reset load=1pp8 define chains{*:M or *:Y or *:R} define nonpolar{carbon or sulfur or phosphorus} define polar{nitrogen or oxygen} define minor_groove{([DT]*.N3 or [DT]*.C2 or [DT]*.N1 or [DT]*.O2) or ([DC]*.N3 or [DC]*.C2 or [DC]*.N1 or [DC]*.O2) or ([DG]*.N9 or [DG]*.C4 or [DG]*.N3 or [DG]*.C2 or [DG]*.N2) or ([DA]*.C2 or [DA]*.N3 or [DA]*.C4 or [DA]*.N9)} define major_groove{(not minor_groove) and dna and (not backbone)} define sugar{*.?*'} define phosphate{*.P? or *.OP?} select sugar and polar and within(3.5, protein and chains and polar) hide not selected pause select sugar and nonpolar and within(4.5, protein and chains and nonpolar) hide not selected pause select phosphate and polar and within(3.5, protein and chains and polar) hide not selected pause select phosphate and nonpolar and within(4.5, protein and chains and nonpolar) hide not selected pause select major_groove and polar and within(3.5, protein and chains and polar) hide not selected pause select major_groove and nonpolar and within(4.5, protein and chains and nonpolar) hide not selected pause select minor_groove and polar and within(3.5, protein and chains and polar) hide not selected pause select minor_groove and nonpolar and within(4.5, protein and chains and nonpolar) hide not selected pause