Prediction of tRNA secondary structure


with defaults didn't show any inverted patterns, so it was decided to run a program with gap penalty [4] and Minimum score threshold [10]. That run showed one inverted pattern, presented below.

SEQUENCE: Score 21: 7/7 (100%) matches, 0 gaps 1 cggggag 7 ||||||| 73 gcccctc 67

Zuker algorithm

Predicted structure

Stem find_pair results einverted results RNAfold results
Acceptor stem 5'-4-7-3'
4 pairs
7 pairs
7 pairs
T-stem 5'-49-53-3'
5 pairs
- 5'-49-53-3'
4 pairs
Anticodon stem 5'-26-32-3'
7 pairs
- 5'-27-33-3'
7 pairs
D-stem 5'-10-13-3'
4 pairs
- 5'-10-13-3'
4 pairs
Amount of Watson-Crick base pairs 19 7 pairs 22 pairs

Here we can see that real secondary structure is quite similar to the RNAfold result.

DNA-protein contacts

Jmol commands for definition atom groups are presented below.
define set1 (:D.O4' or :D.O3' or :D.O5' or :C.O4' or :C.O3' or :C.O5')
define set2 (:C.OP2, :C.OP1, :D.OP2, :D.OP1)
define set3 nitrogen and dna



Different types of contacts in 1mhd.pdb complex

Contacts with: Polar Nonpolar Total
2'-deoxyribose residues 1 contacts 9 contacts 10 contacts
phosphoric acid residues 9 contacts 2 contacts 11 contacts
nitrogenous bases residues (major groove) 8 contacts 6 contacts 14 contacts
nitrogenous bases residues (minor groove) 0 contacts 0 contacts 0 contacts

Here we can see that the highest number of contacts is shown for contacts with nitrogenous bases residues in the major groove. It must be caused by the large size of nitrogenous bases and it's big potential to form contacts due to their electrochemical structure.


nucplot output

The output shows that the residues with the highest number of contacts(3) are Lys81A and Lys81B. So those residues must be the most important for identification. (If point mutation will suddenly happens, the conformation change will be more critical)

Aminoacid residues Lys81A and Lys81B and their iteractions with DNA

Aminoacid residues Lys81A and Lys81B and their iteractions with DNA

© Gumerov Ruslan, 2017