Вычисление параметров для молекулярной механики

In [1]:
import subprocess
In [2]:
%matplotlib inline
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import optimize
In [43]:
template = '''!HF RHF 6-31G
* int 0 1
C 0 0 0 0 0 0 
C 1 0 0 %s 0 0 
H 1 2 0 1.08439 %s 0
H 1 2 3 1.08439 111.200 %s
H 1 2 3 1.08439 111.200 -120
H 2 1 3 1.08439 111.200 180
H 2 1 5 1.08439 111.200 120
H 2 1 5 1.08439 111.200 -120
In [50]:
refvalues = ['1.52986', '111.200', '180']
In [54]:
def run_orca(name, insertion, pos, values, template):
    result = []
    for c, value in enumerate(values):
        found = False
        with open('%s_%s.inp' %(name, str(c)), 'w') as oinp:
            newsertion = insertion[:]
            newsertion[pos] = str(value)
            newtemp = template % (newsertion[0], newsertion[1], newsertion[2])
        p = subprocess.Popen("/srv/databases/orca/orca %s_%s.inp" %(name, str(c)), 
                          shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        out = out.splitlines()
        for outline in out:
            if ('FINAL SINGLE' in outline):
                found = True
        if not found:
    return result
In [41]:
def print_plot(name, insertion, pos, start, step, num, fitfunc, p0):
    if (pos >= len(insertion)):
        print("Wrong insertion index!\n")
        return 9
    x_o = [start+step*i for i in range(num+1)]
    y_o = run_orca(name, insertion, pos, x_o, template)

    errfunc = lambda p, x, y: fitfunc(p, x) - y # Error function

    p1, success = optimize.leastsq(errfunc, p0[:], args=(x_o, y_o))
    print "Optimized params:", p1

    #Plot it
    plt.plot(x_o, y_o, "ro", x_o,fitfunc(p1,x_o),"r-",c='blue',alpha=0.5)

Оценим длину связи С-С

In [7]:
#function is  f(x)=k(b-x)^2 + a
fitfunc = lambda p, x: p[0]*pow(p[1]-x,2) + p[2]
p0 = [1,1, -79] # Initial guess for the parameters

print_plot('CC_len', refvalues, 0, 1.32986, 0.02, 20, fitfunc, p0)
Optimized params: [  0.63992005   1.55699285 -79.08219403]

Проделаем аналогичное для валентного угла HCC

In [8]:
fitfunc = lambda p, x: p[0]*pow(p[1]-x,2) + p[2]
p0 = [1,1, -79]

print_plot('HCC_ang', refvalues, 1, 109.2, 0.2, 20, fitfunc, p0)
Optimized params: [  4.10774826e-05   1.10890768e+02  -7.90815354e+01]

Проделаем то же самое для торсионного угла СС

In [3]:
template = '''!HF RHF 6-31G
* int 0 1
C 0 0 0 0 0 0 
C 1 0 0 1.52986 0 0 
H 1 2 0 1.08439 111.200 0
H 1 2 3 1.08439 111.200 120
H 1 2 3 1.08439 111.200 -120
H 2 1 3 1.08439 111.200 %s
H 2 1 6 1.08439 111.200 120
H 2 1 6 1.08439 111.200 -120
In [14]:
tors = []
nrg = []
for i in range(31):
    found = False
    tors.append(-180 + i*12)
    with open('CC_tors_%s.inp' % (str(i)), 'w') as oinp:
        oinp.write(template % str(tors[i]))
    p = subprocess.Popen("/srv/databases/orca/orca CC_tors_%s.inp" % (str(i)), 
                          shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    out = out.splitlines()
    for outline in out:
        if ('FINAL SINGLE' in outline):
            found = True
    if not found:
print(zip(nrg, tors))
[(-79.197572404416, -180), (-79.19713770116, -168), (-79.195996520851, -156), (-79.194579721495, -144), (-79.193428566506, -132), (-79.192987716339, -120), (-79.193428565905, -108), (-79.194579722921, -96), (-79.195996522073, -84), (-79.197137709964, -72), (-79.197572295155, -60), (-79.19713771021, -48), (-79.195996521544, -36), (-79.194579722119, -24), (-79.193428566332, -12), (-79.192987712349, 0), (-79.193428554262, 12), (-79.194579713857, 24), (-79.195996521539, 36), (-79.197137709774, 48), (-79.197572402595, 60), (-79.197137709604, 72), (-79.195996523164, 84), (-79.194579722395, 96), (-79.193428566419, 108), (-79.19298771661, 120), (-79.19342856764, 132), (-79.194579722924, 144), (-79.195996521479, 156), (-79.19713770908, 168), (-79.197572279767, 180)]
In [16]:

Завсимость явно не квадратичная, а очень даже напоминает одну ояень известную тригонометрическую функцию. Попробуем зафитить с помощью косинуса:

In [27]:
fitfunc = lambda p, x: p[0]*(np.cos(p[1]*x)) + p[2]
errfunc = lambda p, x, y: fitfunc(p, x) - y
p0 = [1, 1, 1]

p1, success = optimize.leastsq(errfunc, p0[:], args=(tors, nrg))
print "Optimized params:", p1
#Plot it
plt.plot(tors, nrg, "ro", tors, fitfunc(p1,tors),"r-",c='blue',alpha=0.5)
/srv/databases/orca/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:1: VisibleDeprecationWarning: using a non-integer number instead of an integer will result in an error in the future
  if __name__ == '__main__':
Optimized params: [  2.06237796e-03   1.00000000e+00  -7.91955017e+01]

Получили 3 минимума, соотвествующие заторможенной конформации этана: один в 180 (он же -180) и два в -60, 60. Максимумы - заслоненная конформация - соотвественно на 120, -120 и 0. Зафитилось не очень хорошо.

*Увеличим шаг при расчете связи до 0.1

In [28]:
template = '''!HF RHF 6-31G
* int 0 1
C 0 0 0 0 0 0 
C 1 0 0 %s 0 0 
H 1 2 0 1.08439 111.200 0
H 1 2 3 1.08439 111.200 120
H 1 2 3 1.08439 111.200 -120
H 2 1 3 1.08439 111.200 180
H 2 1 5 1.08439 111.200 120
H 2 1 5 1.08439 111.200 -120
In [30]:
lens = []
nrg = []
for i in range(20):
    found = False
    lens.append(0.52986 + i*0.1)
    with open('CC_tors_new_%s.inp' % (str(i)), 'w') as oinp:
        oinp.write(template % str(lens[i]))
    p = subprocess.Popen("/srv/databases/orca/orca CC_tors_new_%s.inp" % (str(i)), 
                          shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    out = out.splitlines()
    for outline in out:
        if ('FINAL SINGLE' in outline):
            found = True
    if not found:
print(zip(nrg, lens))
[(-73.376057637917, 0.52986), (-75.600038681441, 0.62986), (-76.986925125052, 0.72986), (-77.840020404948, 0.82986), (-78.364137018388, 0.92986), (-78.683902778763, 1.02986), (-78.875495242925, 1.12986), (-78.986233962141, 1.22986), (-79.045965590542, 1.32986), (-79.073689490206, 1.4298600000000001), (-79.081531418112, 1.52986), (-79.077218665255, 1.62986), (-79.065654762225, 1.7298600000000002), (-79.049930686805, 1.82986), (-79.031982712442, 1.9298600000000001), (-79.013023538635, 2.02986), (-78.99382026312, 2.12986), (-78.974866464805, 2.2298600000000004), (-78.956483613922, 2.32986), (-78.938878326095, 2.42986)]
In [32]:

Зависимость гиперболическая

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