, sequence=s.code)
automodel__W> Topology and/or parameter libraries already in memory. These will
                be used instead of the automodel defaults. If this is not what you
                want, clear them before creating the automodel object with
                env.libs.topology.clear() and env.libs.parameters.clear()
In [57]: = 'mod' + s.code
a.starting_model = 1
a.ending_model = 2
fndatmi_285W> Only      129 residues out of      132 contain atoms of type  CA
              (This is usually caused by non-standard residues, such
              as ligands, or by PDB files with missing atoms.)
fndatmi_285W> Only      129 residues out of      132 contain atoms of type  CA
              (This is usually caused by non-standard residues, such
              as ligands, or by PDB files with missing atoms.)

check_ali___> Checking the sequence-structure alignment. 

Implied intrachain target CA(i)-CA(i+1) distances longer than  8.0 angstroms:


getf_______W> RTF restraint not found in the atoms list:
              residue type, indices:    10   146
              atom names           : C     +N
              atom indices         :  1164     0

getf_______W> RTF restraint not found in the atoms list:
              residue type, indices:    10   146
              atom names           : C     CA    +N    O
              atom indices         :  1164  1159     0  1165
fndatmi_285W> Only      129 residues out of      132 contain atoms of type  CA
              (This is usually caused by non-standard residues, such
              as ligands, or by PDB files with missing atoms.)
patch_s_522_> Number of disulfides patched in MODEL:        4
mdtrsr__446W> A potential that relies on one protein is used, yet you have at
              least one known structure available. MDT, not library, potential is used.
iup2crm_280W> No topology library in memory or assigning a BLK residue.
              Default CHARMM atom type assigned:  C1 -->  CT2
              This message is written only for the first such atom.
43 atoms in HETATM/BLK residues constrained
to protein atoms within 2.30 angstroms
and protein CA atoms within 10.00 angstroms
43 atoms in residues without defined topology
constrained to be rigid bodies
condens_443_> Restraints marked for deletion were removed.
              Total number of restraints before, now:    14447    13411
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      149
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1209    1209
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    13411   13411
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):     2708
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 2, NATM x NATM cell sorting
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        0   99999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :    4.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       T       F       F       F
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :        4921.5029

Summary of the restraint violations: 

   NUM     ... number of restraints.
   NUMVI   ... number of restraints with RVIOL > VIOL_REPORT_CUT[i].
   RVIOL   ... relative difference from the best value.
   NUMVP   ... number of restraints with -Ln(pdf) > VIOL_REPORT_CUT2[i].
   RMS_1   ... RMS(feature, minimally_violated_basis_restraint, NUMB).
   RMS_2   ... RMS(feature, best_value, NUMB).
   MOL.PDF ... scaled contribution to -Ln(Molecular pdf).

 #                     RESTRAINT_GROUP      NUM   NUMVI  NUMVP   RMS_1   RMS_2         MOL.PDF     S_i
 1 Bond length potential              :    1197       6     11   0.024   0.024      197.64       1.000
 2 Bond angle potential               :    1618       7     24   3.080   3.080      307.79       1.000
 3 Stereochemical cosine torsion poten:     814       0     32  47.582  47.582      281.11       1.000
 4 Stereochemical improper torsion pot:     502       0      2   1.793   1.793      34.804       1.000
 5 Soft-sphere overlap restraints     :    2708       2      4   0.010   0.010      34.163       1.000
 6 Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 7 Coulomb point-point electrostatic p:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 8 H-bonding potential                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 9 Distance restraints 1 (CA-CA)      :    2405       7     29   0.365   0.365      367.39       1.000
10 Distance restraints 2 (N-O)        :    2564       7     31   0.363   0.363      366.50       1.000
11 Mainchain Phi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
12 Mainchain Psi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
13 Mainchain Omega dihedral restraints:     145       2      5   7.413   7.413      93.969       1.000
14 Sidechain Chi_1 dihedral restraints:     126       0      3  75.173  75.173      33.294       1.000
15 Sidechain Chi_2 dihedral restraints:      93       0      0  75.255  75.255      39.051       1.000
16 Sidechain Chi_3 dihedral restraints:      37       0      0  79.638  79.638      24.039       1.000
17 Sidechain Chi_4 dihedral restraints:      21       0      0  79.946  79.946      13.504       1.000
18 Disulfide distance restraints      :       4       0      0   0.008   0.008     0.46639E-01   1.000
19 Disulfide angle restraints         :       8       0      0   1.756   1.756     0.54472       1.000
20 Disulfide dihedral angle restraints:       4       0      0  31.317  31.317      3.6453       1.000
21 Lower bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
22 Upper bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
23 Distance restraints 3 (SDCH-MNCH)  :    1582       0      0   0.508   0.508      54.444       1.000
24 Sidechain Chi_5 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
25 Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints:     144      17     17  23.900  61.652      83.970       1.000
26 Distance restraints 4 (SDCH-SDCH)  :     744       0      1   0.814   0.814      67.449       1.000
27 Distance restraints 5 (X-Y)        :    1403      36     96   0.365   0.365      2918.1       1.000
28 NMR distance restraints 6 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
29 NMR distance restraints 7 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
30 Minimal distance restraints        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
31 Non-bonded restraints              :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
32 Atomic accessibility restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
33 Atomic density restraints          :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
34 Absolute position restraints       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
35 Dihedral angle difference restraint:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
36 GBSA implicit solvent potential    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
37 EM density fitting potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
38 SAXS restraints                    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
39 Symmetry restraints                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000

# Heavy relative violation of each residue is written to: seq_liganded.V99990001
# The profile is NOT normalized by the number of restraints.
# The profiles are smoothed over a window of residues:    1
# The sum of all numbers in the file:   21055.9512

List of the violated restraints:
   A restraint is violated when the relative difference
   from the best value (RVIOL) is larger than CUTOFF.

   ICSR   ... index of a restraint in the current set.
   RESNO  ... residue numbers of the first two atoms.
   ATM    ... IUPAC atom names of the first two atoms.
   FEAT   ... the value of the feature in the model.
   restr  ... the mean of the basis restraint with the smallest
              difference from the model (local minimum).
   viol   ... difference from the local minimum.
   rviol  ... relative difference from the local minimum.
   RESTR  ... the best value (global minimum).
   VIOL   ... difference from the best value.
   RVIOL  ... relative difference from the best value.


