Cеми-эмпирические вычисления: MOPAC

In [3]:
import pybel
import os
In [75]:
def mopac(mol, mol_name, method):
    os.system("export MOPAC_LICENSE='/home/preps/golovin/progs/mopac/'")
    mop = mol.write(format='mopin', filename='%s.mop' % mol_name, opt={'k':'%s CHARGE=%s XYZ' % (method, mol.charge)}, 
    os.system("echo | /home/preps/golovin/progs/mopac/MOPAC2016.exe %s.mop" % mol_name)
    opt=pybel.readfile('mopout','%s.out' % mol_name)
    for i in opt:
        i.write(format='pdb',filename='%s.pdb' % mol_name, overwrite=True)

Сравним структуры порфирина полученные pybel и двумя способами (PM6 и AM1) в Mopac

In [44]:
mol.write(format='pdb',filename='porf.pdb', overwrite=True)
In [ ]:
mopac(mol, "porf_pm6", "PM6")
In [ ]:
mopac(mol, "porf_am1", "AM1")
Рис. 1а. Структура порфирина, полученная с помощью pybel. Молекула неплоская, ароматичность не везде. Рис. 1b. Структура порфирина, полученная с помощью MOPAC методом PM6. Молекула плоская, с ароматичностью все в порядке. Рис. 1с. Структура порфирина, полученная с помощью MOPAC методом АМ1. Результат хуже, чем в случае с РМ6: плоскость нарушена.

Лучший результат показал MOPAC (метод РМ6). Важно, что на результат влияет количество шагов в mol.make3D(). Совсем без них при оптимизации с помощью МОРАС кольцо разрывалось.

Рассчитаем возбужденные состояния порфирина

In [51]:
cp porf_pm6.mop opt_spectr.mop
echo '' >> opt_spectr.mop
echo 'cis c.i.=4 meci oldgeo' >> opt_spectr.mop
echo 'some description' >> opt_spectr.mop
In [52]:
export MOPAC_LICENSE='/home/preps/golovin/progs/mopac/'
echo | /home/preps/golovin/progs/mopac/MOPAC2016.exe opt_spectr.mop

           Your MOPAC executable, Version: 17.048L, has expired.
           Please go to web-site: http://openmopac.net/Download_MOPAC_Executable_Step2.html to get a new version of MOPAC.
           Do NOT request a new license key.  Academic license keys do not include time limits - the limit is in the program.
           Press (enter) to continue.

          MOPAC Job: "opt_spectr.mop" ended normally on May  6, 2018, at 19:38.

In [63]:
opt = open("opt_spectr.out")

opt_all = opt.read().split("\n")

opt_energies = []

for line in range(1616, 1625):
    line = opt_all[line].split()
opt_energies = opt_energies[1:] # так как первое значение равно нулю, а ниже нам надо делить на него

Мы получили значения энергии электронных переходов в эВ. Так как hc = 1239,84197 эВ·нм, то можно рассчитать длины волн, при которых происходят эти переходы.

In [56]:
import pandas as pd
In [68]:
opt_table = pd.DataFrame(data={'energy':opt_energies, 
                               'wavelength':[1239.84197/float(energy) for energy in opt_energies]}, 
                         index = range(2, 10))
energy wavelength
2 1.769187 700.797581
3 2.172497 570.699048
4 2.327315 532.734920
5 2.695992 459.883401
6 3.093994 400.725396
7 3.146519 394.036067
8 3.756804 330.025727
9 3.765291 329.281846

Моделирование перехода из тиминового димера в тимины при возбуждении системы

In [69]:
wget http://kodomo.fbb.msu.ru/FBB/year_08/term6/td.pdb
--2018-05-06 21:17:57--  http://kodomo.fbb.msu.ru/FBB/year_08/term6/td.pdb
Resolving kodomo.fbb.msu.ru...
Connecting to kodomo.fbb.msu.ru||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 2010 (2.0K) [chemical/x-pdb]
Saving to: `td.pdb'

     0K .                                                     100%  202M=0s

2018-05-06 21:17:57 (202 MB/s) - `td.pdb' saved [2010/2010]

Здесь нам нужно влиять на заряд системы, перепишем функцию

In [2]:
def mopac(mol, mol_name, method, charge):
    os.system("export MOPAC_LICENSE='/home/preps/golovin/progs/mopac/'")
    mop = mol.write(format='mopin', filename='%s.mop' % mol_name, opt={'k':'%s CHARGE=%s XYZ' % (method, charge)}, 
    os.system("echo | /home/preps/golovin/progs/mopac/MOPAC2016.exe %s.mop" % mol_name)
    opt=pybel.readfile('mopout','%s.out' % mol_name)
    for i in opt:
        i.write(format='pdb',filename='%s.pdb' % mol_name, overwrite=True)

Рис. 2. Тиминовый димер.
In [78]:
td_init = pybel.readfile("pdb", "td.pdb").next()
mopac(td_init, "td_0", "PM6", "0")
In [79]:
td_0 = pybel.readfile("pdb", "td_0.pdb").next()
mopac(td_0, "td_2", "PM6", "+2")
In [80]:
td_2 = pybel.readfile("pdb", "td_2.pdb").next()
mopac(td_2, "td_back0", "PM6", "0")
Рис. 3а. Результат оптимизации геометрии тиминового димера при заряде системы 0. Димер остался димером. Рис. 3b. Оптимизация результата с Рис. 3а при заряде системы +2. Одна связь разорвалась. Рис. 3с. Оптимизация результата с Рис. 3b при заряде системы 0. Молекула не вернулась в исходное димерное состояние, а развалилась на тимины.
In [81]:
grep "TOTAL ENERGY" td_*.out
td_0.out:          TOTAL ENERGY            =      -3273.57701 EV
td_2.out:          TOTAL ENERGY            =      -3253.90535 EV
td_back0.out:          TOTAL ENERGY            =      -3273.68570 EV

Вероятно, система в итоге развалилась на тимины, так как это состояние немного более выгодное (там энергия минимальна), чем димерное.

Ab initio вычисления: ORCA

Ищем оптимальные геометрии для нафталена и азулена.

In [4]:
nap.write(format='pdb',filename='nap.pdb', overwrite=True)
In [5]:
azu.write(format='pdb',filename='azu.pdb', overwrite=True)
In [6]:
mopac(nap, "nap_opt", "PM6", nap.charge)
mopac(azu, "azu_opt", "PM6", azu.charge)

Рассчитаем теплоты образования этих молекул разными подходами квантовой механики: методом Хартри-Фока (HF) и используя теорию функционала плотности (DFT).

In [90]:
def files_for_orca(filename):
    mopac_res = pybel.readfile('pdb', '%s.pdb' % filename).next()
    headers = ["!HF RHF 6-31G", "!DFT RHF 6-31G"]
    for i in headers:
        method = i.split(' ')[0][1:]
        mopac_res.write(format='orcainp', opt={'k':i}, filename='%s_%s.oinp' % (filename, method), overwrite=True)
        with open('%s_%s.oinp' % (filename, method), 'r') as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
        with open('%s_%s.oinp' % (filename, method), 'w') as newfile:
            for line in lines:
                if ('! insert inline commands here' in line):
                    line = i + '\n'
In [115]:
In [116]:
/srv/databases/orca/orca nap_opt_HF.oinp | tee nap_HF_orca.log
/srv/databases/orca/orca nap_opt_DFT.oinp | tee nap_DFT_orca.log
/srv/databases/orca/orca azu_opt_HF.oinp | tee azu_HF_orca.log
/srv/databases/orca/orca azu_opt_DFT.oinp | tee azu_DFT_orca.log
                                 * O   R   C   A *

           --- An Ab Initio, DFT and Semiempirical electronic structure package ---

                  #                        -***-                        #
                  #  Department of molecular theory and spectroscopy    #
                  #              Directorship: Frank Neese              #
                  # Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion #
                  #                  D-45470 Muelheim/Ruhr              #
                  #                       Germany                       #
                  #                                                     #
                  #                  All rights reserved                #
                  #                        -***-                        #

                         Program Version 3.0.3 - RELEASE   -

 With contributions from (in alphabetic order):
   Ute Becker             : Parallelization
   Dmytro Bykov           : SCF Hessian
   Dmitry Ganyushin       : Spin-Orbit,Spin-Spin,Magnetic field MRCI
   Andreas Hansen         : Spin unrestricted coupled pair/coupled cluster methods
   Dimitrios Liakos       : Extrapolation schemes; parallel MDCI
   Robert Izsak           : Overlap fitted RIJCOSX, COSX-SCS-MP3
   Christian Kollmar      : KDIIS, OOCD, Brueckner-CCSD(T), CCSD density
   Simone Kossmann        : Meta GGA functionals, TD-DFT gradient, OOMP2, MP2 Hessian
   Taras Petrenko         : DFT Hessian,TD-DFT gradient, ASA and ECA modules, normal mode analysis, Resonance Raman, ABS, FL, XAS/XES, NRVS
   Christoph Reimann      : Effective Core Potentials
   Michael Roemelt        : Restricted open shell CIS
   Christoph Riplinger    : Improved optimizer, TS searches, QM/MM, DLPNO-CCSD
   Barbara Sandhoefer     : DKH picture change effects
   Igor Schapiro          : Molecular dynamics
   Kantharuban Sivalingam : CASSCF convergence, NEVPT2
   Boris Wezisla          : Elementary symmetry handling
   Frank Wennmohs         : Technical directorship

 We gratefully acknowledge several colleagues who have allowed us to
 interface, adapt or use parts of their codes:
   Stefan Grimme, W. Hujo, H. Kruse, T. Risthaus : VdW corrections, initial TS optimization,
                                                   DFT functionals, gCP
   Ed Valeev                                     : LibInt (2-el integral package), F12 methods
   Garnet Chan, S. Sharma, R. Olivares           : DMRG
   Ulf Ekstrom                                   : XCFun DFT Library
   Mihaly Kallay                                 : mrcc  (arbitrary order and MRCC methods)
   Andreas Klamt, Michael Diedenhofen            : otool_cosmo (COSMO solvation model)
   Frank Weinhold                                : gennbo (NPA and NBO analysis)
   Christopher J. Cramer and Donald G. Truhlar   : smd solvation model

 Your calculation uses the libint2 library for the computation of 2-el integrals
 For citations please refer to: http://libint.valeyev.net

 This ORCA versions uses:
   CBLAS   interface :  Fast vector & matrix operations
   LAPACKE interface :  Fast linear algebra routines
   SCALAPACK package :  Parallel linear algebra routines

Your calculation utilizes the basis: 6-31G
Cite in your paper:
H - He: W.J. Hehre, R. Ditchfield and J.A. Pople, J. Chem. Phys. 56,
Li - Ne: 2257 (1972).  Note: Li and B come from J.D. Dill and J.A.
         Pople, J. Chem. Phys. 62, 2921 (1975).
Na - Ar: M.M. Francl, W.J. Pietro, W.J. Hehre, J.S. Binkley, M.S. Gordon,
         D.J. DeFrees and J.A. Pople, J. Chem. Phys. 77, 3654 (1982)
K  - Zn: V. Rassolov, J.A. Pople, M. Ratner and T.L. Windus, J. Chem. Phys.
         (accepted, 1998)
Note: He and Ne are unpublished basis sets taken from the Gaussian program

                       Please study these warnings very carefully!
Now building the actual basis set

INFO   : the flag for use of LIBINT has been found!

                                       INPUT FILE
NAME = nap_opt_HF.oinp
|  1> # ORCA input file
|  2> # nap_opt.pdb
|  3> !HF RHF 6-31G
|  4> * xyz 0 1
|  5>    C       -0.01300        -0.02500         0.09700
|  6>    C        1.41200        -0.02800         0.06100
|  7>    C        2.10600         1.15000        -0.05300
|  8>    C        1.40900         2.39700        -0.13900
|  9>    C        2.10700         3.64100        -0.26300
| 10>    C        1.41300         4.82200        -0.33700
| 11>    C       -0.01200         4.82600        -0.29000
| 12>    C       -0.70700         3.64900        -0.17900
| 13>    C       -0.01000         2.40000        -0.10000
| 14>    C       -0.70800         1.15600         0.01900
| 15>    H       -0.53600        -0.97600         0.18800
| 16>    H        1.93400        -0.98100         0.12500
| 17>    H        3.19500         1.15800        -0.08000
| 18>    H        3.19500         3.62700        -0.29800
| 19>    H        1.93500         5.77300        -0.43200
| 20>    H       -0.53400         5.78000        -0.34300
| 21>    H       -1.79500         3.64200        -0.14800
| 22>    H       -1.79600         1.16800         0.04600
| 23> *
| 24> 
| 25>                          ****END OF INPUT****

                       * Single Point Calculation *

  C     -0.013000   -0.025000    0.097000
  C      1.412000   -0.028000    0.061000
  C      2.106000    1.150000   -0.053000
  C      1.409000    2.397000   -0.139000
  C      2.107000    3.641000   -0.263000
  C      1.413000    4.822000   -0.337000
  C     -0.012000    4.826000   -0.290000
  C     -0.707000    3.649000   -0.179000
  C     -0.010000    2.400000   -0.100000
  C     -0.708000    1.156000    0.019000
  H     -0.536000   -0.976000    0.188000
  H      1.934000   -0.981000    0.125000
  H      3.195000    1.158000   -0.080000
  H      3.195000    3.627000   -0.298000
  H      1.935000    5.773000   -0.432000
  H     -0.534000    5.780000   -0.343000
  H     -1.795000    3.642000   -0.148000
  H     -1.796000    1.168000    0.046000

  NO LB      ZA    FRAG    MASS        X           Y           Z
   0 C     6.0000    0    12.011         -0.024566439740976         -0.047243153348031          0.183303434990361
   1 C     6.0000    0    12.011          2.668293301096807         -0.052912331749795          0.115273294169196
   2 C     6.0000    0    12.011          3.979763238038156          2.173185054009439         -0.100155485097826
   3 C     6.0000    0    12.011          2.662624122695044          4.529673543009240         -0.262671932615054
   4 C     6.0000    0    12.011          3.981652964172078          6.880492853607278         -0.496997973221289
   5 C     6.0000    0    12.011          2.670183027230729          9.112259417768275         -0.636837707131462
   6 C     6.0000    0    12.011         -0.022676713607055          9.119818322303960         -0.548020578837163
   7 C     6.0000    0    12.011         -1.336036376682325          6.895610662678648         -0.338260977971904
   8 C     6.0000    0    12.011         -0.018897261339213          4.535342721411004         -0.188972613392125
   9 C     6.0000    0    12.011         -1.337926102816246          2.184523410812967          0.035904796544504
  10 H     1.0000    0     1.008         -1.012893207781791         -1.844372706707142          0.355268513177195
  11 H     1.0000    0     1.008          3.654730343003701         -1.853821337376748          0.236215766740156
  12 H     1.0000    0     1.008          6.037674997878399          2.188302863080809         -0.151178090713700
  13 H     1.0000    0     1.008          6.037674997878399          6.854036687732379         -0.563138387908533
  14 H     1.0000    0     1.008          3.656620069137622         10.909388971127385         -0.816361689853981
  15 H     1.0000    0     1.008         -1.009113755513948         10.922617054064835         -0.648176063934989
  16 H     1.0000    0     1.008         -3.392058410388647          6.882382579741198         -0.279679467820345
  17 H     1.0000    0     1.008         -3.393948136522568          2.207200124420022          0.086927402160378

 C      0   0   0   0.000000     0.000     0.000
 C      1   0   0   1.425458     0.000     0.000
 C      2   1   0   1.371975   120.396     0.000
 C      3   2   1   1.431158   120.449   359.920
 C      4   3   2   1.431823   121.656   180.209
 C      5   4   3   1.371814   120.399   180.314
 C      6   5   4   1.425780   120.415     0.065
 C      7   6   5   1.371377   120.449   359.575
 C      4   3   2   1.419539   119.145     0.225
 C      1   2   3   1.372541   120.436   359.956
 H      1   2   3   1.089133   118.706   179.995
 H      2   1   3   1.088480   118.670   180.040
 H      3   2   1   1.089364   120.933   179.917
 H      5   4   3   1.088653   118.608     0.379
 H      6   5   4   1.088995   120.932   180.035
 H      7   6   5   1.088765   118.688   179.518
 H      8   7   6   1.088464   120.957   180.345
 H     10   1   2   1.088401   120.947   180.018

 C      0   0   0   0.000000     0.000     0.000
 C      1   0   0   2.693725     0.000     0.000
 C      2   1   0   2.592657   120.396     0.000
 C      3   2   1   2.704497   120.449   359.920
 C      4   3   2   2.705753   121.656   180.209
 C      5   4   3   2.592352   120.399   180.314
 C      6   5   4   2.694335   120.415     0.065
 C      7   6   5   2.591527   120.449   359.575
 C      4   3   2   2.682540   119.145     0.225
 C      1   2   3   2.593727   120.436   359.956
 H      1   2   3   2.058163   118.706   179.995
 H      2   1   3   2.056929   118.670   180.040
 H      3   2   1   2.058600   120.933   179.917
 H      5   4   3   2.057256   118.608     0.379
 H      6   5   4   2.057902   120.932   180.035
 H      7   6   5   2.057467   118.688   179.518
 H      8   7   6   2.056899   120.957   180.345
 H     10   1   2   2.056780   120.947   180.018

There are 2 groups of distinct atoms

 Group   1 Type C   : 10s4p contracted to 3s2p pattern {631/31}
 Group   2 Type H   : 4s contracted to 2s pattern {31}

Atom   0C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   1C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   2C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   3C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   4C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   5C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   6C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   7C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   8C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   9C    basis set group =>   1
Atom  10H    basis set group =>   2
Atom  11H    basis set group =>   2
Atom  12H    basis set group =>   2
Atom  13H    basis set group =>   2
Atom  14H    basis set group =>   2
Atom  15H    basis set group =>   2
Atom  16H    basis set group =>   2
Atom  17H    basis set group =>   2

Checking for AutoStart:
The File: nap_opt_HF.oinp.gbw exists
Trying to determine its content:
     ... Fine, the file contains calculation information
     ... Fine, the calculation information was read
     ... Fine, the file contains a basis set
     ... Fine, the basis set was read
     ... Fine, the file contains a geometry
     ... Fine, the geometry was read
     ... Fine, the file contains a set of orbitals
     ... Fine, the orbitals can be read
     => possible old guess file was deleted
     => GBW file was renamed to GES file
     => GES file is set as startup file
     => Guess is set to MORead
     ... now leaving AutoStart

