Гомологичное моделирование комплекса белка с лигандом

Импортируем Modeller

In [4]:
import sys 
import modeller 
import _modeller
import modeller.automodel 

                         MODELLER 10.1, 2021/03/12, r12156


                     Copyright(c) 1989-2021 Andrej Sali
                            All Rights Reserved

                             Written by A. Sali
                               with help from
              B. Webb, M.S. Madhusudhan, M-Y. Shen, G.Q. Dong,
          M.A. Marti-Renom, N. Eswar, F. Alber, M. Topf, B. Oliva,
             A. Fiser, R. Sanchez, B. Yerkovich, A. Badretdinov,
                     F. Melo, J.P. Overington, E. Feyfant
                 University of California, San Francisco, USA
                    Rockefeller University, New York, USA
                      Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
                   Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London, UK
              Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK

Kind, OS, HostName, Kernel, Processor: 4, Linux tskir-jupyter 5.11.0-1020-gcp x86_64
Date and time of compilation         : 2021/03/12 00:18:43
MODELLER executable type             : x86_64-intel8
Job starting time (YY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS): 2021/10/24 18:55:38

Скачиваем белок заготовку 1lmp и последовательность для моделирования LYS_BOMMO

In [5]:
! wget -q -O template.pdb http://www.pdb.org/pdb/files/1lmp.pdb
! wget -q -O sequence.fasta http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P48816.fasta
In [6]:
alignm = modeller.Alignment(env)
In [7]:
# Читаем последовательность для моделирования
alignm.append(file='sequence.fasta', alignment_format='FASTA')
# Создадим модель, читаем цепь А с белком и цепь B с лигандом
mdl = modeller.Model(env, file='template.pdb', model_segment=('FIRST:'+'A', 'LAST:'+'B'))
# И добавим в выравнивание
alignm.append_model(mdl, atom_files='template.pdb', align_codes='1lmp')
read_pd_459W> Residue type  NDG not recognized. 'AutoModel' model building
              will treat this residue as a rigid body.
              To use real parameters, add the residue type to ${LIB}/restyp.lib,
              its topology to ${LIB}/top_*.lib, and suitable forcefield
              parameters to ${LIB}/par.lib.
read_pd_459W> Residue type  NAG not recognized. 'AutoModel' model building
              will treat this residue as a rigid body.
              To use real parameters, add the residue type to ${LIB}/restyp.lib,
              its topology to ${LIB}/top_*.lib, and suitable forcefield
              parameters to ${LIB}/par.lib.
In [10]:
# Правим идентификаторы
alignm[0].code = 'sequence'
alignm[1].code = 'template'

Modeller может сохранить выравнивание в форматах PIR или PAP. Более удобен для визуального просмотра PAP, поэтому посмотрим на него.

In [11]:
# Делаем выравнивание и сохраняем:
alignm.write(file='all_in_one.ali', alignment_format='PIR')
alignm.write(file='all_in_one.pap', alignment_format='PAP')
! cat all_in_one.pap
SALIGN_____> adding the next group to the alignment; iteration    1
 _aln.pos         10        20        30        40        50        60
 _consrvd                                  *   *   *****   ***  *  ** *  ** **

 _aln.p   70        80        90       100       110       120       130
 _consrvd * **** ****  *  **    *   ** ***** * *  ***          **  *  ***

 _aln.pos  140
sequence  ISSC-------- 
template  SYVAGCGV/... 

Выравнивание выглядит неплохо: интересующая нас последовательность содержит всего одну большую вставку и одну небольшую делецию.

Но нет лиганда (его остатки обозначаются точками), поэтому добавим его в файл с выравниванием. Редактируем именно PIR, потому что он будет использоваться в расчётах.

In [12]:
with open('all_in_one.ali','r') as old:
    lines = old.readlines()
with open('all_in_one_lig.ali','w') as new:
    for c, line in enumerate(lines):
        if c == 4:
            line = line[:-6] + '/...*'
%cat all_in_one_lig.ali
sequence::: :: :::-1.00:-1.00

Лиганд появился. Теперь запустим 10 итераций моделирования, чтобы было из чего выбирать:

In [15]:
## Выбираем объект для моделирования 
sequence = alignm[0]
template = alignm[1]

## Создаем объект automodel
a = modeller.automodel.AutoModel(env, alnfile='all_in_one_lig.ali', 
                                 assess_methods=(modeller.automodel.assess.DOPE, modeller.automodel.assess.GA341))
a.starting_model = 1
a.ending_model = 10
AutoModel__W> Topology and/or parameter libraries already in memory. These will
                be used instead of the AutoModel defaults. If this is not what you
                want, clear them before creating the AutoModel object with
                env.libs.topology.clear() and env.libs.parameters.clear()
fndatmi_285W> Only      129 residues out of      132 contain atoms of type  CA
              (This is usually caused by non-standard residues, such
              as ligands, or by PDB files with missing atoms.)
fndatmi_285W> Only      129 residues out of      132 contain atoms of type  CA
              (This is usually caused by non-standard residues, such
              as ligands, or by PDB files with missing atoms.)

check_ali___> Checking the sequence-structure alignment. 

Implied intrachain target CA(i)-CA(i+1) distances longer than  8.0 angstroms:

     88     1   73    76      D     C    8.895
fndatmi_285W> Only      129 residues out of      132 contain atoms of type  CA
              (This is usually caused by non-standard residues, such
              as ligands, or by PDB files with missing atoms.)
patch_s_522_> Number of disulfides patched in MODEL:        3
mdtrsr__446W> A potential that relies on one protein is used, yet you have at
              least one known structure available. MDT, not library, potential is used.
iup2crm_280W> No topology library in memory or assigning a BLK residue.
              Default CHARMM atom type assigned:  C1 -->  CT2
              This message is written only for the first such atom.
43 atoms in HETATM/BLK residues constrained
to protein atoms within 2.30 angstroms
and protein CA atoms within 10.00 angstroms
43 atoms in residues without defined topology
constrained to be rigid bodies
condens_443_> Restraints marked for deletion were removed.
              Total number of restraints before, now:    13094    12134
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
iupac_m_484W> Dihedral still outside +-90:      -92.4636
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
>> Model assessment by DOPE potential
iatmcls_286W> MODEL atom not classified:  CYS:OXT  CYS

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      140
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1139    1139
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    12134   12134
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):   197444
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 1, NATM x NATM double loop
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        1    9999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :   15.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       F       F       F       T
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :      -11354.3828

<< end of ENERGY.
DOPE score               : -11354.382812
>> Model assessment by GA341 potential

Surface library          : /usr/lib/modeller10.1/modlib/surf5.de
Pair library             : /usr/lib/modeller10.1/modlib/pair9.de
Chain identifier         : _
% sequence identity      :    39.394001
Sequence length          :          137
Compactness              :     0.111861
Native energy (pair)     :   -16.072391
Native energy (surface)  :    -1.161401
Native energy (combined) :    -0.993498
Z score (pair)           :    -3.640282
Z score (surface)        :    -3.404358
Z score (combined)       :    -4.445635
GA341 score              :     0.967816

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      140
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1139    1139
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    12134   12134
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):     2575
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 2, NATM x NATM cell sorting
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        0   99999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :    4.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       T       F       F       F
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :        1157.5469

Summary of the restraint violations: 

   NUM     ... number of restraints.
   NUMVI   ... number of restraints with RVIOL > VIOL_REPORT_CUT[i].
   RVIOL   ... relative difference from the best value.
   NUMVP   ... number of restraints with -Ln(pdf) > VIOL_REPORT_CUT2[i].
   RMS_1   ... RMS(feature, minimally_violated_basis_restraint, NUMB).
   RMS_2   ... RMS(feature, best_value, NUMB).
   MOL.PDF ... scaled contribution to -Ln(Molecular pdf).

 #                     RESTRAINT_GROUP      NUM   NUMVI  NUMVP   RMS_1   RMS_2         MOL.PDF     S_i
 1 Bond length potential              :    1119       0      5   0.010   0.010      29.543       1.000
 2 Bond angle potential               :    1504       1      9   2.350   2.350      168.02       1.000
 3 Stereochemical cosine torsion poten:     713       0     29  48.737  48.737      265.14       1.000
 4 Stereochemical improper torsion pot:     461       0      0   1.413   1.413      20.061       1.000
 5 Soft-sphere overlap restraints     :    2575       1      2   0.008   0.008      19.377       1.000
 6 Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 7 Coulomb point-point electrostatic p:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 8 H-bonding potential                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 9 Distance restraints 1 (CA-CA)      :    2215       0      5   0.292   0.292      97.768       1.000
10 Distance restraints 2 (N-O)        :    2371       0     16   0.371   0.371      178.75       1.000
11 Mainchain Phi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
12 Mainchain Psi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
13 Mainchain Omega dihedral restraints:     136       1      5   5.289   5.289      44.861       1.000
14 Sidechain Chi_1 dihedral restraints:     121       0      2  82.943  82.943      38.097       1.000
15 Sidechain Chi_2 dihedral restraints:      87       0      0  68.372  68.372      37.539       1.000
16 Sidechain Chi_3 dihedral restraints:      35       0      0  90.870  90.870      29.880       1.000
17 Sidechain Chi_4 dihedral restraints:      22       0      0  98.694  98.694      14.089       1.000
18 Disulfide distance restraints      :       3       0      0   0.025   0.025     0.32991       1.000
19 Disulfide angle restraints         :       6       0      0   2.592   2.592     0.89016       1.000
20 Disulfide dihedral angle restraints:       3       0      0  26.382  26.382      2.0928       1.000
21 Lower bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
22 Upper bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
23 Distance restraints 3 (SDCH-MNCH)  :    1316       0      0   0.366   0.366      29.295       1.000
24 Sidechain Chi_5 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
25 Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints:     135      20     22  32.771  67.954      117.00       1.000
26 Distance restraints 4 (SDCH-SDCH)  :     498       0      1   0.692   0.692      39.770       1.000
27 Distance restraints 5 (X-Y)        :    1389       0      1   0.046   0.046      25.048       1.000
28 NMR distance restraints 6 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
29 NMR distance restraints 7 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
30 Minimal distance restraints        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
31 Non-bonded restraints              :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
32 Atomic accessibility restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
33 Atomic density restraints          :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
34 Absolute position restraints       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
35 Dihedral angle difference restraint:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
36 GBSA implicit solvent potential    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
37 EM density fitting potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
38 SAXS restraints                    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
39 Symmetry restraints                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000

# Heavy relative violation of each residue is written to: sequence.V99990001
# The profile is NOT normalized by the number of restraints.
# The profiles are smoothed over a window of residues:    1
# The sum of all numbers in the file:   16842.8184

List of the violated restraints:
   A restraint is violated when the relative difference
   from the best value (RVIOL) is larger than CUTOFF.

   ICSR   ... index of a restraint in the current set.
   RESNO  ... residue numbers of the first two atoms.
   ATM    ... IUPAC atom names of the first two atoms.
   FEAT   ... the value of the feature in the model.
   restr  ... the mean of the basis restraint with the smallest
              difference from the model (local minimum).
   viol   ... difference from the local minimum.
   rviol  ... relative difference from the local minimum.
   RESTR  ... the best value (global minimum).
   VIOL   ... difference from the best value.
   RVIOL  ... relative difference from the best value.


