Макромолекулярный докинг

Скачаем необходимые файлы для работы.

In [1]:
! wget https://kodomo.fbb.msu.ru/~golovin/zdock/amylase.pdb
! wget https://kodomo.fbb.msu.ru/~golovin/zdock/camelid.pdb
! wget https://kodomo.fbb.msu.ru/~golovin/zdock/uniCHARMM
--2021-10-25 18:21:04--  https://kodomo.fbb.msu.ru/~golovin/zdock/amylase.pdb
Resolving kodomo.fbb.msu.ru (kodomo.fbb.msu.ru)...
Connecting to kodomo.fbb.msu.ru (kodomo.fbb.msu.ru)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 387504 (378K) [chemical/x-pdb]
Saving to: ‘amylase.pdb’

amylase.pdb         100%[===================>] 378.42K  2.08MB/s    in 0.2s    

2021-10-25 18:21:05 (2.08 MB/s) - ‘amylase.pdb’ saved [387504/387504]

--2021-10-25 18:21:05--  https://kodomo.fbb.msu.ru/~golovin/zdock/camelid.pdb
Resolving kodomo.fbb.msu.ru (kodomo.fbb.msu.ru)...
Connecting to kodomo.fbb.msu.ru (kodomo.fbb.msu.ru)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 73224 (72K) [chemical/x-pdb]
Saving to: ‘camelid.pdb’

camelid.pdb         100%[===================>]  71.51K  --.-KB/s    in 0.09s   

2021-10-25 18:21:05 (818 KB/s) - ‘camelid.pdb’ saved [73224/73224]

--2021-10-25 18:21:06--  https://kodomo.fbb.msu.ru/~golovin/zdock/uniCHARMM
Resolving kodomo.fbb.msu.ru (kodomo.fbb.msu.ru)...
Connecting to kodomo.fbb.msu.ru (kodomo.fbb.msu.ru)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 17376 (17K)
Saving to: ‘uniCHARMM’

uniCHARMM           100%[===================>]  16.97K  --.-KB/s    in 0.04s   

2021-10-25 18:21:06 (391 KB/s) - ‘uniCHARMM’ saved [17376/17376]

In [2]:
! gmx pdb2gmx -f amylase.pdb -o amylase_h.pdb -ignh -ff gromos53a6 -water spc
             :-) GROMACS - gmx pdb2gmx, 2020.1-Ubuntu-2020.1-1 (-:

                            GROMACS is written by:
     Emile Apol      Rossen Apostolov      Paul Bauer     Herman J.C. Berendsen
    Par Bjelkmar      Christian Blau   Viacheslav Bolnykh     Kevin Boyd    
 Aldert van Buuren   Rudi van Drunen     Anton Feenstra       Alan Gray     
  Gerrit Groenhof     Anca Hamuraru    Vincent Hindriksen  M. Eric Irrgang  
  Aleksei Iupinov   Christoph Junghans     Joe Jordan     Dimitrios Karkoulis
    Peter Kasson        Jiri Kraus      Carsten Kutzner      Per Larsson    
  Justin A. Lemkul    Viveca Lindahl    Magnus Lundborg     Erik Marklund   
    Pascal Merz     Pieter Meulenhoff    Teemu Murtola       Szilard Pall   
    Sander Pronk      Roland Schulz      Michael Shirts    Alexey Shvetsov  
   Alfons Sijbers     Peter Tieleman      Jon Vincent      Teemu Virolainen 
 Christian Wennberg    Maarten Wolf      Artem Zhmurov   
                           and the project leaders:
        Mark Abraham, Berk Hess, Erik Lindahl, and David van der Spoel

Copyright (c) 1991-2000, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
Copyright (c) 2001-2019, The GROMACS development team at
Uppsala University, Stockholm University and
the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
check out http://www.gromacs.org for more information.

GROMACS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

GROMACS:      gmx pdb2gmx, version 2020.1-Ubuntu-2020.1-1
Executable:   /usr/bin/gmx
Data prefix:  /usr
Working dir:  /home/marinakan/pr10
Command line:
  gmx pdb2gmx -f amylase.pdb -o amylase_h.pdb -ignh -ff gromos53a6 -water spc

Using the Gromos53a6 force field in directory gromos53a6.ff

going to rename gromos53a6.ff/aminoacids.r2b
Opening force field file /usr/share/gromacs/top/gromos53a6.ff/aminoacids.r2b
Reading amylase.pdb...
Read '', 3898 atoms
Analyzing pdb file
Splitting chemical chains based on TER records or chain id changing.
There are 1 chains and 0 blocks of water and 495 residues with 3898 atoms

