RID: M1T3ZY81013 Job Title:ref|NC_088619.1| Program: BLASTN Query: None ID: lcl|Query_4225857(dna) Length: 4144 Database: refseq_genomes (4 databases) Sequences producing significant alignments: Scientific Common Max Total Query E Per. Acc. Description Name Name Taxid Score Score cover Value Ident Len Accession Uloborus diversus isolate 005 chromosome 2, Udiv.v.3.1 Uloborus div... NA 327109 56.3 56.3 0% 7e-04 92.50 221850441 NC_072732.1 Argiope bruennichi chromosome 9, qqArgBrue1.1 Argiope brue... NA 94029 55.4 107 1% 7e-04 94.29 130975627 NC_079159.1 Parasteatoda tepidariorum strain Goettingen unplaced genomic... Parasteatoda... common house... 114398 54.5 54.5 1% 0.002 85.42 5229428 NW_024970106.1 Argiope bruennichi chromosome 2, qqArgBrue1.1 Argiope brue... NA 94029 53.6 53.6 0% 0.002 90.24 146539707 NC_079152.1 Stegodyphus dumicola isolate AA2019 ecotype Namibia, Etosha... Stegodyphus ... NA 202533 53.6 53.6 0% 0.002 100.00 72667 NW_023318138.1 Uloborus diversus isolate 005 chromosome 3, Udiv.v.3.1 Uloborus div... NA 327109 52.7 52.7 0% 0.008 92.11 218885758 NC_072733.1 Argiope bruennichi chromosome 8, qqArgBrue1.1 Argiope brue... NA 94029 50.9 50.9 0% 0.029 87.80 133229410 NC_079158.1 Stegodyphus dumicola isolate AA2019 ecotype Namibia, Etosha... Stegodyphus ... NA 202533 50.9 50.9 0% 0.029 96.67 163458 NW_023316922.1 Argiope bruennichi chromosome 1, qqArgBrue1.1 Argiope brue... NA 94029 50.0 50.0 0% 0.029 100.00 151336912 NC_079151.1 Argiope bruennichi chromosome 3, qqArgBrue1.1 Argiope brue... NA 94029 50.0 50.0 0% 0.029 100.00 146223468 NC_079153.1 Stegodyphus dumicola isolate AA2019 ecotype Namibia, Etosha... Stegodyphus ... NA 202533 50.0 50.0 0% 0.029 100.00 515429 NW_023317423.1 Alignments: >Uloborus diversus isolate 005 chromosome 2, Udiv.v.3.1 Sequence ID: NC_072732.1 Length: 221850441 Range 1: 187482158 to 187482197 Score:56.3 bits(61), Expect:7e-04, Identities:37/40(93%), Gaps:1/40(2%), Strand: Plus/Minus Query 9 TACTTGTGA-TGTTTAAAatatatatatatatatTTTATT 47 ||||| ||| |||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||| Sbjct 187482197 TACTTATGAGTGTTTAAAATATATATATATATATATTATT 187482158 >Argiope bruennichi chromosome 9, qqArgBrue1.1 Sequence ID: NC_079159.1 Length: 130975627 Range 1: 123385312 to 123385346 Score:55.4 bits(60), Expect:7e-04, Identities:33/35(94%), Gaps:0/35(0%), Strand: Plus/Plus Query 20 TTTAAAatatatatatatatatTTTATTATGCATC 54 |||||||||||||||||||||| || ||||||||| Sbjct 123385312 TTTAAAATATATATATATATATATTTTTATGCATC 123385346 Range 2: 3367287 to 3367336 Score:51.8 bits(56), Expect:0.008, Identities:42/50(84%), Gaps:1/50(2%), Strand: Plus/Minus Query 22 TAAAatatatatatatatatTT-TATTATGCATCTCAACACATCTACACT 70 ||| |||||||||||||||| | || ||||||| | | ||||||||||| Sbjct 3367336 TAATATATATATATATATATATATAATATGCATTTTATGACATCTACACT 3367287 >Parasteatoda tepidariorum strain Goettingen unplaced genomic scaffold, Ptep_3.0 scaffold5 Sequence ID: NW_024970106.1 Length: 5229428 Range 1: 1708809 to 1708853 Score:54.5 bits(59), Expect:0.002, Identities:41/48(85%), Gaps:3/48(6%), Strand: Plus/Minus Query 12 TTGTGATGTTTAAAatatatatatatatatTTTATTATGCATCTCAAC 59 |||| |||| || ||||||||||||||||||||||| ||| ||||| Sbjct 1708853 