                           ORCA GTO INTEGRAL CALCULATION


 # of primitive gaussian shells          ...  172
 # of primitive gaussian functions       ...  252
 # of contracted shell                   ...   66
 # of contracted basis functions         ...  106
 Highest angular momentum                ...    1
 Maximum contraction depth               ...    6
 Integral package used                   ... LIBINT
 Integral threshhold            Thresh   ...  1.000e-10
 Primitive cut-off              TCut     ...  1.000e-11

                              INTEGRAL EVALUATION

 One electron integrals                  ... done
 Pre-screening matrix                    ... done
 Shell pair data                         ... done (   0.003 sec)

                                 ORCA SCF

 Ab initio Hamiltonian  Method          .... Hartree-Fock(GTOs)

General Settings:
 Integral files         IntName         .... nap_opt_HF.oinp
 Hartree-Fock type      HFTyp           .... RHF
 Total Charge           Charge          ....    0
 Multiplicity           Mult            ....    1
 Number of Electrons    NEL             ....   68
 Basis Dimension        Dim             ....  106
 Nuclear Repulsion      ENuc            ....    456.5301162015 Eh

Convergence Acceleration:
 DIIS                   CNVDIIS         .... on
   Start iteration      DIISMaxIt       ....    12
   Startup error        DIISStart       ....  0.200000
   # of expansion vecs  DIISMaxEq       ....     5
   Bias factor          DIISBfac        ....   1.050
   Max. coefficient     DIISMaxC        ....  10.000
 Newton-Raphson         CNVNR           .... off
 SOSCF                  CNVSOSCF        .... on
   Start iteration      SOSCFMaxIt      ....   150
   Startup grad/error   SOSCFStart      ....  0.003300
 Level Shifting         CNVShift        .... on
   Level shift para.    LevelShift      ....    0.2500
   Turn off err/grad.   ShiftErr        ....    0.0010
 Zerner damping         CNVZerner       .... off
 Static damping         CNVDamp         .... on
   Fraction old density DampFac         ....    0.7000
   Max. Damping (<1)    DampMax         ....    0.9800
   Min. Damping (>=0)   DampMin         ....    0.0000
   Turn off err/grad.   DampErr         ....    0.1000
 Fernandez-Rico         CNVRico         .... off

SCF Procedure:
 Maximum # iterations   MaxIter         ....   125
 SCF integral mode      SCFMode         .... Direct
   Integral package                     .... LIBINT
 Reset frequeny         DirectResetFreq ....    20
 Integral Threshold     Thresh          ....  1.000e-10 Eh
 Primitive CutOff       TCut            ....  1.000e-11 Eh

Convergence Tolerance:
 Convergence Check Mode ConvCheckMode   .... Total+1el-Energy
 Energy Change          TolE            ....  1.000e-06 Eh
 1-El. energy change                    ....  1.000e-03 Eh
 Orbital Gradient       TolG            ....  5.000e-05
 Orbital Rotation angle TolX            ....  5.000e-05
 DIIS Error             TolErr          ....  1.000e-06

Diagonalization of the overlap matrix:
Smallest eigenvalue                        ... 4.162e-04
Time for diagonalization                   ...    0.004 sec
Threshold for overlap eigenvalues          ... 1.000e-08
Number of eigenvalues below threshold      ... 0
Time for construction of square roots      ...    0.001 sec
Total time needed                          ...    0.005 sec

Guess MOs are being read from file: nap_opt_HF.oinp.ges
Input geometry compatible with but different from current geometry
Input basis set matches current basis set (good)
MOs were renormalized
MOs were reorthogonalized (Schmidt)
                      INITIAL GUESS DONE (   0.0 sec)
ITER       Energy         Delta-E        Max-DP      RMS-DP      [F,P]     Damp
               ***  Starting incremental Fock matrix formation  ***
  0   -383.2072999809   0.000000000000 0.00492683  0.00026332  0.0364247 0.7000
  1   -383.2098381771  -0.002538196257 0.00467774  0.00025257  0.0305141 0.7000
                               ***Turning on DIIS***
  2   -383.2120690936  -0.002230916490 0.01290967  0.00072255  0.0248882 0.0000
  3   -383.2211996155  -0.009130521907 0.00570066  0.00042371  0.0093305 0.0000
                      *** Initiating the SOSCF procedure ***
                           *** Shutting down DIIS ***
                      *** Re-Reading the Fockian *** 
                      *** Removing any level shift *** 
ITER      Energy       Delta-E        Grad      Rot      Max-DP    RMS-DP
  4   -383.21946775   0.0017318631  0.003171  0.003171  0.002101  0.000177
               *** Restarting incremental Fock matrix formation ***
  5   -383.22009238  -0.0006246289  0.000885  0.001151  0.000800  0.000060
  6   -383.22010702  -0.0000146394  0.000386  0.000947  0.000582  0.000041
  7   -383.22011107  -0.0000040517  0.000028  0.000043  0.000081  0.000007
                 **** Energy Check signals convergence ****
              ***Rediagonalizing the Fockian in SOSCF/NRSCF***

               *                     SUCCESS                       *
               *           SCF CONVERGED AFTER   8 CYCLES          *


Total Energy       :         -383.22011111 Eh          -10427.94937 eV

Nuclear Repulsion  :          456.53011620 Eh           12422.81603 eV
Electronic Energy  :         -839.75022731 Eh          -22850.76540 eV

One Electron Energy:        -1422.08207029 Eh          -38696.82044 eV
Two Electron Energy:          582.33184298 Eh           15846.05505 eV

Virial components:
Potential Energy   :         -766.42889602 Eh          -20855.59054 eV
Kinetic Energy     :          383.20878491 Eh           10427.64117 eV
Virial Ratio       :            2.00002956


  Last Energy change         ...   -3.3971e-08  Tolerance :   1.0000e-06
  Last MAX-Density change    ...    3.9366e-05  Tolerance :   1.0000e-05
  Last RMS-Density change    ...    3.2574e-06  Tolerance :   1.0000e-06
  Last Orbital Gradient      ...    1.5593e-05  Tolerance :   5.0000e-05
  Last Orbital Rotation      ...    2.2532e-05  Tolerance :   5.0000e-05

             **** THE GBW FILE WAS UPDATED (nap_opt_HF.oinp.gbw) ****
             **** DENSITY FILE WAS UPDATED (nap_opt_HF.oinp.scfp.tmp) ****
             **** ENERGY FILE WAS UPDATED (nap_opt_HF.oinp.en.tmp) ****

  NO   OCC          E(Eh)            E(eV) 
   0   2.0000     -11.250599      -306.1444 
   1   2.0000     -11.249570      -306.1164 
   2   2.0000     -11.242565      -305.9257 
   3   2.0000     -11.242522      -305.9246 
   4   2.0000     -11.242393      -305.9211 
   5   2.0000     -11.242320      -305.9191 
   6   2.0000     -11.241132      -305.8867 
   7   2.0000     -11.241106      -305.8860 
   8   2.0000     -11.240339      -305.8652 
   9   2.0000     -11.240320      -305.8646 
  10   2.0000      -1.176031       -32.0014 
  11   2.0000      -1.109677       -30.1958 
  12   2.0000      -1.048032       -28.5184 
  13   2.0000      -1.006935       -27.4001 
  14   2.0000      -0.982312       -26.7301 
  15   2.0000      -0.850113       -23.1327 
  16   2.0000      -0.833039       -22.6681 
  17   2.0000      -0.811843       -22.0914 
  18   2.0000      -0.701051       -19.0766 
  19   2.0000      -0.697555       -18.9814 
  20   2.0000      -0.676625       -18.4119 
  21   2.0000      -0.619804       -16.8657 
  22   2.0000      -0.608991       -16.5715 
  23   2.0000      -0.581967       -15.8361 
  24   2.0000      -0.581889       -15.8340 
  25   2.0000      -0.561676       -15.2840 
  26   2.0000      -0.530282       -14.4297 
  27   2.0000      -0.516743       -14.0613 
  28   2.0000      -0.480413       -13.0727 
  29   2.0000      -0.470756       -12.8099 
  30   2.0000      -0.444572       -12.0974 
  31   2.0000      -0.381293       -10.3755 
  32   2.0000      -0.317199        -8.6314 
  33   2.0000      -0.287338        -7.8189 
  34   0.0000       0.097672         2.6578 
  35   0.0000       0.130165         3.5420 
  36   0.0000       0.186462         5.0739 
  37   0.0000       0.235144         6.3986 
  38   0.0000       0.256706         6.9853 
  39   0.0000       0.261468         7.1149 
  40   0.0000       0.283669         7.7190 
  41   0.0000       0.307614         8.3706 
  42   0.0000       0.314433         8.5562 
  43   0.0000       0.321441         8.7469 
  44   0.0000       0.332693         9.0530 
  45   0.0000       0.354734         9.6528 
  46   0.0000       0.409061        11.1311 
  47   0.0000       0.410163        11.1611 
  48   0.0000       0.463344        12.6082 
  49   0.0000       0.483093        13.1456 
  50   0.0000       0.494744        13.4627 
  51   0.0000       0.498305        13.5596 
  52   0.0000       0.514111        13.9897 
  53   0.0000       0.537528        14.6269 
  54   0.0000       0.698886        19.0177 
  55   0.0000       0.717741        19.5307 
  56   0.0000       0.740410        20.1476 
  57   0.0000       0.744944        20.2710 
  58   0.0000       0.749188        20.3864 
  59   0.0000       0.771134        20.9836 
  60   0.0000       0.779229        21.2039 
  61   0.0000       0.789707        21.4890 
  62   0.0000       0.806736        21.9524 
  63   0.0000       0.811902        22.0930 
  64   0.0000       0.828373        22.5412 
  65   0.0000       0.858526        23.3617 
  66   0.0000       0.859944        23.4003 
  67   0.0000       0.869907        23.6714 
  68   0.0000       0.876323        23.8460 
  69   0.0000       0.879989        23.9457 
  70   0.0000       0.898279        24.4434 
  71   0.0000       0.905021        24.6269 
  72   0.0000       0.910678        24.7808 
  73   0.0000       0.920413        25.0457 
  74   0.0000       0.940524        25.5929 
  75   0.0000       0.941399        25.6168 
  76   0.0000       1.006030        27.3755 
  77   0.0000       1.078080        29.3360 
  78   0.0000       1.112020        30.2596 
  79   0.0000       1.121163        30.5084 
  80   0.0000       1.128911        30.7192 
  81   0.0000       1.129928        30.7469 
  82   0.0000       1.151043        31.3215 
  83   0.0000       1.175607        31.9899 
  84   0.0000       1.179632        32.0994 
  85   0.0000       1.215274        33.0693 
  86   0.0000       1.219769        33.1916 
  87   0.0000       1.236704        33.6524 
  88   0.0000       1.266403        34.4606 
  89   0.0000       1.302979        35.4559 
  90   0.0000       1.307536        35.5799 
  91   0.0000       1.347938        36.6793 
  92   0.0000       1.348594        36.6971 
  93   0.0000       1.358115        36.9562 
  94   0.0000       1.385197        37.6931 
  95   0.0000       1.428521        38.8720 
  96   0.0000       1.494011        40.6541 
  97   0.0000       1.502444        40.8836 
  98   0.0000       1.561938        42.5025 
  99   0.0000       1.622734        44.1568 
 100   0.0000       1.723786        46.9066 
 101   0.0000       1.755659        47.7739 
 102   0.0000       1.784259        48.5522 
 103   0.0000       1.827308        49.7236 
 104   0.0000       2.186227        59.4902 
 105   0.0000       2.187606        59.5278 

                    * MULLIKEN POPULATION ANALYSIS *

   0 C :   -0.209963
   1 C :   -0.209510
   2 C :   -0.165836
   3 C :   -0.073739
   4 C :   -0.164675
   5 C :   -0.209888
   6 C :   -0.209821
   7 C :   -0.164810
   8 C :   -0.073605
   9 C :   -0.165154
  10 H :    0.201414
  11 H :    0.201572
  12 H :    0.210216
  13 H :    0.210328
  14 H :    0.201534
  15 H :    0.201442
  16 H :    0.210176
  17 H :    0.210319
Sum of atomic charges:   -0.0000000

  0 C s       :     3.187472  s :     3.187472
      pz      :     1.004492  p :     3.022491
      px      :     0.946383
      py      :     1.071616
  1 C s       :     3.186995  s :     3.186995
      pz      :     1.004173  p :     3.022515
      px      :     0.946140
      py      :     1.072202
  2 C s       :     3.137936  s :     3.137936
      pz      :     1.002039  p :     3.027900
      px      :     1.116823
      py      :     0.909039
  3 C s       :     3.136640  s :     3.136640
      pz      :     0.987436  p :     2.937099
      px      :     0.908782
      py      :     1.040881
  4 C s       :     3.137415  s :     3.137415
      pz      :     1.001931  p :     3.027260
      px      :     1.116303
      py      :     0.909026
  5 C s       :     3.187248  s :     3.187248
      pz      :     1.004764  p :     3.022640
      px      :     0.946215
      py      :     1.071661
  6 C s       :     3.187161  s :     3.187161
      pz      :     1.003864  p :     3.022660
      px      :     0.946274
      py      :     1.072522
  7 C s       :     3.137561  s :     3.137561
      pz      :     1.002279  p :     3.027249
      px      :     1.116394
      py      :     0.908576
  8 C s       :     3.136631  s :     3.136631
      pz      :     0.987075  p :     2.936975
      px      :     0.908681
      py      :     1.041219
  9 C s       :     3.137722  s :     3.137722
      pz      :     1.002163  p :     3.027432
      px      :     1.116382
      py      :     0.908887
 10 H s       :     0.798586  s :     0.798586
 11 H s       :     0.798428  s :     0.798428
 12 H s       :     0.789784  s :     0.789784
 13 H s       :     0.789672  s :     0.789672
 14 H s       :     0.798466  s :     0.798466
 15 H s       :     0.798558  s :     0.798558
 16 H s       :     0.789824  s :     0.789824
 17 H s       :     0.789681  s :     0.789681

                     * LOEWDIN POPULATION ANALYSIS *

   0 C :   -0.124758
   1 C :   -0.124964
   2 C :   -0.111335
   3 C :   -0.023987
   4 C :   -0.111323
   5 C :   -0.124820
   6 C :   -0.124912
   7 C :   -0.111404
   8 C :   -0.023735
   9 C :   -0.111576
  10 H :    0.124113
  11 H :    0.124193
  12 H :    0.124005
  13 H :    0.124085
  14 H :    0.124164
  15 H :    0.124128
  16 H :    0.124025
  17 H :    0.124101

  0 C s       :     2.940868  s :     2.940868
      pz      :     1.004245  p :     3.183890
      px      :     1.077342
      py      :     1.102303
  1 C s       :     2.940630  s :     2.940630
      pz      :     1.004498  p :     3.184334
      px      :     1.077299
      py      :     1.102538
  2 C s       :     2.937399  s :     2.937399
      pz      :     1.004637  p :     3.173936
      px      :     1.101162
      py      :     1.068136
  3 C s       :     2.896071  s :     2.896071
      pz      :     0.985012  p :     3.127916
      px      :     1.073462
      py      :     1.069442
  4 C s       :     2.937385  s :     2.937385
      pz      :     1.004659  p :     3.173938
      px      :     1.101201
      py      :     1.068078
  5 C s       :     2.940725  s :     2.940725
      pz      :     1.004448  p :     3.184095
      px      :     1.077181
      py      :     1.102465
  6 C s       :     2.940629  s :     2.940629
      pz      :     1.004279  p :     3.184283
      px      :     1.077266
      py      :     1.102739
  7 C s       :     2.937428  s :     2.937428
      pz      :     1.004716  p :     3.173976
      px      :     1.101260
      py      :     1.068000
  8 C s       :     2.896218  s :     2.896218
      pz      :     0.984731  p :     3.127516
      px      :     1.073372
      py      :     1.069413
  9 C s       :     2.937429  s :     2.937429
      pz      :     1.004841  p :     3.174148
      px      :     1.101295
      py      :     1.068011
 10 H s       :     0.875887  s :     0.875887
 11 H s       :     0.875807  s :     0.875807
 12 H s       :     0.875995  s :     0.875995
 13 H s       :     0.875915  s :     0.875915
 14 H s       :     0.875836  s :     0.875836
 15 H s       :     0.875872  s :     0.875872
 16 H s       :     0.875975  s :     0.875975
 17 H s       :     0.875899  s :     0.875899

                      * MAYER POPULATION ANALYSIS *

  NA   - Mulliken gross atomic population
  ZA   - Total nuclear charge
  QA   - Mulliken gross atomic charge
  VA   - Mayer's total valence
  BVA  - Mayer's bonded valence
  FA   - Mayer's free valence

  ATOM       NA         ZA         QA         VA         BVA        FA
  0 C      6.2100     6.0000    -0.2100     3.8639     3.8639     0.0000
  1 C      6.2095     6.0000    -0.2095     3.8638     3.8638    -0.0000
  2 C      6.1658     6.0000    -0.1658     3.8828     3.8828     0.0000
  3 C      6.0737     6.0000    -0.0737     3.8737     3.8737    -0.0000
  4 C      6.1647     6.0000    -0.1647     3.8826     3.8826     0.0000
  5 C      6.2099     6.0000    -0.2099     3.8640     3.8640    -0.0000
  6 C      6.2098     6.0000    -0.2098     3.8637     3.8637     0.0000
  7 C      6.1648     6.0000    -0.1648     3.8826     3.8826    -0.0000
  8 C      6.0736     6.0000    -0.0736     3.8742     3.8742     0.0000
  9 C      6.1652     6.0000    -0.1652     3.8823     3.8823    -0.0000
 10 H      0.7986     1.0000     0.2014     0.9338     0.9338     0.0000
 11 H      0.7984     1.0000     0.2016     0.9337     0.9337    -0.0000
 12 H      0.7898     1.0000     0.2102     0.9288     0.9288     0.0000
 13 H      0.7897     1.0000     0.2103     0.9287     0.9287     0.0000
 14 H      0.7985     1.0000     0.2015     0.9337     0.9337    -0.0000
 15 H      0.7986     1.0000     0.2014     0.9338     0.9338     0.0000
 16 H      0.7898     1.0000     0.2102     0.9287     0.9287    -0.0000
 17 H      0.7897     1.0000     0.2103     0.9287     0.9287    -0.0000

