load=1A02 define FJ_chains protein and (*:F or *:J) restrict FJ_chains or dna wireframe off; cartoon on define mn_gr ((dt and (*.N1 or *.C2 or *.O2 or *.C6)) or (da and (*.C2 or *.C4 or *.N3 or *.N9)) or (dc and (*.O2 or *.C2 or *.N1)) or (dg and (*.N9 or *.C4 or *.N3 or *.C2 or *.N2))) and dna define mj_gr ((dt and (*.C5 or *.C6 or *.C7 or *.C4 or *.O4)) or (da and (*.C5 or *.C6 or *.N7 or *.N6)) or (dc and (*.N4 or *.C4 or *.C5 or *.C6)) or (dg and (*.C8 or *.N7 or *.C5 or *.O6 or *.C6))) and dna define drib (*.O3' or *.O4' or *.O5') and dna define drib_c *.C?' and dna define phs_o (*.OP1 or *.OP2) and dna define phs_p *.P and dna define pr_pl FJ_chains and (*.O?? or *.N??) define pr_npl FJ_chains and (*.C?? or *.S??) select within(3.5, pr_pl) and drib select within(4.5, pr_npl) and drib_c select within(3.5, pr_pl) and phs_o select within(4.5, pr_npl) and phs_p select within(3.5, pr_pl) and (mn_gr and (*.N? or *.O?)) select within(4.5, pr_npl) and (mn_gr and *.C?) select within(3.5, pr_pl) and (mj_gr and (*.N? or *.O?)) select within(4.5, pr_npl) and (mj_gr and *.C?)