Feature  1                           : Bond length potential                   
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       4.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1    489  60N  60N C   CA    477  472    1.73    1.49    0.24    7.11    1.49    0.24    7.11
    2    490  60N  61Y C   N     477  479    1.53    1.35    0.19    6.72    1.35    0.19    6.72
    3    500  61Y  61Y N   CA    479  480    1.67    1.43    0.24    7.88    1.43    0.24    7.88
    4    502  61Y  61Y C   CA    489  480    1.92    1.49    0.43   12.36    1.49    0.43   12.36
    5    503  61Y  62N C   N     489  491    1.65    1.35    0.31   10.90    1.35    0.31   10.90
    6    508  62N  62N N   CA    491  492    1.74    1.43    0.31   10.05    1.43    0.31   10.05


Feature  2                           : Bond angle potential                    
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       4.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   1727  48A  48A N   CA    381  382  123.18  107.00   16.19    4.65  107.00   16.19    4.65
    2   1857  60N  60N CA  C     472  477  134.84  116.50   18.34    5.27  116.50   18.34    5.27
    3   1865  61Y  61Y N   CA    479  480  123.92  107.00   16.92    4.86  107.00   16.92    4.86
    4   1868  61Y  61Y CA  C     480  489  146.79  116.50   30.29    8.71  116.50   30.29    8.71
    5   1883  62N  62N N   CA    491  492  132.51  107.00   25.51    7.34  107.00   25.51    7.34


Feature 10                           : Distance restraints 2 (N-O)             
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       4.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   8128  67S  87P N   O     530  712    9.08    6.49    2.59    5.71    6.49    2.59    5.71


Feature 25                           : Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints     
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       6.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   4148   1S   2G C   N       5    7  -78.03  -80.20    2.19    0.15   82.20 -129.37    7.08
    1          2G   2G N   CA      7    8  174.39  174.10                    8.50
    2   4149   2G   3K C   N       9   11  -66.64  -70.20    5.04    0.30  -62.90  177.66   22.87
    2          3K   3K N   CA     11   12  136.82  140.40                  -40.80
    3   4150   3K   4Y C   N      18   20 -113.14 -124.30   11.59    0.76  -63.50 -177.46   26.62
    3          4Y   4Y N   CA     20   21  132.26  135.40                  -43.40
    4   4152   5I   6S C   N      38   40  -67.71  -72.40    5.46    0.44  -64.10  169.84   12.52
    4          6S   6S N   CA     40   41  155.20  152.40                  -35.00
    5   4153   6S   7W C   N      44   46 -110.44 -124.90   16.86    0.55  -63.00 -174.90   20.87
    5          7W   7W N   CA     46   47  134.72  143.40                  -44.20
    6   4154   7W   8E C   N      58   60  -82.54  -69.30   24.20    1.40  -63.60  158.08   22.14
    6          8E   8E N   CA     60   61  162.76  142.50                  -40.30
    7   4156   9D  10S C   N      75   77 -130.12 -136.60    9.68    0.32  -64.10 -169.21   11.77
    7         10S  10S N   CA     77   78  144.00  151.20                  -35.00
    8   4158  11C  12S C   N      87   89  -70.56  -72.40   55.09    3.18  -64.10  132.50    9.23
    8         12S  12S N   CA     89   90   97.34  152.40                  -35.00
    9   4159  12S  13Y C   N      93   95 -143.06 -124.30   29.66    1.23  -63.50  177.10   31.98
    9         13Y  13Y N   CA     95   96  158.38  135.40                  -43.40
   10   4160  13Y  14L C   N     105  107  -87.68 -108.50   32.75    1.50  -63.50  150.39   19.63
   10         14L  14L N   CA    107  108  107.23  132.50                  -41.20
   11   4161  14L  15Q C   N     113  115  -89.93  -73.00   30.07    2.29  -63.80  158.32   21.99
   11         15Q  15Q N   CA    115  116  115.85  140.70                  -40.30
   12   4162  15Q  16L C   N     122  124 -121.96 -108.50   24.13    1.37  -63.50  164.41   20.36
   12         16L  16L N   CA    124  125  112.47  132.50                  -41.20
   13   4163  16L  17Q C   N     130  132 -116.13 -121.10   27.95    1.24  -63.80  161.23   21.36
   13         17Q  17Q N   CA    132  133  112.20  139.70                  -40.30
   14   4194  47T  48A C   N     379  381  -13.14  -62.50   49.43    9.38  -62.50   49.43    9.38
   14         48A  48A N   CA    381  382  -43.63  -40.90                  -40.90
   15   4210  63P  64P C   N     504  506  -75.53  -58.70   21.71    1.69  -64.50  164.35   12.85
   15         64P  64P N   CA    506  507  -16.78  -30.50                  147.20
   16   4233  86T  87P C   N     704  706  -44.27  -58.70   64.76    4.30  -64.50  120.88   10.12
   16         87P  87P N   CA    706  707  -93.63  -30.50                  147.20
   17   4234  87P  88R C   N     711  713  -96.92  -72.10   64.41    5.43   57.30  160.51   16.29
   17         88R  88R N   CA    713  714   82.46  141.90                   38.00


Feature 27                           : Distance restraints 5 (X-Y)             
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       4.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1  12063  65D 147. CA  C7    514 1173   10.52    9.10    1.42    7.12    9.10    1.42    7.12
    2  12064  65D 147. CA  O7    514 1179    9.90    8.30    1.60    8.02    8.30    1.60    8.02
    3  12065  65D 147. CA  N2    514 1180   10.14    8.88    1.25    6.26    8.88    1.25    6.26
    4  12066  65D 147. CA  O1    514 1181   10.35    9.26    1.09    5.43    9.26    1.09    5.43
    5  12374 118D 149. CA  O6    937 1208    6.14    5.07    1.07    5.35    5.07    1.07    5.35
    6  12389 119P 149. CA  O6    945 1208    8.00    6.81    1.19    5.94    6.81    1.19    5.94
    7  12578 148. 149. O4  C1   1192 1196    1.62    1.39    0.23    4.64    1.39    0.23    4.64
    8  13410  48A 147. N   O6    381 1178    7.07    3.00    4.07   40.72    3.00    4.07   40.72
    9  13411  62N 149. N   O6    491 1208    9.96    3.00    6.96   69.57    3.00    6.96   69.57

report______> Distribution of short non-bonded contacts:

DISTANCE1:  0.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40
DISTANCE2:  2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50
FREQUENCY:     0    0    0    0    0   15   18   74   82  135  137  158  186  216  213

<< end of ENERGY.
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      149
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1209    1209
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    13411   13411
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):     2716
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 2, NATM x NATM cell sorting
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        0   99999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :    4.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       T       F       F       F
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :        4809.3828

Summary of the restraint violations: 

   NUM     ... number of restraints.
   NUMVI   ... number of restraints with RVIOL > VIOL_REPORT_CUT[i].
   RVIOL   ... relative difference from the best value.
   NUMVP   ... number of restraints with -Ln(pdf) > VIOL_REPORT_CUT2[i].
   RMS_1   ... RMS(feature, minimally_violated_basis_restraint, NUMB).
   RMS_2   ... RMS(feature, best_value, NUMB).
   MOL.PDF ... scaled contribution to -Ln(Molecular pdf).