  Mayer bond orders larger than 0.1
B(  0-C ,  1-C ) :   1.2750 B(  0-C ,  9-C ) :   1.6162 B(  0-C , 10-H ) :   0.9418 
B(  1-C ,  2-C ) :   1.6165 B(  1-C , 11-H ) :   0.9417 B(  2-C ,  3-C ) :   1.2537 
B(  2-C , 12-H ) :   0.9356 B(  3-C ,  4-C ) :   1.2521 B(  3-C ,  8-C ) :   1.3516 
B(  4-C ,  5-C ) :   1.6185 B(  4-C , 13-H ) :   0.9355 B(  5-C ,  6-C ) :   1.2731 
B(  5-C , 14-H ) :   0.9417 B(  6-C ,  7-C ) :   1.6186 B(  6-C , 15-H ) :   0.9417 
B(  7-C ,  8-C ) :   1.2519 B(  7-C , 16-H ) :   0.9355 B(  8-C ,  9-C ) :   1.2539 
B(  9-C , 17-H ) :   0.9355 


Total SCF time: 0 days 0 hours 0 min 42 sec 

Total time                  ....      42.416 sec
Sum of individual times     ....      42.412 sec  (100.0%)

Fock matrix formation       ....      42.343 sec  ( 99.8%)
Diagonalization             ....       0.021 sec  (  0.0%)
Density matrix formation    ....       0.003 sec  (  0.0%)
Population analysis         ....       0.007 sec  (  0.0%)
Initial guess               ....       0.011 sec  (  0.0%)
Orbital Transformation      ....       0.000 sec  (  0.0%)
Orbital Orthonormalization  ....       0.010 sec  (  0.0%)
DIIS solution               ....       0.007 sec  (  0.0%)
SOSCF solution              ....       0.019 sec  (  0.0%)

-------------------------   --------------------
FINAL SINGLE POINT ENERGY      -383.220111106391
-------------------------   --------------------

                            *     ORCA property calculations      *

                                    Active property flags
   (+) Dipole Moment


Dipole Moment Calculation                       ... on
Quadrupole Moment Calculation                   ... off
Polarizability Calculation                      ... off
GBWName                                         ... nap_opt_HF.oinp.gbw
Electron density file                           ... nap_opt_HF.oinp.scfp.tmp

                                X             Y             Z
Electronic contribution:     -0.00065      -0.00042      -0.00388
Nuclear contribution   :      0.00035       0.00053       0.00457
Total Dipole Moment    :     -0.00030       0.00011       0.00069
Magnitude (a.u.)       :      0.00076
Magnitude (Debye)      :      0.00194

Timings for individual modules:

Sum of individual times         ...       42.868 sec (=   0.714 min)
GTO integral calculation        ...        0.416 sec (=   0.007 min)   1.0 %
SCF iterations                  ...       42.452 sec (=   0.708 min)  99.0 %
                             ****ORCA TERMINATED NORMALLY****
TOTAL RUN TIME: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 43 seconds 79 msec

                                 * O   R   C   A *

           --- An Ab Initio, DFT and Semiempirical electronic structure package ---

                  #                        -***-                        #
                  #  Department of molecular theory and spectroscopy    #
                  #              Directorship: Frank Neese              #
                  # Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion #
                  #                  D-45470 Muelheim/Ruhr              #
                  #                       Germany                       #
                  #                                                     #
                  #                  All rights reserved                #
                  #                        -***-                        #

                         Program Version 3.0.3 - RELEASE   -

 With contributions from (in alphabetic order):
   Ute Becker             : Parallelization
   Dmytro Bykov           : SCF Hessian
   Dmitry Ganyushin       : Spin-Orbit,Spin-Spin,Magnetic field MRCI
   Andreas Hansen         : Spin unrestricted coupled pair/coupled cluster methods
   Dimitrios Liakos       : Extrapolation schemes; parallel MDCI
   Robert Izsak           : Overlap fitted RIJCOSX, COSX-SCS-MP3
   Christian Kollmar      : KDIIS, OOCD, Brueckner-CCSD(T), CCSD density
   Simone Kossmann        : Meta GGA functionals, TD-DFT gradient, OOMP2, MP2 Hessian
   Taras Petrenko         : DFT Hessian,TD-DFT gradient, ASA and ECA modules, normal mode analysis, Resonance Raman, ABS, FL, XAS/XES, NRVS
   Christoph Reimann      : Effective Core Potentials
   Michael Roemelt        : Restricted open shell CIS
   Christoph Riplinger    : Improved optimizer, TS searches, QM/MM, DLPNO-CCSD
   Barbara Sandhoefer     : DKH picture change effects
   Igor Schapiro          : Molecular dynamics
   Kantharuban Sivalingam : CASSCF convergence, NEVPT2
   Boris Wezisla          : Elementary symmetry handling
   Frank Wennmohs         : Technical directorship

 We gratefully acknowledge several colleagues who have allowed us to
 interface, adapt or use parts of their codes:
   Stefan Grimme, W. Hujo, H. Kruse, T. Risthaus : VdW corrections, initial TS optimization,
                                                   DFT functionals, gCP
   Ed Valeev                                     : LibInt (2-el integral package), F12 methods
   Garnet Chan, S. Sharma, R. Olivares           : DMRG
   Ulf Ekstrom                                   : XCFun DFT Library
   Mihaly Kallay                                 : mrcc  (arbitrary order and MRCC methods)
   Andreas Klamt, Michael Diedenhofen            : otool_cosmo (COSMO solvation model)
   Frank Weinhold                                : gennbo (NPA and NBO analysis)
   Christopher J. Cramer and Donald G. Truhlar   : smd solvation model

 Your calculation uses the libint2 library for the computation of 2-el integrals
 For citations please refer to: http://libint.valeyev.net

 This ORCA versions uses:
   CBLAS   interface :  Fast vector & matrix operations
   LAPACKE interface :  Fast linear algebra routines
   SCALAPACK package :  Parallel linear algebra routines

Your calculation utilizes the basis: 6-31G
Cite in your paper:
H - He: W.J. Hehre, R. Ditchfield and J.A. Pople, J. Chem. Phys. 56,
Li - Ne: 2257 (1972).  Note: Li and B come from J.D. Dill and J.A.
         Pople, J. Chem. Phys. 62, 2921 (1975).
Na - Ar: M.M. Francl, W.J. Pietro, W.J. Hehre, J.S. Binkley, M.S. Gordon,
         D.J. DeFrees and J.A. Pople, J. Chem. Phys. 77, 3654 (1982)
K  - Zn: V. Rassolov, J.A. Pople, M. Ratner and T.L. Windus, J. Chem. Phys.
         (accepted, 1998)
Note: He and Ne are unpublished basis sets taken from the Gaussian program

                       Please study these warnings very carefully!
Now building the actual basis set

INFO   : the flag for use of LIBINT has been found!

                                       INPUT FILE
NAME = nap_opt_DFT.oinp
|  1> # ORCA input file
|  2> # nap_opt.pdb
|  3> !DFT RHF 6-31G
|  4> * xyz 0 1
|  5>    C       -0.01300        -0.02500         0.09700
|  6>    C        1.41200        -0.02800         0.06100
|  7>    C        2.10600         1.15000        -0.05300
|  8>    C        1.40900         2.39700        -0.13900
|  9>    C        2.10700         3.64100        -0.26300
| 10>    C        1.41300         4.82200        -0.33700
| 11>    C       -0.01200         4.82600        -0.29000
| 12>    C       -0.70700         3.64900        -0.17900
| 13>    C       -0.01000         2.40000        -0.10000
| 14>    C       -0.70800         1.15600         0.01900
| 15>    H       -0.53600        -0.97600         0.18800
| 16>    H        1.93400        -0.98100         0.12500
| 17>    H        3.19500         1.15800        -0.08000
| 18>    H        3.19500         3.62700        -0.29800
| 19>    H        1.93500         5.77300        -0.43200
| 20>    H       -0.53400         5.78000        -0.34300
| 21>    H       -1.79500         3.64200        -0.14800
| 22>    H       -1.79600         1.16800         0.04600
| 23> *
| 24> 
| 25>                          ****END OF INPUT****

                       * Single Point Calculation *

  C     -0.013000   -0.025000    0.097000
  C      1.412000   -0.028000    0.061000
  C      2.106000    1.150000   -0.053000
  C      1.409000    2.397000   -0.139000
  C      2.107000    3.641000   -0.263000
  C      1.413000    4.822000   -0.337000
  C     -0.012000    4.826000   -0.290000
  C     -0.707000    3.649000   -0.179000
  C     -0.010000    2.400000   -0.100000
  C     -0.708000    1.156000    0.019000
  H     -0.536000   -0.976000    0.188000
  H      1.934000   -0.981000    0.125000
  H      3.195000    1.158000   -0.080000
  H      3.195000    3.627000   -0.298000
  H      1.935000    5.773000   -0.432000
  H     -0.534000    5.780000   -0.343000
  H     -1.795000    3.642000   -0.148000
  H     -1.796000    1.168000    0.046000

  NO LB      ZA    FRAG    MASS        X           Y           Z
   0 C     6.0000    0    12.011         -0.024566439740976         -0.047243153348031          0.183303434990361
   1 C     6.0000    0    12.011          2.668293301096807         -0.052912331749795          0.115273294169196
   2 C     6.0000    0    12.011          3.979763238038156          2.173185054009439         -0.100155485097826
   3 C     6.0000    0    12.011          2.662624122695044          4.529673543009240         -0.262671932615054
   4 C     6.0000    0    12.011          3.981652964172078          6.880492853607278         -0.496997973221289
   5 C     6.0000    0    12.011          2.670183027230729          9.112259417768275         -0.636837707131462
   6 C     6.0000    0    12.011         -0.022676713607055          9.119818322303960         -0.548020578837163
   7 C     6.0000    0    12.011         -1.336036376682325          6.895610662678648         -0.338260977971904
   8 C     6.0000    0    12.011         -0.018897261339213          4.535342721411004         -0.188972613392125
   9 C     6.0000    0    12.011         -1.337926102816246          2.184523410812967          0.035904796544504
  10 H     1.0000    0     1.008         -1.012893207781791         -1.844372706707142          0.355268513177195
  11 H     1.0000    0     1.008          3.654730343003701         -1.853821337376748          0.236215766740156
  12 H     1.0000    0     1.008          6.037674997878399          2.188302863080809         -0.151178090713700
  13 H     1.0000    0     1.008          6.037674997878399          6.854036687732379         -0.563138387908533
  14 H     1.0000    0     1.008          3.656620069137622         10.909388971127385         -0.816361689853981
  15 H     1.0000    0     1.008         -1.009113755513948         10.922617054064835         -0.648176063934989
  16 H     1.0000    0     1.008         -3.392058410388647          6.882382579741198         -0.279679467820345
  17 H     1.0000    0     1.008         -3.393948136522568          2.207200124420022          0.086927402160378

 C      0   0   0   0.000000     0.000     0.000
 C      1   0   0   1.425458     0.000     0.000
 C      2   1   0   1.371975   120.396     0.000
 C      3   2   1   1.431158   120.449   359.920
 C      4   3   2   1.431823   121.656   180.209
 C      5   4   3   1.371814   120.399   180.314
 C      6   5   4   1.425780   120.415     0.065
 C      7   6   5   1.371377   120.449   359.575
 C      4   3   2   1.419539   119.145     0.225
 C      1   2   3   1.372541   120.436   359.956
 H      1   2   3   1.089133   118.706   179.995
 H      2   1   3   1.088480   118.670   180.040
 H      3   2   1   1.089364   120.933   179.917
 H      5   4   3   1.088653   118.608     0.379
 H      6   5   4   1.088995   120.932   180.035
 H      7   6   5   1.088765   118.688   179.518
 H      8   7   6   1.088464   120.957   180.345
 H     10   1   2   1.088401   120.947   180.018

 C      0   0   0   0.000000     0.000     0.000
 C      1   0   0   2.693725     0.000     0.000
 C      2   1   0   2.592657   120.396     0.000
 C      3   2   1   2.704497   120.449   359.920
 C      4   3   2   2.705753   121.656   180.209
 C      5   4   3   2.592352   120.399   180.314
 C      6   5   4   2.694335   120.415     0.065
 C      7   6   5   2.591527   120.449   359.575
 C      4   3   2   2.682540   119.145     0.225
 C      1   2   3   2.593727   120.436   359.956
 H      1   2   3   2.058163   118.706   179.995
 H      2   1   3   2.056929   118.670   180.040
 H      3   2   1   2.058600   120.933   179.917
 H      5   4   3   2.057256   118.608     0.379
 H      6   5   4   2.057902   120.932   180.035
 H      7   6   5   2.057467   118.688   179.518
 H      8   7   6   2.056899   120.957   180.345
 H     10   1   2   2.056780   120.947   180.018

There are 2 groups of distinct atoms

 Group   1 Type C   : 10s4p contracted to 3s2p pattern {631/31}
 Group   2 Type H   : 4s contracted to 2s pattern {31}

Atom   0C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   1C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   2C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   3C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   4C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   5C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   6C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   7C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   8C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   9C    basis set group =>   1
Atom  10H    basis set group =>   2
Atom  11H    basis set group =>   2
Atom  12H    basis set group =>   2
Atom  13H    basis set group =>   2
Atom  14H    basis set group =>   2
Atom  15H    basis set group =>   2
Atom  16H    basis set group =>   2
Atom  17H    basis set group =>   2

Checking for AutoStart:
The File: nap_opt_DFT.oinp.gbw exists
Trying to determine its content:
     ... Fine, the file contains calculation information
     ... Fine, the calculation information was read
     ... Fine, the file contains a basis set
     ... Fine, the basis set was read
     ... Fine, the file contains a geometry
     ... Fine, the geometry was read
     ... Fine, the file contains a set of orbitals
     ... Fine, the orbitals can be read
     => possible old guess file was deleted
     => GBW file was renamed to GES file
     => GES file is set as startup file
     => Guess is set to MORead
     ... now leaving AutoStart

                           ORCA GTO INTEGRAL CALCULATION


 # of primitive gaussian shells          ...  172
 # of primitive gaussian functions       ...  252
 # of contracted shell                   ...   66
 # of contracted basis functions         ...  106
 Highest angular momentum                ...    1
 Maximum contraction depth               ...    6
 Integral package used                   ... LIBINT
 Integral threshhold            Thresh   ...  1.000e-10
 Primitive cut-off              TCut     ...  1.000e-11

                              INTEGRAL EVALUATION

 One electron integrals                  ... done
 Pre-screening matrix                    ... done
 Shell pair data                         ... done (   0.003 sec)

                                 ORCA SCF

 Density Functional     Method          .... DFT(GTOs)
 Exchange Functional    Exchange        .... Slater
   X-Alpha parameter    XAlpha          ....  0.666667
 Correlation Functional Correlation     .... VWN-5
 Gradients option       PostSCFGGA      .... off

General Settings:
 Integral files         IntName         .... nap_opt_DFT.oinp
 Hartree-Fock type      HFTyp           .... RHF
 Total Charge           Charge          ....    0
 Multiplicity           Mult            ....    1
 Number of Electrons    NEL             ....   68
 Basis Dimension        Dim             ....  106
 Nuclear Repulsion      ENuc            ....    456.5301162015 Eh

Convergence Acceleration:
 DIIS                   CNVDIIS         .... on
   Start iteration      DIISMaxIt       ....    12
   Startup error        DIISStart       ....  0.200000
   # of expansion vecs  DIISMaxEq       ....     5
   Bias factor          DIISBfac        ....   1.050
   Max. coefficient     DIISMaxC        ....  10.000
 Newton-Raphson         CNVNR           .... off
 SOSCF                  CNVSOSCF        .... on
   Start iteration      SOSCFMaxIt      ....   150
   Startup grad/error   SOSCFStart      ....  0.003300
 Level Shifting         CNVShift        .... on
   Level shift para.    LevelShift      ....    0.2500
   Turn off err/grad.   ShiftErr        ....    0.0010
 Zerner damping         CNVZerner       .... off
 Static damping         CNVDamp         .... on
   Fraction old density DampFac         ....    0.7000
   Max. Damping (<1)    DampMax         ....    0.9800
   Min. Damping (>=0)   DampMin         ....    0.0000
   Turn off err/grad.   DampErr         ....    0.1000
 Fernandez-Rico         CNVRico         .... off

SCF Procedure:
 Maximum # iterations   MaxIter         ....   125
 SCF integral mode      SCFMode         .... Direct
   Integral package                     .... LIBINT
 Reset frequeny         DirectResetFreq ....    20
 Integral Threshold     Thresh          ....  1.000e-10 Eh
 Primitive CutOff       TCut            ....  1.000e-11 Eh

Convergence Tolerance:
 Convergence Check Mode ConvCheckMode   .... Total+1el-Energy
 Energy Change          TolE            ....  1.000e-06 Eh
 1-El. energy change                    ....  1.000e-03 Eh
 Orbital Gradient       TolG            ....  5.000e-05
 Orbital Rotation angle TolX            ....  5.000e-05
 DIIS Error             TolErr          ....  1.000e-06

Diagonalization of the overlap matrix:
Smallest eigenvalue                        ... 4.162e-04
Time for diagonalization                   ...    0.004 sec
Threshold for overlap eigenvalues          ... 1.000e-08
Number of eigenvalues below threshold      ... 0
Time for construction of square roots      ...    0.001 sec
Total time needed                          ...    0.005 sec

Guess MOs are being read from file: nap_opt_DFT.oinp.ges
Input geometry compatible with but different from current geometry
Input basis set matches current basis set (good)
MOs were renormalized
MOs were reorthogonalized (Schmidt)
                      INITIAL GUESS DONE (   0.0 sec)

General Integration Accuracy     IntAcc      ...  4.340
Radial Grid Type                 RadialGrid  ... Gauss-Chebyshev
Angular Grid (max. acc.)         AngularGrid ... Lebedev-110
Angular grid pruning method      GridPruning ... 3 (G Style)
Weight generation scheme         WeightScheme... Becke
Basis function cutoff            BFCut       ...    1.0000e-10
Integration weight cutoff        WCut        ...    1.0000e-14
Grids for H and He will be reduced by one unit

# of grid points (after initial pruning)     ...  22912 (   0.0 sec)
# of grid points (after weights+screening)   ...  21010 (   0.1 sec)
nearest neighbour list constructed           ...    0.0 sec
Grid point re-assignment to atoms done       ...    0.0 sec
Grid point division into batches done        ...    0.0 sec
Reduced shell lists constructed in    0.5 sec

