DNA and RNA structures

Different DNA formes




Different DNA formes

For the second task, B-form of DNA was chosen. Here we can see, that N1, C6, O6, C5, and N7 atoms point out on a major groove, while C2, N2, N3, C4, N9, and C8 atoms point out on a minor groove.

Information table

A-form B-form Z-form
Helix type Right Right Left
Pitch of a helix 28.02 33.6 43.5
BP in a pitch 11 10 12
Major groove width 15.74 (from thymine) 17.32 (from guanine) 17.21 (from cytosine)
Minor groove width 11.52 (from cytosine) 9.99 (from cytosine) 8.19 (from guanine)

For the third task, torsion angles in A, B and Z form of DNA and also tRNA was measured. Comparing the average angles, we can see, that tRNA is close to A-form.

tRNA angles

Strand I base alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta chi 1 G --- 146.0 56.0 87.3 -171.7 -60.3 -153.6 2 G 141.6 -174.7 -178.4 80.6 -135.9 -65.9 -172.6 3 A -54.1 163.8 53.2 75.6 -166.3 -97.0 -168.1 4 G 156.5 -150.0 -172.9 128.7 -80.3 -46.9 -159.4 5 G 56.0 146.7 51.6 84.1 -134.3 -73.1 177.1 6 C -65.6 165.8 53.8 81.9 -154.7 -73.9 -171.9 7 U -66.3 177.6 55.7 83.3 -157.0 -13.0 -153.8 8 G -137.7 79.1 173.7 88.7 -128.9 -83.0 175.6 9 G 140.9 -141.8 176.1 81.0 -129.1 -79.4 174.0 10 t -62.1 176.5 45.7 78.8 -128.1 -73.1 -162.6 11 P -52.9 163.7 50.7 78.6 -133.3 -90.2 -149.0 12 A -127.0 -103.9 179.0 88.8 -147.2 -70.9 -170.6 13 C -67.2 178.1 47.8 80.0 -160.6 -75.0 -152.9 14 G -66.8 174.4 51.1 82.1 -154.4 -76.4 -156.9 15 A -63.6 166.5 50.4 81.7 -152.6 -72.5 -159.0 16 G -51.3 165.9 52.4 79.1 -162.9 -57.6 -167.9 17 G 160.4 -172.1 179.8 83.8 -142.2 -79.0 179.1 18 G -63.6 170.8 46.7 78.5 -149.7 -76.7 -163.0 19 G 136.0 -128.9 71.0 91.6 -153.1 -68.4 -171.9 20 C -70.2 -179.4 46.6 82.0 -155.0 -69.3 -160.6 21 G -59.0 178.1 43.9 78.6 -159.5 -73.4 -154.6 22 C 148.9 -155.6 -174.5 85.0 -141.5 -77.5 -174.1 23 A -71.4 167.8 64.3 75.7 -152.6 -61.5 -174.0 24 G -59.7 177.2 54.1 87.7 -128.7 -87.8 -150.9 25 G -63.4 -158.5 46.5 126.7 -173.7 145.9 -71.5 Strand II base alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta chi 1 C -63.8 170.5 54.8 81.4 --- --- -154.8 2 C -68.2 179.3 46.3 80.1 -151.7 -73.5 -156.1 3 U -64.6 -170.0 50.0 84.8 -166.2 -73.7 -158.3 4 C -62.1 177.2 51.6 80.3 -157.6 -61.1 -171.4 5 U -74.0 171.3 59.2 82.3 -152.7 -79.9 -168.3 6 G -62.5 160.5 63.5 79.2 -156.2 -76.5 -168.6 7 A -64.5 177.5 52.1 80.4 -146.1 -72.5 -163.5 8 C -65.5 -178.8 49.9 83.3 -151.4 -72.9 -164.4 9 C -122.5 -136.8 51.9 81.7 -156.2 -73.6 -166.8 10 G -48.4 -146.4 56.5 139.2 -107.8 -150.2 -66.7 11 G -51.6 146.1 145.4 132.3 -137.3 -68.4 -135.1 12 U -71.7 171.9 61.3 79.5 -162.7 -39.6 -157.2 13 G -72.7 164.2 63.8 80.7 -159.6 -67.8 -161.1 14 C -70.5 177.3 51.7 80.2 -153.3 -71.7 -152.7 15 U -64.3 -174.8 48.9 80.8 -152.4 -69.8 -170.1 16 C -70.5 -168.8 47.7 82.9 -154.1 -68.8 -166.4 17 C -61.4 176.6 46.2 81.7 -154.1 -73.2 -161.0 18 A -59.9 173.8 49.7 84.8 -142.6 -68.9 -162.9 19 C -67.1 171.6 52.1 80.9 -145.3 -66.9 -162.2 20 G -70.5 177.8 51.6 82.5 -142.3 -72.1 -166.6 21 C -75.4 178.3 53.8 79.2 -158.5 -76.3 -160.1 22 G -53.8 159.3 57.3 82.1 -160.8 -75.6 -164.8 23 U -91.1 -144.8 65.8 83.9 -141.9 -133.0 -167.8 24 C -53.5 134.3 51.0 129.4 -131.9 73.1 -138.5 25 C 157.0 -167.8 59.7 85.3 -141.6 -62.3 -162.6

tRNA stems

Strand I Strand II Helix 1 (0.008) ....>T:...4_:[..G]G-----C[..C]:..69_:T<.... (0.008) | 2 (0.009) ....>T:...5_:[..G]G-----C[..C]:..68_:T<.... (0.006) | 3 (0.012) ....>T:...6_:[..A]A-----U[..U]:..67_:T<.... (0.003) | 4 (0.005) ....>T:...7_:[..G]G-----C[..C]:..66_:T<.... (0.010) |