  chain  #res #atoms
  1 'A'   495   3898  

All occupancies are one
Opening force field file /usr/share/gromacs/top/gromos53a6.ff/atomtypes.atp
Reading residue database... (Gromos53a6)
Opening force field file /usr/share/gromacs/top/gromos53a6.ff/aminoacids.rtp
Using default: not generating all possible dihedrals
Using default: excluding 3 bonded neighbors
Using default: generating 1,4 H--H interactions
Using default: removing proper dihedrals found on the same bond as a proper dihedral
Opening force field file /usr/share/gromacs/top/gromos53a6.ff/aminoacids.hdb
Opening force field file /usr/share/gromacs/top/gromos53a6.ff/aminoacids.n.tdb
Opening force field file /usr/share/gromacs/top/gromos53a6.ff/aminoacids.c.tdb
Processing chain 1 'A' (3898 atoms, 495 residues)
Analysing hydrogen-bonding network for automated assignment of histidine
 protonation. 761 donors and 727 acceptors were found.
There are 1112 hydrogen bonds
Will use HISE for residue 15
Will use HISE for residue 101
Will use HISD for residue 201
Will use HISD for residue 215
Will use HISE for residue 299
Will use HISE for residue 305
Will use HISE for residue 331
Will use HISE for residue 386
Will use HISE for residue 491
Identified residue TYR2 as a starting terminus.
Identified residue LEU496 as a ending terminus.
8 out of 8 lines of specbond.dat converted successfully
Special Atom Distance matrix:
                   HIS15   CYS28   CYS70   MET82   CYS86  HIS101  MET102
                  NE2108   SG226   SG568   SD667   SG699  NE2817   SD824
   CYS28   SG226   1.477
   CYS70   SG568   2.005   2.128
   MET82   SD667   1.264   0.664   1.475
   CYS86   SG699   1.513   0.203   1.981   0.534
  HIS101  NE2817   1.466   2.637   1.962   2.164   2.578
  MET102   SD824   1.986   2.772   1.528   2.188   2.655   0.870
  CYS103   SG831   2.123   3.077   1.577   2.469   2.979   1.037   0.737
  CYS115   SG895   2.157   2.309   0.203   1.653   2.156   1.985   1.471
  CYS119   SG923   2.402   3.163   1.363   2.518   3.043   1.469   0.923
  CYS141  SG1096   2.888   4.102   3.204   3.640   4.040   1.497   1.749
  CYS160  SG1242   2.772   3.997   3.205   3.558   3.941   1.420   1.753
  MET178  SD1384   2.656   2.994   1.850   2.453   2.834   1.782   1.043
  HIS201 NE21563   1.740   3.049   2.737   2.701   3.028   0.792   1.580
  MET202  SD1570   1.804   2.720   2.352   2.331   2.649   0.825   1.111
  HIS215 NE21676   2.642   2.416   2.317   2.122   2.258   2.423   2.034
  MET274  SD2144   2.653   3.240   4.641   3.546   3.408   3.660   4.424
  MET287  SD2255   1.849   2.658   3.493   2.682   2.706   2.091   2.739
  HIS299 NE22352   0.536   1.992   2.086   1.692   2.008   1.065   1.743
  HIS305 NE22402   1.473   2.809   3.217   2.711   2.898   2.036   2.850
  MET328  SD2572   1.412   2.027   3.367   2.252   2.160   2.491   3.157
  HIS331 NE22596   2.492   2.925   4.402   3.239   3.060   3.331   4.014
  MET339  SD2662   0.507   1.636   2.455   1.598   1.730   1.845   2.456
  CYS378  SG2970   1.529   1.356   2.560   1.545   1.497   2.917   3.271
  CYS384  SG3017   1.340   1.315   2.498   1.476   1.456   2.742   3.127
  HIS386 NE23036   1.257   0.955   2.517   1.270   1.126   2.699   3.069
  MET394  SD3115   2.231   2.212   4.016   2.685   2.399   3.533   4.122
  CYS450  SG3564   3.335   2.796   4.811   3.404   2.991   4.742   5.228
  CYS462  SG3645   3.478   2.975   4.970   3.576   3.172   4.888   5.389
  HIS491 NE23860   2.628   2.179   4.197   2.766   2.367   3.964   4.451
                  CYS103  CYS115  CYS119  CYS141  CYS160  MET178  HIS201
                   SG831   SG895   SG923  SG1096  SG1242  SD1384 NE21563
  CYS115   SG895   1.515
  CYS119   SG923   0.491   1.251
  CYS141  SG1096   1.755   3.157   2.151
  CYS160  SG1242   1.802   3.169   2.218   0.203
  MET178  SD1384   1.689   1.750   1.635   2.374   2.384
  HIS201 NE21563   1.711   2.771   2.183   1.277   1.117   2.360
  MET202  SD1570   1.644   2.362   1.991   1.560   1.442   1.536   0.963
  HIS215 NE21676   2.738   2.313   2.748   3.305   3.242   1.362   2.862
  MET274  SD2144   4.540   4.803   4.922   4.537   4.358   5.048   3.318
  MET287  SD2255   3.121   3.590   3.516   2.799   2.607   3.134   1.690
  HIS299 NE22352   1.799   2.205   2.156   2.412   2.297   2.554   1.272
  HIS305 NE22402   2.743   3.343   3.150   2.914   2.779   3.729   1.791
  MET328  SD2572   3.385   3.522   3.729   3.596   3.426   3.691   2.323
  HIS331 NE22596   4.314   4.545   4.689   4.169   3.976   4.438   2.974
  MET339  SD2662   2.537   2.616   2.840   3.171   3.041   3.151   1.957
  CYS378  SG2970   3.289   2.761   3.425   4.358   4.256   3.837   3.236
  CYS384  SG3017   3.151   2.697   3.310   4.175   4.070   3.712   3.041
  HIS386 NE23036   3.203   2.714   3.369   4.145   4.028   3.557   2.979
  MET394  SD3115   4.341   4.196   4.630   4.718   4.551   4.578   3.443
  CYS450  SG3564   5.444   5.005   5.662   6.024   5.865   5.594   4.755
  CYS462  SG3645   5.589   5.165   5.811   6.160   6.000   5.774   4.887
  HIS491 NE23860   4.730   4.381   4.970   5.214   5.051   4.783   3.955
                  MET202  HIS215  MET274  MET287  HIS299  HIS305  MET328
                  SD1570 NE21676  SD2144  SD2255 NE22352 NE22402  SD2572
  HIS215 NE21676   1.936
  MET274  SD2144   3.747   4.709
  MET287  SD2255   1.755   2.839   2.285
  HIS299 NE22352   1.539   2.768   2.768   1.792
  HIS305 NE22402   2.481   3.921   2.025   2.016   1.238
  MET328  SD2572   2.515   3.322   1.406   1.306   1.624   1.553
  HIS331 NE22596   3.161   3.913   1.193   1.475   2.632   2.349   1.118
  MET339  SD2662   2.180   3.077   2.197   1.837   0.796   1.173   1.088
  CYS378  SG2970   3.300   3.606   2.788   3.050   1.970   2.271   1.998
  CYS384  SG3017   3.122   3.499   2.664   2.862   1.779   2.088   1.827
  HIS386 NE23036   2.958   3.195   2.565   2.598   1.765   2.188   1.590
  MET394  SD3115   3.569   4.001   1.309   2.309   2.583   2.394   1.131
  CYS450  SG3564   4.794   4.856   2.361   3.623   3.769   3.623   2.482
  CYS462  SG3645   4.954   5.052   2.384   3.762   3.901   3.703   2.607
  HIS491 NE23860   3.938   4.036   1.953   2.750   3.053   3.044   1.699
                  HIS331  MET339  CYS378  CYS384  HIS386  MET394  CYS450
                 NE22596  SD2662  SG2970  SG3017 NE23036  SD3115  SG3564
  MET339  SD2662   2.198
  CYS378  SG2970   3.007   1.364
  CYS384  SG3017   2.860   1.162   0.202
  HIS386 NE23036   2.587   1.119   0.563   0.470
  MET394  SD3115   1.364   1.855   1.999   1.918   1.664
  CYS450  SG3564   2.558   2.995   2.514   2.545   2.340   1.371
  CYS462  SG3645   2.655   3.121   2.629   2.663   2.483   1.486   0.202
  HIS491 NE23860   1.824   2.332   2.180   2.149   1.829   0.710   0.917
  HIS491 NE23860   1.091
Linking CYS-28 SG-226 and CYS-86 SG-699...
Linking CYS-70 SG-568 and CYS-115 SG-895...
Linking CYS-141 SG-1096 and CYS-160 SG-1242...
Linking CYS-378 SG-2970 and CYS-384 SG-3017...
Linking CYS-450 SG-3564 and CYS-462 SG-3645...
Start terminus TYR-2: NH3+
End terminus LEU-496: COO-
Checking for duplicate atoms....
Generating any missing hydrogen atoms and/or adding termini.
Now there are 495 residues with 5087 atoms
Making bonds...
Number of bonds was 5207, now 5202
Generating angles, dihedrals and pairs...

