Allergenicity assessment of genetically modified crops--what makes sense? Goodman RE, Vieths S, Sampson HA, Hill D, Ebisawa M, Taylor SL, van Ree R. Department of Food Science & Technology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, 68583-0955, USA. GM crops have great potential to improve food quality, increase harvest yields and decrease dependency on certain chemical pesticides. Before entering the market their safety needs to be scrutinized. This includes a detailed analysis of allergenic risks, as the safety of allergic consumers has high priority. However, not all tests currently being applied to assessing allergenicity have a sound scientific basis. Recent events with transgenic crops reveal the fallacy of applying such tests to GM crops. Publication Types: Research Support, U.S. Gov't, Non-P.H.S. Review PMID: 18183024 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 2: Nature. 2007 Dec 13;450(7172):928-9. Showdown for Europe. Abbott A, Schiermeier Q. Publication Types: News PMID: 18075535 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 3: Nature. 2007 Dec 13;450(7172):921. Directive action required. [No authors listed] Publication Types: Editorial PMID: 18075528 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 4: Toxicol Lett. 2007 Dec 10;175(1-3):118-35. Epub 2007 Oct 10. Zero tolerances in food and animal feed -- are there any scientific alternatives? A European point of view on an international controversy. Heberer T, Lahrssen-Wiederholt M, Schafft H, Abraham K, Pzyrembel H, Henning KJ, Schauzu M, Braeunig J, Goetz M, Niemann L, Gundert-Remy U, Luch A, Appel B, Banasiak U, Böl GF, Lampen A, Wittkowski R, Hensel A. Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Section 55, - Residues of Medicinal Products, Diedersdorfer Weg 1, 12277 Berlin, Germany. A number of zero tolerance provisions are contained in both food and animal feed law, e.g. for chemical substances whose occurrence is not permitted or is directly prohibited in food or animal feed. In the European Union, bans of this kind were introduced to give consumers and animals the greatest possible protection from substances with a possible hazard potential within the intendment of the hazard prevention principles and current precautionary measures. This also applies to substances for which an acceptable daily intake cannot be derived and a maximum residue limit cannot, therefore, be established, e.g. due to missing or inadequate toxicological data. Zero tolerances are also under discussion as trade barriers because their use has triggered numerous legal disputes. This paper draws together the results of an evaluation of alternative risk assessment methods to be used for the risk assessment of substances to which currently only zero tolerances apply. It will demonstrate that, depending on the available toxicological data, a scientifically sound risk assessment may still be possible. In this context, the two concepts - margin of exposure and threshold of toxicological concern - are very promising approaches. Until the scientific and sociopolitical discussions have been completed, it is essential that the principle of zero tolerances be upheld, especially for those substances which may be genotoxic carcinogens. In microbiology, there is no legal room for manoeuvre with regard to food safety criteria established for reasons of consumer health protection on the basis of scientific assessments. PMID: 18024010 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 5: Anal Bioanal Chem. 2008 Jan;390(1):377-87. Epub 2007 Nov 11. Detection and characterization of recombinant DNA expressing vip3A-type insecticidal gene in GMOs--standard single, multiplex and construct-specific PCR assays. Singh CK, Ojha A, Bhatanagar RK, Kachru DN. Industrial Toxicology Research Centre, Post Box No. 80, M. G. Marg, Lucknow, 226001, Uttar Pradesh, India. Vegetative insecticidal protein (Vip), a unique class of insecticidal protein, is now part of transgenic plants for conferring resistance against lepidopteron pests. In order to address the imminent regulatory need for detection and labeling of vip3A carrying genetically modified (GM) products, we have developed a standard single PCR and a multiplex PCR assay. As far as we are aware, this is the first report on PCR-based detection of a vip3A-type gene (vip-s) in transgenic cotton and tobacco. Our assay involves amplification of a 284-bp region of the vip-s gene. This assay can possibly detect as many as 20 natural wild-type isolates bearing a vip3A-like gene and two synthetic genes of vip3A in transgenic plants. The limit of detection as established by our assay for GM trait (vip-s) is 0.1%. Spiking with nontarget DNA originating from diverse plant sources had no inhibitory effect on vip-s detection. Since autoclaving of vip-s bearing GM leaf samples showed no deterioration/interference in detection efficacy, the assay seems to be suitable for processed food products as well. The vip-s amplicon identity was reconfirmed by restriction endonuclease assay. The primer set for vip-s was equally effective in a multiplex PCR assay format (duplex, triplex and quadruplex), used in conjunction with the primer sets for the npt-II selectable marker gene, Cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter and nopaline synthetase terminator, enabling concurrent detection of the transgene, regulatory sequences and marker gene. Further, the entire transgene construct was amplified using the forward primer of the promoter and the reverse primer of the terminator. The resultant amplicon served as a template for nested PCR to confirm the construct integrity. The method is suitable for screening any vip3A-carrying GM plant and food. The availability of a reliable PCR assay method prior to commercial release of vip3A-based transgenic crops and food would facilitate rapid and efficient regulatory compliance. Publication Types: Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't PMID: 17994293 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 6: Mol Cells. 