Preparation of reads

Command table

Command name Command function
fastqc chr10.fastq read quality control
java -jar /nfs/srv/databases/ngs/suvorova/trimmomatic/trimmomatic-0.30.jar SE -phred33 chr10.fastq chr10_out.fastq TRAILING:20 MINLEN:50 trimming reads with set-up parameters
fastqc chr10_out.fastq read quality control

Read quality analysis

Per base quality chart before trimming

Per base quality chart after trimming

Number of reads before trimming: 10666
Number of reads after trimming: 10526

After trimming reads with low quality, we can see, that terminating parts with bad quality are cropped, and that fact change the distribution of the last bar chart. Also, sequence length distribution changes after trimming, because reads with length fewer than 50 have been trimmed.

Per sequence quality scores

Per sequence quality scores after trimming

Here we can see, that distribution of quality scores have been changed after trimming. That makes sense because we have directly changed the quality scores during trimming.

GC content

GC content after trimming

Here we can see, that GC content didn't change significantly after trimming. However, GC content is necessary for estimation of sequencing quality, and it's not normal if the distribution of per sequence GC is not Gaussian (doi:10.1093/nar/gks001).


Command name Command function
/home/students/y06/anastaisha_w/hisat2-2.0.5/hisat2-build chr10.fasta chr10 reference indexing
/home/students/y06/anastaisha_w/hisat2-2.0.5/hisat2 -x chr10 -U chr10_out.fastq --no-spliced-alignment --no-softclip > chr10.sam creating the alignment in .sam extension
samtools view chr10.sam -b > chr10.bam converting the alignment to .bam extension
samtools sort chr10.bam -T temp.txt -o chr10_sorted.bam sotring the .bam file
samtools index chr10_sorted.bam indexing sorted .bam file
samtools depth -r chr10:115438921-115490668 chr10_sorted.bam > exon.lalala getting the coverage depth

Alignment result

10526 reads; of these:
  10526 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
    131 (1.24%) aligned 0 times
    10393 (98.74%) aligned exactly 1 time
    2 (0.02%) aligned >1 times
98.76% overall alignment rate
Here we can see, that 131 reads didn't map on the chromosome, 10395 reads were map.

Average exon coverage

For extra-task i chose the Homo Sapiens caspase 7, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase (CASP7) exon with coordinates chr10:115438921-115490668. The result is presented below, average coverage was about 13 nucleotides per read.

Coverage plot

SNP and indel searching

Command name Command function
samtools mpileup -uf chr10.fasta chr10_sorted.bam -o chr10.bcf creating the .bcf file
bcftools call -cv chr10.bcf -O v -o chr10.vcf converting .bcf file to .vcf file
Coordinates Polymorphism type Reference and reads comparison Coverage depth Reads quality
chr10:5757984 Transition A->G 1 11.34
chr10:63955361 Insertion ggaatgaa->gGAATgaatgaa 1 22.49
chr10:5804633 Deletion TTC->TTCTC 119 217.47

SNP annotation

Command name Command function -format vcf chr10.vcf > chr10.avinput creating the .avinput file -filter -out chr10_138 -build hg19 -dbtype snp138 chr10.avinput /nfs/srv/databases/annovar/humandb.old/ checking the prescence of the SNP in the dbsnp -out refgene -build hg19 chr10.avinput /nfs/srv/databases/annovar/humandb.old checking the prescence of the SNP in the RefGene -filter -out 1000g -build hg19 -dbtype 1000g2014oct_all chr10.avinput /nfs/srv/databases/annovar/humandb.old/ checking the prescence and counting the frequencies of snp's in 1000genome database -regionanno -out gwas -build hg19 -dbtype gwasCatalog chr10.avinput /nfs/srv/databases/annovar/humandb.old/ checking the associations with phenotypes -filter -out clinvar -build hg19 -dbtype clinvar_20150629 chr10.avinput /nfs/srv/databases/annovar/humandb.old/ checking the associations between medically important variants and phenotypes

Number of SNP's: 57  
Number of Indels's: 9 
The worst quality: 3.01
The worst depth: 1
Number of intronic SNP's: 45
Number of exonic SNP's: 10
Number of UTR3 SNP's: 2
Genes: FAM208B, RTKN2, CASP7
SNP with rs: 54
SNP without rs: 3
SNP frequencies: oscillating between 0.0007 to 0.997
Clinical annotations according to GWAS: 3 phenotypes - Osteosarcoma, Rheumatoid arthritis, Vitiligo.
Summary table 

© Gumerov Ruslan, 2017