Task 1. Selection of an eukaryotic organism

As an example of eukariotic organism the atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) was selected. Atlantic herring from the family Clupeidae. This is one of the most abudant species in world ocean. This incredible fish can grow up to 1 kg in weight and to 45 centimetres in length. Atlantic herring impacts the economies of New England and Canada. Atlantic herring is an important commercial species. It has 26 pairs of autosomes.

Query: Clupea harengus (Atlantic herring). 4 genome assemblies was found for this query.

Selected assembly level: Chromosome. It means that there is sequence for one or more chromosomes. This could be a completely sequenced chromosome without gaps or a chromosome containing scaffolds or contigs with gaps between them.

This assembly is reference. It means this assembly is manually selected high quality assembly that NCBI and the community have identified as a standard against which other data are compared.

Selected assembly contained all of 26 pairs of autosomes.

Fig.1."Selyodochka". Source: pyaterochka.ru
Fig.3. School of herring. Source: schoolofherring.com

Task 2. Сharacteristics table

Table 1. Сharacteristics of selected assembly.
GenBank identifier IRefSeq identifier Total genome size Scaffold N50 Scaffold L50 Contig N50 Contig L50
GCA_900700415.2 GCF_900700415.2 786.3 Mb 29.8 Mb 13 1 Mb 198

Contig N50: Contig size (among contigs ordered in descending order of size), for which 50% of all nucleotides in the assembly are contained in contigs with the same or greater length.

Contig L50: The smallest number of contics (in descending order of size), that contained 50% of all nucleotides in the assembly.

Similarly for scaffold.

Task 3. Downloading files

protein.faa - protein sequences in FASTA fromat

genomic.fna - DNA genome sequences in FASTA format

genomic.gbff - Annotated genome