WARNING: WARNING: Residue 1 named TYR of a molecule in the input file was mapped
to an entry in the topology database, but the atom H used in
an interaction of type angle in that entry is not found in the
input file. Perhaps your atom and/or residue naming needs to be

WARNING: WARNING: Residue 495 named LEU of a molecule in the input file was mapped
to an entry in the topology database, but the atom O used in
an interaction of type angle in that entry is not found in the
input file. Perhaps your atom and/or residue naming needs to be

Before cleaning: 8104 pairs
Before cleaning: 10145 dihedrals
Making cmap torsions...
There are 2623 dihedrals, 2788 impropers, 7653 angles
          8104 pairs,     5202 bonds and     0 virtual sites
Total mass 55217.920 a.m.u.
Total charge -6.000 e
Writing topology

Writing coordinate file...
		--------- PLEASE NOTE ------------
You have successfully generated a topology from: amylase.pdb.
The Gromos53a6 force field and the spc water model are used.
		--------- ETON ESAELP ------------

GROMACS reminds you: "If you're doing I/O, you're doing it wrong!" (Cannada "Drew" Lewis)

In [4]:
! gmx pdb2gmx -f camelid.pdb -o camelid_h.pdb -ignh -ff gromos53a6 -water spc
! mark_sur amylase_h.pdb amylase_ms.pdb
! mark_sur camelid_h.pdb camelid_ms.pdb
             :-) GROMACS - gmx pdb2gmx, 2020.1-Ubuntu-2020.1-1 (-:

                            GROMACS is written by:
     Emile Apol      Rossen Apostolov      Paul Bauer     Herman J.C. Berendsen
    Par Bjelkmar      Christian Blau   Viacheslav Bolnykh     Kevin Boyd    
 Aldert van Buuren   Rudi van Drunen     Anton Feenstra       Alan Gray     
  Gerrit Groenhof     Anca Hamuraru    Vincent Hindriksen  M. Eric Irrgang  
  Aleksei Iupinov   Christoph Junghans     Joe Jordan     Dimitrios Karkoulis
    Peter Kasson        Jiri Kraus      Carsten Kutzner      Per Larsson    
  Justin A. Lemkul    Viveca Lindahl    Magnus Lundborg     Erik Marklund   
    Pascal Merz     Pieter Meulenhoff    Teemu Murtola       Szilard Pall   
    Sander Pronk      Roland Schulz      Michael Shirts    Alexey Shvetsov  
   Alfons Sijbers     Peter Tieleman      Jon Vincent      Teemu Virolainen 
 Christian Wennberg    Maarten Wolf      Artem Zhmurov   
                           and the project leaders:
        Mark Abraham, Berk Hess, Erik Lindahl, and David van der Spoel

Copyright (c) 1991-2000, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
Copyright (c) 2001-2019, The GROMACS development team at
Uppsala University, Stockholm University and
the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
check out http://www.gromacs.org for more information.

GROMACS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

GROMACS:      gmx pdb2gmx, version 2020.1-Ubuntu-2020.1-1
Executable:   /usr/bin/gmx
Data prefix:  /usr
Working dir:  /home/marinakan/pr10
Command line:
  gmx pdb2gmx -f camelid.pdb -o camelid_h.pdb -ignh -ff gromos53a6 -water spc

Using the Gromos53a6 force field in directory gromos53a6.ff

going to rename gromos53a6.ff/aminoacids.r2b
Opening force field file /usr/share/gromacs/top/gromos53a6.ff/aminoacids.r2b
Reading camelid.pdb...
Read '', 903 atoms
Analyzing pdb file
Splitting chemical chains based on TER records or chain id changing.
There are 1 chains and 0 blocks of water and 123 residues with 903 atoms

  chain  #res #atoms
  1 'B'   123    903  

All occupancies are one
Opening force field file /usr/share/gromacs/top/gromos53a6.ff/atomtypes.atp
Reading residue database... (Gromos53a6)
Opening force field file /usr/share/gromacs/top/gromos53a6.ff/aminoacids.rtp
Using default: not generating all possible dihedrals
Using default: excluding 3 bonded neighbors
Using default: generating 1,4 H--H interactions
Using default: removing proper dihedrals found on the same bond as a proper dihedral
Opening force field file /usr/share/gromacs/top/gromos53a6.ff/aminoacids.hdb
Opening force field file /usr/share/gromacs/top/gromos53a6.ff/aminoacids.n.tdb
Opening force field file /usr/share/gromacs/top/gromos53a6.ff/aminoacids.c.tdb