Feature  2                           : Bond angle potential                    
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       4.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   2080  88D  88D N   CA    697  698  129.70  107.00   22.70    6.53  107.00   22.70    6.53


Feature 13                           : Mainchain Omega dihedral restraints     
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       4.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   4029  85P  85P CA  C     678  682 -156.22 -180.00   23.78    4.75 -180.00   23.78    4.75


Feature 25                           : Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints     
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       6.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   3810   1M   2Q C   N       7    9  -73.69  -73.00    4.59    0.29  -63.80  174.74   26.22
    1          2Q   2Q N   CA      9   10  145.24  140.70                  -40.30
    2   3811   2Q   3K C   N      16   18  -76.94  -70.20   15.81    1.28  -62.90  167.49   21.02
    2          3K   3K N   CA     18   19  126.10  140.40                  -40.80
    3   3812   3K   4L C   N      25   27 -130.98 -108.50   22.67    1.05  -63.50 -170.89   23.41
    3          4L   4L N   CA     27   28  135.46  132.50                  -41.20
    4   3815   6I   7F C   N      49   51 -142.33 -124.20   20.48    1.05  -63.20 -165.12   22.62
    4          7F   7F N   CA     51   52  133.79  143.30                  -44.30
    5   3816   7F   8A C   N      60   62  -76.32  -68.20    8.13    0.68  -62.50  174.11   29.23
    5          8A   8A N   CA     62   63  145.54  145.30                  -40.90
    6   3817   8A   9L C   N      65   67  -72.08  -70.70    2.61    0.25  -63.50  179.61   25.44
    6          9L   9L N   CA     67   68  139.39  141.60                  -41.20
    7   3820  11V  12L C   N      87   89  -66.69  -70.70    5.49    0.36  -63.50  179.08   24.68
    7         12L  12L N   CA     89   90  137.85  141.60                  -41.20
    8   3823  14V  15G C   N     108  110 -147.95 -167.20   22.17    0.36   82.20 -157.72   15.21
    8         15G  15G N   CA    110  111  163.60  174.60                    8.50
    9   3824  15G  16S C   N     112  114 -110.67 -136.60   30.88    0.94  -64.10  175.71   10.89
    9         16S  16S N   CA    114  115  134.42  151.20                  -35.00
   10   3844  35F  36E C   N     274  276   49.09   54.60    5.51    0.66  -63.60  139.64   23.99
   10         36E  36E N   CA    276  277   42.16   42.40                  -40.30
   11   3859  50E  51S C   N     405  407 -141.66  -64.10   90.10    8.91  -64.10   90.10    8.91
   11         51S  51S N   CA    407  408   10.85  -35.00                  -35.00
   12   3860  51S  52S C   N     411  413   53.87   56.90    3.40    0.29  -64.10  138.70   18.18
   12         52S  52S N   CA    413  414   37.94   36.40                  -35.00
   13   3894  85P  86G C   N     682  684  -41.23  -62.40   30.33    4.26   82.20  142.61   11.13
   13         86G  86G N   CA    684  685  -62.92  -41.20                    8.50
   14   3895  86G  87K C   N     686  688   75.46  -70.20  145.84   10.81  -70.20  145.84   10.81
   14         87K  87K N   CA    688  689  147.67  140.40                  140.40
   15   3896  87K  88D C   N     695  697  162.13  -96.50  105.49    4.29  -63.30 -176.32   21.06
   15         88D  88D N   CA    697  698   85.02  114.20                  -40.00
   16   3922 113K 114R C   N     893  895  -62.96 -125.20   77.47    2.29  -63.00  135.57   18.32
   16        114R 114R N   CA    895  896   94.47  140.60                  -41.10
   17   3923 114R 115H C   N     904  906 -179.44  -63.20  116.37   18.18  -63.20  116.37   18.18
   17        115H 115H N   CA    906  907  -36.72  -42.30                  -42.30
   18   3935 126H 127C C   N    1020 1022 -122.59  -63.00   64.16    9.13  -63.00   64.16    9.13
   18        127C 127C N   CA   1022 1023  -17.33  -41.10                  -41.10
   19   3936 127C 128Q C   N    1026 1028  -55.83  -63.80   20.75    2.71 -121.10  173.58    9.01
   19        128Q 128Q N   CA   1028 1029  -59.46  -40.30                  139.70
   20   3937 128Q 129G C   N    1035 1037  -75.00  -62.40   13.56    2.17   82.20  163.42   12.26
   20        129G 129G N   CA   1037 1038  -36.17  -41.20                    8.50

report______> Distribution of short non-bonded contacts:

DISTANCE1:  0.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40
DISTANCE2:  2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50
FREQUENCY:     0    0    0    0    1    9   13   81   85  135  129  146  192  200  182

<< end of ENERGY.
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
>> Model assessment by DOPE potential
iatmcls_286W> MODEL atom not classified:  CYS:OXT  CYS

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      140
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1139    1139
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    12134   12134
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):   200443
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 1, NATM x NATM double loop
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        1    9999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :   15.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       F       F       F       T
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :      -11830.9600

<< end of ENERGY.
DOPE score               : -11830.959961
>> Model assessment by GA341 potential

Surface library          : /usr/lib/modeller10.1/modlib/surf5.de
Pair library             : /usr/lib/modeller10.1/modlib/pair9.de
Chain identifier         : _
% sequence identity      :    39.394001
Sequence length          :          137
Compactness              :     0.287749
Native energy (pair)     :    10.980228
Native energy (surface)  :     0.787957
Native energy (combined) :     0.696589
Z score (pair)           :    -3.035395
Z score (surface)        :    -2.929085
Z score (combined)       :    -3.632633
GA341 score              :     0.871788

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      140
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1139    1139
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    12134   12134
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):     2489
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 2, NATM x NATM cell sorting
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        0   99999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :    4.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       T       F       F       F
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :        1024.4296

Summary of the restraint violations: 

   NUM     ... number of restraints.
   NUMVI   ... number of restraints with RVIOL > VIOL_REPORT_CUT[i].
   RVIOL   ... relative difference from the best value.
   NUMVP   ... number of restraints with -Ln(pdf) > VIOL_REPORT_CUT2[i].
   RMS_1   ... RMS(feature, minimally_violated_basis_restraint, NUMB).
   RMS_2   ... RMS(feature, best_value, NUMB).
   MOL.PDF ... scaled contribution to -Ln(Molecular pdf).

 #                     RESTRAINT_GROUP      NUM   NUMVI  NUMVP   RMS_1   RMS_2         MOL.PDF     S_i
 1 Bond length potential              :    1119       0      5   0.009   0.009      28.608       1.000
 2 Bond angle potential               :    1504       1     12   2.229   2.229      152.30       1.000
 3 Stereochemical cosine torsion poten:     713       0     29  48.367  48.367      261.32       1.000
 4 Stereochemical improper torsion pot:     461       0      0   1.212   1.212      15.574       1.000
 5 Soft-sphere overlap restraints     :    2489       1      2   0.008   0.008      17.978       1.000
 6 Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 7 Coulomb point-point electrostatic p:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 8 H-bonding potential                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 9 Distance restraints 1 (CA-CA)      :    2215       0      3   0.309   0.309      102.91       1.000
10 Distance restraints 2 (N-O)        :    2371       0      7   0.344   0.344      137.14       1.000
11 Mainchain Phi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
12 Mainchain Psi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
13 Mainchain Omega dihedral restraints:     136       0      3   4.450   4.450      31.761       1.000
14 Sidechain Chi_1 dihedral restraints:     121       0      0  75.973  75.973      33.405       1.000
15 Sidechain Chi_2 dihedral restraints:      87       0      0  80.791  80.791      42.781       1.000
16 Sidechain Chi_3 dihedral restraints:      35       0      0  76.709  76.709      20.822       1.000
17 Sidechain Chi_4 dihedral restraints:      22       0      0  96.352  96.352      16.250       1.000
18 Disulfide distance restraints      :       3       0      0   0.026   0.026     0.35999       1.000
19 Disulfide angle restraints         :       6       0      0   4.307   4.307      2.4576       1.000
20 Disulfide dihedral angle restraints:       3       0      0  16.211  16.211     0.82361       1.000
21 Lower bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
22 Upper bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
23 Distance restraints 3 (SDCH-MNCH)  :    1316       0      0   0.331   0.331      25.732       1.000
24 Sidechain Chi_5 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
25 Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints:     135      14     17  28.347  59.804      71.496       1.000
26 Distance restraints 4 (SDCH-SDCH)  :     498       0      2   0.685   0.685      37.537       1.000
27 Distance restraints 5 (X-Y)        :    1389       0      2   0.046   0.046      25.179       1.000
28 NMR distance restraints 6 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
29 NMR distance restraints 7 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
30 Minimal distance restraints        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
31 Non-bonded restraints              :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
32 Atomic accessibility restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
33 Atomic density restraints          :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
34 Absolute position restraints       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
35 Dihedral angle difference restraint:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
36 GBSA implicit solvent potential    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
37 EM density fitting potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
38 SAXS restraints                    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
39 Symmetry restraints                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000

# Heavy relative violation of each residue is written to: sequence.V99990002
# The profile is NOT normalized by the number of restraints.
# The profiles are smoothed over a window of residues:    1
# The sum of all numbers in the file:   15966.2256

List of the violated restraints:
   A restraint is violated when the relative difference
   from the best value (RVIOL) is larger than CUTOFF.

   ICSR   ... index of a restraint in the current set.
   RESNO  ... residue numbers of the first two atoms.
   ATM    ... IUPAC atom names of the first two atoms.
   FEAT   ... the value of the feature in the model.
   restr  ... the mean of the basis restraint with the smallest
              difference from the model (local minimum).
   viol   ... difference from the local minimum.
   rviol  ... relative difference from the local minimum.
   RESTR  ... the best value (global minimum).
   VIOL   ... difference from the best value.
   RVIOL  ... relative difference from the best value.


Feature  2                           : Bond angle potential                    
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       4.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   2080  88D  88D N   CA    697  698  127.59  107.00   20.59    5.92  107.00   20.59    5.92


Feature 25                           : Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints     
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       6.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   3810   1M   2Q C   N       7    9  -64.14  -73.00   16.19    1.23  -63.80  165.45   24.34
    1          2Q   2Q N   CA      9   10  154.25  140.70                  -40.30
    2   3811   2Q   3K C   N      16   18  -65.50  -70.20   13.52    0.87  -62.90  168.54   21.75
    2          3K   3K N   CA     18   19  127.72  140.40                  -40.80
    3   3812   3K   4L C   N      25   27 -131.04 -108.50   27.61    1.22  -63.50 -176.75   29.63
    3          4L   4L N   CA     27   28  148.45  132.50                  -41.20
    4   3815   6I   7F C   N      49   51 -143.34 -124.20   25.75    0.68  -63.20  174.64   29.38
    4          7F   7F N   CA     51   52  160.54  143.30                  -44.30
    5   3816   7F   8A C   N      60   62  -62.87  -68.20   10.76    0.70  -62.50  176.85   28.96
    5          8A   8A N   CA     62   63  135.96  145.30                  -40.90
    6   3817   8A   9L C   N      65   67  -92.59 -108.50   16.15    0.74  -63.50  173.40   22.57
    6          9L   9L N   CA     67   68  129.74  132.50                  -41.20
    7   3820  11V  12L C   N      87   89  177.98 -108.50   76.09    3.43  -63.50 -155.47   35.60
    7         12L  12L N   CA     89   90  152.11  132.50                  -41.20
    8   3824  15G  16S C   N     112  114  -65.72  -72.40   23.58    1.18  -64.10  164.79   11.84
    8         16S  16S N   CA    114  115  129.78  152.40                  -35.00
    9   3844  35F  36E C   N     274  276   53.27   54.60    7.72    0.70  -63.60  138.91   23.90
    9         36E  36E N   CA    276  277   34.79   42.40                  -40.30
   10   3860  51S  52S C   N     411  413   65.22   56.90   12.36    0.69  -64.10  143.53   19.09
   10         52S  52S N   CA    413  414   27.26   36.40                  -35.00
   11   3896  87K  88D C   N     695  697 -143.03  -63.30   82.17   13.77  -63.30   82.17   13.77
   11         88D  88D N   CA    697  698  -59.87  -40.00                  -40.00
   12   3920 111I 112Y C   N     872  874  -45.27  -98.40   55.47    2.81  -63.50  156.94   25.84
   12        112Y 112Y N   CA    874  875  112.47  128.40                  -43.40
   13   3934 125N 126H C   N    1010 1012 -122.19  -63.20   75.97    8.92  -63.20   75.97    8.92
   13        126H 126H N   CA   1012 1013    5.56  -42.30                  -42.30
   14   3935 126H 127C C   N    1020 1022 -121.30  -63.00   58.70    9.40  -63.00   58.70    9.40
   14        127C 127C N   CA   1022 1023  -34.21  -41.10                  -41.10

report______> Distribution of short non-bonded contacts:

DISTANCE1:  0.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40
DISTANCE2:  2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50
FREQUENCY:     0    0    0    0    0    8   16   62   87  115  119  130  169  186  190

<< end of ENERGY.
>> Model assessment by DOPE potential
iatmcls_286W> MODEL atom not classified:  CYS:OXT  CYS

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      140
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1139    1139
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    12134   12134
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):   198139
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 1, NATM x NATM double loop
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        1    9999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :   15.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       F       F       F       T
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :      -11941.0049

<< end of ENERGY.
DOPE score               : -11941.004883
>> Model assessment by GA341 potential

Surface library          : /usr/lib/modeller10.1/modlib/surf5.de
Pair library             : /usr/lib/modeller10.1/modlib/pair9.de
Chain identifier         : _
% sequence identity      :    39.394001
Sequence length          :          137
Compactness              :     0.142881
Native energy (pair)     :   -13.086745
Native energy (surface)  :     2.228922
Native energy (combined) :     0.038085
Z score (pair)           :    -3.794193
Z score (surface)        :    -2.540723
Z score (combined)       :    -3.934947
GA341 score              :     0.887918

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      140
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1139    1139
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    12134   12134
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):     2444
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 2, NATM x NATM cell sorting
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        0   99999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :    4.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       T       F       F       F
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :         997.5089

Summary of the restraint violations: 

   NUM     ... number of restraints.
   NUMVI   ... number of restraints with RVIOL > VIOL_REPORT_CUT[i].
   RVIOL   ... relative difference from the best value.
   NUMVP   ... number of restraints with -Ln(pdf) > VIOL_REPORT_CUT2[i].
   RMS_1   ... RMS(feature, minimally_violated_basis_restraint, NUMB).
   RMS_2   ... RMS(feature, best_value, NUMB).
   MOL.PDF ... scaled contribution to -Ln(Molecular pdf).