Total number of grid points                  ...    21010
Total number of batches                      ...      340
Average number of points per batch           ...       61
Average number of grid points per atom       ...     1167
Average number of shells per batch           ...    45.47 (68.89%)
Average number of basis functions per batch  ...    78.41 (73.97%)
Average number of large shells per batch     ...    34.61 (76.12%)
Average number of large basis fcns per batch ...    61.33 (78.22%)
Maximum spatial batch extension              ...  18.24, 20.14, 24.19 au
Average spatial batch extension              ...   3.36,  3.40,  4.82 au

Time for grid setup =    0.636 sec

ITER       Energy         Delta-E        Max-DP      RMS-DP      [F,P]     Damp
               ***  Starting incremental Fock matrix formation  ***
  0   -382.2442993216   0.000000000000 0.00679705  0.00036554  0.0300178 0.7000
  1   -382.2472092645  -0.002909942896 0.00661834  0.00036068  0.0236064 0.7000
                               ***Turning on DIIS***
  2   -382.2495204010  -0.002311136497 0.01732135  0.00098105  0.0173344 0.0000
                      *** Initiating the SOSCF procedure ***
                           *** Shutting down DIIS ***
                      *** Re-Reading the Fockian *** 
                      *** Removing any level shift *** 
ITER      Energy       Delta-E        Grad      Rot      Max-DP    RMS-DP
  3   -382.25500419  -0.0054837935  0.000725  0.000725  0.001734  0.000123
               *** Restarting incremental Fock matrix formation ***
  4   -382.25502089  -0.0000166987  0.000108  0.000265  0.000695  0.000031
  5   -382.25502080   0.0000000898  0.000111  0.000275  0.000293  0.000015
                 **** Energy Check signals convergence ****
              ***Rediagonalizing the Fockian in SOSCF/NRSCF***

               *                     SUCCESS                       *
               *           SCF CONVERGED AFTER   6 CYCLES          *

Setting up the final grid:

General Integration Accuracy     IntAcc      ...  4.670
Radial Grid Type                 RadialGrid  ... Gauss-Chebyshev
Angular Grid (max. acc.)         AngularGrid ... Lebedev-302
Angular grid pruning method      GridPruning ... 3 (G Style)
Weight generation scheme         WeightScheme... Becke
Basis function cutoff            BFCut       ...    1.0000e-10
Integration weight cutoff        WCut        ...    1.0000e-14
Grids for H and He will be reduced by one unit

# of grid points (after initial pruning)     ...  89272 (   0.1 sec)
# of grid points (after weights+screening)   ...  80787 (   0.6 sec)
nearest neighbour list constructed           ...    0.0 sec
Grid point re-assignment to atoms done       ...    0.0 sec
Grid point division into batches done        ...    0.4 sec
Reduced shell lists constructed in    2.1 sec

Total number of grid points                  ...    80787
Total number of batches                      ...     1274
Average number of points per batch           ...       63
Average number of grid points per atom       ...     4488
Average number of shells per batch           ...    41.24 (62.48%)
Average number of basis functions per batch  ...    71.54 (67.49%)
Average number of large shells per batch     ...    30.68 (74.41%)
Average number of large basis fcns per batch ...    54.80 (76.60%)
Maximum spatial batch extension              ...  16.61, 16.59, 22.95 au
Average spatial batch extension              ...   2.34,  2.35,  2.82 au

Final grid set up in    2.7 sec
Final integration                            ... done (   1.4 sec)
Change in XC energy                          ...    -0.000565029
Integrated number of electrons               ...    67.999891370
Previous integrated no of electrons          ...    68.008138505


Total Energy       :         -382.25558620 Eh          -10401.70331 eV

Nuclear Repulsion  :          456.53011620 Eh           12422.81603 eV
Electronic Energy  :         -838.78570240 Eh          -22824.51934 eV

One Electron Energy:        -1423.86383068 Eh          -38745.30461 eV
Two Electron Energy:          585.07812828 Eh           15920.78527 eV

Virial components:
Potential Energy   :         -764.97763675 Eh          -20816.09977 eV
Kinetic Energy     :          382.72205055 Eh           10414.39645 eV
Virial Ratio       :            1.99878119

DFT components:
N(Alpha)           :       33.999945684962 electrons
N(Beta)            :       33.999945684962 electrons
N(Total)           :       67.999891369924 electrons
E(X)               :      -49.252677356952 Eh       
E(C)               :       -4.369492216112 Eh       
E(XC)              :      -53.622169573064 Eh       


  Last Energy change         ...   -3.6475e-07  Tolerance :   1.0000e-06
  Last MAX-Density change    ...    3.7098e-04  Tolerance :   1.0000e-05
  Last RMS-Density change    ...    1.5878e-05  Tolerance :   1.0000e-06
  Last Orbital Gradient      ...    4.7471e-05  Tolerance :   5.0000e-05
  Last Orbital Rotation      ...    1.2722e-04  Tolerance :   5.0000e-05

             **** THE GBW FILE WAS UPDATED (nap_opt_DFT.oinp.gbw) ****
             **** DENSITY FILE WAS UPDATED (nap_opt_DFT.oinp.scfp.tmp) ****
             **** ENERGY FILE WAS UPDATED (nap_opt_DFT.oinp.en.tmp) ****

  NO   OCC          E(Eh)            E(eV) 
   0   2.0000      -9.791756      -266.4472 
   1   2.0000      -9.791562      -266.4420 
   2   2.0000      -9.782742      -266.2019 
   3   2.0000      -9.782718      -266.2013 
   4   2.0000      -9.782691      -266.2005 
   5   2.0000      -9.782579      -266.1975 
   6   2.0000      -9.782366      -266.1917 
   7   2.0000      -9.782279      -266.1893 
   8   2.0000      -9.782200      -266.1872 
   9   2.0000      -9.782087      -266.1841 
  10   2.0000      -0.792857       -21.5747 
  11   2.0000      -0.743255       -20.2250 
  12   2.0000      -0.695678       -18.9303 
  13   2.0000      -0.666002       -18.1228 
  14   2.0000      -0.646952       -17.6044 
  15   2.0000      -0.560933       -15.2638 
  16   2.0000      -0.548541       -14.9266 
  17   2.0000      -0.538970       -14.6661 
  18   2.0000      -0.465125       -12.6567 
  19   2.0000      -0.451030       -12.2731 
  20   2.0000      -0.445277       -12.1166 
  21   2.0000      -0.397158       -10.8072 
  22   2.0000      -0.395949       -10.7743 
  23   2.0000      -0.371905       -10.1201 
  24   2.0000      -0.371771       -10.1164 
  25   2.0000      -0.353404        -9.6166 
  26   2.0000      -0.353137        -9.6093 
  27   2.0000      -0.322563        -8.7774 
  28   2.0000      -0.295007        -8.0275 
  29   2.0000      -0.294216        -8.0060 
  30   2.0000      -0.288320        -7.8456 
  31   2.0000      -0.256595        -6.9823 
  32   2.0000      -0.223028        -6.0689 
  33   2.0000      -0.197020        -5.3612 
  34   0.0000      -0.065161        -1.7731 
  35   0.0000      -0.036418        -0.9910 
  36   0.0000      -0.004436        -0.1207 
  37   0.0000       0.057533         1.5656 
  38   0.0000       0.064321         1.7503 
  39   0.0000       0.083532         2.2730 
  40   0.0000       0.090392         2.4597 
  41   0.0000       0.133181         3.6240 
  42   0.0000       0.137214         3.7338 
  43   0.0000       0.145719         3.9652 
  44   0.0000       0.147641         4.0175 
  45   0.0000       0.148958         4.0533 
  46   0.0000       0.176870         4.8129 
  47   0.0000       0.203301         5.5321 
  48   0.0000       0.246950         6.7198 
  49   0.0000       0.264421         7.1953 
  50   0.0000       0.272417         7.4128 
  51   0.0000       0.281434         7.6582 
  52   0.0000       0.288224         7.8430 
  53   0.0000       0.314552         8.5594 
  54   0.0000       0.440044        11.9742 
  55   0.0000       0.445690        12.1278 
  56   0.0000       0.455770        12.4021 
  57   0.0000       0.473040        12.8721 
  58   0.0000       0.473778        12.8922 
  59   0.0000       0.492036        13.3890 
  60   0.0000       0.514243        13.9933 
  61   0.0000       0.519111        14.1257 
  62   0.0000       0.530924        14.4472 
  63   0.0000       0.542326        14.7574 
  64   0.0000       0.555809        15.1243 
  65   0.0000       0.558895        15.2083 
  66   0.0000       0.571289        15.5456 
  67   0.0000       0.576023        15.6744 
  68   0.0000       0.582772        15.8580 
  69   0.0000       0.592577        16.1248 
  70   0.0000       0.606964        16.5163 
  71   0.0000       0.613757        16.7012 
  72   0.0000       0.618622        16.8336 
  73   0.0000       0.623068        16.9545 
  74   0.0000       0.633681        17.2433 
  75   0.0000       0.636929        17.3317 
  76   0.0000       0.697453        18.9787 
  77   0.0000       0.772021        21.0078 
  78   0.0000       0.773700        21.0535 
  79   0.0000       0.785432        21.3727 
  80   0.0000       0.797789        21.7089 
  81   0.0000       0.807088        21.9620 
  82   0.0000       0.822107        22.3707 
  83   0.0000       0.855855        23.2890 
  84   0.0000       0.863954        23.5094 
  85   0.0000       0.887760        24.1572 
  86   0.0000       0.898236        24.4422 
  87   0.0000       0.925231        25.1768 
  88   0.0000       0.940880        25.6027 
  89   0.0000       0.969117        26.3710 
  90   0.0000       1.005803        27.3693 
  91   0.0000       1.046405        28.4741 
  92   0.0000       1.048125        28.5209 
  93   0.0000       1.064866        28.9765 
  94   0.0000       1.082044        29.4439 
  95   0.0000       1.133712        30.8499 
  96   0.0000       1.175901        31.9979 
  97   0.0000       1.180262        32.1166 
  98   0.0000       1.253542        34.1106 
  99   0.0000       1.302258        35.4363 
 100   0.0000       1.408268        38.3209 
 101   0.0000       1.435156        39.0526 
 102   0.0000       1.452374        39.5211 
 103   0.0000       1.494876        40.6776 
 104   0.0000       1.866117        50.7796 
 105   0.0000       1.881698        51.2036 

                    * MULLIKEN POPULATION ANALYSIS *

   0 C :   -0.156191
   1 C :   -0.155500
   2 C :   -0.178283
   3 C :    0.066028
   4 C :   -0.176791
   5 C :   -0.155565
   6 C :   -0.155557
   7 C :   -0.177339
   8 C :    0.066031
   9 C :   -0.176760
  10 H :    0.145835
  11 H :    0.146006
  12 H :    0.154128
  13 H :    0.154049
  14 H :    0.145842
  15 H :    0.145866
  16 H :    0.154080
  17 H :    0.154120
Sum of atomic charges:   -0.0000000

  0 C s       :     3.192076  s :     3.192076
      pz      :     1.002426  p :     2.964115
      px      :     0.945021
      py      :     1.016668
  1 C s       :     3.191156  s :     3.191156
      pz      :     1.002508  p :     2.964344
      px      :     0.945078
      py      :     1.016758
  2 C s       :     3.165392  s :     3.165392
      pz      :     1.007314  p :     3.012890
      px      :     1.025313
      py      :     0.980264
  3 C s       :     3.128197  s :     3.128197
      pz      :     0.980480  p :     2.805775
      px      :     0.874150
      py      :     0.951145
  4 C s       :     3.164811  s :     3.164811
      pz      :     1.007464  p :     3.011981
      px      :     1.024386
      py      :     0.980131
  5 C s       :     3.191808  s :     3.191808
      pz      :     1.002286  p :     2.963756
      px      :     0.945043
      py      :     1.016427
  6 C s       :     3.191199  s :     3.191199
      pz      :     1.002234  p :     2.964358
      px      :     0.945107
      py      :     1.017017
  7 C s       :     3.165049  s :     3.165049
      pz      :     1.007327  p :     3.012291
      px      :     1.024834
      py      :     0.980129
  8 C s       :     3.128447  s :     3.128447
      pz      :     0.980317  p :     2.805521
      px      :     0.874003
      py      :     0.951201
  9 C s       :     3.164832  s :     3.164832
      pz      :     1.007412  p :     3.011928
      px      :     1.024388
      py      :     0.980128
 10 H s       :     0.854165  s :     0.854165
 11 H s       :     0.853994  s :     0.853994
 12 H s       :     0.845872  s :     0.845872
 13 H s       :     0.845951  s :     0.845951
 14 H s       :     0.854158  s :     0.854158
 15 H s       :     0.854134  s :     0.854134
 16 H s       :     0.845920  s :     0.845920
 17 H s       :     0.845880  s :     0.845880

                     * LOEWDIN POPULATION ANALYSIS *

   0 C :   -0.131432
   1 C :   -0.131583
   2 C :   -0.124944
   3 C :   -0.015537
   4 C :   -0.124939
   5 C :   -0.131130
   6 C :   -0.131355
   7 C :   -0.124939
   8 C :   -0.015258
   9 C :   -0.124899
  10 H :    0.131853
  11 H :    0.131925
  12 H :    0.132110
  13 H :    0.132142
  14 H :    0.131866
  15 H :    0.131830
  16 H :    0.132119
  17 H :    0.132171

  0 C s       :     2.936965  s :     2.936965
      pz      :     1.003527  p :     3.194468
      px      :     1.084921
      py      :     1.106019
  1 C s       :     2.936710  s :     2.936710
      pz      :     1.003648  p :     3.194873
      px      :     1.084996
      py      :     1.106229
  2 C s       :     2.935694  s :     2.935694
      pz      :     1.006279  p :     3.189250
      px      :     1.103590
      py      :     1.079381
  3 C s       :     2.889994  s :     2.889994
      pz      :     0.983868  p :     3.125543
      px      :     1.074103
      py      :     1.067571
  4 C s       :     2.935691  s :     2.935691
      pz      :     1.006291  p :     3.189249
      px      :     1.103574
      py      :     1.079384
  5 C s       :     2.936793  s :     2.936793
      pz      :     1.003419  p :     3.194337
      px      :     1.084798
      py      :     1.106119
  6 C s       :     2.936676  s :     2.936676
      pz      :     1.003369  p :     3.194679
      px      :     1.084894
      py      :     1.106416
  7 C s       :     2.935720  s :     2.935720
      pz      :     1.006235  p :     3.189219
      px      :     1.103658
      py      :     1.079325
  8 C s       :     2.890141  s :     2.890141
      pz      :     0.983662  p :     3.125116
      px      :     1.073961
      py      :     1.067494
  9 C s       :     2.935710  s :     2.935710
      pz      :     1.006202  p :     3.189189
      px      :     1.103664
      py      :     1.079324
 10 H s       :     0.868147  s :     0.868147
 11 H s       :     0.868075  s :     0.868075
 12 H s       :     0.867890  s :     0.867890
 13 H s       :     0.867858  s :     0.867858
 14 H s       :     0.868134  s :     0.868134
 15 H s       :     0.868170  s :     0.868170
 16 H s       :     0.867881  s :     0.867881
 17 H s       :     0.867829  s :     0.867829

                      * MAYER POPULATION ANALYSIS *

  NA   - Mulliken gross atomic population
  ZA   - Total nuclear charge
  QA   - Mulliken gross atomic charge
  VA   - Mayer's total valence
  BVA  - Mayer's bonded valence
  FA   - Mayer's free valence

  ATOM       NA         ZA         QA         VA         BVA        FA
  0 C      6.1562     6.0000    -0.1562     3.9263     3.9263    -0.0000
  1 C      6.1555     6.0000    -0.1555     3.9261     3.9261    -0.0000
  2 C      6.1783     6.0000    -0.1783     3.9184     3.9184    -0.0000
  3 C      5.9340     6.0000     0.0660     4.0200     4.0200     0.0000
  4 C      6.1768     6.0000    -0.1768     3.9177     3.9177     0.0000
  5 C      6.1556     6.0000    -0.1556     3.9262     3.9262     0.0000
  6 C      6.1556     6.0000    -0.1556     3.9263     3.9263    -0.0000
  7 C      6.1773     6.0000    -0.1773     3.9184     3.9184    -0.0000
  8 C      5.9340     6.0000     0.0660     4.0202     4.0202     0.0000
  9 C      6.1768     6.0000    -0.1768     3.9174     3.9174     0.0000
 10 H      0.8542     1.0000     0.1458     0.9396     0.9396     0.0000
 11 H      0.8540     1.0000     0.1460     0.9395     0.9395    -0.0000
 12 H      0.8459     1.0000     0.1541     0.9354     0.9354    -0.0000
 13 H      0.8460     1.0000     0.1540     0.9353     0.9353    -0.0000
 14 H      0.8542     1.0000     0.1458     0.9396     0.9396     0.0000
 15 H      0.8541     1.0000     0.1459     0.9395     0.9395    -0.0000
 16 H      0.8459     1.0000     0.1541     0.9353     0.9353     0.0000
 17 H      0.8459     1.0000     0.1541     0.9353     0.9353     0.0000

  Mayer bond orders larger than 0.1
B(  0-C ,  1-C ) :   1.3278 B(  0-C ,  9-C ) :   1.5577 B(  0-C , 10-H ) :   0.9179 
B(  1-C ,  2-C ) :   1.5584 B(  1-C , 11-H ) :   0.9179 B(  2-C ,  3-C ) :   1.2898 
B(  2-C ,  9-C ) :   0.1036 B(  2-C , 12-H ) :   0.9094 B(  3-C ,  4-C ) :   1.2889 
B(  3-C ,  8-C ) :   1.3112 B(  4-C ,  5-C ) :   1.5593 B(  4-C ,  7-C ) :   0.1036 
B(  4-C , 13-H ) :   0.9094 B(  5-C ,  6-C ) :   1.3264 B(  5-C , 14-H ) :   0.9179 
B(  6-C ,  7-C ) :   1.5601 B(  6-C , 15-H ) :   0.9179 B(  7-C ,  8-C ) :   1.2883 
B(  7-C , 16-H ) :   0.9095 B(  8-C ,  9-C ) :   1.2903 B(  9-C , 17-H ) :   0.9095 


Total SCF time: 0 days 0 hours 0 min 40 sec 

Total time                  ....      40.186 sec
Sum of individual times     ....      40.170 sec  (100.0%)