Back Off! I just backed up topol.top to ./#topol.top.2#
Processing chain 1 'B' (903 atoms, 123 residues)
Identified residue GLN1 as a starting terminus.
Identified residue VAL111 as a ending terminus.
8 out of 8 lines of specbond.dat converted successfully
Special Atom Distance matrix:
                   CYS22   MET34   CYS45   MET82   CYS92
                   SG143   SD215   SG306   SD588   SG693
   MET34   SD215   0.667
   CYS45   SG306   1.465   1.705
   MET82   SD588   1.290   1.645   1.477
   CYS92   SG693   0.204   0.644   1.283   1.231
  CYS100   SG792   1.473   1.646   0.204   1.609   1.284
Linking CYS-22 SG-143 and CYS-92 SG-693...
Linking CYS-45 SG-306 and CYS-100 SG-792...
Start terminus GLN-1: NH3+
End terminus VAL-111: COO-
Checking for duplicate atoms....
Generating any missing hydrogen atoms and/or adding termini.
Now there are 123 residues with 1176 atoms
Making bonds...
Warning: Long Bond (201-203 = 0.338522 nm)
Number of bonds was 1202, now 1197
Generating angles, dihedrals and pairs...

WARNING: WARNING: Residue 1 named GLN of a molecule in the input file was mapped
to an entry in the topology database, but the atom H used in
an interaction of type angle in that entry is not found in the
input file. Perhaps your atom and/or residue naming needs to be

WARNING: WARNING: Residue 123 named VAL of a molecule in the input file was mapped
to an entry in the topology database, but the atom O used in
an interaction of type angle in that entry is not found in the
input file. Perhaps your atom and/or residue naming needs to be

Before cleaning: 1935 pairs
Before cleaning: 2304 dihedrals
Making cmap torsions...
There are  628 dihedrals,  603 impropers, 1748 angles
          1935 pairs,     1197 bonds and     0 virtual sites
Total mass 12878.351 a.m.u.
Total charge 2.000 e
Writing topology

Back Off! I just backed up posre.itp to ./#posre.itp.2#

Writing coordinate file...

Back Off! I just backed up camelid_h.pdb to ./#camelid_h.pdb.1#
		--------- PLEASE NOTE ------------
You have successfully generated a topology from: camelid.pdb.
The Gromos53a6 force field and the spc water model are used.
		--------- ETON ESAELP ------------

GROMACS reminds you: "As an adolescent I aspired to lasting fame, I craved factual certainty, and I thirsted for a meaningful vision of human life -- so I became a scientist. This is like becoming an archbishop so you can meet girls." (Matt Cartmill)