 #                     RESTRAINT_GROUP      NUM   NUMVI  NUMVP   RMS_1   RMS_2         MOL.PDF     S_i
 1 Bond length potential              :    1119       0      2   0.010   0.010      28.772       1.000
 2 Bond angle potential               :    1504       1      8   2.197   2.197      146.43       1.000
 3 Stereochemical cosine torsion poten:     713       0     29  47.687  47.687      253.84       1.000
 4 Stereochemical improper torsion pot:     461       0      0   1.335   1.335      17.372       1.000
 5 Soft-sphere overlap restraints     :    2444       1      2   0.008   0.008      18.506       1.000
 6 Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 7 Coulomb point-point electrostatic p:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 8 H-bonding potential                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 9 Distance restraints 1 (CA-CA)      :    2215       0      4   0.291   0.291      98.499       1.000
10 Distance restraints 2 (N-O)        :    2371       0      8   0.320   0.320      126.46       1.000
11 Mainchain Phi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
12 Mainchain Psi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
13 Mainchain Omega dihedral restraints:     136       0      2   4.472   4.472      32.069       1.000
14 Sidechain Chi_1 dihedral restraints:     121       0      2  85.277  85.277      37.432       1.000
15 Sidechain Chi_2 dihedral restraints:      87       0      0  64.727  64.727      31.579       1.000
16 Sidechain Chi_3 dihedral restraints:      35       0      0  63.339  63.339      21.395       1.000
17 Sidechain Chi_4 dihedral restraints:      22       0      0  93.893  93.893      15.453       1.000
18 Disulfide distance restraints      :       3       0      0   0.030   0.030     0.46020       1.000
19 Disulfide angle restraints         :       6       0      0   2.957   2.957      1.1581       1.000
20 Disulfide dihedral angle restraints:       3       0      0  25.927  25.927      2.0250       1.000
21 Lower bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
22 Upper bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
23 Distance restraints 3 (SDCH-MNCH)  :    1316       0      0   0.415   0.415      42.325       1.000
24 Sidechain Chi_5 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
25 Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints:     135      16     15  27.451  57.638      65.711       1.000
26 Distance restraints 4 (SDCH-SDCH)  :     498       0      0   0.666   0.666      35.131       1.000
27 Distance restraints 5 (X-Y)        :    1389       0      2   0.044   0.044      22.890       1.000
28 NMR distance restraints 6 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
29 NMR distance restraints 7 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
30 Minimal distance restraints        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
31 Non-bonded restraints              :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
32 Atomic accessibility restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
33 Atomic density restraints          :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
34 Absolute position restraints       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
35 Dihedral angle difference restraint:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
36 GBSA implicit solvent potential    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
37 EM density fitting potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
38 SAXS restraints                    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
39 Symmetry restraints                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000

# Heavy relative violation of each residue is written to: sequence.V99990003
# The profile is NOT normalized by the number of restraints.
# The profiles are smoothed over a window of residues:    1
# The sum of all numbers in the file:   15596.3828

List of the violated restraints:
   A restraint is violated when the relative difference
   from the best value (RVIOL) is larger than CUTOFF.

   ICSR   ... index of a restraint in the current set.
   RESNO  ... residue numbers of the first two atoms.
   ATM    ... IUPAC atom names of the first two atoms.
   FEAT   ... the value of the feature in the model.
   restr  ... the mean of the basis restraint with the smallest
              difference from the model (local minimum).
   viol   ... difference from the local minimum.
   rviol  ... relative difference from the local minimum.
   RESTR  ... the best value (global minimum).
   VIOL   ... difference from the best value.
   RVIOL  ... relative difference from the best value.


Feature  2                           : Bond angle potential                    
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       4.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   2080  88D  88D N   CA    697  698  127.65  107.00   20.65    5.94  107.00   20.65    5.94


Feature 25                           : Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints     
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       6.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   3810   1M   2Q C   N       7    9  -78.30  -73.00    6.27    0.38  -63.80  176.25   26.68
    1          2Q   2Q N   CA      9   10  144.04  140.70                  -40.30
    2   3811   2Q   3K C   N      16   18  -64.85  -70.20    7.96    0.67  -62.90  172.92   22.56
    2          3K   3K N   CA     18   19  146.29  140.40                  -40.80
    3   3812   3K   4L C   N      25   27  -86.13  -70.70   21.05    2.10  -63.50  170.00   22.41
    3          4L   4L N   CA     27   28  127.28  141.60                  -41.20
    4   3815   6I   7F C   N      49   51 -117.32 -124.20   11.09    0.32  -63.20 -173.09   22.64
    4          7F   7F N   CA     51   52  134.60  143.30                  -44.30
    5   3816   7F   8A C   N      60   62  -66.62  -68.20    1.75    0.12  -62.50  174.60   28.82
    5          8A   8A N   CA     62   63  144.55  145.30                  -40.90
    6   3817   8A   9L C   N      65   67  -77.99  -70.70   13.29    0.82  -63.50  166.71   24.00
    6          9L   9L N   CA     67   68  152.71  141.60                  -41.20
    7   3821  12L  13C C   N      95   97  -64.46  -63.00    1.51    0.23 -117.90 -173.98    7.99
    7         13C  13C N   CA     97   98  -40.72  -41.10                  141.10
    8   3823  14V  15G C   N     108  110   94.97   78.70   37.21    0.55   82.20  152.46    8.04
    8         15G  15G N   CA    110  111  160.43 -166.10                    8.50
    9   3824  15G  16S C   N     112  114 -107.91 -136.60   33.30    1.02  -64.10  174.87   10.88
    9         16S  16S N   CA    114  115  134.29  151.20                  -35.00
   10   3844  35F  36E C   N     274  276   57.72   54.60    9.50    0.52  -63.60  141.96   24.43
   10         36E  36E N   CA    276  277   33.42   42.40                  -40.30
   11   3859  50E  51S C   N     405  407 -131.71  -64.10   75.96    7.83  -64.10   75.96    7.83
   11         51S  51S N   CA    407  408   -0.37  -35.00                  -35.00
   12   3860  51S  52S C   N     411  413   61.31   56.90    6.46    0.37  -64.10  142.03   18.81
   12         52S  52S N   CA    413  414   31.67   36.40                  -35.00
   13   3896  87K  88D C   N     695  697 -142.10  -63.30   84.39   14.34  -63.30   84.39   14.34
   13         88D  88D N   CA    697  698  -70.20  -40.00                  -40.00
   14   3920 111I 112Y C   N     872  874  -41.13  -98.40   63.44    3.85  -63.50  146.23   24.35
   14        112Y 112Y N   CA    874  875  101.11  128.40                  -43.40
   15   3934 125N 126H C   N    1010 1012 -121.59  -63.20   73.85    8.77  -63.20   73.85    8.77
   15        126H 126H N   CA   1012 1013    2.92  -42.30                  -42.30
   16   3935 126H 127C C   N    1020 1022 -121.82  -63.00   58.89    9.66  -63.00   58.89    9.66
   16        127C 127C N   CA   1022 1023  -38.10  -41.10                  -41.10

report______> Distribution of short non-bonded contacts:

DISTANCE1:  0.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40
DISTANCE2:  2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50
FREQUENCY:     0    0    0    0    1    7   16   57   92  110  108  129  185  196  176

<< end of ENERGY.
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
iupac_m_484W> Dihedral still outside +-90:      -90.1074
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
>> Model assessment by DOPE potential
iatmcls_286W> MODEL atom not classified:  CYS:OXT  CYS

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      140
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1139    1139
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    12134   12134
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):   193985
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 1, NATM x NATM double loop
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        1    9999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :   15.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       F       F       F       T
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :      -11715.8184

<< end of ENERGY.
DOPE score               : -11715.818359
>> Model assessment by GA341 potential

Surface library          : /usr/lib/modeller10.1/modlib/surf5.de
Pair library             : /usr/lib/modeller10.1/modlib/pair9.de
Chain identifier         : _
% sequence identity      :    39.394001
Sequence length          :          137
Compactness              :     0.163823
Native energy (pair)     :    -2.471409
Native energy (surface)  :     0.956297
Native energy (combined) :     0.151168
Z score (pair)           :    -3.341868
Z score (surface)        :    -2.925178
Z score (combined)       :    -3.929518
GA341 score              :     0.895815

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      140
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1139    1139
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    12134   12134
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):     2328
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 2, NATM x NATM cell sorting
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        0   99999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :    4.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       T       F       F       F
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :        1057.1034

Summary of the restraint violations: 

   NUM     ... number of restraints.
   NUMVI   ... number of restraints with RVIOL > VIOL_REPORT_CUT[i].
   RVIOL   ... relative difference from the best value.
   NUMVP   ... number of restraints with -Ln(pdf) > VIOL_REPORT_CUT2[i].
   RMS_1   ... RMS(feature, minimally_violated_basis_restraint, NUMB).
   RMS_2   ... RMS(feature, best_value, NUMB).
   MOL.PDF ... scaled contribution to -Ln(Molecular pdf).

 #                     RESTRAINT_GROUP      NUM   NUMVI  NUMVP   RMS_1   RMS_2         MOL.PDF     S_i
 1 Bond length potential              :    1119       0      5   0.010   0.010      30.071       1.000
 2 Bond angle potential               :    1504       1     11   2.265   2.265      156.36       1.000
 3 Stereochemical cosine torsion poten:     713       0     35  48.713  48.713      263.33       1.000
 4 Stereochemical improper torsion pot:     461       0      0   1.289   1.289      16.803       1.000
 5 Soft-sphere overlap restraints     :    2328       1      2   0.008   0.008      18.656       1.000
 6 Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 7 Coulomb point-point electrostatic p:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 8 H-bonding potential                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 9 Distance restraints 1 (CA-CA)      :    2215       0      1   0.305   0.305      98.254       1.000
10 Distance restraints 2 (N-O)        :    2371       0      8   0.352   0.352      138.30       1.000
11 Mainchain Phi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
12 Mainchain Psi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
13 Mainchain Omega dihedral restraints:     136       0      2   4.335   4.335      30.142       1.000
14 Sidechain Chi_1 dihedral restraints:     121       0      2  77.509  77.509      40.209       1.000
15 Sidechain Chi_2 dihedral restraints:      87       0      1  84.111  84.111      40.658       1.000
16 Sidechain Chi_3 dihedral restraints:      35       0      0  73.454  73.454      21.742       1.000
17 Sidechain Chi_4 dihedral restraints:      22       0      0 105.387 105.387      14.500       1.000
18 Disulfide distance restraints      :       3       0      0   0.029   0.029     0.43348       1.000
19 Disulfide angle restraints         :       6       0      0   4.309   4.309      2.4600       1.000
20 Disulfide dihedral angle restraints:       3       0      0  12.741  12.741     0.54439       1.000
21 Lower bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
22 Upper bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
23 Distance restraints 3 (SDCH-MNCH)  :    1316       0      0   0.407   0.407      41.205       1.000
24 Sidechain Chi_5 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
25 Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints:     135      18     17  25.178  58.655      75.050       1.000
26 Distance restraints 4 (SDCH-SDCH)  :     498       0      0   0.737   0.737      45.450       1.000
27 Distance restraints 5 (X-Y)        :    1389       0      2   0.044   0.044      22.934       1.000
28 NMR distance restraints 6 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
29 NMR distance restraints 7 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
30 Minimal distance restraints        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
31 Non-bonded restraints              :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
32 Atomic accessibility restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
33 Atomic density restraints          :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
34 Absolute position restraints       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
35 Dihedral angle difference restraint:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
36 GBSA implicit solvent potential    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
37 EM density fitting potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
38 SAXS restraints                    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
39 Symmetry restraints                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000

# Heavy relative violation of each residue is written to: sequence.V99990004
# The profile is NOT normalized by the number of restraints.
# The profiles are smoothed over a window of residues:    1
# The sum of all numbers in the file:   16032.9658

List of the violated restraints:
   A restraint is violated when the relative difference
   from the best value (RVIOL) is larger than CUTOFF.

