Mini-review of the genome and proteome of archaea Saccharolobus shibatae B12

Elena Neverova-Simchit1

1Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, 1-73, MSU, Leninskiye Gory, GSP-1, Moscow, 119991;

Abstract: What can you learn from a single prokaryote using only computational methods and results of previous studies? You will see by the end of this mini-review. We had chosen an archaea species Saccharolobus shibatae B12 to study its genome and proteome. All materials we had either found on open internet resources, either received them through modifying data collected from the former source. We worked with Python, Google Sheets, Bash and even notebooks. In the end most of our results had been achieved before us, so it can be safely said that we confirm previously received information. In this mini-review I would point out the finding of correlation between the maximum GC-content in the genome sequence and the gene product in that section. Other characteristics of the genome and proteome were also studied. Results, where convenient, are presented in visual forms.

Keywords:archaea; genome; proteome; GC-content.

1. Introduction

Saccharolobus shibatae, an archaeal species belonging to the phylum Thermoproteota, was described for the first time as Sulfolobus shibatae in 1990, after being isolated from geothermal pools in Beppu, Japan. The isolate B12 and its endogenous virus-like element SSV1 have provided a system for detailed analysis (Grogan et al., 1990). Like all members of Sulfobaceae isolated so far this organism is a thermoacidophile adapted to low pH environments and high temperatures (Albers et al., 2014). S. shibatae can grow in complex organic compounds and in sugars, it is either a heterotrophic or mixotrophic archaeon (Grogan et al., 1990). It was transferred from the genus Sulfolobus to the new genus Saccharolobus in 2018 (Sakai, Kurosawa, 2018). The archaea genome was studied in research dedicated to reverse gyrases and their association with type I-5′ DNA topoisomerase family (Jaxel et al., 1996).
  In this review the proteome and genome of archaea Saccharolobus shibatae B12 is studied, results are analyzed, discussed from the points of previous studies and conclusions are made based on the received results.

2. Materials and Methods

  Materials used to conduct research include files received from National Centre of Biotechnological information S1 containing data about genome DNA sequences of S. shibatae S2, genome feature table S3 and table of feature counts S4, GenBank file S7. S5 contain programs written in Python: programs 1 for DNA molecule composition and GC-content. S6 contain 4 figures in which plots of guanine, cytosine and GC-content distribution are presented. S8 contains lines extracted from GenBank S7 that were used for GC-content analysis. Histogram of protein lengths is presented in sheet “Histogram” S9, number of proteins encoded in each of the DNA strands, statistical significance and relevant figures are presented in sheet “Randomness” S9, statistical information for encoded in gene proteins can be found in sheet “Statistics” S9, sheet “CDS” was used as a data base formed from feature table S3. Table of proteome analysis S10 shows lists of all, ribosomal, hypothetical, transporter proteins on respective sheets, all data can be found in sheet “CDS” formed from feature table S3, sheet “Protein Analyse” contains amounts of mentioned above proteins and relevant figures. Table of RNA analysis contains data on this subject excluded from feature table S3, information about all RNA, rRNA, tRNA genes is stored in respected sheets, the sheet “Analysis” is devoted to comparing amounts of each group of these genes. Table of gene distribution S12 contains similarly named sheets devoted to all genes, genes on the forward and reverse strands and sheet “Analysis” where comparison results can be seen.
  Methods include use of Google Sheets for data display and functions available in the program, a high-level programming language Python. Google Sheets were used in proteome analysis for building histograms, calculating statistical information, including statistical significance of distribution of product lengths and genes on DNA strands, finding amounts of certain protein types and RNA gene types. Search function of notepad was used when analyzing GC-content using GenBank S7. Unix shell and command language Bash was used to determine amount and names of separate DNA molecules in the genome from fasta file S2, the length of the longest gene products from feature table S3. Python was used in GC-content study and consists of 2 program blocks, the first one of them dividing into sections for general DNA research, GC-content analysis and plot building and the search of maximum and minimum points, the second program block is devoted towards the nucleotide frequency calculation, data from fasta file S2 was used.