    2 TYR   H1 unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
    3 TYR   H2 unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
    4 TYR   H3 unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
    9 TYR   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   11 TYR   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   13 TYR   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   15 TYR   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   18 TYR   HH unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   22 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   35 GLN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   42 GLN  1HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   43 GLN  2HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   47 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   51 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   56 GLN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   63 GLN  1HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   64 GLN  2HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   68 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   72 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   76 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   81 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   87 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   90 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   91 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   93 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   94 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   98 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  102 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  107 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  111 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  115 ILE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  120 ILE   CD unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  124 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  132 HIS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  138 HIS   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  140 HIS   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  142 HIS   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  146 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  155 PHE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  160 PHE   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  162 PHE   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  164 PHE   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  166 PHE   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  168 PHE   HZ unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  172 GLU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  182 TRP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  187 TRP   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  190 TRP   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  193 TRP   HE3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  195 TRP   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  197 TRP   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  199 TRP   HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  203 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  209 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  212 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  213 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  215 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  216 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  220 TRP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  225 TRP   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  228 TRP   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  231 TRP   HE3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  233 TRP   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  235 TRP   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  237 TRP   HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  241 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  249 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  258 ILE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  263 ILE   CD unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  267 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  273 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  282 GLU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  292 CYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  299 GLU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  309 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  315 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  318 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  319 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  321 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  322 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  326 TYR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  331 TYR   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  333 TYR   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  335 TYR   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  337 TYR   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  340 TYR   HH unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  344 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  353 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  365 LYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  372 LYS   HZ1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  373 LYS   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  374 LYS   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  378 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  383 PHE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  388 PHE   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  390 PHE   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  392 PHE   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  394 PHE   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  396 PHE   HZ unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  400 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  405 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  410 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  418 GLN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  425 GLN  1HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  426 GLN  2HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  430 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  438 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  442 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  460 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  466 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  467 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  471 GLU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  481 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  487 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  488 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  492 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  500 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  508 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  516 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  520 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  525 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  531 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  532 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  543 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  547 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  551 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  557 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  560 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  561 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  563 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  564 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  575 TRP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  580 TRP   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  583 TRP   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  586 TRP   HE3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  588 TRP   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  590 TRP   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  592 TRP   HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  596 TRP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  601 TRP   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  604 TRP   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  607 TRP   HE3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  609 TRP   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  611 TRP   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  613 TRP   HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  617 GLU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  627 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  633 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  636 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  637 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  639 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  640 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  644 TYR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  649 TYR   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  651 TYR   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  653 TYR   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  655 TYR   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  658 TYR   HH unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  662 GLN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  669 GLN  1HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  670 GLN  2HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  681 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  689 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  693 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  697 TYR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  702 TYR   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  704 TYR   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  706 TYR   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  708 TYR   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  711 TYR   HH unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  715 LYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  722 LYS   HZ1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  723 LYS   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  724 LYS   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  728 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  737 CYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  744 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  748 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  753 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  759 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  762 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  763 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  765 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  766 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  770 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  774 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  778 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  783 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  789 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  790 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  794 GLU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  804 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  810 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  811 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  815 GLU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  825 PHE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  830 PHE   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  832 PHE   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  834 PHE   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  836 PHE   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  838 PHE   HZ unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  842 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  848 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  851 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  852 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  854 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  855 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  859 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  868 MET   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  877 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  885 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  889 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  894 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  900 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  903 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  904 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  906 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  907 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  911 CYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  918 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  924 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  925 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  929 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  935 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  936 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  940 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  948 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  953 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  961 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  967 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  970 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  971 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  973 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  974 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  978 ILE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  983 ILE   CD unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  987 TYR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  992 TYR   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  994 TYR   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  996 TYR   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  998 TYR   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1001 TYR   HH unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1005 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1013 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1022 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1028 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1036 ILE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1041 ILE   CD unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1045 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1051 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1052 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1056 HIS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1062 HIS   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1064 HIS   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1066 HIS   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1070 MET   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1079 CYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1083 CYS   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1087 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1092 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1096 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1100 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1105 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1111 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1117 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1123 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1128 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1132 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1137 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1142 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1146 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1151 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1155 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1160 CYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1167 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1172 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1176 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1180 TYR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1185 TYR   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1187 TYR   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1189 TYR   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1191 TYR   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1194 TYR   HH unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1198 CYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1202 CYS   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1206 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1212 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1213 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1224 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1229 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1233 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1237 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1243 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1246 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1247 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1249 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1250 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1254 GLU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1264 PHE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1269 PHE   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1271 PHE   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1273 PHE   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1275 PHE   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1277 PHE   HZ unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1288 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1294 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1309 TYR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1314 TYR   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1316 TYR   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1318 TYR   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1320 TYR   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1323 TYR   HH unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1327 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1331 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1335 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1341 TRP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1346 TRP   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1349 TRP   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1352 TRP   HE3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1354 TRP   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1356 TRP   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1358 TRP   HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1362 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1371 PHE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1376 PHE   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1378 PHE   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1380 PHE   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1382 PHE   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1384 PHE   HZ unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1388 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1394 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1395 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1399 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1408 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1413 LYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1420 LYS   HZ1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1421 LYS   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1422 LYS   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1426 CYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1433 LYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1440 LYS   HZ1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1441 LYS   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1442 LYS   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1446 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1450 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1455 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1461 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1465 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1469 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1474 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1479 ILE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1484 ILE   CD unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1488 GLU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1498 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1502 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1506 TYR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1511 TYR   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1513 TYR   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1515 TYR   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1517 TYR   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1520 TYR   HH unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1524 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1530 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1531 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1535 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1551 TYR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1556 TYR   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1558 TYR   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1560 TYR   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1562 TYR   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1565 TYR   HH unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1569 GLN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1576 GLN  1HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1577 GLN  2HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1581 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1589 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1595 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1598 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1599 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1601 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1602 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1606 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1615 CYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1622 GLN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1629 GLN  1HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1630 GLN  2HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1634 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1643 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1651 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1656 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1665 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1674 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1683 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1692 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1698 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1707 GLU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1717 LYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1724 LYS   HZ1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1725 LYS   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1726 LYS   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1730 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1739 TYR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1744 TYR   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1746 TYR   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1748 TYR   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1750 TYR   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1753 TYR   HH unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1757 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1765 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1771 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1774 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1775 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1777 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1778 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1782 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1786 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1790 MET   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1799 ILE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1804 ILE   CD unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1808 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1814 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1823 TYR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1828 TYR   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1830 TYR   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1832 TYR   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1834 TYR   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1837 TYR   HH unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1841 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1850 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1856 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1857 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1861 LYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1868 LYS   HZ1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1869 LYS   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1870 LYS   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1874 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1883 ILE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1888 ILE   CD unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1892 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1901 ILE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1906 ILE   CD unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1910 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1915 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1923 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1929 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1934 PHE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1939 PHE   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1941 PHE   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1943 PHE   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1945 PHE   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1947 PHE   HZ unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1951 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1957 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1960 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1961 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1963 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1964 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1968 ILE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1973 ILE   CD unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1977 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1986 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1992 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1996 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2000 LYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2007 LYS   HZ1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2008 LYS   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2009 LYS   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2013 HIS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2018 HIS   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2020 HIS   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2022 HIS   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2027 MET   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2036 TRP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2041 TRP   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2044 TRP   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2047 TRP   HE3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2049 TRP   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2051 TRP   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2053 TRP   HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2064 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2069 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2078 ILE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2083 ILE   CD unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2087 LYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2094 LYS   HZ1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2095 LYS   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2096 LYS   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2100 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2106 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2114 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2123 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2132 LYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2139 LYS   HZ1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2140 LYS   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2141 LYS   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2145 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2154 HIS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2159 