   ICSR   ... index of a restraint in the current set.
   RESNO  ... residue numbers of the first two atoms.
   ATM    ... IUPAC atom names of the first two atoms.
   FEAT   ... the value of the feature in the model.
   restr  ... the mean of the basis restraint with the smallest
              difference from the model (local minimum).
   viol   ... difference from the local minimum.
   rviol  ... relative difference from the local minimum.
   RESTR  ... the best value (global minimum).
   VIOL   ... difference from the best value.
   RVIOL  ... relative difference from the best value.


Feature  2                           : Bond angle potential                    
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       4.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   2080  88D  88D N   CA    697  698  128.62  107.00   21.62    6.22  107.00   21.62    6.22


Feature 25                           : Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints     
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       6.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   3810   1M   2Q C   N       7    9  -72.59  -73.00    3.07    0.21  -63.80  176.18   26.37
    1          2Q   2Q N   CA      9   10  143.74  140.70                  -40.30
    2   3811   2Q   3K C   N      16   18  -97.99 -118.00   50.18    2.09  -62.90  138.41   16.40
    2          3K   3K N   CA     18   19   93.08  139.10                  -40.80
    3   3812   3K   4L C   N      25   27 -141.88 -108.50   36.54    1.93  -63.50  177.11   21.71
    3          4L   4L N   CA     27   28  117.62  132.50                  -41.20
    4   3815   6I   7F C   N      49   51 -128.10 -124.20   10.32    0.56  -63.20 -170.48   22.48
    4          7F   7F N   CA     51   52  133.75  143.30                  -44.30
    5   3816   7F   8A C   N      60   62  -80.40  -68.20   14.53    0.96  -62.50  166.88   28.26
    5          8A   8A N   CA     62   63  153.18  145.30                  -40.90
    6   3817   8A   9L C   N      65   67  -73.79  -70.70   13.86    1.17  -63.50  169.60   22.98
    6          9L   9L N   CA     67   68  128.09  141.60                  -41.20
    7   3820  11V  12L C   N      87   89  -62.52  -70.70   28.11    1.85  -63.50  155.91   21.70
    7         12L  12L N   CA     89   90  114.71  141.60                  -41.20
    8   3823  14V  15G C   N     108  110  -85.90  -80.20    6.33    0.47   82.20 -125.97    7.45
    8         15G  15G N   CA    110  111  171.33  174.10                    8.50
    9   3824  15G  16S C   N     112  114  -68.37  -72.40   17.73    0.91  -64.10  170.19   12.08
    9         16S  16S N   CA    114  115  135.13  152.40                  -35.00
   10   3844  35F  36E C   N     274  276   59.63   54.60   13.99    0.74  -63.60  141.55   24.35
   10         36E  36E N   CA    276  277   29.35   42.40                  -40.30
   11   3859  50E  51S C   N     405  407 -141.02  -64.10   88.79    8.85  -64.10   88.79    8.85
   11         51S  51S N   CA    407  408    9.35  -35.00                  -35.00
   12   3860  51S  52S C   N     411  413   58.50   56.90    2.75    0.13  -64.10  140.77   18.58
   12         52S  52S N   CA    413  414   34.17   36.40                  -35.00
   13   3896  87K  88D C   N     695  697 -147.21  -63.30   86.10   14.39  -63.30   86.10   14.39
   13         88D  88D N   CA    697  698  -59.30  -40.00                  -40.00
   14   3920 111I 112Y C   N     872  874  -41.56  -98.40   62.94    3.82  -63.50  146.43   24.36
   14        112Y 112Y N   CA    874  875  101.38  128.40                  -43.40
   15   3923 114R 115H C   N     904  906  -90.02 -125.60   53.09    1.33  -63.20  144.21   16.52
   15        115H 115H N   CA    906  907   99.39  138.80                  -42.30
   16   3924 115H 116R C   N     914  916  -56.40  -63.00   70.57    9.11 -125.20  128.09    7.10
   16        116R 116R N   CA    916  917 -111.35  -41.10                  140.60
   17   3934 125N 126H C   N    1010 1012 -118.70  -63.20   70.81    8.36  -63.20   70.81    8.36
   17        126H 126H N   CA   1012 1013    1.67  -42.30                  -42.30
   18   3935 126H 127C C   N    1020 1022 -125.19  -63.00   64.77    9.67  -63.00   64.77    9.67
   18        127C 127C N   CA   1022 1023  -22.99  -41.10                  -41.10

report______> Distribution of short non-bonded contacts:

DISTANCE1:  0.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40
DISTANCE2:  2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50
FREQUENCY:     0    0    0    0    1    5   11   65   82   94  110  132  170  171  180

<< end of ENERGY.
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
>> Model assessment by DOPE potential
iatmcls_286W> MODEL atom not classified:  CYS:OXT  CYS

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      140
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1139    1139
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    12134   12134
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):   197754
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 1, NATM x NATM double loop
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        1    9999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :   15.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       F       F       F       T
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :      -11733.7490

<< end of ENERGY.
DOPE score               : -11733.749023
>> Model assessment by GA341 potential

Surface library          : /usr/lib/modeller10.1/modlib/surf5.de
Pair library             : /usr/lib/modeller10.1/modlib/pair9.de
Chain identifier         : _
% sequence identity      :    39.394001
Sequence length          :          137
Compactness              :     0.256744
Native energy (pair)     :   -17.040306
Native energy (surface)  :     1.192380
Native energy (combined) :    -0.419560
Z score (pair)           :    -3.798421
Z score (surface)        :    -2.892603
Z score (combined)       :    -4.196624
GA341 score              :     0.968132

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      140
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1139    1139
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    12134   12134
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):     2419
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 2, NATM x NATM cell sorting
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        0   99999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :    4.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       T       F       F       F
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :        1016.0260

Summary of the restraint violations: 

   NUM     ... number of restraints.
   NUMVI   ... number of restraints with RVIOL > VIOL_REPORT_CUT[i].
   RVIOL   ... relative difference from the best value.
   NUMVP   ... number of restraints with -Ln(pdf) > VIOL_REPORT_CUT2[i].
   RMS_1   ... RMS(feature, minimally_violated_basis_restraint, NUMB).
   RMS_2   ... RMS(feature, best_value, NUMB).
   MOL.PDF ... scaled contribution to -Ln(Molecular pdf).

 #                     RESTRAINT_GROUP      NUM   NUMVI  NUMVP   RMS_1   RMS_2         MOL.PDF     S_i
 1 Bond length potential              :    1119       0      1   0.009   0.009      26.882       1.000
 2 Bond angle potential               :    1504       1     11   2.240   2.240      153.41       1.000
 3 Stereochemical cosine torsion poten:     713       0     27  46.825  46.825      246.21       1.000
 4 Stereochemical improper torsion pot:     461       0      0   1.307   1.307      17.511       1.000
 5 Soft-sphere overlap restraints     :    2419       1      2   0.008   0.008      18.333       1.000
 6 Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 7 Coulomb point-point electrostatic p:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 8 H-bonding potential                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 9 Distance restraints 1 (CA-CA)      :    2215       0      3   0.295   0.295      102.76       1.000
10 Distance restraints 2 (N-O)        :    2371       0      8   0.346   0.346      145.75       1.000
11 Mainchain Phi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
12 Mainchain Psi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
13 Mainchain Omega dihedral restraints:     136       0      3   4.694   4.694      35.332       1.000
14 Sidechain Chi_1 dihedral restraints:     121       0      2  76.056  76.056      37.791       1.000
15 Sidechain Chi_2 dihedral restraints:      87       0      2  73.292  73.292      42.073       1.000
16 Sidechain Chi_3 dihedral restraints:      35       0      0  73.796  73.796      20.118       1.000
17 Sidechain Chi_4 dihedral restraints:      22       0      0  89.084  89.084      14.700       1.000
18 Disulfide distance restraints      :       3       0      0   0.028   0.028     0.39581       1.000
19 Disulfide angle restraints         :       6       0      0   2.834   2.834      1.0640       1.000
20 Disulfide dihedral angle restraints:       3       0      0  32.101  32.101      2.6917       1.000
21 Lower bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
22 Upper bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
23 Distance restraints 3 (SDCH-MNCH)  :    1316       0      0   0.373   0.373      30.262       1.000
24 Sidechain Chi_5 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
25 Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints:     135      16     17  25.740  59.899      70.206       1.000
26 Distance restraints 4 (SDCH-SDCH)  :     498       0      0   0.575   0.575      26.146       1.000
27 Distance restraints 5 (X-Y)        :    1389       0      2   0.046   0.046      24.380       1.000
28 NMR distance restraints 6 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
29 NMR distance restraints 7 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
30 Minimal distance restraints        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
31 Non-bonded restraints              :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
32 Atomic accessibility restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
33 Atomic density restraints          :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
34 Absolute position restraints       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
35 Dihedral angle difference restraint:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
36 GBSA implicit solvent potential    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
37 EM density fitting potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
38 SAXS restraints                    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
39 Symmetry restraints                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000

# Heavy relative violation of each residue is written to: sequence.V99990005
# The profile is NOT normalized by the number of restraints.
# The profiles are smoothed over a window of residues:    1
# The sum of all numbers in the file:   15636.1982

List of the violated restraints:
   A restraint is violated when the relative difference
   from the best value (RVIOL) is larger than CUTOFF.

   ICSR   ... index of a restraint in the current set.
   RESNO  ... residue numbers of the first two atoms.
   ATM    ... IUPAC atom names of the first two atoms.
   FEAT   ... the value of the feature in the model.
   restr  ... the mean of the basis restraint with the smallest
              difference from the model (local minimum).
   viol   ... difference from the local minimum.
   rviol  ... relative difference from the local minimum.
   RESTR  ... the best value (global minimum).
   VIOL   ... difference from the best value.
   RVIOL  ... relative difference from the best value.