2007 Oct 31;24(2):301-6. Overexpression of Arabidopsis homogentisate phytyltransferase or tocopherol cyclase elevates vitamin E content by increasing gamma-tocopherol level in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). Lee K, Lee SM, Park SR, Jung J, Moon JK, Cheong JJ, Kim M. School of Agricultural Biotechnology and Center for Agricultural Biomaterials, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-921, Korea. Tocopherols, essential components of the human diet, are synthesized exclusively by photosynthetic organisms. To increase tocopherol content by increasing total flux to the tocopherol biosynthetic pathway, genes encoding Arabidopsis homogentisate phytyltransferase (HPT/V-TE2) and tocopherol cyclase (TC/VTE1) were constitutively overexpressed in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). Total tocopherol content of the transgenic plants overexpressing either of the genes was increased by more than 2-fold mainly due to an increase in gamma-tocopherol. However, chlorophyll content in the HPT/VTE2 and TC/VTE1 transgenic lines decreased by up to 20% and increased by up to 35%, respectively (P < 0.01). These results demonstrate that manipulation of the tocopherol biosynthetic pathway can increase or decrease chlorophyll content depending on the gene introduced. Publication Types: Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't PMID: 17978586 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 7: Ecol Appl. 2007 Oct;17(7):2123-35. Effect of pollinator abundance on self-fertilization and gene flow: application to GM Canola. Hoyle M, Hayter K, Cresswell JE. PenTAG, Peninsula Medical School, University of Plymouth, Noy Scott House, Barrack Road, Exeter EX2 5DW, United Kingdom. Cross-pollination from fields of transgenic crops is of great public concern. Although cross-pollination in commercial canola (Brassica napus) fields has been empirically measured, field trials are expensive and do not identify the causes of cross-pollination. Therefore, theoretical models can be valuable because they can provide estimates of cross-pollination at any given site and time. We present a general analytical model of field-to-field gene flow due to the following competing mechanisms: the wind, bees, and autonomous pollination. We parameterize the model for the particular case of field-to-field cross-pollination of genetically modified (GM) canola via the wind and via bumble bees (Bombus spp.) and honey bees (Apis mellifera). We make extensive use of the large data set of bee densities collected during the recent U.K. Farm Scale Evaluations. We predict that canola approaches almost full seed set without pollinators and that autonomous pollination is responsible for > or = 25% of seed set, irrespective of pollinator abundance. We do not predict the relative contribution of bees vs. the wind in landscape-scale gene flow in canola. However, under model assumptions, we predict that the maximum field-to-field gene flow due to bumble bees is 0.04% and 0.13% below the current EU limit for adventitious GM presence for winter- and spring-sown canola, respectively. We predict that gene flow due to bees is approximately 3.1 times higher at 20% compared to 100% male-fertility, and due to the wind, 1.3 times higher at 20% compared to 100% male-fertility, for both winter- and spring-sown canola. Bumble bee-mediated gene flow is approximately 2.7 times higher and wind-mediated gene flow approximately 1.7 times lower in spring-sown than in winter-sown canola, regardless of the degree of male-sterility. The model of cross-pollination due to the wind most closely predicted three previously published observations: field-to-field gene flow is low; gene flow increases with the proportion of plants that are male-sterile; and gene flow is higher in winter- than in spring-sown canola. Our results therefore suggest that the wind, not bees, is the main vector of long-distance gene flow in canola. Publication Types: Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't PMID: 17974346 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 8: Int J Toxicol. 2007 Sep-Oct;26(5):389-99. Strategies to evaluate the safety of bioengineered foods. Delaney B. Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., DuPont Agriculture and Nutrition, Johnston, Iowa 50131-0550, USA. A number of genetically modified (GM) crops bioengineered to express agronomic traits including herbicide resistance and insect tolerance have been commercialized. Safety studies conducted for the whole grains and food and feed fractions obtained from GM crops (i.e., bioengineered foods) bear similarities to and distinctive differences from those applied to substances intentionally added to foods (e.g., food ingredients). Similarities are apparent in common animal models, route of exposure, duration, and response variables typically assessed in toxicology studies. However, because of differences in the nutritional and physical properties of food ingredients and bioengineered foods and in the fundamental goals of the overall safety assessment strategies for these different classes of substances, there are recognizable differences in the individual components of the safety assessment process. The fundamental strategic difference is that the process