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Summary statistics

Poor rotamers52.31% Goal: <0.3%
Favored rotamers20193.06% Goal: >98%
Ramachandran outliers10.38% Goal: <0.05%
Ramachandran favored26399.62% Goal: >98%
Rama distribution Z-score0.05 ± 0.44 Goal: abs(Z score) < 2
Cβ deviations >0.25Å20.84% Goal: 0
Bad bonds:3 / 21650.14% Goal: 0%
Bad angles:1 / 29140.03% Goal: <0.1%
Peptide Omegas Cis Prolines: 0 / 8 0.00% Expected: ≤1 per chain, or ≤5%
Additional validations Chiral volume outliers0/295
In the two column results, the left column gives the raw count, right column gives the percentage.
Key to table colors and cutoffs here:

Multi-criterion visualizations

Kinemage (250 Kb)
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Chart (493 Kb)
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Single-criterion visualizations