- FastME 2.1.5 - Paper to be cited: FastME 2.0 - A comprehensive, accurate and fast distance-based phylogeny inference program. Vincent Lefort, Richard Desper and Olivier Gascuel, Molecular Biology and Evolution 32(10), 2798-800, 2015. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Settings for this run: I Input data type Protein E evolutionary model LG G Gamma rate variation across sites 1.000000 R Remove sites whith gaps no O Output calculated distance matrix no D Number of datasets 1 M Initial tree building method TaxAdd_BalME N NNI postprocessing NNI_BalME S SPR postprocessing yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset 1 Two tree searches are performed, with NNIs and SPRs respectively. The resulting tree is the best (shortest) of both. Before NNI: tree length is 2.035805. Performed 0 NNI(s). Performed 0 SPR(s).