 #                     RESTRAINT_GROUP      NUM   NUMVI  NUMVP   RMS_1   RMS_2         MOL.PDF     S_i
 1 Bond length potential              :    1197       6     10   0.024   0.024      197.41       1.000
 2 Bond angle potential               :    1618       6     23   3.085   3.085      308.94       1.000
 3 Stereochemical cosine torsion poten:     814       0     32  47.914  47.914      282.89       1.000
 4 Stereochemical improper torsion pot:     502       1      1   1.801   1.801      34.385       1.000
 5 Soft-sphere overlap restraints     :    2716       2      4   0.010   0.010      34.547       1.000
 6 Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 7 Coulomb point-point electrostatic p:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 8 H-bonding potential                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 9 Distance restraints 1 (CA-CA)      :    2405       6     30   0.363   0.363      360.41       1.000
10 Distance restraints 2 (N-O)        :    2564       6     22   0.341   0.341      324.92       1.000
11 Mainchain Phi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
12 Mainchain Psi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
13 Mainchain Omega dihedral restraints:     145       2      6   7.392   7.392      93.426       1.000
14 Sidechain Chi_1 dihedral restraints:     126       0      0  65.712  65.712      19.654       1.000
15 Sidechain Chi_2 dihedral restraints:      93       0      0  69.460  69.460      30.178       1.000
16 Sidechain Chi_3 dihedral restraints:      37       0      0  79.700  79.700      21.946       1.000
17 Sidechain Chi_4 dihedral restraints:      21       0      0  73.356  73.356      10.121       1.000
18 Disulfide distance restraints      :       4       0      0   0.007   0.007     0.34899E-01   1.000
19 Disulfide angle restraints         :       8       0      0   2.820   2.820      1.4045       1.000
20 Disulfide dihedral angle restraints:       4       0      0  23.157  23.157      2.1662       1.000
21 Lower bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
22 Upper bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
23 Distance restraints 3 (SDCH-MNCH)  :    1582       0      0   0.461   0.461      41.107       1.000
24 Sidechain Chi_5 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
25 Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints:     144      16     14  22.716  60.929      70.963       1.000
26 Distance restraints 4 (SDCH-SDCH)  :     744       0      0   0.744   0.744      54.279       1.000
27 Distance restraints 5 (X-Y)        :    1403      36     96   0.363   0.363      2920.6       1.000
28 NMR distance restraints 6 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
29 NMR distance restraints 7 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
30 Minimal distance restraints        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
31 Non-bonded restraints              :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
32 Atomic accessibility restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
33 Atomic density restraints          :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
34 Absolute position restraints       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
35 Dihedral angle difference restraint:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
36 GBSA implicit solvent potential    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
37 EM density fitting potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
38 SAXS restraints                    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
39 Symmetry restraints                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000

# Heavy relative violation of each residue is written to: seq_liganded.V99990002
# The profile is NOT normalized by the number of restraints.
# The profiles are smoothed over a window of residues:    1
# The sum of all numbers in the file:   20051.7246

List of the violated restraints:
   A restraint is violated when the relative difference
   from the best value (RVIOL) is larger than CUTOFF.

   ICSR   ... index of a restraint in the current set.
   RESNO  ... residue numbers of the first two atoms.
   ATM    ... IUPAC atom names of the first two atoms.
   FEAT   ... the value of the feature in the model.
   restr  ... the mean of the basis restraint with the smallest
              difference from the model (local minimum).
   viol   ... difference from the local minimum.
   rviol  ... relative difference from the local minimum.
   RESTR  ... the best value (global minimum).
   VIOL   ... difference from the best value.
   RVIOL  ... relative difference from the best value.


Feature  1                           : Bond length potential                   
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       4.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1    489  60N  60N C   CA    477  472    1.73    1.49    0.24    6.85    1.49    0.24    6.85
    2    490  60N  61Y C   N     477  479    1.52    1.35    0.18    6.36    1.35    0.18    6.36
    3    500  61Y  61Y N   CA    479  480    1.66    1.43    0.23    7.53    1.43    0.23    7.53
    4    502  61Y  61Y C   CA    489  480    1.93    1.49    0.44   12.84    1.49    0.44   12.84
    5    503  61Y  62N C   N     489  491    1.66    1.35    0.32   11.28    1.35    0.32   11.28
    6    508  62N  62N N   CA    491  492    1.73    1.43    0.30    9.77    1.43    0.30    9.77


Feature  2                           : Bond angle potential                    
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       4.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   1727  48A  48A N   CA    381  382  123.38  107.00   16.38    4.71  107.00   16.38    4.71
    2   1857  60N  60N CA  C     472  477  134.39  116.50   17.89    5.14  116.50   17.89    5.14
    3   1868  61Y  61Y CA  C     480  489  148.21  116.50   31.71    9.12  116.50   31.71    9.12
    4   1883  62N  62N N   CA    491  492  132.45  107.00   25.45    7.32  107.00   25.45    7.32


