This is a result of script '', version 1.0 Output is created at: Sun Aug 25 23:05:05 2013 ----------- Script parameters ----------- < DEFAULT VALUE > Probability of residue change = 0.4 < DEFAULT VALUE > Probability of residue replacement = 0.8 < > Probability of insertion = 0.100 < > Probability of deletion = 0.100 Number of residues taken from resulting sequence = 20 Number of sequences to generate = 1 Number of generations for each sequence = 1 ----------------------------------------- Input FASTA data and resulting sequences as follows: >sp|P19079|CDD_BACSU Cytidine deaminase OS=Bacillus subtilis (strain 168) GN=cdd PE=1 SV=1 MNRQELITEALKARDMAYAPYSKFQVGAALLTKDGKVYRGCNIENAAYSMCNCAERTALFKAVSEGDTEFQMLAVAADTPGPVSPCGACRQVISELCTKDVIVVLTNLQGQIKEMTVEELLPGAFSSEDLHDERKL >0|simulation_result|change=0.4|replace=0.8|generations=1 RSALFKAMSYPDTENFCQML