< 7th term

Superimposing structures

Last update on the 17th of December, 2019

Here we find structures similar to MerA (1ZK7) and refine sequence alignment concerning structural alignment.

We used PDBeFold service with default parameters to find structures similar to 1ZK7. A lot of found hits were of good quality and extensive alignment length. We selected 3 structures corresponding to proteins with non mercuric oxidative functions. Their IDs and alignment details are shown in table 1.

Table 1. Found similar structures.
PDB ID Chain Function RMSD
4JQ9 A Dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase 1.1212
5V36 B Gluthation reductase 0.9212
1ZDL A Thioredoxin reductase 1.0815

These structures along with 1ZK7 (chain A) were submitted to multiple structural alignment and structure-based sequence alignment. One can download the resulted PDB file with superimposed structures (chain A: 1ZK7, chain B: 4JQ9, chain C: 5V36, chain D: 1ZDL) and structure-based alignment file. Superimposed structures are show in fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Superimposed structures. Green: 1ZK7, red: 4JQ9, blue: 5V36, yellow: 1ZDL.

Structures are in fine agreement.

Structure-aware and structure-nonaware sequence alignments

Sequence alignment was obtained with MUSCLE with defaults. One can download the alignment file. SuiteMSA package was used to visualize two multiple alignments parallelwise. One observed discrepancy is shown in fig. 2. Structure-based alignment provides a shift of 1ZDL loop concerning the other sequences, whereas MUSCLE avoided introduction of gaps. Two alignments show 66.667% overall consistency.

Fig. 2. Discrepancy in alignments. Top: structure-based alignment, bottom: MUSCLE alignment. Sequence order: 1ZK7, 4JQ9, 5V36, 1ZDL

Affected regions are show in table 2. Note that sequence alignment coordinates slightly differ from PDB sequence coordinates.

Table 2. The alignment discrepancy coordinates.
Structure PDB coordinates Sequence coordinates
1ZK7:A 174-177 174-177
4JQ9:F 173-176 174-177
5V36:B 165-168 166-169
1ZDL:A 216-219 179-182

Corresponding regions are protein loops so there might some uncertainty even at the structural level. However, quick glance at the structures favours structure-based alignment: 1ZDL loop is indeed shifted concerning the other structures (fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Alignment discrepancy. Green: 1ZK7, red: 4JQ9, blue: 5V36, yellow: 1ZDL.