Feature 25                           : Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints     
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       6.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   4148   1S   2G C   N       5    7  -78.05  -80.20    3.20    0.10   82.20 -131.25    7.08
    1          2G   2G N   CA      7    8  171.74  174.10                    8.50
    2   4149   2G   3K C   N       9   11  -62.30  -70.20    8.06    0.62  -62.90  177.17   22.98
    2          3K   3K N   CA     11   12  142.03  140.40                  -40.80
    3   4150   3K   4Y C   N      18   20 -116.26 -124.30    8.21    0.56  -63.50 -175.22   26.84
    3          4Y   4Y N   CA     20   21  133.68  135.40                  -43.40
    4   4152   5I   6S C   N      38   40  -65.10  -72.40    7.43    0.57  -64.10  171.18   12.46
    4          6S   6S N   CA     40   41  153.82  152.40                  -35.00
    5   4153   6S   7W C   N      44   46 -116.27 -124.90   14.04    0.81  -63.00  169.89   24.79
    5          7W   7W N   CA     46   47  154.48  143.40                  -44.20
    6   4154   7W   8E C   N      58   60  -77.72  -69.30   17.55    1.05  -63.60  162.41   22.44
    6          8E   8E N   CA     60   61  157.90  142.50                  -40.30
    7   4156   9D  10S C   N      75   77 -131.02 -136.60    5.71    0.20  -64.10 -172.62   18.30
    7         10S  10S N   CA     77   78  149.98  151.20                  -35.00
    8   4158  11C  12S C   N      87   89  -72.49  -72.40   25.18    1.48  -64.10  162.44   11.30
    8         12S  12S N   CA     89   90  127.22  152.40                  -35.00
    9   4159  12S  13Y C   N      93   95 -136.79 -124.30   21.88    0.88  -63.50  178.93   32.01
    9         13Y  13Y N   CA     95   96  153.37  135.40                  -43.40
   10   4160  13Y  14L C   N     105  107  -86.62 -108.50   45.64    2.19  -63.50  135.64   17.64
   10         14L  14L N   CA    107  108   92.45  132.50                  -41.20
   11   4161  14L  15Q C   N     113  115 -105.03 -121.10   21.29    0.68  -63.80  171.09   23.20
   11         15Q  15Q N   CA    115  116  125.74  139.70                  -40.30
   12   4162  15Q  16L C   N     122  124 -130.99 -108.50   24.55    1.09  -63.50 -171.08   30.41
   12         16L  16L N   CA    124  125  142.35  132.50                  -41.20
   13   4163  16L  17Q C   N     130  132 -133.63 -121.10   12.53    0.47  -63.80 -167.10   25.33
   13         17Q  17Q N   CA    132  133  139.51  139.70                  -40.30
   14   4194  47T  48A C   N     379  381  -13.74  -62.50   48.80    9.29  -62.50   48.80    9.29
   14         48A  48A N   CA    381  382  -43.03  -40.90                  -40.90
   15   4198  51E  52S C   N     414  416 -138.41  -64.10   81.75    8.67  -64.10   81.75    8.67
   15         52S  52S N   CA    416  417   -0.90  -35.00                  -35.00
   16   4210  63P  64P C   N     504  506  -76.18  -58.70   22.01    1.77  -64.50  164.73   12.92
   16         64P  64P N   CA    506  507  -17.12  -30.50                  147.20


Feature 27                           : Distance restraints 5 (X-Y)             
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       4.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1  12063  65D 147. CA  C7    514 1173   10.41    9.10    1.32    6.58    9.10    1.32    6.58
    2  12064  65D 147. CA  O7    514 1179    9.79    8.30    1.50    7.49    8.30    1.50    7.49
    3  12065  65D 147. CA  N2    514 1180   10.03    8.88    1.15    5.74    8.88    1.15    5.74
    4  12066  65D 147. CA  O1    514 1181   10.25    9.26    0.99    4.96    9.26    0.99    4.96
    5  12374 118D 149. CA  O6    937 1208    6.13    5.07    1.06    5.31    5.07    1.06    5.31
    6  12389 119P 149. CA  O6    945 1208    7.99    6.81    1.18    5.88    6.81    1.18    5.88
    7  12578 148. 149. O4  C1   1192 1196    1.63    1.39    0.24    4.76    1.39    0.24    4.76
    8  13410  48A 147. N   O6    381 1178    7.08    3.00    4.08   40.79    3.00    4.08   40.79
    9  13411  62N 149. N   O6    491 1208   10.01    3.00    7.01   70.08    3.00    7.01   70.08

report______> Distribution of short non-bonded contacts:

DISTANCE1:  0.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40
DISTANCE2:  2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50
FREQUENCY:     0    0    0    0    0   14   17   75   85  136  135  160  195  209  229

<< end of ENERGY.

>> Summary of successfully produced models:
Filename                          molpdf
seq_liganded.B99990001.pdb     4921.50293
seq_liganded.B99990002.pdb     4809.38281

In [58]:
model_new_lig = nglview.show_structure_file('seq_liganded.B99990001.pdb')
model_new_lig.add_cartoon('protein', color_scheme='residueindex')
model_new_lig.add_ball_and_stick('ligand', opacity=0.5)
In [59]:
# сравним жабу с форелью синим будет форель, а красным - жаба
show_model("seq_liganded.B99990001.pdb","1lmp.pdb",7 )
In [62]:
# сравним жабу с форелью синим будет форель, а красным - жаба
show_model("seq_liganded.B99990002.pdb","1lmp.pdb",7 )

Modeller конечно не позволил переместить лиганд. Не заметно, что он хоть как то изменил структуру смоделированноо жабьего белка относительно его модели построенной без подвижек лиганда. Зато заметно что сам лиганд немного поменят конформацию относительно белка форели

Аланиновый лизоцим

In [64]:
In [ ]:
# 132 остатка в 1lmp
In [65]:
alignm = modeller.alignment(env)

mdl = modeller.model(env, file='1lmp.pdb', model_segment=('FIRST:'+'A', 'LAST:'+'B'))
alignm.append_model(mdl, atom_files='1lmp.pdb', align_codes='1lmp')

seq_ala = 'A' * 146 + '...'

alignm[0].code = 'pdb'
alignm[1].code = 'seq_ala'
In [66]:
alignm.write(file='all_in_one3.ali', alignment_format='PIR')
SALIGN_____> adding the next group to the alignment; iteration    1
In [67]:
! cat all_in_one3.ali

sequence::1    : :+149 : :undefined:undefined:-1.00:-1.00
In [68]:
s = alignm[1]
pdb = alignm[0]

print(s.code, pdb.code)

a = modeller.automodel.automodel(env, alnfile='all_in_one3.ali', knowns=pdb.code, sequence=s.code) = 'mod' + s.code
a.starting_model = 1
a.ending_model = 2
seq_ala pdb
automodel__W> Topology and/or parameter libraries already in memory. These will
                be used instead of the automodel defaults. If this is not what you
                want, clear them before creating the automodel object with
                env.libs.topology.clear() and env.libs.parameters.clear()
fndatmi_285W> Only      129 residues out of      132 contain atoms of type  CA
              (This is usually caused by non-standard residues, such
              as ligands, or by PDB files with missing atoms.)
fndatmi_285W> Only      129 residues out of      132 contain atoms of type  CA
              (This is usually caused by non-standard residues, such
              as ligands, or by PDB files with missing atoms.)

check_ali___> Checking the sequence-structure alignment. 