Feature  2                           : Bond angle potential                    
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       4.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   2080  88D  88D N   CA    697  698  127.37  107.00   20.37    5.86  107.00   20.37    5.86


Feature 25                           : Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints     
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       6.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   3810   1M   2Q C   N       7    9  -73.13  -73.00    8.83    0.58  -63.80  172.43   24.87
    1          2Q   2Q N   CA      9   10  131.88  140.70                  -40.30
    2   3811   2Q   3K C   N      16   18  -94.81 -118.00   29.97    1.48  -62.90  164.23   23.19
    2          3K   3K N   CA     18   19  158.10  139.10                  -40.80
    3   3812   3K   4L C   N      25   27 -101.78 -108.50    6.73    0.32  -63.50  178.22   22.85
    3          4L   4L N   CA     27   28  132.86  132.50                  -41.20
    4   3815   6I   7F C   N      49   51 -142.04 -124.20   18.68    0.57  -63.20 -175.46   30.72
    4          7F   7F N   CA     51   52  148.85  143.30                  -44.30
    5   3816   7F   8A C   N      60   62 -133.90 -134.00   11.08    0.63  -62.50  176.14   32.69
    5          8A   8A N   CA     62   63  158.08  147.00                  -40.90
    6   3817   8A   9L C   N      65   67  -75.72  -70.70   46.47    3.72  -63.50  137.15   18.38
    6          9L   9L N   CA     67   68   95.40  141.60                  -41.20
    7   3820  11V  12L C   N      87   89  -57.45  -70.70   15.35    1.09  -63.50  175.16   24.67
    7         12L  12L N   CA     89   90  133.85  141.60                  -41.20
    8   3823  14V  15G C   N     108  110  -88.90  -80.20   33.93    0.93   82.20 -124.64   18.14
    8         15G  15G N   CA    110  111 -153.10  174.10                    8.50
    9   3824  15G  16S C   N     112  114  -62.31  -72.40   42.55    2.18  -64.10  146.08   10.69
    9         16S  16S N   CA    114  115  111.06  152.40                  -35.00
   10   3844  35F  36E C   N     274  276   51.74   54.60    5.38    0.63  -63.60  139.31   23.96
   10         36E  36E N   CA    276  277   37.84   42.40                  -40.30
   11   3860  51S  52S C   N     411  413   63.40   56.90    8.58    0.57  -64.10  143.49   19.03
   11         52S  52S N   CA    413  414   30.80   36.40                  -35.00
   12   3896  87K  88D C   N     695  697 -145.98  -63.30   91.71   15.65  -63.30   91.71   15.65
   12         88D  88D N   CA    697  698  -79.69  -40.00                  -40.00
   13   3898  89C  90N C   N     709  711 -176.60  -63.20  116.70   18.70   55.90  167.21   10.92
   13         90N  90N N   CA    711  712  -68.67  -41.10                   39.50
   14   3920 111I 112Y C   N     872  874  -50.38  -98.40   53.30    3.25  -63.50  149.26   24.36
   14        112Y 112Y N   CA    874  875  105.28  128.40                  -43.40
   15   3923 114R 115H C   N     904  906  -90.89 -125.60   54.03    1.37  -63.20  142.41   16.26
   15        115H 115H N   CA    906  907   97.39  138.80                  -42.30
   16   3924 115H 116R C   N     914  916  -57.78  -63.00   71.12    9.27 -125.20  126.78    7.02
   16        116R 116R N   CA    916  917 -112.03  -41.10                  140.60

report______> Distribution of short non-bonded contacts:

DISTANCE1:  0.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40
DISTANCE2:  2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50
FREQUENCY:     0    0    0    0    1   13    8   62   78  112  124  127  180  176  187

<< end of ENERGY.
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
>> Model assessment by DOPE potential
iatmcls_286W> MODEL atom not classified:  CYS:OXT  CYS

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      140
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1139    1139
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    12134   12134
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):   200918
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 1, NATM x NATM double loop
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        1    9999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :   15.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       F       F       F       T
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :      -11783.3291

<< end of ENERGY.
DOPE score               : -11783.329102
>> Model assessment by GA341 potential

Surface library          : /usr/lib/modeller10.1/modlib/surf5.de
Pair library             : /usr/lib/modeller10.1/modlib/pair9.de
Chain identifier         : _
% sequence identity      :    39.394001
Sequence length          :          137
Compactness              :     0.154557
Native energy (pair)     :    -4.167381
Native energy (surface)  :     1.806173
Native energy (combined) :     0.297246
Z score (pair)           :    -3.379564
Z score (surface)        :    -2.617596
Z score (combined)       :    -3.731996
GA341 score              :     0.838845

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      140
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1139    1139
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    12134   12134
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):     2488
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 2, NATM x NATM cell sorting
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        0   99999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :    4.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       T       F       F       F
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :         984.1353

Summary of the restraint violations: 

   NUM     ... number of restraints.
   NUMVI   ... number of restraints with RVIOL > VIOL_REPORT_CUT[i].
   RVIOL   ... relative difference from the best value.
   NUMVP   ... number of restraints with -Ln(pdf) > VIOL_REPORT_CUT2[i].
   RMS_1   ... RMS(feature, minimally_violated_basis_restraint, NUMB).
   RMS_2   ... RMS(feature, best_value, NUMB).
   MOL.PDF ... scaled contribution to -Ln(Molecular pdf).

 #                     RESTRAINT_GROUP      NUM   NUMVI  NUMVP   RMS_1   RMS_2         MOL.PDF     S_i
 1 Bond length potential              :    1119       0      2   0.009   0.009      25.559       1.000
 2 Bond angle potential               :    1504       1      9   2.178   2.178      144.75       1.000
 3 Stereochemical cosine torsion poten:     713       0     26  47.748  47.748      254.81       1.000
 4 Stereochemical improper torsion pot:     461       0      0   1.339   1.339      17.874       1.000
 5 Soft-sphere overlap restraints     :    2488       2      2   0.008   0.008      18.035       1.000
 6 Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 7 Coulomb point-point electrostatic p:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 8 H-bonding potential                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 9 Distance restraints 1 (CA-CA)      :    2215       0      2   0.308   0.308      98.276       1.000
10 Distance restraints 2 (N-O)        :    2371       0      8   0.345   0.345      134.68       1.000
11 Mainchain Phi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
12 Mainchain Psi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
13 Mainchain Omega dihedral restraints:     136       0      2   4.274   4.274      29.292       1.000
14 Sidechain Chi_1 dihedral restraints:     121       0      2  79.627  79.627      35.824       1.000
15 Sidechain Chi_2 dihedral restraints:      87       0      0  78.390  78.390      34.769       1.000
16 Sidechain Chi_3 dihedral restraints:      35       0      0  79.688  79.688      21.536       1.000
17 Sidechain Chi_4 dihedral restraints:      22       0      0  86.388  86.388      12.105       1.000
18 Disulfide distance restraints      :       3       0      0   0.026   0.026     0.34371       1.000
19 Disulfide angle restraints         :       6       0      0   3.810   3.810      1.9231       1.000
20 Disulfide dihedral angle restraints:       3       0      0  22.832  22.832      1.5234       1.000
21 Lower bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
22 Upper bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
23 Distance restraints 3 (SDCH-MNCH)  :    1316       0      0   0.346   0.346      28.367       1.000
24 Sidechain Chi_5 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
25 Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints:     135      16     16  27.705  57.711      63.944       1.000
26 Distance restraints 4 (SDCH-SDCH)  :     498       0      0   0.674   0.674      36.680       1.000
27 Distance restraints 5 (X-Y)        :    1389       0      2   0.045   0.045      23.844       1.000
28 NMR distance restraints 6 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
29 NMR distance restraints 7 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
30 Minimal distance restraints        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
31 Non-bonded restraints              :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
32 Atomic accessibility restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
33 Atomic density restraints          :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
34 Absolute position restraints       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
35 Dihedral angle difference restraint:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
36 GBSA implicit solvent potential    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
37 EM density fitting potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
38 SAXS restraints                    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
39 Symmetry restraints                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000

# Heavy relative violation of each residue is written to: sequence.V99990006
# The profile is NOT normalized by the number of restraints.
# The profiles are smoothed over a window of residues:    1
# The sum of all numbers in the file:   15352.0312

List of the violated restraints:
   A restraint is violated when the relative difference
   from the best value (RVIOL) is larger than CUTOFF.

   ICSR   ... index of a restraint in the current set.
   RESNO  ... residue numbers of the first two atoms.
   ATM    ... IUPAC atom names of the first two atoms.
   FEAT   ... the value of the feature in the model.
   restr  ... the mean of the basis restraint with the smallest
              difference from the model (local minimum).
   viol   ... difference from the local minimum.
   rviol  ... relative difference from the local minimum.
   RESTR  ... the best value (global minimum).
   VIOL   ... difference from the best value.
   RVIOL  ... relative difference from the best value.


Feature  2                           : Bond angle potential                    
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       4.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   2080  88D  88D N   CA    697  698  127.58  107.00   20.58    5.92  107.00   20.58    5.92


Feature 25                           : Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints     
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       6.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   3810   1M   2Q C   N       7    9  -77.61  -73.00   21.01    1.29  -63.80  159.10   24.13
    1          2Q   2Q N   CA      9   10  161.20  140.70                  -40.30
    2   3811   2Q   3K C   N      16   18  -63.98  -70.20    6.38    0.50  -62.90  177.41   23.10
    2          3K   3K N   CA     18   19  141.80  140.40                  -40.80
    3   3812   3K   4L C   N      25   27  -76.26  -70.70    6.06    0.46  -63.50  175.25   25.08
    3          4L   4L N   CA     27   28  144.01  141.60                  -41.20
    4   3815   6I   7F C   N      49   51 -116.21 -124.20    8.29    0.39  -63.20  178.27   28.28
    4          7F   7F N   CA     51   52  145.50  143.30                  -44.30
    5   3816   7F   8A C   N      60   62 -103.59 -134.00   36.08    0.87  -62.50  173.41   26.72
    5          8A   8A N   CA     62   63  127.57  147.00                  -40.90
    6   3817   8A   9L C   N      65   67 -113.76 -108.50    5.61    0.25  -63.50 -177.29   23.02
    6          9L   9L N   CA     67   68  134.46  132.50                  -41.20
    7   3821  12L  13C C   N      95   97  -59.33  -63.00    6.19    0.66 -117.90 -177.53    7.89
    7         13C  13C N   CA     97   98  -46.09  -41.10                  141.10
    8   3823  14V  15G C   N     108  110   87.81   78.70   24.29    0.38   82.20  162.97    8.19
    8         15G  15G N   CA    110  111  171.38 -166.10                    8.50
    9   3824  15G  16S C   N     112  114 -107.10 -136.60   36.27    1.11  -64.10  170.60   10.61
    9         16S  16S N   CA    114  115  130.09  151.20                  -35.00
   10   3844  35F  36E C   N     274  276   49.68   54.60    5.75    0.75  -63.60  138.52   23.81
   10         36E  36E N   CA    276  277   39.42   42.40                  -40.30
   11   3859  50E  51S C   N     405  407 -141.37  -64.10   89.94    8.88  -64.10   89.94    8.88
   11         51S  51S N   CA    407  408   11.02  -35.00                  -35.00
   12   3860  51S  52S C   N     411  413   54.20   56.90    2.71    0.31  -64.10  138.23   18.15
   12         52S  52S N   CA    413  414   36.51   36.40                  -35.00
   13   3896  87K  88D C   N     695  697 -140.11  -63.30   79.80   13.43  -63.30   79.80   13.43
   13         88D  88D N   CA    697  698  -61.64  -40.00                  -40.00
   14   3920 111I 112Y C   N     872  874  -45.07  -98.40   59.02    3.58  -63.50  147.66   24.38
   14        112Y 112Y N   CA    874  875  103.11  128.40                  -43.40
   15   3934 125N 126H C   N    1010 1012 -121.95  -63.20   79.86    9.13  -63.20   79.86    9.13
   15        126H 126H N   CA   1012 1013   11.78  -42.30                  -42.30
   16   3935 126H 127C C   N    1020 1022 -124.74  -63.00   61.76   10.38  -63.00   61.76   10.38
   16        127C 127C N   CA   1022 1023  -42.77  -41.10                  -41.10

report______> Distribution of short non-bonded contacts:

DISTANCE1:  0.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40
DISTANCE2:  2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50
FREQUENCY:     0    0    0    0    1   14    8   54   88  112  127  147  169  196  211

<< end of ENERGY.
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
iupac_m_484W> Dihedral still outside +-90:      -91.5388
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
>> Model assessment by DOPE potential
iatmcls_286W> MODEL atom not classified:  CYS:OXT  CYS

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      140
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1139    1139
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    12134   12134
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):   197899
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 1, NATM x NATM double loop
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        1    9999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :   15.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       F       F       F       T
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :      -11697.8926

<< end of ENERGY.
DOPE score               : -11697.892578
>> Model assessment by GA341 potential

Surface library          : /usr/lib/modeller10.1/modlib/surf5.de
Pair library             : /usr/lib/modeller10.1/modlib/pair9.de
Chain identifier         : _
% sequence identity      :    39.394001
Sequence length          :          137
Compactness              :     0.175230
Native energy (pair)     :     2.789933
Native energy (surface)  :     2.054288
Native energy (combined) :     0.682808
Z score (pair)           :    -3.657796
Z score (surface)        :    -2.662854
Z score (combined)       :    -3.932639
GA341 score              :     0.901239

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      140
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1139    1139
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    12134   12134
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):     2404
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 2, NATM x NATM cell sorting
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        0   99999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :    4.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       T       F       F       F
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :        1074.1337

Summary of the restraint violations: 

   NUM     ... number of restraints.
   NUMVI   ... number of restraints with RVIOL > VIOL_REPORT_CUT[i].
   RVIOL   ... relative difference from the best value.
   NUMVP   ... number of restraints with -Ln(pdf) > VIOL_REPORT_CUT2[i].
   RMS_1   ... RMS(feature, minimally_violated_basis_restraint, NUMB).
   RMS_2   ... RMS(feature, best_value, NUMB).
   MOL.PDF ... scaled contribution to -Ln(Molecular pdf).

