Dan Vladimirov

echo N | sudo tee /sys/module/overlay/parameters/metacopy apt update && apt upgrade && apt install wget apache2 php php-zip php-dom php-gd php-mbstring php-curl php-mysql php-xmlwriter php-xml php-simplexml mariadb-server php-intl php-bcmath php-imagick php-opcache php-gmp php-apcu libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra -y
apk update && apk upgrade && apk add wget apache2 php php-zip php-dom php-gd php-mbstring php-curl php-mysql php-xmlwriter php-xml php-simplexml mariadb-server php-intl php-bcmath php-imagick php-opcache php-gmp php-apcu libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra -y

Hi, stranger! I'm a first year student at FBB MSU. My home city is Ekatrinburg, I studied for 3 years (from 9 till 11 classes) in SeSC UrFU. I like biology and computer sciences since my childhood. So the choise of a department was quite obivious. I have a turtle, her name is Zina. I don't like to write much text. You can learn more about me from My VK page (only in russian), and if you are going to give me some work, you can also check My CV