Implied intrachain target CA(i)-CA(i+1) distances longer than  8.0 angstroms:


getf_______W> RTF restraint not found in the atoms list:
              residue type, indices:     1   146
              atom names           : C     +N
              atom indices         :   729     0

getf_______W> RTF restraint not found in the atoms list:
              residue type, indices:     1   146
              atom names           : C     CA    +N    O
              atom indices         :   729   727     0   730
fndatmi_285W> Only      129 residues out of      132 contain atoms of type  CA
              (This is usually caused by non-standard residues, such
              as ligands, or by PDB files with missing atoms.)
mdtrsr__446W> A potential that relies on one protein is used, yet you have at
              least one known structure available. MDT, not library, potential is used.
iup2crm_280W> No topology library in memory or assigning a BLK residue.
              Default CHARMM atom type assigned:  C1 -->  CT2
              This message is written only for the first such atom.
43 atoms in HETATM/BLK residues constrained
to protein atoms within 2.30 angstroms
and protein CA atoms within 10.00 angstroms
43 atoms in residues without defined topology
constrained to be rigid bodies
condens_443_> Restraints marked for deletion were removed.
              Total number of restraints before, now:    10506     9783

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      149
Number of all, selected real atoms                :      774     774
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :     9783    9783
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):     1491
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 2, NATM x NATM cell sorting
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        0   99999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :    4.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       T       F       F       F
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :         762.1390

Summary of the restraint violations: 

   NUM     ... number of restraints.
   NUMVI   ... number of restraints with RVIOL > VIOL_REPORT_CUT[i].
   RVIOL   ... relative difference from the best value.
   NUMVP   ... number of restraints with -Ln(pdf) > VIOL_REPORT_CUT2[i].
   RMS_1   ... RMS(feature, minimally_violated_basis_restraint, NUMB).
   RMS_2   ... RMS(feature, best_value, NUMB).
   MOL.PDF ... scaled contribution to -Ln(Molecular pdf).

 #                     RESTRAINT_GROUP      NUM   NUMVI  NUMVP   RMS_1   RMS_2         MOL.PDF     S_i
 1 Bond length potential              :     730       0      0   0.007   0.007      10.689       1.000
 2 Bond angle potential               :    1021       1      8   2.345   2.345      115.02       1.000
 3 Stereochemical cosine torsion poten:     296       0     47  80.007  80.007      308.48       1.000
 4 Stereochemical improper torsion pot:     292       0      1   1.246   1.246      12.659       1.000
 5 Soft-sphere overlap restraints     :    1491       2      3   0.013   0.013      27.923       1.000
 6 Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 7 Coulomb point-point electrostatic p:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 8 H-bonding potential                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 9 Distance restraints 1 (CA-CA)      :    2405       0      0   0.251   0.251      61.512       1.000
10 Distance restraints 2 (N-O)        :    2564       1      2   0.333   0.333      107.37       1.000
11 Mainchain Phi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
12 Mainchain Psi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
13 Mainchain Omega dihedral restraints:     145       1      4   5.209   5.209      46.392       1.000
14 Sidechain Chi_1 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
15 Sidechain Chi_2 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
16 Sidechain Chi_3 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
17 Sidechain Chi_4 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
18 Disulfide distance restraints      :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
19 Disulfide angle restraints         :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
20 Disulfide dihedral angle restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
21 Lower bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
22 Upper bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
23 Distance restraints 3 (SDCH-MNCH)  :     722       0      0   0.228   0.228      4.4656       1.000
24 Sidechain Chi_5 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
25 Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints:     144      34     19  30.054  85.796      37.107       1.000
26 Distance restraints 4 (SDCH-SDCH)  :      63       0      0   0.545   0.545      1.7018       1.000
27 Distance restraints 5 (X-Y)        :    1401       0      0   0.050   0.050      28.813       1.000
28 NMR distance restraints 6 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
29 NMR distance restraints 7 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
30 Minimal distance restraints        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
31 Non-bonded restraints              :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
32 Atomic accessibility restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
33 Atomic density restraints          :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
34 Absolute position restraints       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
35 Dihedral angle difference restraint:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
36 GBSA implicit solvent potential    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
37 EM density fitting potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
38 SAXS restraints                    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
39 Symmetry restraints                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000

# Heavy relative violation of each residue is written to: seq_ala.V99990001
# The profile is NOT normalized by the number of restraints.
# The profiles are smoothed over a window of residues:    1
# The sum of all numbers in the file:   15910.8486

List of the violated restraints:
   A restraint is violated when the relative difference
   from the best value (RVIOL) is larger than CUTOFF.

   ICSR   ... index of a restraint in the current set.
   RESNO  ... residue numbers of the first two atoms.
   ATM    ... IUPAC atom names of the first two atoms.
   FEAT   ... the value of the feature in the model.
   restr  ... the mean of the basis restraint with the smallest
              difference from the model (local minimum).
   viol   ... difference from the local minimum.
   rviol  ... relative difference from the local minimum.
   RESTR  ... the best value (global minimum).
   VIOL   ... difference from the best value.
   RVIOL  ... relative difference from the best value.


Feature 10                           : Distance restraints 2 (N-O)             
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       4.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   6626  93A  80A N   O     461  400    4.79    2.92    1.87    4.68    2.92    1.87    4.68