for food ingredients is structured toward quantitative risk assessment whereas that for bioengineered foods is structured for the purpose of qualitative risk assessment. The strategy for safety assessment of bioengineered foods focuses on evaluating the safety of the transgenic proteins used to impart the desired trait or traits and to demonstrate compositional similarity between the grains of GM and non-GM comparator crops using analytical chemistry and, in some cases, feeding studies. Despite these differences, the similarities in the design of safety studies conducted with bioengineered foods should be recognized by toxicologists. The current paper reviews the basic principles of safety assessment for bioengineered foods and compares them with the testing strategies applied to typical food ingredients. From this comparison it can be seen that the strategies used to assess the safety of bioengineered foods are at least as robust as that used to assess the safety of typical food ingredients. Publication Types: Review PMID: 17963126 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 9: Risk Anal. 2007 Aug;27(4):935-46. An empirical test of competing theories of hazard-related trust: the case of GM food. Allum N. Department of Sociology, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK. Few scholars doubt the importance of trust in explaining variation in public perception of technological risk. Relatively little, however, is known about the particular types of judgments that people use in granting or withholding trust. This article presents findings from an empirical study that explores several dimensions of trust relevant for citizens' judgments of scientists involved in the development of GM food. The relationship between particular dimensions of trust and perceptions of GM food risk is also explored, using structural equation modeling. Results suggest that trust judgments based on the perception of shared values are most important in relation to GM food risk, but that judgments about scientists' technical competence are also important. PMID: 17958502 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 10: J AOAC Int. 2007 Sep-Oct;90(5):1513-6. Development of agricultural biotechnology and biosafety regulations used to assess the safety of genetically modified crops in Iran. Mousavi A, Malboobi MA, Esmailzadeh NS. National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, P.O. Box 14155-6343, Tehran, 1417863171, Iran. Rapid progress in the application of biotechnological methodologies and development of genetically modified crops in Iran necessitated intensive efforts to establish proper organizations and prepare required rules and regulations at the national level to ensure safe application of biotechnology in all pertinent aspects. Practically, preparation of a national biotechnology strategic plan in the country coincided with development of a national biosafety framework that was the basis for the drafted biosafety law. Although biosafety measures were observed by researchers voluntarily, the establishment of national biosafety organizations since the year 2000 built a great capacity to deal with biosafety issues in the present and future time, particularly with respect to food and agricultural biotechnology. Publication Types: Review PMID: 17956001 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 11: J AOAC Int. 2007 Sep-Oct;90(5):1500-7. Development of agriculture biotechnology in Pakistan. Zafar Y. Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Agriculture and Biotechnology Division, PO Box No. 1114, Islamabad, Pakistan. Agriculture plays an important role in the national economy of Pakistan, where most of the rapidly increasing population resides in rural areas and depends on agriculture for subsistence. Biotechnology has considerable potential for promoting the efficiency of crop improvement, food production, and poverty reduction. Use of modern biotechnology started in Pakistan since 1985. Currently, there are 29 biotech centers/institutes in the country. However, few centers have appropriate physical facilities and trained manpower to develop genetically modified (GM) crops. Most of the activities have been on rice and cotton, which are among the top 5 crops of Pakistan. Biotic (virus/bacterial/insect) and abiotic (salt) resistant and quality (male sterility) genes have already been incorporated in some crop plants. Despite acquiring capacity to produce transgenic plants, no GM crops, either produced locally or imported, have been released in the country. Pakistan is signatory to the World Trade Organization, Convention on Biological Diversity, and Cartagena protocols. Several legislations under the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights have been promulgated in the country. National Biosafety Guidelines have been promulgated in April 2005. The Plant Breeders Rights Act, Amendment in Seed Act-1976, and Geographical Indication for Goods are still passing through discussion, evaluation, and analysis phases. Meanwhile, an illegal GM crop (cotton) has already sneaked into farmer's field. Concerted and coordinated efforts are needed among various ministries for implementation of regulation and capacity building for import/export and local handling of GM crops. Pakistan could easily benefit from the experience of Asian countries, especially China and India, where conditions are similar and the agriculture sector is almost like that of Pakistan. Thus, the exchange of information and experiences is important among these nations. PMID: 17955999 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 12: J AOAC Int. 2007 