Fock matrix formation       ....      36.726 sec  ( 91.4%)
  Coulomb formation         ....      32.911 sec  ( 89.6% of F)
  XC integration            ....       3.809 sec  ( 10.4% of F)
    Basis function eval.    ....       2.412 sec  ( 63.3% of XC)
    Density eval.           ....       0.625 sec  ( 16.4% of XC)
    XC-Functional eval.     ....       0.196 sec  (  5.1% of XC)
    XC-Potential eval.      ....       0.496 sec  ( 13.0% of XC)
Diagonalization             ....       0.017 sec  (  0.0%)
Density matrix formation    ....       0.003 sec  (  0.0%)
Population analysis         ....       0.008 sec  (  0.0%)
Initial guess               ....       0.011 sec  (  0.0%)
Orbital Transformation      ....       0.000 sec  (  0.0%)
Orbital Orthonormalization  ....       0.010 sec  (  0.0%)
DIIS solution               ....       0.004 sec  (  0.0%)
SOSCF solution              ....       0.020 sec  (  0.1%)
Grid generation             ....       3.381 sec  (  8.4%)

-------------------------   --------------------
FINAL SINGLE POINT ENERGY      -382.255586197178
-------------------------   --------------------

                            *     ORCA property calculations      *

                                    Active property flags
   (+) Dipole Moment


Dipole Moment Calculation                       ... on
Quadrupole Moment Calculation                   ... off
Polarizability Calculation                      ... off
GBWName                                         ... nap_opt_DFT.oinp.gbw
Electron density file                           ... nap_opt_DFT.oinp.scfp.tmp

                                X             Y             Z
Electronic contribution:     -0.00141       0.00117      -0.00400
Nuclear contribution   :      0.00035       0.00053       0.00457
Total Dipole Moment    :     -0.00105       0.00170       0.00057
Magnitude (a.u.)       :      0.00208
Magnitude (Debye)      :      0.00528

Timings for individual modules:

Sum of individual times         ...       40.647 sec (=   0.677 min)
GTO integral calculation        ...        0.424 sec (=   0.007 min)   1.0 %
SCF iterations                  ...       40.224 sec (=   0.670 min)  99.0 %
                             ****ORCA TERMINATED NORMALLY****
TOTAL RUN TIME: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 40 seconds 955 msec

                                 * O   R   C   A *

           --- An Ab Initio, DFT and Semiempirical electronic structure package ---

                  #                        -***-                        #
                  #  Department of molecular theory and spectroscopy    #
                  #              Directorship: Frank Neese              #
                  # Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion #
                  #                  D-45470 Muelheim/Ruhr              #
                  #                       Germany                       #
                  #                                                     #
                  #                  All rights reserved                #
                  #                        -***-                        #

                         Program Version 3.0.3 - RELEASE   -

 With contributions from (in alphabetic order):
   Ute Becker             : Parallelization
   Dmytro Bykov           : SCF Hessian
   Dmitry Ganyushin       : Spin-Orbit,Spin-Spin,Magnetic field MRCI
   Andreas Hansen         : Spin unrestricted coupled pair/coupled cluster methods
   Dimitrios Liakos       : Extrapolation schemes; parallel MDCI
   Robert Izsak           : Overlap fitted RIJCOSX, COSX-SCS-MP3
   Christian Kollmar      : KDIIS, OOCD, Brueckner-CCSD(T), CCSD density
   Simone Kossmann        : Meta GGA functionals, TD-DFT gradient, OOMP2, MP2 Hessian
   Taras Petrenko         : DFT Hessian,TD-DFT gradient, ASA and ECA modules, normal mode analysis, Resonance Raman, ABS, FL, XAS/XES, NRVS
   Christoph Reimann      : Effective Core Potentials
   Michael Roemelt        : Restricted open shell CIS
   Christoph Riplinger    : Improved optimizer, TS searches, QM/MM, DLPNO-CCSD
   Barbara Sandhoefer     : DKH picture change effects
   Igor Schapiro          : Molecular dynamics
   Kantharuban Sivalingam : CASSCF convergence, NEVPT2
   Boris Wezisla          : Elementary symmetry handling
   Frank Wennmohs         : Technical directorship

 We gratefully acknowledge several colleagues who have allowed us to
 interface, adapt or use parts of their codes:
   Stefan Grimme, W. Hujo, H. Kruse, T. Risthaus : VdW corrections, initial TS optimization,
                                                   DFT functionals, gCP
   Ed Valeev                                     : LibInt (2-el integral package), F12 methods
   Garnet Chan, S. Sharma, R. Olivares           : DMRG
   Ulf Ekstrom                                   : XCFun DFT Library
   Mihaly Kallay                                 : mrcc  (arbitrary order and MRCC methods)
   Andreas Klamt, Michael Diedenhofen            : otool_cosmo (COSMO solvation model)
   Frank Weinhold                                : gennbo (NPA and NBO analysis)
   Christopher J. Cramer and Donald G. Truhlar   : smd solvation model

 Your calculation uses the libint2 library for the computation of 2-el integrals
 For citations please refer to: http://libint.valeyev.net

 This ORCA versions uses:
   CBLAS   interface :  Fast vector & matrix operations
   LAPACKE interface :  Fast linear algebra routines
   SCALAPACK package :  Parallel linear algebra routines

Your calculation utilizes the basis: 6-31G
Cite in your paper:
H - He: W.J. Hehre, R. Ditchfield and J.A. Pople, J. Chem. Phys. 56,
Li - Ne: 2257 (1972).  Note: Li and B come from J.D. Dill and J.A.
         Pople, J. Chem. Phys. 62, 2921 (1975).
Na - Ar: M.M. Francl, W.J. Pietro, W.J. Hehre, J.S. Binkley, M.S. Gordon,
         D.J. DeFrees and J.A. Pople, J. Chem. Phys. 77, 3654 (1982)
K  - Zn: V. Rassolov, J.A. Pople, M. Ratner and T.L. Windus, J. Chem. Phys.
         (accepted, 1998)
Note: He and Ne are unpublished basis sets taken from the Gaussian program

                       Please study these warnings very carefully!
Now building the actual basis set

INFO   : the flag for use of LIBINT has been found!

                                       INPUT FILE
NAME = azu_opt_HF.oinp
|  1> # ORCA input file
|  2> # azu_opt.pdb
|  3> !HF RHF 6-31G
|  4> * xyz 0 1
|  5>    C       -0.01500        -0.37300        -0.55800
|  6>    C        1.10400        -0.00800         0.48600
|  7>    C        2.41000         0.66700         0.29000
|  8>    C        3.21700        -0.12500        -0.49200
|  9>    C        4.59600         0.02000        -0.89800
| 10>    C        5.11400        -0.81700        -1.83000
| 11>    C        4.32200        -1.87700        -2.43600
| 12>    C        3.03000        -2.09300        -2.08100
| 13>    C        2.42500        -1.24800        -1.08700
| 14>    C        1.19700        -1.16300        -0.51300
| 15>    H       -0.21000         0.21600        -1.45800
| 16>    H        0.77600        -0.08100         1.52200
| 17>    H        2.67800         1.57000         0.80400
| 18>    H        5.18900         0.80100        -0.42500
| 19>    H        6.15000        -0.73000        -2.15500
| 20>    H        4.81400        -2.49700        -3.18400
| 21>    H        2.42900        -2.89300        -2.50900
| 22>    H       -0.94800        -0.70100        -0.09600
| 23> *
| 24> 
| 25>                          ****END OF INPUT****

                       * Single Point Calculation *

  C     -0.015000   -0.373000   -0.558000
  C      1.104000   -0.008000    0.486000
  C      2.410000    0.667000    0.290000
  C      3.217000   -0.125000   -0.492000
  C      4.596000    0.020000   -0.898000
  C      5.114000   -0.817000   -1.830000
  C      4.322000   -1.877000   -2.436000
  C      3.030000   -2.093000   -2.081000
  C      2.425000   -1.248000   -1.087000
  C      1.197000   -1.163000   -0.513000
  H     -0.210000    0.216000   -1.458000
  H      0.776000   -0.081000    1.522000
  H      2.678000    1.570000    0.804000
  H      5.189000    0.801000   -0.425000
  H      6.150000   -0.730000   -2.155000
  H      4.814000   -2.497000   -3.184000
  H      2.429000   -2.893000   -2.509000
  H     -0.948000   -0.701000   -0.096000

  NO LB      ZA    FRAG    MASS        X           Y           Z
   0 C     6.0000    0    12.011         -0.028345892008819         -0.704867847952627         -1.054467182728059
   1 C     6.0000    0    12.011          2.086257651849062         -0.015117809071370          0.918406901085728
   2 C     6.0000    0    12.011          4.554239982750217          1.260447331325475          0.548020578837163
   3 C     6.0000    0    12.011          6.079248972824667         -0.236215766740156         -0.929745257889256
   4 C     6.0000    0    12.011          8.685181311502072          0.037794522678425         -1.696974068261284
   5 C     6.0000    0    12.011          9.664059448873282         -1.543906251413663         -3.458198825075891
   6 C     6.0000    0    12.011          8.167396350807650         -3.547015953370189         -4.603372862232169
   7 C     6.0000    0    12.011          5.725870185781393         -3.955196798297180         -3.932520084690124
   8 C     6.0000    0    12.011          4.582585874759035         -2.358378215133722         -2.054132307572401
   9 C     6.0000    0    12.011          2.262002182303738         -2.197751493750416         -0.969429506701602
  10 H     1.0000    0     1.008         -0.396842488123463          0.408180844926990         -2.755220703257185
  11 H     1.0000    0     1.008          1.466427479922891         -0.153067816847621          2.876163175828145
  12 H     1.0000    0     1.008          5.060686586641112          2.966870030256365          1.519339811672686
  13 H     1.0000    0     1.008          9.805788908917375          1.513670633270923         -0.803133606916532
  14 H     1.0000    0     1.008         11.621815723615699         -1.379500077762514         -4.072359818600297
  15 H     1.0000    0     1.008          9.097141608696905         -4.718646156401365         -6.016888010405266
  16 H     1.0000    0     1.008          4.590144779294720         -5.466977705434180         -4.741322870008420
  17 H     1.0000    0     1.008         -1.791460374957347         -1.324698019878797         -0.181413708856440

 C      0   0   0   0.000000     0.000     0.000
 C      1   0   0   1.573316     0.000     0.000
 C      2   1   0   1.483131   130.105     0.000
 C      3   2   1   1.374786   109.261   295.083
 C      4   3   2   1.444819   131.474   184.837
 C      5   4   3   1.355550   119.733   188.975
 C      6   5   4   1.455369   121.874   359.502
 C      7   6   5   1.357183   121.672   358.921
 C      8   7   6   1.438084   119.194     0.401
 C      9   8   7   1.358192   135.175   179.253
 H      1   2   3   1.093136   123.244   329.308
 H      2   1   3   1.089132   113.669   166.099
 H      3   2   1   1.073047   122.658   122.196
 H      5   4   3   1.088733   118.019     9.803
 H      6   5   4   1.089261   121.283   179.964
 H      7   6   5   1.089022   117.052   179.373
 H      8   7   6   1.088295   122.673   181.248
 H      1   2   3   1.091566   113.377   190.758

 C      0   0   0   0.000000     0.000     0.000
 C      1   0   0   2.973136     0.000     0.000
 C      2   1   0   2.802711   130.105     0.000
 C      3   2   1   2.597969   109.261   295.083
 C      4   3   2   2.730312   131.474   184.837
 C      5   4   3   2.561619   119.733   188.975
 C      6   5   4   2.750250   121.874   359.502
 C      7   6   5   2.564704   121.672   358.921
 C      8   7   6   2.717585   119.194     0.401
 C      9   8   7   2.566611   135.175   179.253
 H      1   2   3   2.065727   123.244   329.308
 H      2   1   3   2.058162   113.669   166.099
 H      3   2   1   2.027764   122.658   122.196
 H      5   4   3   2.057407   118.019     9.803
 H      6   5   4   2.058405   121.283   179.964
 H      7   6   5   2.057953   117.052   179.373
 H      8   7   6   2.056579   122.673   181.248
 H      1   2   3   2.062761   113.377   190.758

There are 2 groups of distinct atoms

 Group   1 Type C   : 10s4p contracted to 3s2p pattern {631/31}
 Group   2 Type H   : 4s contracted to 2s pattern {31}

Atom   0C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   1C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   2C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   3C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   4C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   5C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   6C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   7C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   8C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   9C    basis set group =>   1
Atom  10H    basis set group =>   2
Atom  11H    basis set group =>   2
Atom  12H    basis set group =>   2
Atom  13H    basis set group =>   2
Atom  14H    basis set group =>   2
Atom  15H    basis set group =>   2
Atom  16H    basis set group =>   2
Atom  17H    basis set group =>   2

Checking for AutoStart:
The File: azu_opt_HF.oinp.gbw exists
Trying to determine its content:
     ... Fine, the file contains calculation information
     ... Fine, the calculation information was read
     ... Fine, the file contains a basis set
     ... Fine, the basis set was read
     ... Fine, the file contains a geometry
     ... Fine, the geometry was read
     ... Fine, the file contains a set of orbitals
     ... Fine, the orbitals can be read
     => possible old guess file was deleted
     => GBW file was renamed to GES file
     => GES file is set as startup file
     => Guess is set to MORead
     ... now leaving AutoStart

                           ORCA GTO INTEGRAL CALCULATION


 # of primitive gaussian shells          ...  172
 # of primitive gaussian functions       ...  252
 # of contracted shell                   ...   66
 # of contracted basis functions         ...  106
 Highest angular momentum                ...    1
 Maximum contraction depth               ...    6
 Integral package used                   ... LIBINT
 Integral threshhold            Thresh   ...  1.000e-10
 Primitive cut-off              TCut     ...  1.000e-11

                              INTEGRAL EVALUATION

 One electron integrals                  ... done
 Pre-screening matrix                    ... done
 Shell pair data                         ... done (   0.003 sec)

                                 ORCA SCF

 Ab initio Hamiltonian  Method          .... Hartree-Fock(GTOs)

General Settings:
 Integral files         IntName         .... azu_opt_HF.oinp
 Hartree-Fock type      HFTyp           .... RHF
 Total Charge           Charge          ....    0
 Multiplicity           Mult            ....    1
 Number of Electrons    NEL             ....   68
 Basis Dimension        Dim             ....  106
 Nuclear Repulsion      ENuc            ....    459.0753465447 Eh

Convergence Acceleration:
 DIIS                   CNVDIIS         .... on
   Start iteration      DIISMaxIt       ....    12
   Startup error        DIISStart       ....  0.200000
   # of expansion vecs  DIISMaxEq       ....     5
   Bias factor          DIISBfac        ....   1.050
   Max. coefficient     DIISMaxC        ....  10.000
 Newton-Raphson         CNVNR           .... off
 SOSCF                  CNVSOSCF        .... on
   Start iteration      SOSCFMaxIt      ....   150
   Startup grad/error   SOSCFStart      ....  0.003300
 Level Shifting         CNVShift        .... on
   Level shift para.    LevelShift      ....    0.2500
   Turn off err/grad.   ShiftErr        ....    0.0010
 Zerner damping         CNVZerner       .... off
 Static damping         CNVDamp         .... on
   Fraction old density DampFac         ....    0.7000
   Max. Damping (<1)    DampMax         ....    0.9800
   Min. Damping (>=0)   DampMin         ....    0.0000
   Turn off err/grad.   DampErr         ....    0.1000
 Fernandez-Rico         CNVRico         .... off

SCF Procedure:
 Maximum # iterations   MaxIter         ....   125
 SCF integral mode      SCFMode         .... Direct
   Integral package                     .... LIBINT
 Reset frequeny         DirectResetFreq ....    20
 Integral Threshold     Thresh          ....  1.000e-10 Eh
 Primitive CutOff       TCut            ....  1.000e-11 Eh

Convergence Tolerance:
 Convergence Check Mode ConvCheckMode   .... Total+1el-Energy
 Energy Change          TolE            ....  1.000e-06 Eh
 1-El. energy change                    ....  1.000e-03 Eh
 Orbital Gradient       TolG            ....  5.000e-05
 Orbital Rotation angle TolX            ....  5.000e-05
 DIIS Error             TolErr          ....  1.000e-06

Diagonalization of the overlap matrix:
Smallest eigenvalue                        ... 5.829e-04
Time for diagonalization                   ...    0.004 sec
Threshold for overlap eigenvalues          ... 1.000e-08
Number of eigenvalues below threshold      ... 0
Time for construction of square roots      ...    0.001 sec
Total time needed                          ...    0.005 sec

Guess MOs are being read from file: azu_opt_HF.oinp.ges
Input geometry compatible with but different from current geometry
Input basis set matches current basis set (good)
MOs were renormalized
MOs were reorthogonalized (Schmidt)
                      INITIAL GUESS DONE (   0.0 sec)
ITER       Energy         Delta-E        Max-DP      RMS-DP      [F,P]     Damp
               ***  Starting incremental Fock matrix formation  ***
  0   -372.0589807738   0.000000000000 0.21111329  0.01681889  0.3990699 0.7000
  1   -374.2254727840  -2.166492010257 0.18105272  0.01346342  0.3267597 0.7000
  2   -376.1816765155  -1.956203731519 0.13892509  0.01090546  0.2588149 0.7000
  3   -377.8173079011  -1.635631385529 0.10208246  0.00872121  0.2027582 0.7000
                               ***Turning on DIIS***
  4   -379.1261824341  -1.308874533078 0.07386557  0.00687669  0.1600872 0.7000
  5   -380.6974276103  -1.571245176146 0.06523776  0.00592544  0.1329212 0.7000
  6   -381.4082112495  -0.710783639247 0.05556004  0.00497634  0.1074217 0.7000
  7   -381.7973997235  -0.389188473920 0.14515440  0.01300445  0.0825281 0.0000
  8   -383.0247898833  -1.227390159845 0.01321112  0.00139781  0.0152626 0.0000
  9   -383.0741390907  -0.049349207373 0.01082821  0.00101483  0.0084682 0.0000
 10   -383.0329717019   0.041167388792 0.00530257  0.00051986  0.0042544 0.0000
 11   -383.0341553735  -0.001183671636 0.00243775  0.00025173  0.0022718 0.0000
                      *** Initiating the SOSCF procedure ***
                           *** Shutting down DIIS ***
                      *** Re-Reading the Fockian *** 
                      *** Removing any level shift *** 
ITER      Energy       Delta-E        Grad      Rot      Max-DP    RMS-DP
 12   -383.03433549  -0.0001801155  0.002295  0.002295  0.001752  0.000158
               *** Restarting incremental Fock matrix formation ***
 13   -383.03365361   0.0006818748  0.000922  0.002957  0.000942  0.000078
 14   -383.03367263  -0.0000190193  0.000432  0.004407  0.001878  0.000150
 15   -383.03368503  -0.0000123969  0.000163  0.000614  0.000465  0.000024
 16   -383.03368645  -0.0000014213  0.000112  0.000311  0.000225  0.000016
                 **** Energy Check signals convergence ****
              ***Rediagonalizing the Fockian in SOSCF/NRSCF***

