Preparation of reads

Command table

Command name Command function
fastqc chr10.1.fastq read quality control

Read quality analysis

Per base quality chart before trimming

Per sequence quality scores

Number of reads: 15462


Command name Command function
/home/students/y06/anastaisha_w/hisat2-2.0.5/hisat2-build chr10.fasta chr10 reference indexing
/home/students/y06/anastaisha_w/hisat2-2.0.5/hisat2 -x chr10 -U chr10.1_out.fastq --no-softclip > chr10.1.sam creating the alignment in .sam extension, no soft-clipped. chr10 - index file, chr10.1_out.fastq - input fastqc file
samtools view chr10.1.sam -b > chr10.1.bam converting the alignment to .bam extension (binary file)
samtools sort chr10.1.bam -T temp.txt -o chr10.1_sorted.bam sotring the .bam file, temp.txt - temporary file, chr10.1_sorted.bam - binary file
samtools index chr10.1_sorted.bam indexing sorted .bam file

Alignment result

15462 reads; of these:
  15462 (100.00%) were unpaired; of these:
    206 (1.33%) aligned 0 times
    15194 (98.27%) aligned exactly 1 time
    62 (0.40%) aligned >1 times
98.67% overall alignment rate
Here we can see, that 206 reads didn't map on the chromosome, 15257 reads were map.

Counting reads

htseq-count option htseq-count function
htseq-count -f specifying the input format
htseq-count -s specifying, whether the data is from a strand-specific assay.
htseq-count -i specifying the attributee to be used as a feature ID
htseq-count -m specifying the htseq-count mode
htseq-count -f bam -s no chr10.1_sorted.bam gencode.v19.chr_patch_hapl_scaff.annotation.gtf > final.txt getting the htseq result

After using the htseq-count with defaults and -f bam, we can see, that only one gene is presented in the output, meaning that all of the reads are placed to that gene.

braaist@kodomo:/nfs/srv/databases/ngs/braaist$ grep -wv 0 final.txt
ENSG00000165732.8       14643
ENSG00000266122.1       3
__no_feature    610
__not_aligned   206

That was a gene of DExD-box helicase 21 protein with AC ENSG00000165732.8, according to Ensembl DB. Genes of that family are implicated in a number of cellular processes involving alteration of RNA secondary structure such as translation initiation, nuclear and mitochondrial splicing, and ribosome and spliceosome assembly. Based on their distribution patterns, some members of this family are believed to be involved in embryogenesis, spermatogenesis, and cellular growth and division.
To validate, whether all of the 11 reads are placed exactly in the gene borders, it was decided to run htseq-count with the intersection-strict mode. That run could check the hypothesis, because, if the read mapped on a gene partly, that run would give a no-feature result (according to a picture presented below). And it seems that all of the 11 reads were mapped exactly into gene coordinates.

htseq-count modes

© Gumerov Ruslan, 2017