COG information

protein acession CP013733.1
COG identifier COG0031
e-value 5.35*e-144
COG interval 3-295
Total amount of aminoacids 299
COG name Cysteine synthase
Название КОГа Цистеин синтаза
COG functional category E [Amino acid transport and metabolism]
Функциональная категория КОГа Транспорт и метаболизм аминокислот

Genome enviroment visualiation

Genome enviroment for COG0031 is presented. Genome enviroment extracted by COGNAT tool ( Settings: Neighborhood Size:9, Occurrence Threshold(%):10, Taxonomy: Niet Colors subscribed below.

With default settings, there were no occurrences, and only after 10% decrease conservative environment was found. The environment wasn't unified - it contains 2 COG's: COG0626 (Cystathionine beta-lyase/cystathionine gamma-synthase) and COG1045 (Serine acetyltransferase), and according to GO db they seem functionally connected. There weren't any genomic environments in some species, so COG0031 could be considered as a COG with variable environment.

Attribution of Cysteine synthase from Campylobacter coli to GO terms

Alignment of Campylobacter coli and Campylobacter jeuni Cysteine synthases

First hit was with p-value 4.8*e-126 accords to Campylobacter jeuni and was considered to be sufficient for that task.

GO terms associated with protein CJE_0990 - AC CP013733.1 (no Uniprot ID's were found)

Ontology Term Accession Translated acession Evidence
biological process GO:0006535 cysteine biosynthetic process from serine Биосинтетический процесс синтеза цистеина из серина ISS
molecular function GO:0004124 cysteine synthase activity активность цистеин синтетазы ISS

Evidence ISS means 'Inferred from Sequence or structural Similarity', it assigned when protein inferred according to a similarity of sequence or structure to other protein. During that practice, a protein similar to Cysteine synthase from Campylobacter coli was found and then associated with 2 GO terms (table 1). Those associations usually happen with different confidence levels, but here Evidence of all hits was inferred from similarity (table 2). It means, that Campylobacter jeuni Cysteine synthase is highly likely involved in cysteine biosynthetic process from serine and have cysteine synthase activity.

© Gumerov Ruslan, 2017