Feature 25                           : Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints     
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       6.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   2354  15A  16A C   N      74   76   77.89   55.40   26.72    1.88  -62.50  154.57   31.40
    1         16A  16A N   CA     76   77   23.78   38.20                  -40.90
    2   2357  18A  19A C   N      89   91   65.75   55.40   24.89    0.90  -62.50  140.13   28.45
    2         19A  19A N   CA     91   92   15.57   38.20                  -40.90
    3   2359  20A  21A C   N      99  101   54.24   55.40    4.63    0.37  -62.50  138.55   28.15
    3         21A  21A N   CA    101  102   33.71   38.20                  -40.90
    4   2360  21A  22A C   N     104  106   61.92   55.40    8.69    0.50  -62.50  144.42   29.37
    4         22A  22A N   CA    106  107   32.45   38.20                  -40.90
    5   2375  36A  37A C   N     179  181   66.15   55.40   13.21    0.87  -62.50  147.15   29.93
    5         37A  37A N   CA    181  182   30.53   38.20                  -40.90
    6   2376  37A  38A C   N     184  186   61.62   55.40   10.16    0.44  -62.50  143.02   29.09
    6         38A  38A N   CA    186  187   30.16   38.20                  -40.90
    7   2387  48A  49A C   N     239  241   84.41   55.40   37.50    2.27  -62.50  156.99   31.78
    7         49A  49A N   CA    241  242   14.44   38.20                  -40.90
    8   2392  53A  54A C   N     264  266   93.31 -134.00  137.11    3.41  -62.50 -152.16   32.59
    8         54A  54A N   CA    266  267 -178.45  147.00                  -40.90
    9   2395  56A  57A C   N     279  281   58.00   55.40   17.42    1.27  -62.50  154.27   31.17
    9         57A  57A N   CA    281  282   55.42   38.20                  -40.90
   10   2401  62A  63A C   N     309  311  -77.40  -68.20   11.64    0.75  -62.50  167.33   28.18
   10         63A  63A N   CA    311  312  152.43  145.30                  -40.90
   11   2402  63A  64A C   N     314  316 -148.74 -134.00   14.77    0.52  -62.50 -166.68   36.30
   11         64A  64A N   CA    316  317  146.08  147.00                  -40.90
   12   2403  64A  65A C   N     319  321 -151.48 -134.00   19.73    1.00  -62.50 -160.32   29.93
   12         65A  65A N   CA    321  322  137.85  147.00                  -40.90
   13   2404  65A  66A C   N     324  326  160.97 -134.00   72.37    1.65  -62.50 -164.20   39.05
   13         66A  66A N   CA    326  327  178.75  147.00                  -40.90
   14   2405  66A  67A C   N     329  331  -69.13  -68.20    4.66    0.41  -62.50  178.49   29.58
   14         67A  67A N   CA    331  332  140.73  145.30                  -40.90
   15   2406  67A  68A C   N     334  336  171.77 -134.00   56.15    1.39  -62.50 -158.42   39.60
   15         68A  68A N   CA    336  337  161.55  147.00                  -40.90
   16   2407  68A  69A C   N     339  341 -116.30 -134.00   27.76    0.93  -62.50  174.99   26.61
   16         69A  69A N   CA    341  342  125.61  147.00                  -40.90
   17   2408  69A  70A C   N     344  346 -133.71 -134.00   10.30    0.58  -62.50 -168.65   28.85
   17         70A  70A N   CA    346  347  136.71  147.00                  -40.90
   18   2409  70A  71A C   N     349  351   69.57  -68.20  139.71   12.58  -62.50 -159.71   30.58
   18         71A  71A N   CA    351  352  168.52  145.30                  -40.90
   19   2410  71A  72A C   N     354  356 -104.47 -134.00   39.99    1.14  -62.50  166.30   25.54
   19         72A  72A N   CA    356  357  120.02  147.00                  -40.90
   20   2411  72A  73A C   N     359  361  163.41 -134.00   65.44    1.57  -62.50 -156.54   40.27
   20         73A  73A N   CA    361  362  166.08  147.00                  -40.90
   21   2412  73A  74A C   N     364  366 -103.96 -134.00   44.20    1.39  -62.50  160.91   24.69
   21         74A  74A N   CA    366  367  114.58  147.00                  -40.90
   22   2413  74A  75A C   N     369  371  166.91 -134.00   61.48    1.50  -62.50 -157.21   40.01
   22         75A  75A N   CA    371  372  163.96  147.00                  -40.90
   23   2414  75A  76A C   N     374  376 -115.11 -134.00   34.23    1.29  -62.50  167.81   25.50
   23         76A  76A N   CA    376  377  118.45  147.00                  -40.90
   24   2415  76A  77A C   N     379  381 -150.74 -134.00   17.16    0.71  -62.50 -163.23   36.97
   24         77A  77A N   CA    381  382  143.23  147.00                  -40.90
   25   2416  77A  78A C   N     384  386 -176.00 -134.00   44.39    2.03  -62.50 -152.63   31.14
   25         78A  78A N   CA    386  387  132.65  147.00                  -40.90
   26   2417  78A  79A C   N     389  391 -179.53 -134.00   50.50    2.51  -62.50 -156.86   30.58
   26         79A  79A N   CA    391  392  125.14  147.00                  -40.90
   27   2422  83A  84A C   N     414  416   75.34   55.40   54.64    2.01  -62.50  140.70   28.03
   27         84A  84A N   CA    416  417  -12.67   38.20                  -40.90
   28   2426  87A  88A C   N     434  436   53.26   55.40   12.21    0.57  -62.50  147.31   29.78
   28         88A  88A N   CA    436  437   50.22   38.20                  -40.90
   29   2429  90A  91A C   N     449  451   57.81   55.40   19.84    1.39  -62.50  155.67   31.42
   29         91A  91A N   CA    451  452   57.89   38.20                  -40.90
   30   2432  93A  94A C   N     464  466   61.15   55.40   23.66    1.90  -62.50  160.32   32.35
   30         94A  94A N   CA    466  467   61.15   38.20                  -40.90
   31   2459 120A 121A C   N     599  601   79.13 -134.00  161.28    3.66  -62.50  176.58   28.30
   31        121A 121A N   CA    601  602 -146.37  147.00                  -40.90
   32   2472 133A 134A C   N     664  666   47.39   55.40   16.12    0.60  -62.50  144.02   29.03
   32        134A 134A N   CA    666  667   52.19   38.20                  -40.90
   33   2481 142A 143A C   N     709  711   71.97   55.40   43.48    1.59  -62.50  139.98   28.15
   33        143A 143A N   CA    711  712   -2.00   38.20                  -40.90
   34   2483 144A 145A C   N     719  721   62.03   55.40    8.10    0.54  -62.50  145.09   29.50
   34        145A 145A N   CA    721  722   33.55   38.20                  -40.90

report______> Distribution of short non-bonded contacts:

DISTANCE1:  0.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40
DISTANCE2:  2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50
FREQUENCY:     0    0    0    0    2    6    7   55   59   82   80   87  127  122   88

<< end of ENERGY.

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      149
Number of all, selected real atoms                :      774     774
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :     9783    9783
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):     1389
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 2, NATM x NATM cell sorting
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        0   99999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :    4.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       T       F       F       F
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :         724.2225

Summary of the restraint violations: 

   NUM     ... number of restraints.
   NUMVI   ... number of restraints with RVIOL > VIOL_REPORT_CUT[i].
   RVIOL   ... relative difference from the best value.
   NUMVP   ... number of restraints with -Ln(pdf) > VIOL_REPORT_CUT2[i].
   RMS_1   ... RMS(feature, minimally_violated_basis_restraint, NUMB).
   RMS_2   ... RMS(feature, best_value, NUMB).
   MOL.PDF ... scaled contribution to -Ln(Molecular pdf).

