Protein sequence's alignment using Jalview

Table 1. Global pair alignment

NameID1ID2Score% Identity% SimilarityGapsIndels
Xylose isomeraseXYLA_ECOLIXYLA_BACSU1187.050.1%66.2%91
Signal recognition particle protein SRP54_ECOLISRP54_BACSU1203.051.6%70.1%234
Tryptophan synthase beta chainTRPB_ECOLITRPB_BACSU 1098.553.4%69.5%238
Tryptophan synthase alpha chain TRPA_ECOLITRPA_BACSU340.530.2%46.9%417

Table 2. Local pair alignment

Protein NameID 1ID 2Score% Identity% SimilarityGapsIndelsCoverage 1Coverage 2
Xylose isomeraseXYLA_ECOLIXYLA_BACSU 1195.051.4%67.9%2299.1%97.5%
Signal recognition particle protein SRP54_ECOLISRP54_BACSU1205.054.0%73.3%8297.7%98.2%
Tryptophan synthase beta chainTRPB_ECOLITRPB_BACSU 1102.055.2%71.4%13597.2%97.8%
Tryptophan synthase alpha chain TRPA_ECOLITRPA_BACSU348.035.5%54.4%2285.1%84.6%

Table 3. Proteins with different mnemonics using needle

Proteins' namesID1ID2ScoreIdentitySimilarityGapsIndels
Chromosomal replication initiator protein DnaA, 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase FadADNAA_ECOLIFADA_ECOLI 28.511.8%20.5%34624

Table 4. Proteins with different mnemonics using water

Proteins' namesID1ID2ScoreIdentitySimilarityGapsIndelsCoverage 1Coverage 2
Chromosomal replication initiator protein DnaA, 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase FadADNAA_ECOLIFADA_ECOLI 55.518.4%34.9%711149.0%57.4%

Some comments to Table 3 and Table 4

Alignments' characteristics you can look into the Tables (3, 4). Proteins are not homologous (there're only 11.8% Identity and 20.5 Similarity). Full coverage percentage is 49.0% and 57.4%. They're just "random proteins in our sample"

All proteins using needle

Pair alignment (project)

Protein's full names

Multiple alignment of proteins

Mnemonics: XYLA The total number of proteins: 225 Mostly proteins aligned good. The Organisms are: Arthrobacter sp, Streptomyces albus G, Actinoplanes sp, Arabidopsis thaliana and Lactobacillus pentosus. All of the except A. thaliana are Bacteria. So, tere're some differences in the sequence's lenghth. I guess, they're homological: we can notice any constant sequences'clusters (for example, WGGREG: 230 - 235). Also, we can image evolutionary tree (using Jmol) - we can follow to this evoltion changes. As you can see, A. thaliana's sequence is more different from other representatives.

© Belyaeva Julia, 2018