3. Results

3.1.Standard information

  The genome of Saccharolobus shibatae B12 consists of two ring DNA molecules: chromosome and plasmid pB12E5. The chromosome consists of much more base pairs than the plasmid, which is a typical situation for living organisms (see Table 1). Genome size of the prokaryote, being approximately 2.9 Mb, is higher than the general of 1.6 Mb for archaea. Such genome size fits the range of genome sizes (2.47–2.85 Mb) for the genus Sulfolobus (Nicholas et al., 2018).
  The amounts of coding sequences on both DNA strands were compared, sheet “Analysis” table of gene distribution S12. The number of genes on the forward strand was only slightly bigger than that of genes on the reverse strand and statistical significance showed that such differences do not go beyond the norm.

Table 1. S. shibatae DNA length and GC structure.
DNA molecule b.p. GC-content
Chromosome 2879035 35.3594%
Plasmid pB12E5 37840 35.5946%
Total 2916875 35.3624%

  The number and frequency of all four nucleotides on the forward DNA strands were calculated (program 2 S5) and are presented in Table 2. It can be seen that the overall amounts of adenine and thymine are nearly equal to each other, along with the approximate equality of guanine and thymine numbers. The GC-content (guanine-cytosine content) for each DNA molecule has also been calculated (program 1 S5,) the results are presented in Table 1. In this case overall GC-content is not very large.

Table 2. S. shibatae nucleotide frequency in the forward DNA strands.
Nucleotide Chromosome Plasmid pB12E5 Total
A 32.47% 31.97% 32.46%
T 32.17% 32.43% 32.18%
G 17.85% 18.19% 17.85%
C 17.51% 17.41% 17.51%

3.2. More about GC-content

  GC-content was then analyzed on DNA sections. The results are presented in Table 3, Figure 1 and plots S6. As can be seen from Figure 1 GC-content varies in a sufficient but not too large range and changes in a jumpy way from section to section. The maximum and minimum points were calculated and products coded in these regions were found using notebook S8, see Table 3 for results. The highest GC content for the chromosome is presented in an rRNA coding part of the DNA strand. It is also noticeable that GC-content in the chromosome is higher in a gene that has a definite product. In the plasmid GC-content is lower in a non-coding region of the DNA, than in the one responsible for protein coding.

Table 3. The maximum and minimum points of S. shibatae GC structure (window 1000, step 1000 for chromosome; window 100, step 1000 for plasmid).
Type of information Chromosome Plasmid pB12E5
Maximum GC-content 63.00% 44.00%
Approximate max location 2268000 18500
Product rRNA Hypothetical protein
Minimum GC-content 23.70% 28.10%
Approximate min location 1403000 27400
Product Hypothetical protein None
Figure 1. GC-content dependency plots. (a) for Saccharolobus shibatae B12 chromosome with a window of 100000 and a strep of 10000; (b) for Saccharolobus shibatae B12 plasmid pB12E5 with a window of 1000 and a step of 100.

3.3. Proteome study

Saccharolobus shibatae B12 has 2968 unique Id protein coding gene features (feature counts table S4). By comparing this number with the genome size, we see that only a small part of the genome codes protein products. In size proteins vary but most often they are 200-250 amino acid residues long (AA), the unimodal peak is that of 120-150 AA in length (see Figure 2, sheet “Histogram” S9). The histograms show us that frequency of protein lengths fitting the respective pocket lengths falls with the growth of the size of the product. This can also be derived from analyzing the five longest gene products of S. shibatae, their lengths cover a significant range from 1240 to 1427 AA. According to statistical information presented in sheet “Statistics” S9, the average product length is indeed 278 AA, the median is 246.
Figure 2. Histogram of protein lengths for S. shibatae.
Table 4. Number of proteins encoded in each S. shibatae DNA strand and statistical significance.
DNA strand Chromosome Plasimid pB12E5
+ 1512 35
- 1401 30
Statistical significance 0.041523 0.590053
Figure 3. Representation of some of the protein types in comparison to all proteins in the proteome of S. shibatae.

