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Opium is one of the world’s oldest drugs. Every day, more than 115 Americans die after overdosing on opioids [CDC/NCHS, National Vital Statistics System, Mortality. CDC Wonder, Atlanta, GA: US Department of Health and Human Services, CDC; 2017][1]

Opium’s derivatives morphine and codeine are among the most used clinical drugs to relieve severe pain. These opioids produce analgesia as well as many undesirable side effects (sedation, apnoea and dependence) by binding to and activating the G-protein-coupled m-opioid receptor (m-OR) in the central nervous system. Researching opioid receptors’ contact mechanism might help to develop better drugs that help to manage pain and addiction.

how does it work

The μ-opioid receptors (MOR) are a class of opioid receptors with a high affinity for enkephalins and beta-endorphin. The prototypical μ-opioid receptor agonist is morphine, the primary psychoactive alkaloid in opium.

It is an inhibitory G-protein coupled receptor that activates the Gi alpha subunit, inhibiting adenylate cyclase activity, lowering cyclic adenosine monophosphate levels.

MOR can mediate acute changes in neuronal excitability via suppression of presynaptic release of GABA. Activation of the MOR leads to different effects on dendritic spines depending upon the agonist, and may be an example of functional selectivity at the μ-receptor. The physiological and pathological roles of these two distinct mechanisms remain to be clarified. Perhaps, both might be involved in opioid addiction and opioid-induced deficits in cognition.

Ligands info

IUPAC name Molecular formula Molar mass PubChem/DrugBank page
SULFATE SO42- 96.056 g/mol Sulfate ion at PubChem
CHLORIDE Cl- 35.45 g/mol Chloride ion at PubChem
[(Z)-octadec-9-enyl] (2R)-2,3-bis(oxidanyl)propanoate C21H40O4 356.54 g/mol MPG at DrugBank
methyl 4-{[(5beta,6alpha)-17-(cyclopropylmethyl)-3,14-dihydroxy-4,5-epoxymorphinan-6-yl]amino}-4-oxobutanoate C25H32N2O6 456.53 g/mol BF0 at PubChem
2-[2-[2-[2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethanol C10H22O6 238.28 g/mol 1PE at PubChem
CHOLESTEROL C27H46O 386.65 g/mol CHOLESTEROL at PubChem

You can look at the ligands represented in ball-and-stick model using JSmol applet ("ligands" button).

Looking for the contacts

Slide 1. To illustrate ligand-protein interactions we have studied formation of hydrogen bonds (hbonds) between [MPG]616 ligand and it's surrounding. At first, we have selected all amino acid residues disposed in less then 4.0Å from ligand. Then atoms that may hypothetically form hbonds, were carefully weeded, using principle, that average length of hbond is 3.5A. Hypothetical bonds were compared with bonds presented in PDB database[0]. The length of observed hydrogen bonds corresponds to theoretical data[2].

Slide 2. Obvious interactions were detected using "calculate hbonds" command. Then we selected contacts, that were not taking part in supporting any kind of secondary structures (alpha-helixes or beta-strands).

Slide 3. To detect salt bridges oppositely charged amino acids were selected.

Slide 4. Firstly we selected every cystein. Then we manually filtered out cysteins that are not connected.

Slide 5. "Cationic sidechain nitrogens (lysine or arginine) within 6.0 Å of the face of an aromatic ring (phenylalanine, tyrosine, or tryptophan) may engage in polar interactions called "cation pi interactions" (Gallivan & Dougherty, 1999)

To detect cation-pi interactions firstglance software was used.


Author contributions


1. Ligands

2. Ligand-protein interactions

3. Protein-protein interactions

4. Hydrophobic core


[0] 4DKL page at PDB

[1] CDC WONDER online database

[2] Peter A. Kollman, and Leland C. Allen: The theory of the hydrogen bond. Chem. Rev. , 1972, 72 (3), pp 283–303.