load 1LRR.pdb select all wireframe 40 cartoons off color cpk select not dna color gray color translucent select water color translucent 1.0 select all cpk off select dna wireframe 50 define set1 (*.O?* and dna) define set1'(*.C?* and dna) define polar_protein (oxygen or nitrogen) and protein define set2 (*.OP? and dna) define set2' (*.P and dna) define plg (DA.N6, DA.N7) or (DG.O6, DG.N7) or (DC.N4) or (DT.O4) define psg (DA.N3, DA.N9) or (DG.N2, DG.N3, DG.N9) or (DC.O2, DC.N1) or (DT.O2, DT.N1) define protein_nonpolar (carbon or sulfur) and protein define nlg (DA.C6, DA.C5, DA.C5) or (DG.C6, DG.C5, DG.C8) or (DC.C6, DC.C5, DC.C4) or (DT.C6, DT.C5, DT.C4, DT.C7) define nsg (DA.C2, DA.C4) or (DG.C2, DG.C4) or (DC.C2) or (DT.C2, DT.C6) select within (3.5, set1) and polar_protein color translucent 0.0 color green cpk select within (3.5, set2) and polar_protein color translucent 0.0 color pink cpk restrict *D or *E or *F select within (3.5, plg) and polar_protein color translucent 0.0 color yellow cpk restrict *D or *E or *F pause select protein color translucent cpk off color gray select within (4.5, set1') and protein_nonpolar color translucent 0.0 color darkviolet cpk select within (4.5, set2') and protein_nonpolar color translucent 0.0 color lightgreen cpk select within (4.5, nlg) and protein_nonpolar color translucent 0.0 color lightblue cpk select within (4.5, nsg) and protein_nonpolar color translucent 0.0 color brown cpk restrict *D or *E or *F