< 3rd term

Transcriptome analysis and bedtools

Last update on the 4th of December, 2017

Here I process RNA sequencing reads and analyze mapping with bedtools. Two samples derived from chromosome 5 are mapped side-by-side and compared. First, only one sample processed.

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Read mapping

Quality control of sample 1 reads was done with FastQC. The quality is good and across almost all length of reads is uniform (fig. 1). However, per base sequence content and per sequence GC content are far away from uniform because of 1) read length (41—51), 2) read nature (RNA reads with putative specific content).

Fig. 1. Per base sequence quality of sample 1 reads.

Reads were mapped on chromosome 5 with removed -no-spliced-alignment option to enable splicing. Extraction of known splliced sites was done prior to mapping. All 24156 reads were presented, of these 504 (2,09%) were mapped 0 times, 17070 (70,67%) — exactly 1 time and 6582 (27,25%) — more than one time. 97,91% reads were aligned in total. Obtained .sam file was transformed to .bam file, sorted and indexed. Sequencing depth was calcualted, too. All required CLI commands are shown in fig. 2.

Fig. 2. CLI commands for read processing.
fastqc chr5.1.fastq
hisat2_extract_splice_sites.py /P/y14/term3/block4/SNP/rnaseq_reads/gencode.v19.chr_patch_hapl_scaff.annotation.gtf > splicedsites.txt
hisat2 -x ../../task11/indexed -q chr5.1.fastq -S chr5.1.sam --no-softclip --met-file hi1.txt  --known-splicesite-infile splicesites.txt
samtools view -b chr5.1.sam -o chr5.1.bam
samtools sort -O bam chr5.1.bam -o sorted_5.1.bam -T temp
samtools index sorted_5.1.bam
samtools depth sorted_5.1.bam > depth.1.txt

Overall coverage distribution is presented in fig. 3. Coverages and alignments of particular genes are shown in figs. 4—7. Two regions were discovered: region 1 with apparently false alignment and region 2 with true alignment and multiple splicing events. Open figures in new tabs to see them clearly.

Fig. 3. Coverage distribution of mapped sample 1 reads.
Only few bases are covered mroe than 1000 times. Others exhibit adequate (~10—20) coverage.
Fig. 4. Coverage distribution of sample 1 region 1.
Coverage is discrete, implying putative splicing.
Fig. 5. Genomic view of sample 1 region 1.
FAM172 gene, no exons shown. Alignment might be ambigutive with no true transcripts derieved from this region.
Fig. 6. Coverage distribution of sample 1 region 2.
Coverage is intensively discrete, implying putative splicing.
Fig. 7. Genomic view of sample 1 region 2.
Most reads are aligned on exons of NPM1 gene. Most exonic fragments of reads are connected with each other, exhibiting true splicing events.


Analysis was made with bedtools package. To state genes covered with reads, their coverage and reads that overflowed gene boundaries following CLI commands were executed:

Fig. 8. CLI commands for sequence analysis.
bedtools bamtobed -i sorted_5.1.bam > infile.bed
bedtools intersect -b infile.bed -a chr5.bed -c > coverage1.bed
bedtools subtract -a infile.bed -b chr5.bed > no_gene.bed

coverage1.bed file consists of 6 columns: chromosome, start, end, gene type, gene name, coverage, — respective properties from chr5.bed file. no_gene.bed exhibit 6 columns: chromosome, read start, read end, read properties, length, strandness, — respective properties from infile.bed file.

Obtained genes are FAM172A, NPM1P27 and NPM1. First two genes are covered a little (score = 319), whereas is covered significantly (103 magnitude). The information about genes is provided in table 1.

Table 1. Information about covered genes. Functions are of respective proteins.
gene size start end strand function exon intron additional information
FAM172A 493974 92953431 93447404 - Protein product participate in alternative splicing, secrets extracellularly[1] 11[2] 10 No
NPM1P27 830 93018544 93019373 - Pseudogene[3] No No No
NPM1 23181 170814708 170837888 + Centrosome duplication, protein chaperoning, cell proliferation[4] 11 10 Mutations are associated with acute myeloid leukemia

41 reads were aligned out of genes. 36 of them were aligned downstream NPM1 gene starting from 70 bases down (fig. 9). 5 reads were aligned upstream NPM1 gene (500 bases up, fig. 10).

Fig. 9. Overflowed reads downstream NPM1 in IGV.
Fig. 10. Overflowed reads upstream NPM1 in IGV.

Samples comparisons

Another biological sample reads are presented. They were piped as desribed above. Overall consistence of both samples was observed so it is unnecessary to show analogous pictures as of sample 1. But it is a concern of interest to compare coverage of both samples. To do this, the ratio of coverages was calculated and plotted along with boh coverages on genome. The results are shown in figs. 11 and 12.

Fig. 11. Coverage of both samples at region 1.
Samples exhibit low concordance suggesting sample contamination and biological irrelevance of results.
Fig. 12. Coverage of both samples at region 2.
Samples exhibit high concordance considering biological relevance of region 2 as exon-containing.

bedtools training

Several tasks were done with bedtools. The working directory is task12/sample1/.

1. bamtofastq

The task was to transform bam alignment into fastq reads. Flag -i denotes input bam file, -fq denotes output fastq file.

$ bedtools bamtofastq -i sorted_5.1.bam -fq fast.fastq

2. getfasta

Retrieve fasta sequence of one covered gene. NPM1 was chosen. -fi denotes genome fasta file, -bed denotes input bed file with gene intervals. The interval was passed through pipe as string in bed format. Unix fold utility was used to transform fasta record in good-loking view.