HIS   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2161 HIS   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2163 HIS   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2168 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2174 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2175 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2179 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2188 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2194 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2195 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2199 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2203 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2208 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2214 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2215 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2219 TRP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2224 TRP   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2227 TRP   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2230 TRP   HE3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2232 TRP   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2234 TRP   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2236 TRP   HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2240 PHE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2245 PHE   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2247 PHE   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2249 PHE   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2251 PHE   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2253 PHE   HZ unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2264 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2270 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2275 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2279 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2283 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2289 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2292 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2293 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2295 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2296 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2307 PHE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2312 PHE   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2314 PHE   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2316 PHE   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2318 PHE   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2320 PHE   HZ unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2324 ILE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2329 ILE   CD unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2333 PHE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2338 PHE   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2340 PHE   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2342 PHE   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2344 PHE   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2346 PHE   HZ unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2350 GLN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2357 GLN  1HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2358 GLN  2HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2362 GLU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2372 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2380 ILE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2385 ILE   CD unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2389 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2398 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2407 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2412 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2417 GLU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2427 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2433 ILE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2438 ILE   CD unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2442 GLN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2449 GLN  1HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2450 GLN  2HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2454 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2458 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2462 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2466 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2470 GLU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2480 TYR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2485 TYR   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2487 TYR   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2489 TYR   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2491 TYR   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2494 TYR   HH unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2498 PHE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2503 PHE   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2505 PHE   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2507 PHE   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2509 PHE   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2511 PHE   HZ unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2515 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2520 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2526 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2527 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2531 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2536 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2542 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2545 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2546 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2548 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2549 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2553 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2561 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2565 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2570 GLU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2580 PHE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2585 PHE   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2587 PHE   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2589 PHE   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2591 PHE   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2593 PHE   HZ unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2597 LYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2604 LYS   HZ1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2605 LYS   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2606 LYS   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2610 TYR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2615 TYR   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2617 TYR   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2619 TYR   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2621 TYR   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2624 TYR   HH unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2628 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2633 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2639 LYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2646 LYS   HZ1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2647 LYS   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2648 LYS   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2652 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2661 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2666 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2670 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2675 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2683 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2691 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2697 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2700 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2701 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2703 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2704 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2708 LYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2715 LYS   HZ1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2716 LYS   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2717 LYS   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2721 TRP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2726 TRP   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2729 TRP   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2732 TRP   HE3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2734 TRP   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2736 TRP   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2738 TRP   HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2742 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2746 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2750 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2755 GLU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2765 LYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2772 LYS   HZ1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2773 LYS   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2774 LYS   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2778 MET   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2787 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2791 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2795 TYR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2800 TYR   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2802 TYR   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2804 TYR   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2806 TYR   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2809 TYR   HH unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2813 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2822 LYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2829 LYS   HZ1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2830 LYS   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2831 LYS   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2835 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2841 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2842 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2846 TRP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2851 TRP   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2854 TRP   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2857 TRP   HE3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2859 TRP   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2861 TRP   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2863 TRP   HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2867 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2872 GLU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2882 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2887 TRP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2892 TRP   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2895 TRP   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2898 TRP   HE3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2900 TRP   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2902 TRP   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2904 TRP   HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2908 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2913 PHE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2918 PHE   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2920 PHE   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2922 PHE   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2924 PHE   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2926 PHE   HZ unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2930 MET   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2946 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2950 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2954 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2963 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2969 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2972 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2973 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2975 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2976 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2980 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2986 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 2995 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3003 PHE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3008 PHE   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3010 PHE   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3012 PHE   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3014 PHE   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3016 PHE   HZ unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3020 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3028 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3037 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3043 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3044 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3048 HIS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3054 HIS   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3056 HIS   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3058 HIS   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3062 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3071 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3077 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3078 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3082 GLN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3089 GLN  1HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3090 GLN  2HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3094 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3100 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3103 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3104 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3106 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3107 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3111 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3116 HIS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3122 HIS   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3124 HIS   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3126 HIS   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3130 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3135 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3141 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3146 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3151 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3157 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3161 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3165 ILE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3170 ILE   CD unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3174 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3183 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3187 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3192 PHE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3197 PHE   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3199 PHE   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3201 PHE   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3203 PHE   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3205 PHE   HZ unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3209 TRP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3214 TRP   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3217 TRP   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3220 TRP   HE3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3222 TRP   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3224 TRP   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3226 TRP   HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3230 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3239 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3245 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3251 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3254 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3255 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3257 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3258 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3262 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3271 TYR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3276 TYR   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3278 TYR   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3280 TYR   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3282 TYR   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3285 TYR   HH unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3289 LYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3296 LYS   HZ1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3297 LYS   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3298 LYS   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3302 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3310 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3316 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3324 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3329 PHE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3334 PHE   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3336 PHE   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3338 PHE   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3340 PHE   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3342 PHE   HZ unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3346 MET   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3355 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3364 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3370 HIS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3376 HIS   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3378 HIS   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3380 HIS   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3391 TYR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3396 TYR   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3398 TYR   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3400 TYR   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3402 TYR   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3405 TYR   HH unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3409 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3414 PHE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3419 PHE   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3421 PHE   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3423 PHE   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3425 PHE   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3427 PHE   HZ unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3431 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3435 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3440 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3446 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3449 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3450 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3452 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3453 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3457 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3465 MET   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3474 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3478 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3482 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3486 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3490 TYR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3495 TYR   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3497 TYR   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3499 TYR   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3501 TYR   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3504 TYR   HH unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3508 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3514 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3517 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3518 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3520 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3521 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3525 TRP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3530 TRP   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3533 TRP   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3536 TRP   HE3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3538 TRP   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3540 TRP   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3542 TRP   HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3546 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3552 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3558 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3561 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3562 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3564 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3565 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3569 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3575 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3576 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3580 PHE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3585 PHE   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3587 PHE   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3589 PHE   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3591 PHE   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3593 PHE   HZ unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3597 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3605 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3611 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3612 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3616 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3621 GLU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3631 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3640 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3648 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3654 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3655 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3659 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3668 TRP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3673 TRP   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3676 TRP   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3679 TRP   HE3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3681 TRP   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3683 TRP   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3685 TRP   HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3689 ILE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3694 ILE   CD unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3698 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3717 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3723 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3724 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3728 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3734 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3735 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3739 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3745 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3746 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3750 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3755 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3763 ILE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3768 ILE   CD unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3772 LYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3779 LYS   HZ1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3780 LYS   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3781 LYS   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3785 GLU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3795 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3803 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3807 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3812 ILE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3817 ILE   CD unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3821 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3827 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3828 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3832 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3838 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3847 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3851 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3856 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3860 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3865 CYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3872 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3877 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3883 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3884 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3888 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3897 TRP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3902 TRP   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3905 TRP   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3908 TRP   HE3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3910 TRP   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3912 TRP   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3914 TRP   HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3918 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3926 CYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3933 GLU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3943 HIS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3949 HIS   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3951 HIS   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3953 HIS   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3957 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3963 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3966 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3967 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3969 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3970 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3974 TRP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3979 TRP   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3982 TRP   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3985 TRP   HE3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3987 TRP   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3989 TRP   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3991 TRP   HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 3995 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4001 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4004 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4005 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4007 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4008 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4012 GLU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4022 ILE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4027 ILE   CD unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4031 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4037 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4040 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4041 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4043 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4044 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4048 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4054 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4055 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4059 MET   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4068 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4076 TRP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4081 TRP   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4084 TRP   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4087 TRP   HE3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4089 TRP   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4091 TRP   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4093 TRP   HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4097 PHE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4102 PHE   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4104 PHE   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4106 PHE   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4108 PHE   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4110 PHE   HZ unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4114 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4120 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4123 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4124 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4126 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4127 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4131 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4137 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4138 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4142 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4150 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4158 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4167 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4172 GLN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4179 GLN  1HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4180 