 #                     RESTRAINT_GROUP      NUM   NUMVI  NUMVP   RMS_1   RMS_2         MOL.PDF     S_i
 1 Bond length potential              :    1119       0      6   0.010   0.010      31.491       1.000
 2 Bond angle potential               :    1504       1     10   2.361   2.361      169.11       1.000
 3 Stereochemical cosine torsion poten:     713       0     31  47.756  47.756      255.21       1.000
 4 Stereochemical improper torsion pot:     461       0      0   1.447   1.447      20.664       1.000
 5 Soft-sphere overlap restraints     :    2404       2      2   0.008   0.008      18.175       1.000
 6 Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 7 Coulomb point-point electrostatic p:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 8 H-bonding potential                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 9 Distance restraints 1 (CA-CA)      :    2215       0      4   0.298   0.298      96.645       1.000
10 Distance restraints 2 (N-O)        :    2371       0     10   0.350   0.350      154.55       1.000
11 Mainchain Phi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
12 Mainchain Psi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
13 Mainchain Omega dihedral restraints:     136       0      3   4.687   4.687      35.239       1.000
14 Sidechain Chi_1 dihedral restraints:     121       0      1  74.866  74.866      35.380       1.000
15 Sidechain Chi_2 dihedral restraints:      87       0      0  75.559  75.559      37.833       1.000
16 Sidechain Chi_3 dihedral restraints:      35       0      0  81.331  81.331      24.331       1.000
17 Sidechain Chi_4 dihedral restraints:      22       0      0  72.410  72.410      11.829       1.000
18 Disulfide distance restraints      :       3       0      0   0.023   0.023     0.28460       1.000
19 Disulfide angle restraints         :       6       0      1   5.610   5.610      4.1693       1.000
20 Disulfide dihedral angle restraints:       3       0      0  23.669  23.669      1.7403       1.000
21 Lower bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
22 Upper bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
23 Distance restraints 3 (SDCH-MNCH)  :    1316       0      0   0.315   0.315      22.727       1.000
24 Sidechain Chi_5 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
25 Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints:     135      17     16  27.244  61.220      92.463       1.000
26 Distance restraints 4 (SDCH-SDCH)  :     498       0      0   0.706   0.706      41.559       1.000
27 Distance restraints 5 (X-Y)        :    1389       0      0   0.041   0.041      20.735       1.000
28 NMR distance restraints 6 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
29 NMR distance restraints 7 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
30 Minimal distance restraints        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
31 Non-bonded restraints              :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
32 Atomic accessibility restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
33 Atomic density restraints          :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
34 Absolute position restraints       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
35 Dihedral angle difference restraint:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
36 GBSA implicit solvent potential    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
37 EM density fitting potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
38 SAXS restraints                    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
39 Symmetry restraints                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000

# Heavy relative violation of each residue is written to: sequence.V99990007
# The profile is NOT normalized by the number of restraints.
# The profiles are smoothed over a window of residues:    1
# The sum of all numbers in the file:   15661.7686

List of the violated restraints:
   A restraint is violated when the relative difference
   from the best value (RVIOL) is larger than CUTOFF.

   ICSR   ... index of a restraint in the current set.
   RESNO  ... residue numbers of the first two atoms.
   ATM    ... IUPAC atom names of the first two atoms.
   FEAT   ... the value of the feature in the model.
   restr  ... the mean of the basis restraint with the smallest
              difference from the model (local minimum).
   viol   ... difference from the local minimum.
   rviol  ... relative difference from the local minimum.
   RESTR  ... the best value (global minimum).
   VIOL   ... difference from the best value.
   RVIOL  ... relative difference from the best value.


Feature  2                           : Bond angle potential                    
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       4.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   2080  88D  88D N   CA    697  698  129.96  107.00   22.96    6.60  107.00   22.96    6.60


Feature 25                           : Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints     
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       6.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   3810   1M   2Q C   N       7    9  -78.26  -73.00   16.00    0.95  -63.80  164.52   24.96
    1          2Q   2Q N   CA      9   10  155.82  140.70                  -40.30
    2   3811   2Q   3K C   N      16   18  -70.68  -70.20   15.07    1.08  -62.90  163.92   21.72
    2          3K   3K N   CA     18   19  155.46  140.40                  -40.80
    3   3812   3K   4L C   N      25   27  -72.67  -70.70   27.64    2.17  -63.50  155.50   21.08
    3          4L   4L N   CA     27   28  114.03  141.60                  -41.20
    4   3815   6I   7F C   N      49   51 -144.24 -124.20   21.59    0.62  -63.20 -176.72   30.67
    4          7F   7F N   CA     51   52  151.31  143.30                  -44.30
    5   3816   7F   8A C   N      60   62 -117.44 -134.00   16.58    0.52  -62.50 -178.56   32.66
    5          8A   8A N   CA     62   63  146.17  147.00                  -40.90
    6   3817   8A   9L C   N      65   67  -67.15  -70.70    3.86    0.29  -63.50  178.76   25.03
    6          9L   9L N   CA     67   68  140.08  141.60                  -41.20
    7   3820  11V  12L C   N      87   89  -70.47  -70.70   11.63    0.87  -63.50  171.31   23.40
    7         12L  12L N   CA     89   90  129.97  141.60                  -41.20
    8   3823  14V  15G C   N     108  110 -129.33 -167.20   38.10    0.83   82.20 -134.09   17.07
    8         15G  15G N   CA    110  111  178.77  174.60                    8.50
    9   3824  15G  16S C   N     112  114  -63.44  -72.40   28.94    1.42  -64.10  159.89   11.62
    9         16S  16S N   CA    114  115  124.89  152.40                  -35.00
   10   3844  35F  36E C   N     274  276   50.46   54.60    4.79    0.63  -63.60  139.48   23.98
   10         36E  36E N   CA    276  277   39.98   42.40                  -40.30
   11   3859  50E  51S C   N     405  407 -140.25  -64.10   85.68    8.82  -64.10   85.68    8.82
   11         51S  51S N   CA    407  408    4.28  -35.00                  -35.00
   12   3860  51S  52S C   N     411  413   61.26   56.90    6.28    0.37  -64.10  142.09   18.81
   12         52S  52S N   CA    413  414   31.89   36.40                  -35.00
   13   3896  87K  88D C   N     695  697 -143.61  -63.30   81.62   13.53  -63.30   81.62   13.53
   13         88D  88D N   CA    697  698  -54.51  -40.00                  -40.00
   14   3919 110K 111I C   N     864  866  -55.34  -63.40   40.19    6.88  -63.40   40.19    6.88
   14        111I 111I N   CA    866  867   -4.23  -43.60                  -43.60
   15   3935 126H 127C C   N    1020 1022 -125.36  -63.00   69.86    9.48  -63.00   69.86    9.48
   15        127C 127C N   CA   1022 1023   -9.59  -41.10                  -41.10
   16   3936 127C 128Q C   N    1026 1028  -60.99  -63.80   15.11    2.08 -121.10  175.76    9.08
   16        128Q 128Q N   CA   1028 1029  -55.14  -40.30                  139.70
   17   3937 128Q 129G C   N    1035 1037  -73.24  -62.40   13.40    1.97   82.20  160.97   12.03
   17        129G 129G N   CA   1037 1038  -33.33  -41.20                    8.50

report______> Distribution of short non-bonded contacts:

DISTANCE1:  0.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40
DISTANCE2:  2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50
FREQUENCY:     0    0    0    0    1   11   14   58   75  125  122  132  168  178  183

<< end of ENERGY.
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
>> Model assessment by DOPE potential
iatmcls_286W> MODEL atom not classified:  CYS:OXT  CYS

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      140
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1139    1139
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    12134   12134
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):   196361
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 1, NATM x NATM double loop
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        1    9999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :   15.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       F       F       F       T
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :      -11701.3447

<< end of ENERGY.
DOPE score               : -11701.344727
>> Model assessment by GA341 potential

Surface library          : /usr/lib/modeller10.1/modlib/surf5.de
Pair library             : /usr/lib/modeller10.1/modlib/pair9.de
Chain identifier         : _
% sequence identity      :    39.394001
Sequence length          :          137
Compactness              :     0.204690
Native energy (pair)     :    -0.919580
Native energy (surface)  :     0.261251
Native energy (combined) :     0.036406
Z score (pair)           :    -3.452739
Z score (surface)        :    -3.261474
Z score (combined)       :    -4.136772
GA341 score              :     0.949526

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      140
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1139    1139
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    12134   12134
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):     2470
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 2, NATM x NATM cell sorting
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        0   99999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :    4.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       T       F       F       F
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :        1094.0746

Summary of the restraint violations: 

   NUM     ... number of restraints.
   NUMVI   ... number of restraints with RVIOL > VIOL_REPORT_CUT[i].
   RVIOL   ... relative difference from the best value.
   NUMVP   ... number of restraints with -Ln(pdf) > VIOL_REPORT_CUT2[i].
   RMS_1   ... RMS(feature, minimally_violated_basis_restraint, NUMB).
   RMS_2   ... RMS(feature, best_value, NUMB).
   MOL.PDF ... scaled contribution to -Ln(Molecular pdf).

 #                     RESTRAINT_GROUP      NUM   NUMVI  NUMVP   RMS_1   RMS_2         MOL.PDF     S_i
 1 Bond length potential              :    1119       0      2   0.009   0.009      25.868       1.000
 2 Bond angle potential               :    1504       1     10   2.293   2.293      159.60       1.000
 3 Stereochemical cosine torsion poten:     713       0     30  48.232  48.232      256.90       1.000
 4 Stereochemical improper torsion pot:     461       0      0   1.304   1.304      17.286       1.000
 5 Soft-sphere overlap restraints     :    2470       1      2   0.008   0.008      18.834       1.000
 6 Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 7 Coulomb point-point electrostatic p:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 8 H-bonding potential                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 9 Distance restraints 1 (CA-CA)      :    2215       0      5   0.292   0.292      96.927       1.000
10 Distance restraints 2 (N-O)        :    2371       0      9   0.334   0.334      147.20       1.000
11 Mainchain Phi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
12 Mainchain Psi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
13 Mainchain Omega dihedral restraints:     136       0      3   4.807   4.807      37.054       1.000
14 Sidechain Chi_1 dihedral restraints:     121       0      4  83.945  83.945      47.117       1.000
15 Sidechain Chi_2 dihedral restraints:      87       0      0  74.187  74.187      36.866       1.000
16 Sidechain Chi_3 dihedral restraints:      35       0      0  76.831  76.831      24.878       1.000
17 Sidechain Chi_4 dihedral restraints:      22       0      0  70.049  70.049      12.161       1.000
18 Disulfide distance restraints      :       3       0      0   0.023   0.023     0.28161       1.000
19 Disulfide angle restraints         :       6       0      0   2.490   2.490     0.82112       1.000
20 Disulfide dihedral angle restraints:       3       0      0  21.233  21.233      1.3019       1.000
21 Lower bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
22 Upper bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
23 Distance restraints 3 (SDCH-MNCH)  :    1316       0      0   0.377   0.377      30.549       1.000
24 Sidechain Chi_5 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
25 Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints:     135      18     19  28.866  66.297      116.72       1.000
26 Distance restraints 4 (SDCH-SDCH)  :     498       0      0   0.669   0.669      36.048       1.000
27 Distance restraints 5 (X-Y)        :    1389       0      3   0.049   0.049      27.657       1.000
28 NMR distance restraints 6 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
29 NMR distance restraints 7 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
30 Minimal distance restraints        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
31 Non-bonded restraints              :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
32 Atomic accessibility restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
33 Atomic density restraints          :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
34 Absolute position restraints       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
35 Dihedral angle difference restraint:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
36 GBSA implicit solvent potential    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
37 EM density fitting potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
38 SAXS restraints                    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
39 Symmetry restraints                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000

# Heavy relative violation of each residue is written to: sequence.V99990008
# The profile is NOT normalized by the number of restraints.
# The profiles are smoothed over a window of residues:    1
# The sum of all numbers in the file:   16221.8418

List of the violated restraints:
   A restraint is violated when the relative difference
   from the best value (RVIOL) is larger than CUTOFF.

   ICSR   ... index of a restraint in the current set.
   RESNO  ... residue numbers of the first two atoms.
   ATM    ... IUPAC atom names of the first two atoms.
   FEAT   ... the value of the feature in the model.
   restr  ... the mean of the basis restraint with the smallest
              difference from the model (local minimum).
   viol   ... difference from the local minimum.
   rviol  ... relative difference from the local minimum.
   RESTR  ... the best value (global minimum).
   VIOL   ... difference from the best value.
   RVIOL  ... relative difference from the best value.