               *                     SUCCESS                       *
               *           SCF CONVERGED AFTER  17 CYCLES          *


Total Energy       :         -383.03368689 Eh          -10422.87651 eV

Nuclear Repulsion  :          459.07534654 Eh           12492.07526 eV
Electronic Energy  :         -842.10903344 Eh          -22914.95177 eV

One Electron Energy:        -1426.89033283 Eh          -38827.65992 eV
Two Electron Energy:          584.78129939 Eh           15912.70814 eV

Virial components:
Potential Energy   :         -766.23215194 Eh          -20850.23686 eV
Kinetic Energy     :          383.19846505 Eh           10427.36035 eV
Virial Ratio       :            1.99956999


  Last Energy change         ...   -4.3942e-07  Tolerance :   1.0000e-06
  Last MAX-Density change    ...    1.7237e-04  Tolerance :   1.0000e-05
  Last RMS-Density change    ...    1.1166e-05  Tolerance :   1.0000e-06
  Last Orbital Gradient      ...    5.3763e-05  Tolerance :   5.0000e-05
  Last Orbital Rotation      ...    2.4610e-04  Tolerance :   5.0000e-05

             **** THE GBW FILE WAS UPDATED (azu_opt_HF.oinp.gbw) ****
             **** DENSITY FILE WAS UPDATED (azu_opt_HF.oinp.scfp.tmp) ****
             **** ENERGY FILE WAS UPDATED (azu_opt_HF.oinp.en.tmp) ****

  NO   OCC          E(Eh)            E(eV) 
   0   2.0000     -11.276995      -306.8626 
   1   2.0000     -11.251774      -306.1763 
   2   2.0000     -11.247354      -306.0561 
   3   2.0000     -11.244563      -305.9801 
   4   2.0000     -11.244456      -305.9772 
   5   2.0000     -11.242936      -305.9358 
   6   2.0000     -11.242320      -305.9191 
   7   2.0000     -11.241778      -305.9043 
   8   2.0000     -11.240272      -305.8634 
   9   2.0000     -11.239382      -305.8391 
  10   2.0000      -1.205926       -32.8149 
  11   2.0000      -1.128816       -30.7166 
  12   2.0000      -1.045402       -28.4468 
  13   2.0000      -1.021609       -27.7994 
  14   2.0000      -0.948035       -25.7974 
  15   2.0000      -0.871559       -23.7163 
  16   2.0000      -0.816385       -22.2150 
  17   2.0000      -0.765957       -20.8428 
  18   2.0000      -0.747633       -20.3441 
  19   2.0000      -0.671303       -18.2671 
  20   2.0000      -0.663779       -18.0623 
  21   2.0000      -0.653736       -17.7891 
  22   2.0000      -0.613180       -16.6855 
  23   2.0000      -0.599299       -16.3078 
  24   2.0000      -0.562376       -15.3030 
  25   2.0000      -0.539588       -14.6829 
  26   2.0000      -0.514717       -14.0062 
  27   2.0000      -0.504815       -13.7367 
  28   2.0000      -0.485147       -13.2015 
  29   2.0000      -0.458159       -12.4671 
  30   2.0000      -0.422649       -11.5009 
  31   2.0000      -0.373940       -10.1754 
  32   2.0000      -0.323347        -8.7987 
  33   2.0000      -0.254722        -6.9313 
  34   0.0000       0.057397         1.5618 
  35   0.0000       0.166707         4.5363 
  36   0.0000       0.187755         5.1091 
  37   0.0000       0.244794         6.6612 
  38   0.0000       0.260211         7.0807 
  39   0.0000       0.281085         7.6487 
  40   0.0000       0.288284         7.8446 
  41   0.0000       0.295759         8.0480 
  42   0.0000       0.305885         8.3236 
  43   0.0000       0.318371         8.6633 
  44   0.0000       0.331486         9.0202 
  45   0.0000       0.341011         9.2794 
  46   0.0000       0.364094         9.9075 
  47   0.0000       0.392964        10.6931 
  48   0.0000       0.419761        11.4223 
  49   0.0000       0.424490        11.5510 
  50   0.0000       0.461240        12.5510 
  51   0.0000       0.491491        13.3742 
  52   0.0000       0.505104        13.7446 
  53   0.0000       0.566328        15.4106 
  54   0.0000       0.597585        16.2611 
  55   0.0000       0.629305        17.1243 
  56   0.0000       0.703742        19.1498 
  57   0.0000       0.723863        19.6973 
  58   0.0000       0.740061        20.1381 
  59   0.0000       0.756300        20.5800 
  60   0.0000       0.780946        21.2506 
  61   0.0000       0.788873        21.4663 
  62   0.0000       0.813442        22.1349 
  63   0.0000       0.816018        22.2050 
  64   0.0000       0.825553        22.4644 
  65   0.0000       0.835660        22.7395 
  66   0.0000       0.854670        23.2568 
  67   0.0000       0.864880        23.5346 
  68   0.0000       0.871966        23.7274 
  69   0.0000       0.880422        23.9575 
  70   0.0000       0.899928        24.4883 
  71   0.0000       0.902363        24.5545 
  72   0.0000       0.925812        25.1926 
  73   0.0000       0.932785        25.3824 
  74   0.0000       0.961779        26.1713 
  75   0.0000       0.970518        26.4091 
  76   0.0000       0.993540        27.0356 
  77   0.0000       1.030128        28.0312 
  78   0.0000       1.055559        28.7232 
  79   0.0000       1.117202        30.4006 
  80   0.0000       1.121943        30.5296 
  81   0.0000       1.128590        30.7105 
  82   0.0000       1.136588        30.9281 
  83   0.0000       1.143593        31.1187 
  84   0.0000       1.173125        31.9224 
  85   0.0000       1.186122        32.2760 
  86   0.0000       1.198987        32.6261 
  87   0.0000       1.225579        33.3497 
  88   0.0000       1.240613        33.7588 
  89   0.0000       1.249632        34.0042 
  90   0.0000       1.254858        34.1464 
  91   0.0000       1.287928        35.0463 
  92   0.0000       1.311860        35.6975 
  93   0.0000       1.348055        36.6824 
  94   0.0000       1.375878        37.4395 
  95   0.0000       1.403239        38.1841 
  96   0.0000       1.446584        39.3636 
  97   0.0000       1.502715        40.8909 
  98   0.0000       1.536312        41.8052 
  99   0.0000       1.586031        43.1581 
 100   0.0000       1.654689        45.0264 
 101   0.0000       1.704658        46.3861 
 102   0.0000       1.737598        47.2824 
 103   0.0000       1.795154        48.8486 
 104   0.0000       1.952793        53.1382 
 105   0.0000       2.149974        58.5038 

                    * MULLIKEN POPULATION ANALYSIS *

   0 C :   -0.296114
   1 C :   -0.342000
   2 C :   -0.133381
   3 C :   -0.120171
   4 C :   -0.120087
   5 C :   -0.218017
   6 C :   -0.223592
   7 C :   -0.102407
   8 C :   -0.017720
   9 C :   -0.067343
  10 H :    0.185846
  11 H :    0.214546
  12 H :    0.203403
  13 H :    0.211681
  14 H :    0.197972
  15 H :    0.200493
  16 H :    0.220103
  17 H :    0.206786
Sum of atomic charges:    0.0000000

  0 C s       :     3.362419  s :     3.362419
      pz      :     1.044771  p :     2.933695
      px      :     0.922610
      py      :     0.966313
  1 C s       :     3.313733  s :     3.313733
      pz      :     1.020221  p :     3.028267
      px      :     1.006434
      py      :     1.001612
  2 C s       :     3.180717  s :     3.180717
      pz      :     1.002220  p :     2.952664
      px      :     0.939582
      py      :     1.010862
  3 C s       :     3.162218  s :     3.162218
      pz      :     1.000584  p :     2.957953
      px      :     1.028750
      py      :     0.928620
  4 C s       :     3.125191  s :     3.125191
      pz      :     0.985687  p :     2.994896
      px      :     0.956735
      py      :     1.052474
  5 C s       :     3.194139  s :     3.194139
      pz      :     0.981222  p :     3.023878
      px      :     1.096204
      py      :     0.946452
  6 C s       :     3.204166  s :     3.204166
      pz      :     1.048755  p :     3.019426
      px      :     0.965767
      py      :     1.004905
  7 C s       :     3.111494  s :     3.111494
      pz      :     0.955315  p :     2.990913
      px      :     0.989087
      py      :     1.046511
  8 C s       :     3.133857  s :     3.133857
      pz      :     0.955602  p :     2.883862
      px      :     0.974704
      py      :     0.953556
  9 C s       :     3.250876  s :     3.250876
      pz      :     0.954550  p :     2.816467
      px      :     0.934987
      py      :     0.926930
 10 H s       :     0.814154  s :     0.814154
 11 H s       :     0.785454  s :     0.785454
 12 H s       :     0.796597  s :     0.796597
 13 H s       :     0.788319  s :     0.788319
 14 H s       :     0.802028  s :     0.802028
 15 H s       :     0.799507  s :     0.799507
 16 H s       :     0.779897  s :     0.779897
 17 H s       :     0.793214  s :     0.793214

                     * LOEWDIN POPULATION ANALYSIS *

   0 C :   -0.138659
   1 C :   -0.176490
   2 C :   -0.126904
   3 C :   -0.036448
   4 C :   -0.103862
   5 C :   -0.132026
   6 C :   -0.120268
   7 C :   -0.107793
   8 C :   -0.022139
   9 C :   -0.075363
  10 H :    0.121918
  11 H :    0.148991
  12 H :    0.124654
  13 H :    0.126484
  14 H :    0.123502
  15 H :    0.124899
  16 H :    0.129998
  17 H :    0.139505

  0 C s       :     2.966688  s :     2.966688
      pz      :     1.082625  p :     3.171972
      px      :     1.041979
      py      :     1.047367
  1 C s       :     2.928860  s :     2.928860
      pz      :     1.051533  p :     3.247630
      px      :     1.087040
      py      :     1.109057
  2 C s       :     2.953740  s :     2.953740
      pz      :     1.047335  p :     3.173164
      px      :     1.057919
      py      :     1.067910
  3 C s       :     2.916857  s :     2.916857
      pz      :     1.023293  p :     3.119591
      px      :     1.062748
      py      :     1.033550
  4 C s       :     2.937661  s :     2.937661
      pz      :     1.037430  p :     3.166201
      px      :     1.068248
      py      :     1.060523
  5 C s       :     2.942594  s :     2.942594
      pz      :     1.049437  p :     3.189431
      px      :     1.091724
      py      :     1.048270
  6 C s       :     2.944479  s :     2.944479
      pz      :     1.043395  p :     3.175788
      px      :     1.084438
      py      :     1.047955
  7 C s       :     2.934333  s :     2.934333
      pz      :     1.022868  p :     3.173460
      px      :     1.085843
      py      :     1.064749
  8 C s       :     2.903033  s :     2.903033
      pz      :     1.023624  p :     3.119107
      px      :     1.068940
      py      :     1.026542
  9 C s       :     2.936083  s :     2.936083
      pz      :     1.080082  p :     3.139280
      px      :     1.077022
      py      :     0.982176
 10 H s       :     0.878082  s :     0.878082
 11 H s       :     0.851009  s :     0.851009
 12 H s       :     0.875346  s :     0.875346
 13 H s       :     0.873516  s :     0.873516
 14 H s       :     0.876498  s :     0.876498
 15 H s       :     0.875101  s :     0.875101
 16 H s       :     0.870002  s :     0.870002
 17 H s       :     0.860495  s :     0.860495

                      * MAYER POPULATION ANALYSIS *

  NA   - Mulliken gross atomic population
  ZA   - Total nuclear charge
  QA   - Mulliken gross atomic charge
  VA   - Mayer's total valence
  BVA  - Mayer's bonded valence
  FA   - Mayer's free valence

  ATOM       NA         ZA         QA         VA         BVA        FA
  0 C      6.2961     6.0000    -0.2961     3.6477     3.6477    -0.0000
  1 C      6.3420     6.0000    -0.3420     3.6323     3.6323    -0.0000
  2 C      6.1334     6.0000    -0.1334     3.7475     3.7475    -0.0000
  3 C      6.1202     6.0000    -0.1202     3.9268     3.9268     0.0000
  4 C      6.1201     6.0000    -0.1201     3.8468     3.8468     0.0000
  5 C      6.2180     6.0000    -0.2180     3.8555     3.8555     0.0000
  6 C      6.2236     6.0000    -0.2236     3.8541     3.8541    -0.0000
  7 C      6.1024     6.0000    -0.1024     3.8334     3.8334     0.0000
  8 C      6.0177     6.0000    -0.0177     3.8673     3.8673     0.0000
  9 C      6.0673     6.0000    -0.0673     3.6598     3.6598    -0.0000
 10 H      0.8142     1.0000     0.1858     0.9281     0.9281    -0.0000
 11 H      0.7855     1.0000     0.2145     0.9331     0.9331    -0.0000
 12 H      0.7966     1.0000     0.2034     0.9324     0.9324     0.0000
 13 H      0.7883     1.0000     0.2117     0.9256     0.9256     0.0000
 14 H      0.8020     1.0000     0.1980     0.9351     0.9351     0.0000
 15 H      0.7995     1.0000     0.2005     0.9344     0.9344    -0.0000
 16 H      0.7799     1.0000     0.2201     0.9231     0.9231    -0.0000
 17 H      0.7932     1.0000     0.2068     0.9234     0.9234    -0.0000

  Mayer bond orders larger than 0.1
B(  0-C ,  1-C ) :   0.7734 B(  0-C ,  9-C ) :   0.9716 B(  0-C , 10-H ) :   0.9298 
B(  0-C , 17-H ) :   0.9352 B(  1-C ,  2-C ) :   1.0314 B(  1-C ,  9-C ) :   0.9221 
B(  1-C , 11-H ) :   0.9226 B(  2-C ,  3-C ) :   1.6420 B(  2-C , 12-H ) :   0.9380 
B(  3-C ,  4-C ) :   1.1107 B(  3-C ,  8-C ) :   1.1406 B(  4-C ,  5-C ) :   1.7521 
B(  4-C , 13-H ) :   0.9347 B(  5-C ,  6-C ) :   1.1444 B(  5-C , 14-H ) :   0.9443 
B(  6-C ,  7-C ) :   1.7267 B(  6-C , 15-H ) :   0.9429 B(  7-C ,  8-C ) :   1.1431 
B(  7-C , 16-H ) :   0.9321 B(  8-C ,  9-C ) :   1.6115 


Total SCF time: 0 days 0 hours 1 min 30 sec 

Total time                  ....      90.995 sec
Sum of individual times     ....      90.979 sec  (100.0%)

Fock matrix formation       ....      90.846 sec  ( 99.8%)
Diagonalization             ....       0.053 sec  (  0.1%)
Density matrix formation    ....       0.007 sec  (  0.0%)
Population analysis         ....       0.010 sec  (  0.0%)
Initial guess               ....       0.011 sec  (  0.0%)
Orbital Transformation      ....       0.000 sec  (  0.0%)
Orbital Orthonormalization  ....       0.010 sec  (  0.0%)
DIIS solution               ....       0.022 sec  (  0.0%)
SOSCF solution              ....       0.030 sec  (  0.0%)

-------------------------   --------------------
FINAL SINGLE POINT ENERGY      -383.033686891216
-------------------------   --------------------

                            *     ORCA property calculations      *

                                    Active property flags
   (+) Dipole Moment


Dipole Moment Calculation                       ... on
Quadrupole Moment Calculation                   ... off
Polarizability Calculation                      ... off
GBWName                                         ... azu_opt_HF.oinp.gbw
Electron density file                           ... azu_opt_HF.oinp.scfp.tmp

                                X             Y             Z
Electronic contribution:      0.72280      -0.89984       0.09042
Nuclear contribution   :     -0.91608       1.14167      -0.18093
Total Dipole Moment    :     -0.19328       0.24183      -0.09051
Magnitude (a.u.)       :      0.32254
Magnitude (Debye)      :      0.81983

Timings for individual modules:

Sum of individual times         ...       91.512 sec (=   1.525 min)
GTO integral calculation        ...        0.482 sec (=   0.008 min)   0.5 %
SCF iterations                  ...       91.030 sec (=   1.517 min)  99.5 %
                             ****ORCA TERMINATED NORMALLY****
TOTAL RUN TIME: 0 days 0 hours 1 minutes 31 seconds 732 msec

                                 * O   R   C   A *

           --- An Ab Initio, DFT and Semiempirical electronic structure package ---

                  #                        -***-                        #
                  #  Department of molecular theory and spectroscopy    #
                  #              Directorship: Frank Neese              #
                  # Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion #
                  #                  D-45470 Muelheim/Ruhr              #
                  #                       Germany                       #
                  #                                                     #
                  #                  All rights reserved                #
                  #                        -***-                        #

                         Program Version 3.0.3 - RELEASE   -

 With contributions from (in alphabetic order):
   Ute Becker             : Parallelization
   Dmytro Bykov           : SCF Hessian
   Dmitry Ganyushin       : Spin-Orbit,Spin-Spin,Magnetic field MRCI
   Andreas Hansen         : Spin unrestricted coupled pair/coupled cluster methods
   Dimitrios Liakos       : Extrapolation schemes; parallel MDCI
   Robert Izsak           : Overlap fitted RIJCOSX, COSX-SCS-MP3
   Christian Kollmar      : KDIIS, OOCD, Brueckner-CCSD(T), CCSD density
   Simone Kossmann        : Meta GGA functionals, TD-DFT gradient, OOMP2, MP2 Hessian
   Taras Petrenko         : DFT Hessian,TD-DFT gradient, ASA and ECA modules, normal mode analysis, Resonance Raman, ABS, FL, XAS/XES, NRVS
   Christoph Reimann      : Effective Core Potentials
   Michael Roemelt        : Restricted open shell CIS
   Christoph Riplinger    : Improved optimizer, TS searches, QM/MM, DLPNO-CCSD
   Barbara Sandhoefer     : DKH picture change effects
   Igor Schapiro          : Molecular dynamics
   Kantharuban Sivalingam : CASSCF convergence, NEVPT2
   Boris Wezisla          : Elementary symmetry handling
   Frank Wennmohs         : Technical directorship

 We gratefully acknowledge several colleagues who have allowed us to
 interface, adapt or use parts of their codes:
   Stefan Grimme, W. Hujo, H. Kruse, T. Risthaus : VdW corrections, initial TS optimization,
                                                   DFT functionals, gCP
   Ed Valeev                                     : LibInt (2-el integral package), F12 methods
   Garnet Chan, S. Sharma, R. Olivares           : DMRG
   Ulf Ekstrom                                   : XCFun DFT Library
   Mihaly Kallay                                 : mrcc  (arbitrary order and MRCC methods)
   Andreas Klamt, Michael Diedenhofen            : otool_cosmo (COSMO solvation model)
   Frank Weinhold                                : gennbo (NPA and NBO analysis)
   Christopher J. Cramer and Donald G. Truhlar   : smd solvation model

 Your calculation uses the libint2 library for the computation of 2-el integrals
 For citations please refer to: http://libint.valeyev.net

 This ORCA versions uses:
   CBLAS   interface :  Fast vector & matrix operations
   LAPACKE interface :  Fast linear algebra routines
   SCALAPACK package :  Parallel linear algebra routines

Your calculation utilizes the basis: 6-31G
Cite in your paper:
H - He: W.J. Hehre, R. Ditchfield and J.A. Pople, J. Chem. Phys. 56,
Li - Ne: 2257 (1972).  Note: Li and B come from J.D. Dill and J.A.
         Pople, J. Chem. Phys. 62, 2921 (1975).
Na - Ar: M.M. Francl, W.J. Pietro, W.J. Hehre, J.S. Binkley, M.S. Gordon,
         D.J. DeFrees and J.A. Pople, J. Chem. Phys. 77, 3654 (1982)
K  - Zn: V. Rassolov, J.A. Pople, M. Ratner and T.L. Windus, J. Chem. Phys.
         (accepted, 1998)
Note: He and Ne are unpublished basis sets taken from the Gaussian program

                       Please study these warnings very carefully!
Now building the actual basis set

INFO   : the flag for use of LIBINT has been found!

