Sequence alignments

Global pairwise alignment of homologous proteins using needle

Protein Name ID1 ID2 Score % Identity % Similarity Gaps Indels
Acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase carboxyl transferase subunit alpha ACCA_ECOLI ACCA_BACSU 814.5 51.1% 66.0% 14 4
Glucokinase GLK_ECOLI GLK_BACSU 89.0 22.1% 32.8% 164 26
Serine--tRNA ligase SYS_ECOLI SYS_BACSU 1093.5 51.6% 67.1% 9 4

Local pairwise alignment of homologous proteins using water

Protein Name ID1 ID2 Score % Identity % Similarity Gaps Indels Coverage1 Coverage2
Acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase carboxyl transferase subunit alpha ACCA_ECOLI ACCA_BACSU 98.5 22.0% 32.5% 159 2 97.8% 95.1%
Glucokinase GLK_ECOLI GLK_BACSU 1359.0 64.1% 77.2% 7 22 93.5% 92.5%
Serine--tRNA ligase SYS_ECOLI SYS_BACSU 1095.5 52.1% 67.5% 8 3 99.3% 99.1%

Pairwise alignments of non-homologous proteins using needle

Type ID1 ID2 Score % Identity % Similarity Gaps Indels Coverage1 Coverage2
Global SUHB_ECOLI RHO_BACSU 41.5 13.5% 22.5% 266 21
Local SUHB_ECOLI RHO_BACSU 56.5 22.6% 38.5% 63 14 78.7% 45.7%

Multiple alignment of acyl carrier protein

About. ACP (acyl carrier protein). There are 1,196,687 results (7,545 reviewed, from Swiss-Prot) with ACP from prokaryotes (but there aren't any reviewed archaean) and eukaryotes (like Arabidopsis thaliana, human and another). I chose five out of the first hundred trying to choose different taxones including eukaryotes.

Alignment. I made alignment using muscle program from EMBOSS. Alignment can be found via the link.

Analysis. All the proteins have aligned quite well, only cabbage stands out: it has a large amino acid site at the beginning. Most likely, this can be explained belonging to eukaryotes, but there are not enough other eukaryotes in the alignment for a more accurate conclusion.

Mutiple alignment of acyl carrier protein from six prokaryotes and one eukaryote.

As it seems all proteins are homologous since the sequences in prokaryotes are very similar but cabbage differs only in the previously described feature. I would also say that columns 72-29 (except 77) are the least conservative site of this protein except the beginning and the end.