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Если по техническим причинам апплет не работает(а именно - не показывает альфа-спираль и бета-лист, загрузите его, пожалуйста, в jmol - он работает там.
The most stable hydrogen bonds are the ones with a flat angle(an allowable deviation is 45 degrees). Also the desirable length of hydrogen bonds(in order for it to exist) is 3.5Å. The results show the same tendencies: in the beta-sheets the average length is 2.9Å and the angle on average is 161 degrees. On the other hand, in the alpha-helix the length of the bonds is 3Å and the angle is about 160 degrees. These results fall into the allowable deviation from the theoretical knowledge. Also it may be noted, that in the beta-sheets the length is a little bit shorter that in the alpha-helix, but the angle is a bit wider(in the comparison with angles shown in the alpha-helix)
1. NCBI structure
2.Hydrogen bonds
3. Download script
4. About hbonds in proteins (NCBI)