GLN  2HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4191 PHE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4196 PHE   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4198 PHE   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4200 PHE   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4202 PHE   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4204 PHE   HZ unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4208 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4214 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4220 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4221 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4225 TRP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4230 TRP   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4233 TRP   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4236 TRP   HE3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4238 TRP   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4240 TRP   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4242 TRP   HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4246 TRP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4251 TRP   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4254 TRP   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4257 TRP   HE3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4259 TRP   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4261 TRP   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4263 TRP   HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4267 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4276 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4282 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4283 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4287 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4292 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4296 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4300 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4306 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4307 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4311 GLN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4318 GLN  1HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4319 GLN  2HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4323 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4331 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4337 PHE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4342 PHE   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4344 PHE   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4346 PHE   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4348 PHE   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4350 PHE   HZ unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4354 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4359 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4365 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4368 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4369 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4371 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4372 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4376 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4381 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4387 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4388 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4392 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4398 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4401 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4402 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4404 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4405 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4409 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4414 PHE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4419 PHE   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4421 PHE   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4423 PHE   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4425 PHE   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4427 PHE   HZ unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4431 ILE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4436 ILE   CD unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4440 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4448 PHE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4453 PHE   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4455 PHE   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4457 PHE   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4459 PHE   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4461 PHE   HZ unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4465 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4471 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4472 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4476 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4482 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4483 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4487 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4496 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4505 TRP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4510 TRP   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4513 TRP   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4516 TRP   HE3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4518 TRP   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4520 TRP   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4522 TRP   HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4526 GLN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4533 GLN  1HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4534 GLN  2HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4538 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4547 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4551 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4555 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4559 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4563 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4567 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4572 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4581 GLN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4588 GLN  1HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4589 GLN  2HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4593 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4597 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4602 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4607 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4623 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4628 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4633 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4637 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4642 TYR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4647 TYR   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4649 TYR   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4651 TYR   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4653 TYR   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4656 TYR   HH unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4660 CYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4667 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4676 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4684 ILE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4689 ILE   CD unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4693 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4697 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4701 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4706 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4715 LYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4722 LYS   HZ1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4723 LYS   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4724 LYS   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4728 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4736 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4741 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4747 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4748 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4752 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4756 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4760 CYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4767 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4771 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4776 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4781 ILE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4786 ILE   CD unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4790 LYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4797 LYS   HZ1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4798 LYS   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4799 LYS   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4803 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4811 TYR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4816 TYR   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4818 TYR   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4820 TYR   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4822 TYR   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4825 TYR   HH unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4829 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4837 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4841 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4845 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4849 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4853 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4862 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4867 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4871 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4876 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4882 GLN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4889 GLN  1HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4890 GLN  2HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4894 PHE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4899 PHE   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4901 PHE   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4903 PHE   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4905 PHE   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4907 PHE   HZ unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4911 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4915 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4919 ILE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4924 ILE   CD unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4928 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4932 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4936 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4942 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4943 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4947 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4951 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4955 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4961 GLU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4971 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4987 PHE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4992 PHE   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4994 PHE   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4996 PHE   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 4998 PHE   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 5000 PHE   HZ unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 5004 ILE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 5009 ILE   CD unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 5013 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 5019 ILE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 5024 ILE   CD unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 5028 HIS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 5034 HIS   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 5036 HIS   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 5038 HIS   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 5042 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 5048 GLU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 5058 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 5062 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 5066 LYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 5073 LYS   HZ1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 5074 LYS   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 5075 LYS   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 5079 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 5086 LEU   O1 unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 5087 LEU   O2 unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
    2 GLN   H1 unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
    3 GLN   H2 unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
    4 GLN   H3 unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   11 GLN  1HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   12 GLN  2HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   16 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   24 GLN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   31 GLN  1HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   32 GLN  2HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   36 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   45 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   53 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   59 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   63 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   67 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   72 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   77 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   82 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   86 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   90 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
   98 GLN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  105 GLN  1HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  106 GLN  2HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  110 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  116 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  121 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  126 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  130 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  134 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  143 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  149 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  152 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  153 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  155 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  156 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  160 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  169 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  173 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  177 CYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  184 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  190 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  196 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  200 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  204 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  208 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  213 PHE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  218 PHE   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  220 PHE   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  222 PHE   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  224 PHE   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  226 PHE   HZ unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  230 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  234 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  238 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  242 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  246 TYR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  251 TYR   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  253 TYR   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  255 TYR   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  257 TYR   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  260 TYR   HH unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  271 MET   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  280 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  285 TRP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  290 TRP   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  293 TRP   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  296 TRP   HE3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  298 TRP   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  300 TRP   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  302 TRP   HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  306 TYR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  311 TYR   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  313 TYR   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  315 TYR   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  317 TYR   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  320 TYR   HH unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  324 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  330 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  333 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  334 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  336 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  337 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  341 GLN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  348 GLN  1HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  349 GLN  2HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  353 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  366 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  371 LYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  378 LYS   HZ1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  379 LYS   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  380 LYS   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  384 GLU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  394 CYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  401 GLU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  411 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  420 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  424 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  428 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  434 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  440 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  443 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  444 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  446 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  447 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  451 ILE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  456 ILE   CD unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  460 PHE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  465 PHE   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  467 PHE   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  469 PHE   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  471 PHE   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  473 PHE   HZ unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  477 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  481 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  485 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  494 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  499 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  503 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  507 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  513 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  519 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  520 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  524 TYR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  529 TYR   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  531 TYR   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  533 TYR   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  535 TYR   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  538 TYR   HH unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  542 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  548 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  557 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  561 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  565 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  573 LYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  580 LYS   HZ1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  581 LYS   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  582 LYS   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  586 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  591 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  597 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  600 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  601 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  603 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  604 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  608 PHE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  613 PHE   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  615 PHE   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  617 PHE   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  619 PHE   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  621 PHE   HZ unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  625 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  629 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  634 ILE   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  639 ILE   CD unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  643 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  647 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  651 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  657 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  660 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  661 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  663 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  664 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  668 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  677 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  683 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  684 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  688 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  694 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  700 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  706 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  707 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  711 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  715 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  720 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  726 TYR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  731 TYR   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  733 TYR   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  735 TYR   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  737 TYR   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  740 TYR   HH unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  744 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  753 GLN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  760 GLN  1HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  761 GLN  2HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  765 MET   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  774 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  783 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  787 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  791 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  800 LYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  807 LYS   HZ1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  808 LYS   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  809 LYS   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  820 GLU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  830 ASP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  839 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  843 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  848 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  854 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  862 TYR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  867 TYR   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  869 TYR   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  871 TYR   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  873 TYR   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  876 TYR   HH unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  880 TYR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  885 TYR   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  887 TYR   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  889 TYR   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  891 TYR   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  894 TYR   HH unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  898 CYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  905 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  911 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  917 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  929 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  934 SER   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  938 SER   HG unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  942 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  947 LYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  954 LYS   HZ1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  955 LYS   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  956 LYS   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  960 LEU   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  969 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  977 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  985 ALA   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  991 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
  996 ARG   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1002 ARG   HE unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1005 ARG  1HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1006 ARG  2HH1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1008 ARG  1HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1009 ARG  2HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1013 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1017 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1022 CYS   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1029 TYR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1034 TYR   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1036 TYR   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1038 TYR   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1040 TYR   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1043 TYR   HH unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1047 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1059 ASN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1065 ASN  1HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1066 ASN  2HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1070 TYR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1075 TYR   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1077 TYR   HD2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1079 TYR   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1081 TYR   HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1084 TYR   HH unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1088 TRP   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1093 TRP   HD1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1096 TRP   HE1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1099 TRP   HE3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1101 TRP   HZ2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1103 TRP   HZ3unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1105 TRP   HH2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1109 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1114 GLN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1121 GLN  1HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1122 GLN  2HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1126 GLY   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1131 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1135 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1140 GLN   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1147 GLN  1HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1148 GLN  2HE2unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1152 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1160 THR   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1164 THR   HG1unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1169 VAL   H  unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1175 VAL   O1 unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0
 1176 VAL   O2 unknown type.  rad set to 1.9, chg 0

