reset load=1dc1 set echo top center font echo 16 Arial color echo Black define pol oxygen or nitrogen define non carbon or phosphorus or sulphur define rib dna and (*.C?' or *.O?') define ph dna and (*.P or *.OP?) define min ((dt and (*.N1 or *.C2 or *.O2 or *.C6)) or (da and (*.C2 or *.C4 or *.N3 or *.N9)) or (dc and (*.O2 or *.C2 or *.N1)) or (dg and (*.N9 or *.C4 or *.N3 or *.C2 or *.N2))) and dna define maj ((dt and (*.C5 or *.C6 or *.C7 or *.C4 or *.O4)) or (da and (*.C5 or *.C6 or *.N7 or *.N6)) or (dc and (*.N4 or *.C4 or *.C5 or *.C6)) or (dg and (*.C8 or *.N7 or *.C5 or *.O6 or *.C6))) and dna select within(3.5, rib and pol) and pol and protein select within(4.5, rib and non) and non and protein select within(3.5, ph and pol) and pol and protein select within(4.5, ph and non) and non and protein select within(3.5, maj and pol) and pol and protein select within(4.5, maj and non) and non and protein select within(3.5, min and pol) and pol and protein select within(4.5, min and non) and non and protein