$ echo -e "chr5\t170814652\t170837888\t+\n" | bedtools getfasta -fi ../../task11/chr5.fasta -bed stdin | fold -w 60 > npm1.fasta

3. makewindows

Binning chromosome 5 into 1M bins. -g denotes file with genome in bed format (fasta indexed file was good for it). The length of chromosome is 180915260, got 181 bins.

$ head ../../task11/chr5.fasta.fai
chr5    180915260       6       60      61
$ bedtools makewindows -g ../../task11/chr5.fasta.fai -w 1000000 > windows.bed
$ head windows.bed
chr5    0       1000000
chr5    1000000 2000000
chr5    2000000 3000000
chr5    3000000 4000000
chr5    4000000 5000000
chr5    5000000 6000000
chr5    6000000 7000000
chr5    7000000 8000000
chr5    8000000 9000000
chr5    9000000 10000000
$ wc -l windows.bed

4. cluster

Cluster reads from -i flag with cluster utility.

$ bedtools cluster -i infile.bed > cluster.bed
$ head cluster.bed
chr5    93018239        93018286        D00795:16:C7BV0ACXX:5:2115:11098:40724  0       +       1
chr5    93018243        93018294        D00795:16:C7BV0ACXX:5:2315:15445:45968  0       +       1
chr5    93018576        93018627        D00795:16:C7BV0ACXX:5:1115:6802:36381   60      +       2
chr5    93018615        93018666        D00795:16:C7BV0ACXX:5:2313:16747:76228  60      +       2
chr5    93018640        93018691        D00795:16:C7BV0ACXX:5:2215:7013:98402   60      +       2
chr5    93018650        93018701        D00795:16:C7BV0ACXX:5:2106:3736:77999   60      +       2
chr5    93018650        93018701        D00795:16:C7BV0ACXX:5:2108:18402:20632  60      +       2
chr5    93018650        93018701        D00795:16:C7BV0ACXX:5:2314:11224:6902   60      +       2
chr5    93018650        93018701        D00795:16:C7BV0ACXX:5:2314:9027:44428   60      +       2
chr5    93018650        93018701        D00795:16:C7BV0ACXX:5:1112:7786:31822   60      +       2

5. Random

Retrieve 1000 random intervals of 200 bases long. -l denotes length, -n denotes amount, -g denotes genome in bed format.

$ bedtools random -l 200 -n 1000 -g ../../task11/chr5.fasta.fai > random.bed
$ head random.bed
chr5    67147443        67147643        1       200     +
chr5    110897329       110897529       2       200     +
chr5    118003199       118003399       3       200     +
chr5    65810329        65810529        4       200     +
chr5    86387665        86387865        5       200     -
chr5    77885218        77885418        6       200     -
chr5    56364008        56364208        7       200     +
chr5    81389630        81389830        8       200     -
chr5    143847269       143847469       9       200     +
chr5    1926676 1926876 10      200     -

6. 3'-UTR

The task is to get interval of 1000 bases downstream the particular gene. First, the bed file with gene coordinates was done, then its interval was enlengthed with slop. -i, -g stand for input bed file and genome bed file, respectively, -r, -l denote size of stretching at right and left flanks, respectively, -s stands for respect of strandness (as 3'-UTR must be defined regarding strandness of gene). The obtained interval is gene + 3'-UTR, hence the subtraction must be done.

$ echo -e "chr5\t170814652\t170837888\t+\n" > npm1.bed
$ bedtools slop -g ../../task11/chr5.fasta.fai -i npm1.bed -r 1000 -s -l 0 | bedtools subtract -a stdin -b npm1.bed > 3utr.bed
$ head 3utr.bed
chr5    170837888       170838888       +

7. Enlarge

Enlarge gene NPM1 by 1000 bases in both directions. The bed-formatted string was passed to stdin of slop utility, -b stands for both sides, -s is redundant here.

$ echo -e "chr5\t170814652\t170837888\t+\n" | bedtools slop -g ../../task11/chr5.fasta.fai -i stdin -b 1000 -s
chr5    170813652       170838888       +

8. Shift 500

The task was to shift interval to the start of chromosome by 500 bases, -s flag stand for shift, -g is necessary to prevent interval from overflowing genome boundaries.

$ echo -e "chr5\t170814652\t170837888\t+\n" | bedtools shift -i stdin -g ../../task11/chr5.fasta.fai -s -500
chr5    170814160       170837392       +

9. Disjoint regions

Obtain disjoint regions covered with reads from infile.bed alignment.

$ bedtools merge -i infile.bed > merged.bed
$ head merged.bed
chr5    93018239        93018294
chr5    93018576        93018766
chr5    93018813        93019009
chr5    93019031        93019216
chr5    93019282        93019333
chr5    93019349        93019400
chr5    170813468       170813519
chr5    170814056       170814180
chr5    170814275       170814326
chr5    170814885       170814952

10. Coverage

Obtain coverage of reads in any format. genomecov was used, -split is needed to count spliced reads distinctively, -bga reports coverage in BedGraph format (intervals) with zero coverages reported.

$ bedtools genomecov -bga -split -g ../../task11/chr5.fasta.fai -i infile.bed > genomecov.bed
$ head genomecov.bed
chr5    0       93018239        0
chr5    93018239        93018243        1
chr5    93018243        93018286        2
chr5    93018286        93018294        1
chr5    93018294        93018576        0
chr5    93018576        93018615        1
chr5    93018615        93018627        2
chr5    93018627        93018640        1
chr5    93018640        93018650        2
chr5    93018650        93018651        9


  1. Wikipedia article on FAM127A;
  2. UCGC page of FAM127A;
  3. UCGC page of NPM1P27;
  4. UCGC page of NPM1.