Запустим докинг.

In [6]:
! zdock -L amylase_ms.pdb -R camelid_ms.pdb
ZDOCK has successfully completed and zdock.out has been created.

Выведем топ-10 лучших результатов.

In [8]:
! zrank zdock.out.cp 1 2000
! sort -n -k2 zdock.out.cp.zr.out | head
567	-30.0176
1760	-29.1605
1121	-22.3979
1220	-20.2484
367	-17.3561
742	-17.2783
648	-15.819
1418	-15.0069
800	-14.8512
32	-14.801

Воспользуемся функцией для генерации структуры

In [1]:
from subprocess import run

def get_lig(zdock_outfile, pred_index):

    # Читаем все строки из файла zdock_out
    with open(zdock_outfile, 'r') as infile:
        zdout_lines = infile.readlines()
    # Читаем заголовок
    n, spacing, switch_num = zdout_lines[0].strip().split()
    line_num = 1
    rec_rand1, rec_rand2, rec_rand3 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
    if switch_num != '':
        rec_rand1, rec_rand2, rec_rand3 = zdout_lines[line_num].strip().split()
        line_num += 1
    lig_rand1, lig_rand2, lig_rand3 = zdout_lines[line_num].strip().split()
    line_num += 1
    rec, r1, r2, r3 = zdout_lines[line_num].strip().split()
    line_num += 1
    lig, l1, l2, l3 = zdout_lines[line_num].strip().split()
    line_num += 1
    if switch_num == '1':
        temp_name = rec
        rec = lig
        lig = temp_name

    # Генерируем предсказание
    line_num += pred_index - 1
        angl_x, angl_y, angl_z, tran_x, tran_y, tran_z, score = zdout_lines[line_num].strip().split()
    except IndexError:
        raise ValueError(f'provided pred_index value {pred_index} is out of range.')
    newligfile = zdock_outfile + "." + str(pred_index)
    create_cmd = f"./create_lig {newligfile} {lig} {lig_rand1} {lig_rand2} {lig_rand3} {r1} {r2} {r3} {l1} {l2} {l3} {angl_x} {angl_y} {angl_z} {tran_x} {tran_y} {tran_z} {n} {spacing}"

    if switch_num != '':
        create_cmd = f"./create_lig {newligfile} {lig} {switch_num} {rec_rand1} {rec_rand2} {rec_rand3} {lig_rand1} {lig_rand2} {lig_rand3} {r1} {r2} {r3} {l1} {l2} {l3} {angl_x} {angl_y} {angl_z} {tran_x} {tran_y} {tran_z} {n} {spacing}"

    run(create_cmd, shell=True)
    run(f'cat {rec} {newligfile} > complex.{pred_index}.pdb', shell=True)
    run(f'rm {newligfile}', shell=True)
In [20]:
get_lig('zdock.out', 567)

from IPython.display import display, Image

def show_model(amylase, dock_1, dock_2):
    command = f"load {amylase}, amylase; load {dock_1}, dock_1; load {dock_2}, dock_2;" \
              f"png tmp.png"
    ! pymol -Qcd "$command"

show_model('amylase.pdb', 'camelid.pdb', 'complex.567.pdb')  
<string>:1: DeprecationWarning: the imp module is deprecated in favour of importlib; see the module's documentation for alternative uses