                                       INPUT FILE
NAME = azu_opt_DFT.oinp
|  1> # ORCA input file
|  2> # azu_opt.pdb
|  3> !DFT RHF 6-31G
|  4> * xyz 0 1
|  5>    C       -0.01500        -0.37300        -0.55800
|  6>    C        1.10400        -0.00800         0.48600
|  7>    C        2.41000         0.66700         0.29000
|  8>    C        3.21700        -0.12500        -0.49200
|  9>    C        4.59600         0.02000        -0.89800
| 10>    C        5.11400        -0.81700        -1.83000
| 11>    C        4.32200        -1.87700        -2.43600
| 12>    C        3.03000        -2.09300        -2.08100
| 13>    C        2.42500        -1.24800        -1.08700
| 14>    C        1.19700        -1.16300        -0.51300
| 15>    H       -0.21000         0.21600        -1.45800
| 16>    H        0.77600        -0.08100         1.52200
| 17>    H        2.67800         1.57000         0.80400
| 18>    H        5.18900         0.80100        -0.42500
| 19>    H        6.15000        -0.73000        -2.15500
| 20>    H        4.81400        -2.49700        -3.18400
| 21>    H        2.42900        -2.89300        -2.50900
| 22>    H       -0.94800        -0.70100        -0.09600
| 23> *
| 24> 
| 25>                          ****END OF INPUT****

                       * Single Point Calculation *

  C     -0.015000   -0.373000   -0.558000
  C      1.104000   -0.008000    0.486000
  C      2.410000    0.667000    0.290000
  C      3.217000   -0.125000   -0.492000
  C      4.596000    0.020000   -0.898000
  C      5.114000   -0.817000   -1.830000
  C      4.322000   -1.877000   -2.436000
  C      3.030000   -2.093000   -2.081000
  C      2.425000   -1.248000   -1.087000
  C      1.197000   -1.163000   -0.513000
  H     -0.210000    0.216000   -1.458000
  H      0.776000   -0.081000    1.522000
  H      2.678000    1.570000    0.804000
  H      5.189000    0.801000   -0.425000
  H      6.150000   -0.730000   -2.155000
  H      4.814000   -2.497000   -3.184000
  H      2.429000   -2.893000   -2.509000
  H     -0.948000   -0.701000   -0.096000

  NO LB      ZA    FRAG    MASS        X           Y           Z
   0 C     6.0000    0    12.011         -0.028345892008819         -0.704867847952627         -1.054467182728059
   1 C     6.0000    0    12.011          2.086257651849062         -0.015117809071370          0.918406901085728
   2 C     6.0000    0    12.011          4.554239982750217          1.260447331325475          0.548020578837163
   3 C     6.0000    0    12.011          6.079248972824667         -0.236215766740156         -0.929745257889256
   4 C     6.0000    0    12.011          8.685181311502072          0.037794522678425         -1.696974068261284
   5 C     6.0000    0    12.011          9.664059448873282         -1.543906251413663         -3.458198825075891
   6 C     6.0000    0    12.011          8.167396350807650         -3.547015953370189         -4.603372862232169
   7 C     6.0000    0    12.011          5.725870185781393         -3.955196798297180         -3.932520084690124
   8 C     6.0000    0    12.011          4.582585874759035         -2.358378215133722         -2.054132307572401
   9 C     6.0000    0    12.011          2.262002182303738         -2.197751493750416         -0.969429506701602
  10 H     1.0000    0     1.008         -0.396842488123463          0.408180844926990         -2.755220703257185
  11 H     1.0000    0     1.008          1.466427479922891         -0.153067816847621          2.876163175828145
  12 H     1.0000    0     1.008          5.060686586641112          2.966870030256365          1.519339811672686
  13 H     1.0000    0     1.008          9.805788908917375          1.513670633270923         -0.803133606916532
  14 H     1.0000    0     1.008         11.621815723615699         -1.379500077762514         -4.072359818600297
  15 H     1.0000    0     1.008          9.097141608696905         -4.718646156401365         -6.016888010405266
  16 H     1.0000    0     1.008          4.590144779294720         -5.466977705434180         -4.741322870008420
  17 H     1.0000    0     1.008         -1.791460374957347         -1.324698019878797         -0.181413708856440

 C      0   0   0   0.000000     0.000     0.000
 C      1   0   0   1.573316     0.000     0.000
 C      2   1   0   1.483131   130.105     0.000
 C      3   2   1   1.374786   109.261   295.083
 C      4   3   2   1.444819   131.474   184.837
 C      5   4   3   1.355550   119.733   188.975
 C      6   5   4   1.455369   121.874   359.502
 C      7   6   5   1.357183   121.672   358.921
 C      8   7   6   1.438084   119.194     0.401
 C      9   8   7   1.358192   135.175   179.253
 H      1   2   3   1.093136   123.244   329.308
 H      2   1   3   1.089132   113.669   166.099
 H      3   2   1   1.073047   122.658   122.196
 H      5   4   3   1.088733   118.019     9.803
 H      6   5   4   1.089261   121.283   179.964
 H      7   6   5   1.089022   117.052   179.373
 H      8   7   6   1.088295   122.673   181.248
 H      1   2   3   1.091566   113.377   190.758

 C      0   0   0   0.000000     0.000     0.000
 C      1   0   0   2.973136     0.000     0.000
 C      2   1   0   2.802711   130.105     0.000
 C      3   2   1   2.597969   109.261   295.083
 C      4   3   2   2.730312   131.474   184.837
 C      5   4   3   2.561619   119.733   188.975
 C      6   5   4   2.750250   121.874   359.502
 C      7   6   5   2.564704   121.672   358.921
 C      8   7   6   2.717585   119.194     0.401
 C      9   8   7   2.566611   135.175   179.253
 H      1   2   3   2.065727   123.244   329.308
 H      2   1   3   2.058162   113.669   166.099
 H      3   2   1   2.027764   122.658   122.196
 H      5   4   3   2.057407   118.019     9.803
 H      6   5   4   2.058405   121.283   179.964
 H      7   6   5   2.057953   117.052   179.373
 H      8   7   6   2.056579   122.673   181.248
 H      1   2   3   2.062761   113.377   190.758

There are 2 groups of distinct atoms

 Group   1 Type C   : 10s4p contracted to 3s2p pattern {631/31}
 Group   2 Type H   : 4s contracted to 2s pattern {31}

Atom   0C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   1C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   2C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   3C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   4C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   5C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   6C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   7C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   8C    basis set group =>   1
Atom   9C    basis set group =>   1
Atom  10H    basis set group =>   2
Atom  11H    basis set group =>   2
Atom  12H    basis set group =>   2
Atom  13H    basis set group =>   2
Atom  14H    basis set group =>   2
Atom  15H    basis set group =>   2
Atom  16H    basis set group =>   2
Atom  17H    basis set group =>   2

Checking for AutoStart:
The File: azu_opt_DFT.oinp.gbw exists
Trying to determine its content:
     ... Fine, the file contains calculation information
     ... Fine, the calculation information was read
     ... Fine, the file contains a basis set
     ... Fine, the basis set was read
     ... Fine, the file contains a geometry
     ... Fine, the geometry was read
     ... Fine, the file contains a set of orbitals
     ... Fine, the orbitals can be read
     => possible old guess file was deleted
     => GBW file was renamed to GES file
     => GES file is set as startup file
     => Guess is set to MORead
     ... now leaving AutoStart

                           ORCA GTO INTEGRAL CALCULATION


 # of primitive gaussian shells          ...  172
 # of primitive gaussian functions       ...  252
 # of contracted shell                   ...   66
 # of contracted basis functions         ...  106
 Highest angular momentum                ...    1
 Maximum contraction depth               ...    6
 Integral package used                   ... LIBINT
 Integral threshhold            Thresh   ...  1.000e-10
 Primitive cut-off              TCut     ...  1.000e-11

                              INTEGRAL EVALUATION

 One electron integrals                  ... done
 Pre-screening matrix                    ... done
 Shell pair data                         ... done (   0.003 sec)

                                 ORCA SCF

 Density Functional     Method          .... DFT(GTOs)
 Exchange Functional    Exchange        .... Slater
   X-Alpha parameter    XAlpha          ....  0.666667
 Correlation Functional Correlation     .... VWN-5
 Gradients option       PostSCFGGA      .... off

General Settings:
 Integral files         IntName         .... azu_opt_DFT.oinp
 Hartree-Fock type      HFTyp           .... RHF
 Total Charge           Charge          ....    0
 Multiplicity           Mult            ....    1
 Number of Electrons    NEL             ....   68
 Basis Dimension        Dim             ....  106
 Nuclear Repulsion      ENuc            ....    459.0753465447 Eh

Convergence Acceleration:
 DIIS                   CNVDIIS         .... on
   Start iteration      DIISMaxIt       ....    12
   Startup error        DIISStart       ....  0.200000
   # of expansion vecs  DIISMaxEq       ....     5
   Bias factor          DIISBfac        ....   1.050
   Max. coefficient     DIISMaxC        ....  10.000
 Newton-Raphson         CNVNR           .... off
 SOSCF                  CNVSOSCF        .... on
   Start iteration      SOSCFMaxIt      ....   150
   Startup grad/error   SOSCFStart      ....  0.003300
 Level Shifting         CNVShift        .... on
   Level shift para.    LevelShift      ....    0.2500
   Turn off err/grad.   ShiftErr        ....    0.0010
 Zerner damping         CNVZerner       .... off
 Static damping         CNVDamp         .... on
   Fraction old density DampFac         ....    0.7000
   Max. Damping (<1)    DampMax         ....    0.9800
   Min. Damping (>=0)   DampMin         ....    0.0000
   Turn off err/grad.   DampErr         ....    0.1000
 Fernandez-Rico         CNVRico         .... off

SCF Procedure:
 Maximum # iterations   MaxIter         ....   125
 SCF integral mode      SCFMode         .... Direct
   Integral package                     .... LIBINT
 Reset frequeny         DirectResetFreq ....    20
 Integral Threshold     Thresh          ....  1.000e-10 Eh
 Primitive CutOff       TCut            ....  1.000e-11 Eh

Convergence Tolerance:
 Convergence Check Mode ConvCheckMode   .... Total+1el-Energy
 Energy Change          TolE            ....  1.000e-06 Eh
 1-El. energy change                    ....  1.000e-03 Eh
 Orbital Gradient       TolG            ....  5.000e-05
 Orbital Rotation angle TolX            ....  5.000e-05
 DIIS Error             TolErr          ....  1.000e-06

Diagonalization of the overlap matrix:
Smallest eigenvalue                        ... 5.829e-04
Time for diagonalization                   ...    0.003 sec
Threshold for overlap eigenvalues          ... 1.000e-08
Number of eigenvalues below threshold      ... 0
Time for construction of square roots      ...    0.001 sec
Total time needed                          ...    0.005 sec

Guess MOs are being read from file: azu_opt_DFT.oinp.ges
Input geometry compatible with but different from current geometry
Input basis set matches current basis set (good)
MOs were renormalized
MOs were reorthogonalized (Schmidt)
                      INITIAL GUESS DONE (   0.0 sec)

General Integration Accuracy     IntAcc      ...  4.340
Radial Grid Type                 RadialGrid  ... Gauss-Chebyshev
Angular Grid (max. acc.)         AngularGrid ... Lebedev-110
Angular grid pruning method      GridPruning ... 3 (G Style)
Weight generation scheme         WeightScheme... Becke
Basis function cutoff            BFCut       ...    1.0000e-10
Integration weight cutoff        WCut        ...    1.0000e-14
Grids for H and He will be reduced by one unit

# of grid points (after initial pruning)     ...  22912 (   0.0 sec)
# of grid points (after weights+screening)   ...  21116 (   0.1 sec)
nearest neighbour list constructed           ...    0.0 sec
Grid point re-assignment to atoms done       ...    0.0 sec
Grid point division into batches done        ...    0.0 sec
Reduced shell lists constructed in    0.5 sec

Total number of grid points                  ...    21116
Total number of batches                      ...      339
Average number of points per batch           ...       62
Average number of grid points per atom       ...     1173
Average number of shells per batch           ...    45.36 (68.73%)
Average number of basis functions per batch  ...    78.31 (73.87%)
Average number of large shells per batch     ...    34.39 (75.82%)
Average number of large basis fcns per batch ...    60.95 (77.84%)
Maximum spatial batch extension              ...  19.28, 24.22, 21.44 au
Average spatial batch extension              ...   3.73,  4.17,  4.18 au

Time for grid setup =    0.645 sec

ITER       Energy         Delta-E        Max-DP      RMS-DP      [F,P]     Damp
               ***  Starting incremental Fock matrix formation  ***
  0   -372.7534725594   0.000000000000 0.26455249  0.01894470  0.3387897 0.7000
  1   -375.4901319453  -2.736659385911 0.18366221  0.01480690  0.2482407 0.7000
                               ***Turning on DIIS***
  2   -377.4705531451  -1.980421199882 0.13023883  0.01096835  0.1831611 0.7000
  3   -378.8665144769  -1.395961331709 0.09068942  0.00786824  0.1306334 0.7000
  4   -379.8413343633  -0.974819886436 0.21113368  0.01868459  0.0917103 0.0000
  5   -382.1080315454  -2.266697182144 0.00904597  0.00076720  0.0055608 0.0000
  6   -382.1087806585  -0.000749113109 0.00405429  0.00034970  0.0044396 0.0000
                      *** Initiating the SOSCF procedure ***
                           *** Shutting down DIIS ***
                      *** Re-Reading the Fockian *** 
                      *** Removing any level shift *** 
ITER      Energy       Delta-E        Grad      Rot      Max-DP    RMS-DP
  7   -382.10908496  -0.0003042972  0.001282  0.001282  0.006155  0.000465
               *** Restarting incremental Fock matrix formation ***
  8   -382.10915031  -0.0000653567  0.001931  0.027068  0.012369  0.000584
  9   -382.10851142   0.0006388920  0.008465  0.023039  0.011281  0.000472
 10   -382.10918083  -0.0006694058  0.000585  0.004025  0.003689  0.000234
 11   -382.10907424   0.0001065852  0.001836  0.003298  0.002664  0.000177
 12   -382.10919611  -0.0001218684  0.000162  0.001193  0.001140  0.000060
 13   -382.10919198   0.0000041320  0.000358  0.000900  0.000848  0.000043
 14   -382.10919706  -0.0000050866  0.000061  0.000267  0.000314  0.000021
 15   -382.10919661   0.0000004578  0.000108  0.000184  0.000223  0.000013
                  ***Gradient check signals convergence***
              ***Rediagonalizing the Fockian in SOSCF/NRSCF***

               *                     SUCCESS                       *
               *           SCF CONVERGED AFTER  16 CYCLES          *

Setting up the final grid:

General Integration Accuracy     IntAcc      ...  4.670
Radial Grid Type                 RadialGrid  ... Gauss-Chebyshev
Angular Grid (max. acc.)         AngularGrid ... Lebedev-302
Angular grid pruning method      GridPruning ... 3 (G Style)
Weight generation scheme         WeightScheme... Becke
Basis function cutoff            BFCut       ...    1.0000e-10
Integration weight cutoff        WCut        ...    1.0000e-14
Grids for H and He will be reduced by one unit

# of grid points (after initial pruning)     ...  89272 (   0.1 sec)
# of grid points (after weights+screening)   ...  81009 (   0.6 sec)
nearest neighbour list constructed           ...    0.0 sec
Grid point re-assignment to atoms done       ...    0.0 sec
Grid point division into batches done        ...    0.4 sec
Reduced shell lists constructed in    2.1 sec

Total number of grid points                  ...    81009
Total number of batches                      ...     1275
Average number of points per batch           ...       63
Average number of grid points per atom       ...     4500
Average number of shells per batch           ...    41.25 (62.49%)
Average number of basis functions per batch  ...    71.59 (67.53%)
Average number of large shells per batch     ...    30.63 (74.27%)
Average number of large basis fcns per batch ...    54.67 (76.36%)
Maximum spatial batch extension              ...  18.51, 20.08, 19.07 au
Average spatial batch extension              ...   2.46,  2.60,  2.58 au

Final grid set up in    2.8 sec
Final integration                            ... done (   1.4 sec)
Change in XC energy                          ...    -0.000850431
Integrated number of electrons               ...    67.999986985
Previous integrated no of electrons          ...    67.995929198


Total Energy       :         -382.11004763 Eh          -10397.74301 eV

Nuclear Repulsion  :          459.07534654 Eh           12492.07526 eV
Electronic Energy  :         -841.18539418 Eh          -22889.81827 eV

One Electron Energy:        -1428.69314080 Eh          -38876.71682 eV
Two Electron Energy:          587.50774662 Eh           15986.89854 eV