  The number of proteins encoded in each of the DNA strands is presented in Table 4 (sheet “Randomness" S9), low statistical significance assesses that there is little difference between the two DNA strands both for the chromosome and plasmid. The statistical significance in the Plasmid pB12E5 is slightly larger due to the small size of the DNA molecule itself. We can see that proteins are in equal measure encrypted in both strands.
  Proteins have different functions and different proteins are presented in various degrees, see figure 3 (table of proteome analyses S10). We can see that the relative amounts of ribosomal and transport proteins are not high, especially those of r-proteins.

RNA genes study

  RNA genes were analyzed and the results are presented in table 5. It is noticeable that most of the RNA genes are transport ones. This correlates with the results of proteome analyses in the way that in both situations numbers of transport molecules are larger than those of ribosomal. Apart from tRNA and rRNA there are also non-coding RNA genes, functional RNA molecules that are not translated into proteins, and there is no mRNA as S. shibatae is a prokaryotic species.

Table 5. Number of RNA types in number and relative value(%).
Type of RNA Number Percentage
Transfer 46 90.1961
Ribosomal 3 5.8824
ncRNA 2 3.9216
Total 51

4. Discussion

  The genome size of S.shibatae indicates that this archaea species is likely nor a parasite, nor does it live in marine waters and also shows another reason why it may have previously been put in the genus Sulfolobus (Nicholas et al., 2018).
  DNA double helix with high GC-content has been shown to be more stable, namely such bacteria are thermostable (Yakovchuk et al., 2006). But in this case GC-content is not that large which shows that maybe it is not quite GC content of the entire genome that is in average higher in thermophilic species (Hurst et al., 2001), that GC content does not correlate with optimal growth temperatures for archaea (Grogan, 2013).
  The highest GC content for the chromosome presented in an rRNA coding part of the DNA may be explained by the preferred habitat of S. shibatae, as there is believed to exist a striking correlation between the GC-content of ribosomal RNA stems and the optimal growth temperature of an organism (Galtier et al., 1997). The products relevant to the maximum and minimum GC-content genome sections may confirm the idea of relative GC-content richness of highly expressed genes (Wuitschick et al., 1999).
  The statistics numbers for product lengths are average numbers for studied archaea (Brocchieri et al., 2005).
  The relative lowness or ribosomal and transport proteins might mean that for their successful functioning and reproducing only a small number of genes is necessary. This has even been shown in the case of ribosomal proteins, which might not appear to be essential when deleted (Gao et al., 2015).
  It is possible that transport proteins are more varied and have to complete more differing functions therefore their numbers are larger as well. Similarly, the results of tRNA genes research can probably be explained by their function – they have to transport various substances and must be able to react appropriately with any chemical they come across.

5. Conclusions

  Genome and proteome of Saccharolobus shibatae B12 has been studied. It was shown that even the smallest details can give us information, such as genome sequence length. Study of GC-content has given us an insight into the variety of views on one issue that exist in the modern scientific world. Transport proteins and transfer RNA, as well as r-proteins and rRNA, have been found to relatively corelate in their numbers.

Supplementary Materials:
  1. NCBI data about Saccharolobus shibatae B12
    Index of /genomes/all/GCF/019/175/345/GCF_019175345.1_ASM1917534v1
  2. FASTA file for S. shibatae DNA from NCBI
  3. Feature table for S. shibatae genome from NCBI
  4. Table of feature counts for S. shibatae from NCBI
  5. Programs in Python
  6. Plots of GC-content distribution
  7. GenBank file for S. shibatae from NCBI
  8. Extracted lines from GenBank file
  9. Histogram of protein lengths and number of proteins on strands
  10. Table of proteome analysis
  11. Table of RNA analysis
  12. Table of gene distribution

Acknowledgements: I would like to thank our Practical Informatics teachers for introducing me and my groupmates to many of the used methods and resources.

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