5 (0.005) ....>T:..49_:[..G]G-*---U[..U]:..65_:T<.... (0.010) | 6 (0.004) ....>T:..50_:[..C]C-----G[..G]:..64_:T<.... (0.013) | 7 (0.002) ....>T:..51_:[..U]U-----A[..A]:..63_:T<.... (0.004) | 8 (0.006) ....>T:..52_:[..G]G-----C[..C]:..62_:T<.... (0.002) | 9 (0.005) ....>T:..53_:[..G]G-----C[..C]:..61_:T<.... (0.005) |

12 (0.011) ....>T:..38_:[..A]A-----U[..U]:..32_:T<.... (0.009) | 13 (0.003) ....>T:..39_:[..C]C-----G[..G]:..31_:T<.... (0.006) | 14 (0.006) ....>T:..40_:[..G]G-----C[..C]:..30_:T<.... (0.007) | 15 (0.008) ....>T:..41_:[..A]A-----U[..U]:..29_:T<.... (0.009) | 16 (0.005) ....>T:..42_:[..G]G-----C[..C]:..28_:T<.... (0.005) | 17 (0.008) ....>T:..43_:[..G]G-----C[..C]:..27_:T<.... (0.007) | 18 (0.007) ....>T:..44_:[..G]G-**--A[..A]:..26_:T<.... (0.008) |

19 (0.004) ....>T:..10_:[..G]G-----C[..C]:..26_:T<.... (0.006) | 20 (0.003) ....>T:..11_:[..C]C-----G[..G]:..25_:T<.... (0.004) | 21 (0.004) ....>T:..12_:[..G]G-----C[..C]:..24_:T<.... (0.003) | 22 (0.004) ....>T:..13_:[..C]C-----G[..G]:..23_:T<.... (0.005) |

non-Watson-Crick base-pairs

5 (0.005) ....>T:..49_:[..G]G-*---U[..U]:..65_:T<.... (0.010) | 10 (0.006) ....>T:..54_:[5MU]t-**--G[..G]:..58_:T<.... (0.006) | 11 (0.026) ....>T:..55_:[PSU]P-**+-G[..G]:..18_:T<.... (0.012) x 18 (0.007) ....>T:..44_:[..G]G-**--A[..A]:..26_:T<.... (0.008) | 23 (0.003) ....>T:..14_:[..A]A-**--U[..U]:...8_:T<.... (0.004) | 24 (0.004) ....>T:..15_:[..G]G-**+-C[..C]:..48_:T<.... (0.007) x

additional H-bonds

25 (0.011) ....>T:..19_:[..G]G-----C[..C]:..56_:T<.... (0.005) +

Stacking interactions

Here overlap area in Å 2 is presented. We can see, that the highest overlap area is shown for 9 and 10 (Gt/GC and tP/GG) pairs.

step i1-i2 i1-j2 j1-i2 j1-j2 sum 1 GG/CC 3.88( 2.64) 0.00( 0.00) 0.05( 0.00) 0.57( 0.02) 4.50( 2.66) 2 GA/UC 5.04( 3.03) 0.00( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 0.08( 0.00) 5.12( 3.03) 3 AG/CU 1.42( 1.41) 0.00( 0.00) 1.21( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 2.63( 1.41) 4 GG/UC 1.59( 0.26) 0.00( 0.00) 1.10( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 2.69( 0.26) 5 GC/GU 6.56( 3.49) 0.00( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 6.55( 3.64) 13.11( 7.12) 6 CU/AG 0.00( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 0.38( 0.00) 3.82( 3.26) 4.20( 3.26) 7 UG/CA 0.00( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 4.80( 3.05) 0.00( 0.00) 4.80( 3.05) 8 GG/CC 5.09( 2.72) 0.00( 0.00) 0.74( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 5.83( 2.72) 9 Gt/GC 7.60( 2.39) 0.00( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 5.65( 2.63) 13.24( 5.01) 10 tP/GG 7.22( 2.93) 0.00( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 6.02( 3.11) 13.24( 6.04) 11 PA/UG 0.00( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 12 AC/GU 3.07( 1.61) 0.00( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 7.18( 4.20) 10.25( 5.81) 13 CG/CG 0.52( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 2.89( 0.58) 1.19( 0.19) 4.59( 0.77) 14 GA/UC 4.54( 3.06) 0.00( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 1.33( 0.11) 5.87( 3.17) 15 AG/CU 2.91( 2.55) 0.00( 0.00) 0.58( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 3.50( 2.55) 16 GG/CC 3.57( 1.78) 0.00( 0.00) 1.11( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 4.68( 1.78) 17 GG/AC 1.05( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 2.78( 1.53) 3.82( 1.53) 18 GG/CA 0.00( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 19 GC/GC 4.70( 1.85) 0.00( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 7.21( 4.46) 11.91( 6.31) 20 CG/CG 0.38( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 4.44( 1.72) 0.00( 0.00) 4.83( 1.72) 21 GC/GC 6.58( 2.45) 0.00( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 3.40( 0.98) 9.98( 3.44) 22 CA/UG 0.00( 0.00) 1.35( 0.00) 4.78( 1.78) 0.00( 0.00) 6.13( 1.78) 23 AG/CU 3.84( 1.22) 0.00( 0.00) 0.02( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 3.86( 1.22) 24 GG/CC 0.00( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00) 0.00( 0.00)

The strongest overlaps are visualised below.

© Gumerov Ruslan, 2017