 #                     RESTRAINT_GROUP      NUM   NUMVI  NUMVP   RMS_1   RMS_2         MOL.PDF     S_i
 1 Bond length potential              :     730       0      0   0.006   0.006      6.9255       1.000
 2 Bond angle potential               :    1021       0      6   2.180   2.180      97.640       1.000
 3 Stereochemical cosine torsion poten:     296       0     42  79.629  79.629      302.34       1.000
 4 Stereochemical improper torsion pot:     292       0      1   1.391   1.391      12.715       1.000
 5 Soft-sphere overlap restraints     :    1389       1      2   0.011   0.011      21.663       1.000
 6 Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 7 Coulomb point-point electrostatic p:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 8 H-bonding potential                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 9 Distance restraints 1 (CA-CA)      :    2405       0      0   0.237   0.237      51.994       1.000
10 Distance restraints 2 (N-O)        :    2564       0      3   0.333   0.333      99.539       1.000
11 Mainchain Phi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
12 Mainchain Psi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
13 Mainchain Omega dihedral restraints:     145       0      4   4.643   4.643      36.869       1.000
14 Sidechain Chi_1 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
15 Sidechain Chi_2 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
16 Sidechain Chi_3 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
17 Sidechain Chi_4 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
18 Disulfide distance restraints      :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
19 Disulfide angle restraints         :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
20 Disulfide dihedral angle restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
21 Lower bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
22 Upper bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
23 Distance restraints 3 (SDCH-MNCH)  :     722       0      0   0.241   0.241      4.8932       1.000
24 Sidechain Chi_5 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
25 Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints:     144      36     21  32.016  85.189      70.938       1.000
26 Distance restraints 4 (SDCH-SDCH)  :      63       0      0   0.497   0.497      1.3982       1.000
27 Distance restraints 5 (X-Y)        :    1401       0      0   0.037   0.037      17.306       1.000
28 NMR distance restraints 6 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
29 NMR distance restraints 7 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
30 Minimal distance restraints        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
31 Non-bonded restraints              :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
32 Atomic accessibility restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
33 Atomic density restraints          :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
34 Absolute position restraints       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
35 Dihedral angle difference restraint:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
36 GBSA implicit solvent potential    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
37 EM density fitting potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
38 SAXS restraints                    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
39 Symmetry restraints                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000

# Heavy relative violation of each residue is written to: seq_ala.V99990002
# The profile is NOT normalized by the number of restraints.
# The profiles are smoothed over a window of residues:    1
# The sum of all numbers in the file:   15729.5527

List of the violated restraints:
   A restraint is violated when the relative difference
   from the best value (RVIOL) is larger than CUTOFF.

   ICSR   ... index of a restraint in the current set.
   RESNO  ... residue numbers of the first two atoms.
   ATM    ... IUPAC atom names of the first two atoms.
   FEAT   ... the value of the feature in the model.
   restr  ... the mean of the basis restraint with the smallest
              difference from the model (local minimum).
   viol   ... difference from the local minimum.
   rviol  ... relative difference from the local minimum.
   RESTR  ... the best value (global minimum).
   VIOL   ... difference from the best value.
   RVIOL  ... relative difference from the best value.