Feature  2                           : Bond angle potential                    
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       4.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   2080  88D  88D N   CA    697  698  128.94  107.00   21.94    6.31  107.00   21.94    6.31


Feature 25                           : Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints     
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       6.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   3810   1M   2Q C   N       7    9  -67.65  -73.00   11.55    0.86  -63.80  168.80   25.02
    1          2Q   2Q N   CA      9   10  150.94  140.70                  -40.30
    2   3811   2Q   3K C   N      16   18  -66.05  -70.20    8.23    0.68  -62.90  171.72   22.47
    2          3K   3K N   CA     18   19  147.51  140.40                  -40.80
    3   3812   3K   4L C   N      25   27  -68.84  -70.70    1.86    0.16  -63.50  177.39   24.94
    3          4L   4L N   CA     27   28  141.48  141.60                  -41.20
    4   3815   6I   7F C   N      49   51  -73.14  -71.40   44.91    3.67  -63.20  140.48   18.84
    4          7F   7F N   CA     51   52   95.82  140.70                  -44.30
    5   3816   7F   8A C   N      60   62 -164.01 -134.00   31.23    0.76  -62.50 -167.57   36.93
    5          8A   8A N   CA     62   63  155.63  147.00                  -40.90
    6   3817   8A   9L C   N      65   67  -75.40  -70.70    5.64    0.39  -63.50  174.50   24.93
    6          9L   9L N   CA     67   68  144.71  141.60                  -41.20
    7   3818   9L  10V C   N      73   75  -60.68  -62.40    2.25    0.38 -125.40 -172.72   10.51
    7         10V  10V N   CA     75   76  -40.96  -42.40                  143.30
    8   3820  11V  12L C   N      87   89  -57.51  -70.70   16.37    1.65  -63.50  167.61   22.94
    8         12L  12L N   CA     89   90  151.30  141.60                  -41.20
    9   3821  12L  13C C   N      95   97  -58.08  -63.00    7.99    0.86 -117.90 -178.37    7.87
    9         13C  13C N   CA     97   98  -47.40  -41.10                  141.10
   10   3823  14V  15G C   N     108  110  -92.54  -80.20   32.53    0.78   82.20 -120.14   18.49
   10         15G  15G N   CA    110  111 -155.80  174.10                    8.50
   11   3824  15G  16S C   N     112  114  -62.19  -72.40   39.99    2.02  -64.10  148.75   10.89
   11         16S  16S N   CA    114  115  113.74  152.40                  -35.00
   12   3844  35F  36E C   N     274  276   51.13   54.60    5.12    0.64  -63.60  139.26   23.95
   12         36E  36E N   CA    276  277   38.63   42.40                  -40.30
   13   3859  50E  51S C   N     405  407 -140.14  -64.10   88.14    8.74  -64.10   88.14    8.74
   13         51S  51S N   CA    407  408    9.57  -35.00                  -35.00
   14   3860  51S  52S C   N     411  413   54.17   56.90    3.42    0.24  -64.10  139.23   18.25
   14         52S  52S N   CA    413  414   38.46   36.40                  -35.00
   15   3889  80S  81K C   N     651  653  -75.49  -62.90   87.82   12.13  -62.90   87.82   12.13
   15         81K  81K N   CA    653  654 -127.71  -40.80                  -40.80
   16   3890  81K  82G C   N     660  662 -103.16  -62.40   40.84    7.40   82.20 -177.69    9.95
   16         82G  82G N   CA    662  663  -43.81  -41.20                    8.50
   17   3896  87K  88D C   N     695  697  172.04  -96.50   94.65    3.85  -63.30  179.99   20.17
   17         88D  88D N   CA    697  698   89.83  114.20                  -40.00
   18   3920 111I 112Y C   N     872  874  -43.12  -98.40   61.38    3.75  -63.50  146.54   24.30
   18        112Y 112Y N   CA    874  875  101.72  128.40                  -43.40

report______> Distribution of short non-bonded contacts:

DISTANCE1:  0.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40
DISTANCE2:  2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50
FREQUENCY:     0    0    0    0    0    8   16   68   79  117  117  150  183  181  183

<< end of ENERGY.
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
>> Model assessment by DOPE potential
iatmcls_286W> MODEL atom not classified:  CYS:OXT  CYS

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      140
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1139    1139
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    12134   12134
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):   192650
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 1, NATM x NATM double loop
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        1    9999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :   15.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       F       F       F       T
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :      -11540.6807

<< end of ENERGY.
DOPE score               : -11540.680664
>> Model assessment by GA341 potential

Surface library          : /usr/lib/modeller10.1/modlib/surf5.de
Pair library             : /usr/lib/modeller10.1/modlib/pair9.de
Chain identifier         : _
% sequence identity      :    39.394001
Sequence length          :          137
Compactness              :     0.131893
Native energy (pair)     :   -24.513647
Native energy (surface)  :     0.964894
Native energy (combined) :    -0.814576
Z score (pair)           :    -4.277843
Z score (surface)        :    -2.888013
Z score (combined)       :    -4.489233
GA341 score              :     0.976045

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      140
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1139    1139
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    12134   12134
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):     2391
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 2, NATM x NATM cell sorting
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        0   99999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :    4.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       T       F       F       F
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :        1027.4846

Summary of the restraint violations: 

   NUM     ... number of restraints.
   NUMVI   ... number of restraints with RVIOL > VIOL_REPORT_CUT[i].
   RVIOL   ... relative difference from the best value.
   NUMVP   ... number of restraints with -Ln(pdf) > VIOL_REPORT_CUT2[i].
   RMS_1   ... RMS(feature, minimally_violated_basis_restraint, NUMB).
   RMS_2   ... RMS(feature, best_value, NUMB).
   MOL.PDF ... scaled contribution to -Ln(Molecular pdf).

 #                     RESTRAINT_GROUP      NUM   NUMVI  NUMVP   RMS_1   RMS_2         MOL.PDF     S_i
 1 Bond length potential              :    1119       0      2   0.009   0.009      27.928       1.000
 2 Bond angle potential               :    1504       1     12   2.258   2.258      153.87       1.000
 3 Stereochemical cosine torsion poten:     713       0     29  48.825  48.825      265.04       1.000
 4 Stereochemical improper torsion pot:     461       0      0   1.313   1.313      17.089       1.000
 5 Soft-sphere overlap restraints     :    2391       1      2   0.008   0.008      18.032       1.000
 6 Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 7 Coulomb point-point electrostatic p:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 8 H-bonding potential                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 9 Distance restraints 1 (CA-CA)      :    2215       0      5   0.290   0.290      95.115       1.000
10 Distance restraints 2 (N-O)        :    2371       0      8   0.332   0.332      134.35       1.000
11 Mainchain Phi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
12 Mainchain Psi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
13 Mainchain Omega dihedral restraints:     136       0      2   4.336   4.336      30.158       1.000
14 Sidechain Chi_1 dihedral restraints:     121       0      2  79.530  79.530      40.777       1.000
15 Sidechain Chi_2 dihedral restraints:      87       0      0  80.044  80.044      31.051       1.000
16 Sidechain Chi_3 dihedral restraints:      35       0      0  85.012  85.012      24.069       1.000
17 Sidechain Chi_4 dihedral restraints:      22       0      0  85.930  85.930      14.041       1.000
18 Disulfide distance restraints      :       3       0      0   0.031   0.031     0.49223       1.000
19 Disulfide angle restraints         :       6       0      0   2.745   2.745     0.99791       1.000
20 Disulfide dihedral angle restraints:       3       0      0  22.756  22.756      1.6179       1.000
21 Lower bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
22 Upper bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
23 Distance restraints 3 (SDCH-MNCH)  :    1316       0      0   0.375   0.375      32.189       1.000
24 Sidechain Chi_5 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
25 Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints:     135      16     14  29.350  57.421      94.473       1.000
26 Distance restraints 4 (SDCH-SDCH)  :     498       0      0   0.539   0.539      23.805       1.000
27 Distance restraints 5 (X-Y)        :    1389       0      0   0.043   0.043      22.394       1.000
28 NMR distance restraints 6 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
29 NMR distance restraints 7 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
30 Minimal distance restraints        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
31 Non-bonded restraints              :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
32 Atomic accessibility restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
33 Atomic density restraints          :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
34 Absolute position restraints       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
35 Dihedral angle difference restraint:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
36 GBSA implicit solvent potential    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
37 EM density fitting potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
38 SAXS restraints                    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
39 Symmetry restraints                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000

# Heavy relative violation of each residue is written to: sequence.V99990009
# The profile is NOT normalized by the number of restraints.
# The profiles are smoothed over a window of residues:    1
# The sum of all numbers in the file:   15957.3936

List of the violated restraints:
   A restraint is violated when the relative difference
   from the best value (RVIOL) is larger than CUTOFF.

   ICSR   ... index of a restraint in the current set.
   RESNO  ... residue numbers of the first two atoms.
   ATM    ... IUPAC atom names of the first two atoms.
   FEAT   ... the value of the feature in the model.
   restr  ... the mean of the basis restraint with the smallest
              difference from the model (local minimum).
   viol   ... difference from the local minimum.
   rviol  ... relative difference from the local minimum.
   RESTR  ... the best value (global minimum).
   VIOL   ... difference from the best value.
   RVIOL  ... relative difference from the best value.


Feature  2                           : Bond angle potential                    
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       4.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   2080  88D  88D N   CA    697  698  127.97  107.00   20.97    6.03  107.00   20.97    6.03


Feature 25                           : Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints     
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       6.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   3810   1M   2Q C   N       7    9  -83.56  -73.00   22.32    1.29  -63.80  160.55   24.66
    1          2Q   2Q N   CA      9   10  160.37  140.70                  -40.30
    2   3811   2Q   3K C   N      16   18  -65.77  -70.20   10.37    0.84  -62.90  169.45   22.16
    2          3K   3K N   CA     18   19  149.77  140.40                  -40.80
    3   3812   3K   4L C   N      25   27  -61.63  -70.70   19.15    1.19  -63.50  165.95   23.15
    3          4L   4L N   CA     27   28  124.74  141.60                  -41.20
    4   3815   6I   7F C   N      49   51 -125.43 -124.20    6.74    0.34  -63.20 -170.47   30.44
    4          7F   7F N   CA     51   52  136.68  143.30                  -44.30
    5   3816   7F   8A C   N      60   62 -126.17 -134.00    9.36    0.23  -62.50 -171.67   34.27
    5          8A   8A N   CA     62   63  141.86  147.00                  -40.90
    6   3817   8A   9L C   N      65   67  -96.27 -108.50   32.64    1.61  -63.50  147.14   18.82
    6          9L   9L N   CA     67   68  102.24  132.50                  -41.20
    7   3820  11V  12L C   N      87   89 -109.78 -108.50    4.43    0.25  -63.50  175.66   22.20
    7         12L  12L N   CA     89   90  128.26  132.50                  -41.20
    8   3823  14V  15G C   N     108  110   97.07   78.70   53.49    0.86   82.20  135.97    7.34
    8         15G  15G N   CA    110  111  143.66 -166.10                    8.50
    9   3824  15G  16S C   N     112  114 -139.30 -136.60    4.29    0.15  -64.10 -173.68   18.86
    9         16S  16S N   CA    114  115  154.53  151.20                  -35.00
   10   3844  35F  36E C   N     274  276   53.89   54.60    5.50    0.48  -63.60  140.61   24.19
   10         36E  36E N   CA    276  277   36.94   42.40                  -40.30
   11   3859  50E  51S C   N     405  407 -142.63  -64.10   91.92    9.01  -64.10   91.92    9.01
   11         51S  51S N   CA    407  408   12.78  -35.00                  -35.00
   12   3860  51S  52S C   N     411  413   54.48   56.90    2.44    0.30  -64.10  138.26   18.17
   12         52S  52S N   CA    413  414   36.09   36.40                  -35.00
   13   3896  87K  88D C   N     695  697 -135.92  -63.30   78.34   13.33  -63.30   78.34   13.33
   13         88D  88D N   CA    697  698  -69.38  -40.00                  -40.00
   14   3922 113K 114R C   N     893  895  -62.29 -125.20   81.04    2.40  -63.00  130.61   17.69
   14        114R 114R N   CA    895  896   89.51  140.60                  -41.10
   15   3923 114R 115H C   N     904  906 -176.65  -63.20  113.59   17.74  -63.20  113.59   17.74
   15        115H 115H N   CA    906  907  -36.74  -42.30                  -42.30
   16   3935 126H 127C C   N    1020 1022 -125.27  -63.00   72.74    9.46  -63.00   72.74    9.46
   16        127C 127C N   CA   1022 1023   -3.51  -41.10                  -41.10

report______> Distribution of short non-bonded contacts:

DISTANCE1:  0.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40
DISTANCE2:  2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50
FREQUENCY:     0    0    0    0    1   10    9   71   80  111  116  142  164  161  172

<< end of ENERGY.
>> Model assessment by DOPE potential
iatmcls_286W> MODEL atom not classified:  CYS:OXT  CYS

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      140
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1139    1139
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    12134   12134
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):   198721
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 1, NATM x NATM double loop
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        1    9999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :   15.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       F       F       F       T
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :      -11385.1406

<< end of ENERGY.
DOPE score               : -11385.140625
>> Model assessment by GA341 potential

Surface library          : /usr/lib/modeller10.1/modlib/surf5.de
Pair library             : /usr/lib/modeller10.1/modlib/pair9.de
Chain identifier         : _
% sequence identity      :    39.394001
Sequence length          :          137
Compactness              :     0.147683
Native energy (pair)     :   -16.243655
Native energy (surface)  :     0.668470
Native energy (combined) :    -0.498353
Z score (pair)           :    -3.419707
Z score (surface)        :    -2.953487
Z score (combined)       :    -3.992740
GA341 score              :     0.903621

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      140
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1139    1139
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    12134   12134
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):     2561
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 2, NATM x NATM cell sorting
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        0   99999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :    4.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       T       F       F       F
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :        1102.3550

Summary of the restraint violations: 

   NUM     ... number of restraints.
   NUMVI   ... number of restraints with RVIOL > VIOL_REPORT_CUT[i].
   RVIOL   ... relative difference from the best value.
   NUMVP   ... number of restraints with -Ln(pdf) > VIOL_REPORT_CUT2[i].
   RMS_1   ... RMS(feature, minimally_violated_basis_restraint, NUMB).
   RMS_2   ... RMS(feature, best_value, NUMB).
   MOL.PDF ... scaled contribution to -Ln(Molecular pdf).

 #                     RESTRAINT_GROUP      NUM   NUMVI  NUMVP   RMS_1   RMS_2         MOL.PDF     S_i
 1 Bond length potential              :    1119       0      2   0.009   0.009      27.782       1.000
 2 Bond angle potential               :    1504       1     12   2.323   2.323      162.40       1.000
 3 Stereochemical cosine torsion poten:     713       0     27  47.993  47.993      257.76       1.000
 4 Stereochemical improper torsion pot:     461       0      0   1.379   1.379      18.934       1.000
 5 Soft-sphere overlap restraints     :    2561       1      2   0.008   0.008      18.678       1.000
 6 Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 7 Coulomb point-point electrostatic p:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 8 H-bonding potential                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 9 Distance restraints 1 (CA-CA)      :    2215       0      5   0.293   0.293      97.597       1.000
10 Distance restraints 2 (N-O)        :    2371       0      9   0.340   0.340      148.35       1.000
11 Mainchain Phi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
12 Mainchain Psi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
13 Mainchain Omega dihedral restraints:     136       0      3   4.570   4.570      33.501       1.000
14 Sidechain Chi_1 dihedral restraints:     121       0      3  76.433  76.433      42.215       1.000
15 Sidechain Chi_2 dihedral restraints:      87       0      0  74.122  74.122      37.411       1.000
16 Sidechain Chi_3 dihedral restraints:      35       0      0  78.684  78.684      22.377       1.000
17 Sidechain Chi_4 dihedral restraints:      22       0      0  82.979  82.979      16.948       1.000
18 Disulfide distance restraints      :       3       0      0   0.027   0.027     0.37132       1.000
19 Disulfide angle restraints         :       6       0      0   2.712   2.712     0.97426       1.000
20 Disulfide dihedral angle restraints:       3       0      0  35.933  35.933      2.9700       1.000
21 Lower bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
22 Upper bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
23 Distance restraints 3 (SDCH-MNCH)  :    1316       0      0   0.380   0.380      33.139       1.000
24 Sidechain Chi_5 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
25 Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints:     135      19     18  28.909  60.951      129.53       1.000
26 Distance restraints 4 (SDCH-SDCH)  :     498       0      0   0.576   0.576      26.917       1.000
27 Distance restraints 5 (X-Y)        :    1389       0      2   0.045   0.045      24.496       1.000
28 NMR distance restraints 6 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
29 NMR distance restraints 7 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
30 Minimal distance restraints        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
31 Non-bonded restraints              :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
32 Atomic accessibility restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
33 Atomic density restraints          :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
34 Absolute position restraints       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
35 Dihedral angle difference restraint:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
36 GBSA implicit solvent potential    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
37 EM density fitting potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
38 SAXS restraints                    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
39 Symmetry restraints                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000

# Heavy relative violation of each residue is written to: sequence.V99990010
# The profile is NOT normalized by the number of restraints.
# The profiles are smoothed over a window of residues:    1
# The sum of all numbers in the file:   15641.1689

List of the violated restraints:
   A restraint is violated when the relative difference
   from the best value (RVIOL) is larger than CUTOFF.

   ICSR   ... index of a restraint in the current set.
   RESNO  ... residue numbers of the first two atoms.
   ATM    ... IUPAC atom names of the first two atoms.
   FEAT   ... the value of the feature in the model.
   restr  ... the mean of the basis restraint with the smallest
              difference from the model (local minimum).
   viol   ... difference from the local minimum.
   rviol  ... relative difference from the local minimum.
   RESTR  ... the best value (global minimum).
   VIOL   ... difference from the best value.
   RVIOL  ... relative difference from the best value.


Feature  2                           : Bond angle potential                    
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       4.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   2080  88D  88D N   CA    697  698  128.45  107.00   21.45    6.17  107.00   21.45    6.17


Feature 25                           : Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints     
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       6.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   3810   1M   2Q C   N       7    9  -77.40  -73.00   19.93    1.22  -63.80  160.14   24.27
    1          2Q   2Q N   CA      9   10  160.14  140.70                  -40.30
    2   3811   2Q   3K C   N      16   18  -67.13  -70.20    5.60    0.46  -62.90  174.17   22.85
    2          3K   3K N   CA     18   19  145.08  140.40                  -40.80
    3   3812   3K   4L C   N      25   27  -72.65  -70.70    4.70    0.30  -63.50  173.17   24.58
    3          4L   4L N   CA     27   28  145.87  141.60                  -41.20
    4   3815   6I   7F C   N      49   51 -147.02 -124.20   28.80    0.75  -63.20  176.06   29.78
    4          7F   7F N   CA     51   52  160.87  143.30                  -44.30
    5   3816   7F   8A C   N      60   62 -105.06 -134.00   33.55    0.78  -62.50  176.14   27.11
    5          8A   8A N   CA     62   63  130.02  147.00                  -40.90
    6   3817   8A   9L C   N      65   67  -69.07  -70.70    6.81    0.46  -63.50  176.27   24.16
    6          9L   9L N   CA     67   68  134.98  141.60                  -41.20
    7   3820  11V  12L C   N      87   89  -95.40  -63.50   70.00    8.58  -63.50   70.00    8.58
    7         12L  12L N   CA     89   90   21.11  -41.20                  -41.20
    8   3821  12L  13C C   N      95   97  -66.30  -63.00    3.87    0.69 -117.90 -176.81    7.86
    8         13C  13C N   CA     97   98  -43.12  -41.10                  141.10
    9   3823  14V  15G C   N     108  110 -143.27 -167.20   23.94    0.48   82.20 -145.59   16.04
    9         15G  15G N   CA    110  111  175.46  174.60                    8.50
   10   3824  15G  16S C   N     112  114  -95.13  -72.40   35.18    2.76  -64.10  163.52   10.41
   10         16S  16S N   CA    114  115  125.55  152.40                  -35.00
   11   3844  35F  36E C   N     274  276   51.69   54.60    5.80    0.67  -63.60  139.02   23.91
   11         36E  36E N   CA    276  277   37.39   42.40                  -40.30
   12   3859  50E  51S C   N     405  407 -138.78  -64.10   86.85    8.58  -64.10   86.85    8.58
   12         51S  51S N   CA    407  408    9.34  -35.00                  -35.00
   13   3860  51S  52S C   N     411  413   59.18   56.90    3.72    0.19  -64.10  141.02   18.63
   13         52S  52S N   CA    413  414   33.46   36.40                  -35.00
   14   3889  80S  81K C   N     651  653  -75.77  -62.90   89.36   12.35  -62.90   89.36   12.35
   14         81K  81K N   CA    653  654 -129.23  -40.80                  -40.80
   15   3890  81K  82G C   N     660  662 -102.13  -62.40   40.20    7.40   82.20 -175.68    9.91
   15         82G  82G N   CA    662  663  -47.33  -41.20                    8.50
   16   3896  87K  88D C   N     695  697 -137.73  -63.30   79.60   13.52  -63.30   79.60   13.52
   16         88D  88D N   CA    697  698  -68.20  -40.00                  -40.00
   17   3920 111I 112Y C   N     872  874  -33.44  -98.40   69.54    3.85  -63.50  150.01   25.35
   17        112Y 112Y N   CA    874  875  103.57  128.40                  -43.40
   18   3934 125N 126H C   N    1010 1012 -116.95  -63.20   68.61    8.10  -63.20   68.61    8.10
   18        126H 126H N   CA   1012 1013    0.35  -42.30                  -42.30
   19   3935 126H 127C C   N    1020 1022 -118.96  -63.00   56.13    9.12  -63.00   56.13    9.12
   19        127C 127C N   CA   1022 1023  -36.63  -41.10                  -41.10

report______> Distribution of short non-bonded contacts:

DISTANCE1:  0.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40
DISTANCE2:  2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50
FREQUENCY:     0    0    0    0    1    6   16   57   92  139  135  135  168  185  207

<< end of ENERGY.

>> Summary of successfully produced models:
Filename                          molpdf     DOPE score    GA341 score
sequence.B99990001.pdb        1157.54688   -11354.38281        0.96782
sequence.B99990002.pdb        1024.42957   -11830.95996        0.87179
sequence.B99990003.pdb         997.50891   -11941.00488        0.88792
sequence.B99990004.pdb        1057.10339   -11715.81836        0.89582
sequence.B99990005.pdb        1016.02600   -11733.74902        0.96813
sequence.B99990006.pdb         984.13531   -11783.32910        0.83884
sequence.B99990007.pdb        1074.13367   -11697.89258        0.90124
sequence.B99990008.pdb        1094.07458   -11701.34473        0.94953
sequence.B99990009.pdb        1027.48462   -11540.68066        0.97605
sequence.B99990010.pdb        1102.35498   -11385.14062        0.90362

GA341 score - один из скоров, позволяющих оценить качество модели. В отличие от других скоров его значения абсолютны, поэтому значения можно теоретически сравнивать при моделировании разных белков. Значения ранжируются от 0 до 1, чем ближе к 1, тем лучше.

Судя по значениям GA341 score, которые близки к 1, все полученные модели качеством не хуже среднего.

In [18]:
from IPython.display import display, Image

Для визуализации используем Pymol.

In [24]:
def show_model(pdb_1, pdb_2):
    command = f"load {pdb_1}, model_1; load {pdb_2}, model_2; " \
              f"util.cbag model_1; util.cbac model_2; " \
              f"align model_1, model_2; " \
              f"as cartoon; as sticks, hetatm; " \
              f"as cartoon; as sticks, hetatm; orient; " \
              f"set ray_trace_mode, 1; set antialias, 2; bg_color black" \
              f"png tmp.png"
    ! pymol -Qcd "$command"
In [25]:
show_model('sequence.B99990001.pdb', 'template.pdb')
<string>:1: DeprecationWarning: the imp module is deprecated in favour of importlib; see the module's documentation for alternative uses

Зелёным показан смоделированный белок, а бирюзовым белок, на основе которого производилось моделирование. Полученная модель содержит довольно большую вставку в выравнивании и этот участок остался без какой-либо укладки, при этом остальная часть неплохо накладывается на белок-заготовку.