Virial components:
Potential Energy   :         -764.80926392 Eh          -20811.51811 eV
Kinetic Energy     :          382.69921629 Eh           10413.77510 eV
Virial Ratio       :            1.99846049

DFT components:
N(Alpha)           :       33.999993492381 electrons
N(Beta)            :       33.999993492381 electrons
N(Total)           :       67.999986984763 electrons
E(X)               :      -49.234443528321 Eh       
E(C)               :       -4.369260995973 Eh       
E(XC)              :      -53.603704524294 Eh       


  Last Energy change         ...   -5.9552e-07  Tolerance :   1.0000e-06
  Last MAX-Density change    ...    5.7014e-05  Tolerance :   1.0000e-05
  Last RMS-Density change    ...    3.6123e-06  Tolerance :   1.0000e-06
  Last Orbital Gradient      ...    7.5434e-06  Tolerance :   5.0000e-05
  Last Orbital Rotation      ...    2.9400e-05  Tolerance :   5.0000e-05

             **** THE GBW FILE WAS UPDATED (azu_opt_DFT.oinp.gbw) ****
             **** DENSITY FILE WAS UPDATED (azu_opt_DFT.oinp.scfp.tmp) ****
             **** ENERGY FILE WAS UPDATED (azu_opt_DFT.oinp.en.tmp) ****

  NO   OCC          E(Eh)            E(eV) 
   0   2.0000      -9.814819      -267.0748 
   1   2.0000      -9.796613      -266.5794 
   2   2.0000      -9.792052      -266.4553 
   3   2.0000      -9.791023      -266.4273 
   4   2.0000      -9.786085      -266.2929 
   5   2.0000      -9.781659      -266.1725 
   6   2.0000      -9.781038      -266.1556 
   7   2.0000      -9.779584      -266.1160 
   8   2.0000      -9.779184      -266.1051 
   9   2.0000      -9.778197      -266.0783 
  10   2.0000      -0.827116       -22.5070 
  11   2.0000      -0.759758       -20.6741 
  12   2.0000      -0.696510       -18.9530 
  13   2.0000      -0.676932       -18.4203 
  14   2.0000      -0.623658       -16.9706 
  15   2.0000      -0.575797       -15.6682 
  16   2.0000      -0.536072       -14.5873 
  17   2.0000      -0.505072       -13.7437 
  18   2.0000      -0.495018       -13.4701 
  19   2.0000      -0.445956       -12.1351 
  20   2.0000      -0.434402       -11.8207 
  21   2.0000      -0.427551       -11.6343 
  22   2.0000      -0.398603       -10.8466 
  23   2.0000      -0.383446       -10.4341 
  24   2.0000      -0.359275        -9.7764 
  25   2.0000      -0.340519        -9.2660 
  26   2.0000      -0.336856        -9.1663 
  27   2.0000      -0.320792        -8.7292 
  28   2.0000      -0.312608        -8.5065 
  29   2.0000      -0.283869        -7.7245 
  30   2.0000      -0.270428        -7.3587 
  31   2.0000      -0.243351        -6.6219 
  32   2.0000      -0.208482        -5.6731 
  33   2.0000      -0.166402        -4.5280 
  34   0.0000      -0.094961        -2.5840 
  35   0.0000      -0.018196        -0.4951 
  36   0.0000      -0.000448        -0.0122 
  37   0.0000       0.072413         1.9705 
  38   0.0000       0.082511         2.2452 
  39   0.0000       0.088077         2.3967 
  40   0.0000       0.102746         2.7958 
  41   0.0000       0.109982         2.9928 
  42   0.0000       0.122126         3.3232 
  43   0.0000       0.131283         3.5724 
  44   0.0000       0.141900         3.8613 
  45   0.0000       0.154913         4.2154 
  46   0.0000       0.161096         4.3836 
  47   0.0000       0.186371         5.0714 
  48   0.0000       0.210364         5.7243 
  49   0.0000       0.216500         5.8913 
  50   0.0000       0.251199         6.8355 
  51   0.0000       0.272715         7.4210 
  52   0.0000       0.284309         7.7364 
  53   0.0000       0.329197         8.9579 
  54   0.0000       0.363328         9.8867 
  55   0.0000       0.388546        10.5729 
  56   0.0000       0.442093        12.0299 
  57   0.0000       0.455660        12.3991 
  58   0.0000       0.460713        12.5367 
  59   0.0000       0.480294        13.0695 
  60   0.0000       0.497165        13.5285 
  61   0.0000       0.521001        14.1771 
  62   0.0000       0.533920        14.5287 
  63   0.0000       0.536493        14.5987 
  64   0.0000       0.539434        14.6787 
  65   0.0000       0.546129        14.8609 
  66   0.0000       0.560920        15.2634 
  67   0.0000       0.574439        15.6313 
  68   0.0000       0.581208        15.8155 
  69   0.0000       0.591824        16.1043 
  70   0.0000       0.600348        16.3363 
  71   0.0000       0.606087        16.4925 
  72   0.0000       0.623458        16.9652 
  73   0.0000       0.631919        17.1954 
  74   0.0000       0.655525        17.8378 
  75   0.0000       0.665422        18.1071 
  76   0.0000       0.693942        18.8831 
  77   0.0000       0.722896        19.6710 
  78   0.0000       0.762812        20.7572 
  79   0.0000       0.783679        21.3250 
  80   0.0000       0.803792        21.8723 
  81   0.0000       0.807005        21.9597 
  82   0.0000       0.816701        22.2236 
  83   0.0000       0.820007        22.3135 
  84   0.0000       0.849637        23.1198 
  85   0.0000       0.870411        23.6851 
  86   0.0000       0.883802        24.0495 
  87   0.0000       0.899413        24.4743 
  88   0.0000       0.920270        25.0418 
  89   0.0000       0.933370        25.3983 
  90   0.0000       0.944378        25.6978 
  91   0.0000       0.962397        26.1882 
  92   0.0000       0.989022        26.9127 
  93   0.0000       1.038891        28.2697 
  94   0.0000       1.088311        29.6145 
  95   0.0000       1.109795        30.1991 
  96   0.0000       1.141005        31.0483 
  97   0.0000       1.203656        32.7531 
  98   0.0000       1.229706        33.4620 
  99   0.0000       1.274713        34.6867 
 100   0.0000       1.352772        36.8108 
 101   0.0000       1.392563        37.8936 
 102   0.0000       1.418030        38.5865 
 103   0.0000       1.471953        40.0539 
 104   0.0000       1.617998        44.0280 
 105   0.0000       1.845918        50.2300 

                    * MULLIKEN POPULATION ANALYSIS *

   0 C :   -0.324440
   1 C :   -0.310118
   2 C :   -0.133288
   3 C :    0.021070
   4 C :   -0.137443
   5 C :   -0.162182
   6 C :   -0.183857
   7 C :   -0.083886
   8 C :    0.054030
   9 C :   -0.064518
  10 H :    0.182037
  11 H :    0.197529
  12 H :    0.150762
  13 H :    0.152279
  14 H :    0.144218
  15 H :    0.146084
  16 H :    0.157786
  17 H :    0.193938
Sum of atomic charges:   -0.0000000

  0 C s       :     3.322574  s :     3.322574
      pz      :     1.038209  p :     3.001866
      px      :     0.948793
      py      :     1.014864
  1 C s       :     3.264109  s :     3.264109
      pz      :     0.987894  p :     3.046010
      px      :     1.016595
      py      :     1.041520
  2 C s       :     3.185393  s :     3.185393
      pz      :     1.018182  p :     2.947895
      px      :     0.966643
      py      :     0.963070
  3 C s       :     3.139914  s :     3.139914
      pz      :     0.963967  p :     2.839016
      px      :     0.967178
      py      :     0.907871
  4 C s       :     3.148797  s :     3.148797
      pz      :     0.981837  p :     2.988645
      px      :     1.002119
      py      :     1.004690
  5 C s       :     3.196796  s :     3.196796
      pz      :     0.984310  p :     2.965386
      px      :     1.016198
      py      :     0.964878
  6 C s       :     3.208739  s :     3.208739
      pz      :     1.011669  p :     2.975118
      px      :     0.974211
      py      :     0.989239
  7 C s       :     3.129729  s :     3.129729
      pz      :     0.981177  p :     2.954156
      px      :     0.966258
      py      :     1.006721
  8 C s       :     3.110727  s :     3.110727
      pz      :     0.958222  p :     2.835243
      px      :     0.939652
      py      :     0.937369
  9 C s       :     3.234678  s :     3.234678
      pz      :     0.983262  p :     2.829840
      px      :     0.917125
      py      :     0.929454
 10 H s       :     0.817963  s :     0.817963
 11 H s       :     0.802471  s :     0.802471
 12 H s       :     0.849238  s :     0.849238
 13 H s       :     0.847721  s :     0.847721
 14 H s       :     0.855782  s :     0.855782
 15 H s       :     0.853916  s :     0.853916
 16 H s       :     0.842214  s :     0.842214
 17 H s       :     0.806062  s :     0.806062

                     * LOEWDIN POPULATION ANALYSIS *

   0 C :   -0.189039
   1 C :   -0.160782
   2 C :   -0.148390
   3 C :   -0.021486
   4 C :   -0.125084
   5 C :   -0.137548
   6 C :   -0.131831
   7 C :   -0.121732
   8 C :   -0.027510
   9 C :   -0.054346
  10 H :    0.135906
  11 H :    0.163358
  12 H :    0.132237
  13 H :    0.133766
  14 H :    0.131297
  15 H :    0.131776
  16 H :    0.136606
  17 H :    0.152802

  0 C s       :     2.964318  s :     2.964318
      pz      :     1.099936  p :     3.224721
      px      :     1.051075
      py      :     1.073709
  1 C s       :     2.921734  s :     2.921734
      pz      :     1.049367  p :     3.239048
      px      :     1.077700
      py      :     1.111982
  2 C s       :     2.950820  s :     2.950820
      pz      :     1.062461  p :     3.197570
      px      :     1.062903
      py      :     1.072206
  3 C s       :     2.911897  s :     2.911897
      pz      :     1.018837  p :     3.109589
      px      :     1.060492
      py      :     1.030260
  4 C s       :     2.934725  s :     2.934725
      pz      :     1.046540  p :     3.190359
      px      :     1.078284
      py      :     1.065535
  5 C s       :     2.938941  s :     2.938941
      pz      :     1.052306  p :     3.198606
      px      :     1.094178
      py      :     1.052123
  6 C s       :     2.939994  s :     2.939994
      pz      :     1.046716  p :     3.191837
      px      :     1.089883
      py      :     1.055238
  7 C s       :     2.931749  s :     2.931749
      pz      :     1.030217  p :     3.189982
      px      :     1.091166
      py      :     1.068599
  8 C s       :     2.896997  s :     2.896997
      pz      :     1.038272  p :     3.130513
      px      :     1.065628
      py      :     1.026612
  9 C s       :     2.926264  s :     2.926264
      pz      :     1.081107  p :     3.128082
      px      :     1.060962
      py      :     0.986013
 10 H s       :     0.864094  s :     0.864094
 11 H s       :     0.836642  s :     0.836642
 12 H s       :     0.867763  s :     0.867763
 13 H s       :     0.866234  s :     0.866234
 14 H s       :     0.868703  s :     0.868703
 15 H s       :     0.868224  s :     0.868224
 16 H s       :     0.863394  s :     0.863394
 17 H s       :     0.847198  s :     0.847198

                      * MAYER POPULATION ANALYSIS *

  NA   - Mulliken gross atomic population
  ZA   - Total nuclear charge
  QA   - Mulliken gross atomic charge
  VA   - Mayer's total valence
  BVA  - Mayer's bonded valence
  FA   - Mayer's free valence

  ATOM       NA         ZA         QA         VA         BVA        FA
  0 C      6.3244     6.0000    -0.3244     3.7238     3.7238     0.0000
  1 C      6.3101     6.0000    -0.3101     3.7740     3.7740    -0.0000
  2 C      6.1333     6.0000    -0.1333     3.7668     3.7668     0.0000
  3 C      5.9789     6.0000     0.0211     4.1088     4.1088    -0.0000
  4 C      6.1374     6.0000    -0.1374     3.8963     3.8963    -0.0000
  5 C      6.1622     6.0000    -0.1622     3.9242     3.9242     0.0000
  6 C      6.1839     6.0000    -0.1839     3.9251     3.9251     0.0000
  7 C      6.0839     6.0000    -0.0839     3.8613     3.8613    -0.0000
  8 C      5.9460     6.0000     0.0540     4.0454     4.0454    -0.0000
  9 C      6.0645     6.0000    -0.0645     3.7183     3.7183    -0.0000
 10 H      0.8180     1.0000     0.1820     0.9271     0.9271     0.0000
 11 H      0.8025     1.0000     0.1975     0.9340     0.9340    -0.0000
 12 H      0.8492     1.0000     0.1508     0.9380     0.9380     0.0000
 13 H      0.8477     1.0000     0.1523     0.9328     0.9328    -0.0000
 14 H      0.8558     1.0000     0.1442     0.9395     0.9395     0.0000
 15 H      0.8539     1.0000     0.1461     0.9396     0.9396    -0.0000
 16 H      0.8422     1.0000     0.1578     0.9324     0.9324     0.0000
 17 H      0.8061     1.0000     0.1939     0.9251     0.9251     0.0000

  Mayer bond orders larger than 0.1
B(  0-C ,  1-C ) :   0.7897 B(  0-C ,  9-C ) :   1.0357 B(  0-C , 10-H ) :   0.9099 
B(  0-C , 17-H ) :   0.9057 B(  1-C ,  2-C ) :   1.0644 B(  1-C ,  9-C ) :   0.9191 
B(  1-C , 11-H ) :   0.8959 B(  2-C ,  3-C ) :   1.5360 B(  2-C ,  9-C ) :   0.1203 
B(  2-C , 12-H ) :   0.9210 B(  3-C ,  4-C ) :   1.2218 B(  3-C ,  8-C ) :   1.1695 
B(  4-C ,  5-C ) :   1.6391 B(  4-C , 13-H ) :   0.9109 B(  5-C ,  6-C ) :   1.2413 
B(  5-C , 14-H ) :   0.9185 B(  6-C ,  7-C ) :   1.5941 B(  6-C ,  9-C ) :   0.1022 
B(  6-C , 15-H ) :   0.9187 B(  7-C ,  8-C ) :   1.2601 B(  7-C , 16-H ) :   0.9132 
B(  8-C ,  9-C ) :   1.4890 


Total SCF time: 0 days 0 hours 1 min 33 sec 

Total time                  ....      93.403 sec
Sum of individual times     ....      93.373 sec  (100.0%)

Fock matrix formation       ....      89.831 sec  ( 96.2%)
  Coulomb formation         ....      82.107 sec  ( 91.4% of F)
  XC integration            ....       7.596 sec  (  8.5% of F)
    Basis function eval.    ....       4.756 sec  ( 62.6% of XC)
    Density eval.           ....       1.281 sec  ( 16.9% of XC)
    XC-Functional eval.     ....       0.381 sec  (  5.0% of XC)
    XC-Potential eval.      ....       0.989 sec  ( 13.0% of XC)
Diagonalization             ....       0.032 sec  (  0.0%)
Density matrix formation    ....       0.006 sec  (  0.0%)
Population analysis         ....       0.007 sec  (  0.0%)
Initial guess               ....       0.011 sec  (  0.0%)
Orbital Transformation      ....       0.000 sec  (  0.0%)
Orbital Orthonormalization  ....       0.010 sec  (  0.0%)
DIIS solution               ....       0.011 sec  (  0.0%)
SOSCF solution              ....       0.032 sec  (  0.0%)
Grid generation             ....       3.442 sec  (  3.7%)

-------------------------   --------------------
FINAL SINGLE POINT ENERGY      -382.110047632469
-------------------------   --------------------

                            *     ORCA property calculations      *

                                    Active property flags
   (+) Dipole Moment


Dipole Moment Calculation                       ... on
Quadrupole Moment Calculation                   ... off
Polarizability Calculation                      ... off
GBWName                                         ... azu_opt_DFT.oinp.gbw
Electron density file                           ... azu_opt_DFT.oinp.scfp.tmp

                                X             Y             Z
Electronic contribution:      0.62905      -0.92892       0.19972
Nuclear contribution   :     -0.91608       1.14167      -0.18093
Total Dipole Moment    :     -0.28703       0.21275       0.01880
Magnitude (a.u.)       :      0.35777
Magnitude (Debye)      :      0.90938

Timings for individual modules:

Sum of individual times         ...       93.855 sec (=   1.564 min)
GTO integral calculation        ...        0.416 sec (=   0.007 min)   0.4 %
SCF iterations                  ...       93.439 sec (=   1.557 min)  99.6 %
                             ****ORCA TERMINATED NORMALLY****
TOTAL RUN TIME: 0 days 0 hours 1 minutes 34 seconds 79 msec
In [117]:
grep "Total Energy" *_orca.log
azu_DFT_orca.log:Total Energy       :         -382.11004763 Eh          -10397.74301 eV
azu_HF_orca.log:Total Energy       :         -383.03368689 Eh          -10422.87651 eV
nap_DFT_orca.log:Total Energy       :         -382.25558620 Eh          -10401.70331 eV
nap_HF_orca.log:Total Energy       :         -383.22011111 Eh          -10427.94937 eV
In [118]:
table = pd.DataFrame(data={'HF':[-383.22, -383.03, 0.18, 116.5], 'DFT':[-382.26, -382.11, 0.15, 92]},
                       index=['E Naphthalene', 'E Azulene', 'ΔE , Hartree', 'ΔE, kCal/mol'])
E Naphthalene E Azulene ΔE , Hartree ΔE, kCal/mol
DFT -382.26 -382.11 0.15 92.0
HF -383.22 -383.03 0.18 116.5

А такие значения получаются, если не выставлять шаги в .make3D(). Золотую середину найти не получилось.

In [119]:
table = pd.DataFrame(data={'HF':[-383.22015, -383.22018, 0.00003, 0.02], 'DFT':[-382.25559, -382.25559, 0, 0]},
                       index=['E Naphthalene', 'E Azulene', 'ΔE , Hartree', 'ΔE, kCal/mol'])
E Naphthalene E Azulene ΔE , Hartree ΔE, kCal/mol
DFT -382.25559 -382.25559 0.00000 0.00
HF -383.22015 -383.22018 0.00003 0.02

Все результаты получились далеки от энергии изомеризации нафталина в азулен (35.3±2.2 kCal/mol), поэтому нельзя сказать, какой метод лучше.