TTGTTATGTATA---TATATATATATATATTTTATTATTCATTTCAAC 1708809 >Argiope bruennichi chromosome 2, qqArgBrue1.1 Sequence ID: NC_079152.1 Length: 146539707 Range 1: 134990089 to 134990129 Score:53.6 bits(58), Expect:0.002, Identities:37/41(90%), Gaps:1/41(2%), Strand: Plus/Minus Query 15 TGATGTTTAAAatatatatatata-tatTTTATTATGCATC 54 ||| |||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||| || ||| Sbjct 134990129 TGAAGTTTAAAATATATATATATATTATTTTATTTTGAATC 134990089 >Stegodyphus dumicola isolate AA2019 ecotype Namibia, Etosha unplaced genomic scaffold, ASM1061486v1 SEQ_05451 Sequence ID: NW_023318138.1 Length: 72667 Range 1: 58850 to 58878 Score:53.6 bits(58), Expect:0.002, Identities:29/29(100%), Gaps:0/29(0%), Strand: Plus/Minus Query 21 TTAAAatatatatatatatatTTTATTAT 49 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Sbjct 58878 TTAAAATATATATATATATATTTTATTAT 58850 >Uloborus diversus isolate 005 chromosome 3, Udiv.v.3.1 Sequence ID: NC_072733.1 Length: 218885758 Range 1: 216551824 to 216551861 Score:52.7 bits(57), Expect:0.008, Identities:35/38(92%), Gaps:1/38(2%), Strand: Plus/Minus Query 5 GTGATACTTG-TGATGTTTAAAatatatatatatatat 41 || |||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Sbjct 216551861 GTAATACTTCATGATGTTTAAAATATATATATATATAT 216551824 >Argiope bruennichi chromosome 8, qqArgBrue1.1 Sequence ID: NC_079158.1 Length: 133229410 Range 1: 124252945 to 124252985 Score:50.9 bits(55), Expect:0.029, Identities:36/41(88%), Gaps:3/41(7%), Strand: Plus/Minus Query 17 ATGTTTAAA---atatatatatatatatTTTATTATGCATC 54 ||||| ||| |||||||||||||||| |||||||||||| Sbjct 124252985 ATGTTAAAATATATATATATATATATATATTATTATGCATC 124252945 >Stegodyphus dumicola isolate AA2019 ecotype Namibia, Etosha unplaced genomic scaffold, ASM1061486v1 SEQ_04235 Sequence ID: NW_023316922.1 Length: 163458 Range 1: 75461 to 75490 Score:50.9 bits(55), Expect:0.029, Identities:29/30(97%), Gaps:0/30(0%), Strand: Plus/Minus Query 26 atatatatatatatatTTTATTATGCATCT 55 |||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||| Sbjct 75490 ATATATATATATATATTTAATTATGCATCT 75461 >Argiope bruennichi chromosome 1, qqArgBrue1.1 Sequence ID: NC_079151.1 Length: 151336912 Range 1: 34821035 to 34821061 Score:50.0 bits(54), Expect:0.029, Identities:27/27(100%), Gaps:0/27(0%), Strand: Plus/Plus Query 15 TGATGTTTAAAatatatatatatatat 41 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Sbjct 34821035 TGATGTTTAAAATATATATATATATAT 34821061 >Argiope bruennichi chromosome 3, qqArgBrue1.1 Sequence ID: NC_079153.1 Length: 146223468 Range 1: 13455960 to 13455986 Score:50.0 bits(54), Expect:0.029, Identities:27/27(100%), Gaps:0/27(0%), Strand: Plus/Minus Query 15 TGATGTTTAAAatatatatatatatat 41 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Sbjct 13455986 TGATGTTTAAAATATATATATATATAT 13455960 >Stegodyphus dumicola isolate AA2019 ecotype Namibia, Etosha unplaced genomic scaffold, ASM1061486v1 SEQ_04736 Sequence ID: NW_023317423.1 Length: 515429 Range 1: 153385 to 153411 Score:50.0 bits(54), Expect:0.029, Identities:27/27(100%), Gaps:0/27(0%), Strand: Plus/Plus Query 18 TGTTTAAAatatatatatatatatTTT 44 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Sbjct 153385 TGTTTAAAATATATATATATATATTTT 153411