Feature 25                           : Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints     
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       6.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   2354  15A  16A C   N      74   76   77.54   55.40   25.44    1.90  -62.50  155.05   31.51
    1         16A  16A N   CA     76   77   25.67   38.20                  -40.90
    2   2357  18A  19A C   N      89   91   64.69   55.40   21.60    0.78  -62.50  140.46   28.54
    2         19A  19A N   CA     91   92   18.70   38.20                  -40.90
    3   2359  20A  21A C   N      99  101   53.26   55.40    4.49    0.44  -62.50  138.01   28.04
    3         21A  21A N   CA    101  102   34.25   38.20                  -40.90
    4   2360  21A  22A C   N     104  106   59.51   55.40    4.35    0.39  -62.50  144.64   29.39
    4         22A  22A N   CA    106  107   36.79   38.20                  -40.90
    5   2375  36A  37A C   N     179  181   66.94   55.40   14.39    0.93  -62.50  147.38   29.97
    5         37A  37A N   CA    181  182   29.59   38.20                  -40.90
    6   2376  37A  38A C   N     184  186   62.18   55.40    9.93    0.50  -62.50  143.90   29.26
    6         38A  38A N   CA    186  187   30.95   38.20                  -40.90
    7   2387  48A  49A C   N     239  241   84.06   55.40   39.21    2.17  -62.50  155.63   31.46
    7         49A  49A N   CA    241  242   11.45   38.20                  -40.90
    8   2392  53A  54A C   N     264  266   92.68 -134.00  138.23    3.40  -62.50 -153.92   32.35
    8         54A  54A N   CA    266  267 -176.50  147.00                  -40.90
    9   2395  56A  57A C   N     279  281   59.67   55.40   14.46    1.22  -62.50  153.48   31.06
    9         57A  57A N   CA    281  282   52.02   38.20                  -40.90
   10   2400  61A  62A C   N     304  306  -46.54  -62.50   41.72    7.69  -62.50   41.72    7.69
   10         62A  62A N   CA    306  307   -2.35  -40.90                  -40.90
   11   2401  62A  63A C   N     309  311  -46.63  -68.20   31.34    1.97  -62.50  164.24   27.72
   11         63A  63A N   CA    311  312  122.57  145.30                  -40.90
   12   2402  63A  64A C   N     314  316  128.80 -134.00   98.23    3.81  -62.50 -117.88   37.32
   12         64A  64A N   CA    316  317  132.78  147.00                  -40.90
   13   2403  64A  65A C   N     319  321  159.92 -134.00   72.52    1.65  -62.50 -162.11   39.45
   13         65A  65A N   CA    321  322  176.86  147.00                  -40.90
   14   2404  65A  66A C   N     324  326 -143.52 -134.00   10.29    0.49  -62.50 -166.24   36.09
   14         66A  66A N   CA    326  327  143.10  147.00                  -40.90
   15   2405  66A  67A C   N     329  331  175.80 -134.00   52.41    1.26  -62.50 -161.31   38.93
   15         67A  67A N   CA    331  332  162.05  147.00                  -40.90
   16   2406  67A  68A C   N     334  336  -80.13  -68.20   13.20    0.92  -62.50  169.07   28.61
   16         68A  68A N   CA    336  337  150.96  145.30                  -40.90
   17   2407  68A  69A C   N     339  341  -73.76  -68.20    5.56    0.47  -62.50  174.00   29.08
   17         69A  69A N   CA    341  342  145.47  145.30                  -40.90
   18   2408  69A  70A C   N     344  346  -72.33  -68.20   11.39    0.78  -62.50  163.48   27.28
   18         70A  70A N   CA    346  347  155.92  145.30                  -40.90
   19   2409  70A  71A C   N     349  351  -80.64  -68.20   36.23    3.33  -62.50  153.25   24.29
   19         71A  71A N   CA    351  352  111.28  145.30                  -40.90
   20   2410  71A  72A C   N     354  356  159.51 -134.00   67.50    1.83  -62.50 -148.38   41.83
   20         72A  72A N   CA    356  357  158.65  147.00                  -40.90
   21   2411  72A  73A C   N     359  361  -73.89  -68.20    8.22    0.81  -62.50 -179.91   30.09
   21         73A  73A N   CA    361  362  139.37  145.30                  -40.90
   22   2412  73A  74A C   N     364  366 -145.51 -134.00   12.38    0.59  -62.50 -164.80   36.44
   22         74A  74A N   CA    366  367  142.43  147.00                  -40.90
   23   2413  74A  75A C   N     369  371 -160.12 -134.00   26.18    0.80  -62.50 -163.59   37.40
   23         75A  75A N   CA    371  372  148.67  147.00                  -40.90
   24   2414  75A  76A C   N     374  376  175.22 -134.00   55.46    1.26  -62.50 -166.60   38.06
   24         76A  76A N   CA    376  377  169.27  147.00                  -40.90
   25   2415  76A  77A C   N     379  381 -121.20 -134.00   14.15    0.32  -62.50 -172.44   33.87
   25         77A  77A N   CA    381  382  140.97  147.00                  -40.90
   26   2416  77A  78A C   N     384  386  164.60 -134.00   73.67    1.79  -62.50 -173.12   37.36
   26         78A  78A N   CA    386  387 -172.28  147.00                  -40.90
   27   2417  78A  79A C   N     389  391 -139.27 -134.00  100.81    5.60  -62.50  104.86   21.04
   27         79A  79A N   CA    391  392 -112.33  147.00                  -40.90
   28   2422  83A  84A C   N     414  416   79.74   55.40   59.23    2.14  -62.50  144.44   28.66
   28         84A  84A N   CA    416  417  -15.79   38.20                  -40.90
   29   2426  87A  88A C   N     434  436   50.45   55.40   22.45    0.98  -62.50  151.51   30.46
   29         88A  88A N   CA    436  437   60.09   38.20                  -40.90
   30   2429  90A  91A C   N     449  451   68.48   55.40   13.71    1.62  -62.50  155.18   31.53
   30         91A  91A N   CA    451  452   42.31   38.20                  -40.90
   31   2432  93A  94A C   N     464  466   63.07   55.40   11.33    1.26  -62.50  153.01   31.04
   31         94A  94A N   CA    466  467   46.54   38.20                  -40.90
   32   2459 120A 121A C   N     599  601   80.66 -134.00  159.97    3.63  -62.50  177.69   28.52
   32        121A 121A N   CA    601  602 -146.16  147.00                  -40.90
   33   2472 133A 134A C   N     664  666   49.91   55.40   12.12    0.44  -62.50  143.93   29.08
   33        134A 134A N   CA    666  667   49.00   38.20                  -40.90
   34   2480 141A 142A C   N     704  706   58.65  -68.20  133.45   12.53  -68.20  133.45   12.53
   34        142A 142A N   CA    706  707 -173.24  145.30                  145.30
   35   2481 142A 143A C   N     709  711  -81.52  -68.20   73.04    6.35  -62.50  115.95   18.16
   35        143A 143A N   CA    711  712   73.48  145.30                  -40.90
   36   2483 144A 145A C   N     719  721   65.07   55.40   13.09    0.74  -62.50  145.65   29.62
   36        145A 145A N   CA    721  722   29.38   38.20                  -40.90

report______> Distribution of short non-bonded contacts:

DISTANCE1:  0.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40
DISTANCE2:  2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50
FREQUENCY:     0    0    0    0    0    4    9   46   52   73   80   91  122  100  103

<< end of ENERGY.

>> Summary of successfully produced models:
Filename                          molpdf
seq_ala.B99990001.pdb          762.13904
seq_ala.B99990002.pdb          724.22253

In [69]:
w_ala = nglview.show_structure_file('seq_ala.B99990001.pdb')
w_ala.add_cartoon('protein', color_scheme='residueindex')
w_ala.add_ball_and_stick('ligand', opacity=0.5)
In [71]:
# сравним жабу с форелью синим будет форель, а красным - поли-аланин
show_model("seq_ala.B99990001.pdb","1lmp.pdb",8 )

Modeller в отличии от человека не умеет критически мыслить и может построить нужную структуру по более менее любой последовательности, если она хоть как то выравнивается с целевой. Поэтому нужно хорошо думать прежде чем моделировать таким образом.

Сравним скор функцию

In [73]:
pd.DataFrame({"нет лиганда":[780.65515,801.29517],
             "лиганд":[ 921.47980,1004.99744],
             "сдвинутый лиганд":[4921.50293,4809.38281],
             "полиаланиновый псевдобелок":[762.13904,724.22253]})

# чем меньше скор - тем лучше
нет лиганда лиганд сдвинутый лиганд полиаланиновый псевдобелок
0 780.65515 921.47980 4921.50293 762.13904
1 801.29517 1004.99744 4809.38281 724.22253

Забавно, что самыми хорошими моделями оказываются полиаланиновые псевдобелки. Вторыми по качеству оказываются белки без лиганда, третьими белки с лигандом. Самыми последними с большим отставанием по скору идут белки со сдвинутым лигандом. Плохой скор белков со сдвинутым лиандом логичен, ведь мы пытались привести белок в несвойственное ему состояние. Порядок (по скору) остальных трех групп по видимому варьируется в зависимости от белка. Стоит понимать, что даже моделирование структуры на основании тупой полиаланиновой цепи может привести к хорошим результатам и относиться к результатам моделирования с оснорожностью и вдумчивостью.