Sep-Oct;90(5):1492-9. Application of current allergy assessment guidelines to next-generation biotechnology-derived crops. Bannon GA, Martino-Catt S. Monsanto Co., Global Regulatory Sciences, 800 N. Lindbergh Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63167, USA. In any single day, our immune systems are exposed to thousands of different proteins from the environment and the food we eat. In a portion of the human population, some of those proteins will stimulate the immune systems to synthesize immunoglobulin E in an allergenic response. The discrepancy between the vast numbers of proteins we encounter and the limited number of proteins that actually become allergens have led scientists on a quest to discover what unique features exist that make proteins destined to be allergens. The information gained from these studies has led to an allergy assessment strategy that characterizes the potential allergenicity of biotechnology products prior to their commercialization. This testing strategy appears to be effective as shown by the fact that there have been no clinically documented food allergic reactions to any of the biotechnology proteins introduced into food crops, to date. The next generation of biotechnology products will most likely contain more complex traits, including nutritionally enhanced food crops, and the question arises as to whether the current allergy assessment strategy will be sufficient to protect the health of the consuming public. In this paper, we discuss general allergen characteristics in order to better understand how proteins become allergens, summarize the current allergy assessment process, evaluate the different aspects of this process for their adequacy in determining the allergenic potential of engineered functional foods, and, finally, we assess the possibility of new technologies having a positive impact on the allergy assessment of nutritionally enhanced crops. Publication Types: Review PMID: 17955998 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 13: J AOAC Int. 2007 Sep-Oct;90(5):1480-91. An overview of methods for assessment of iron bioavailability from foods nutritionally enhanced through biotechnology. Cockell KA. Health Canada, Nutrition Research Division, Food Directorate, 2203C Banting Research Centre, 251 Sir Frederick Banting Driveway, Ottawa, ON, Canada. Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia continue to be significant public health problems worldwide. While supplementation and fortification have been viable means to improve iron nutriture of the population in developed countries, they may be less successful in developing regions for a number of reasons, including complexities in distribution and consumer compliance. Biofortification of staple crops, through conventional plant breeding strategies or modern methods of biotechnology, provides an alternative approach that may be more sustainable once initial investments have been made. Three types of biofortification strategies are being essayed, singly or in combination: increasing the total iron content of edible portions of the plant, decreasing the levels of inhibitors of iron absorption, and increasing the levels of factors that enhance iron absorption. Bioavailability is a key concept in iron nutrition, particularly for nonheme iron such as is found in these biofortified foods. An overview is presented of methods for evaluation of iron bioavailability from foods nutritionally enhanced through biotechnology. PMID: 17955997 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 14: J AOAC Int. 2007 Sep-Oct;90(5):1470-9. Nutritional and safety assessments of foods and feeds nutritionally improved through biotechnology: lysine maize as a case study. Glenn KC. Monsanto Co., 800 North Lindbergh Blvd, E3NB, St. Louis, MO 63167, USA. During the last decade, the area of biotech crops modified for agronomic input traits (e.g., herbicide tolerance and insect protection) has increased to 90 million halyear, grown by over 8 million farmers in a total of 17 countries. As adoption of these improved agronomic trait biotech crops has grown, so has interest in biotech crops that have improved nutritional characteristics for use as feed and food. A previous publication by the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) reported on the principles and concepts proposed for the nutritional and safety assessments of foods and feeds nutritionally improved through biotechnology. In this paper, the guidelines and principles recommended in the earlier publication are discussed relative to a specific case study, Lysine maize. Lysine maize is a feed ingredient with enhanced nutritional characteristics for poultry and swine and provides an alternative to the need for addition of supplemental lysine to some diets for these animals. The 2004 Task Force of the ILSI has also applied the concepts from that report to 4 other case studies: sweet potato enriched in provitamin A (2 examples, one using biotechnology and one using conventional breeding); Golden Rice 2; double-embryo maize; and ASP-1 enhanced protein sweet potato. PMID: 17955996 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 15: Appl Environ Microbiol. 2007 Dec;73(24):8012-7. Epub 2007 Oct 12. Effect of feeding cows genetically modified maize on the bacterial community in the bovine rumen. Wiedemann S, Gürtler P, Albrecht C. Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, University of Bern, Buehlstr. 28, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland. Rumen-cannulated cows (n = 4) were fed successively silage made from either conventional or genetically modified (GM) maize. Results revealed no effects of GM maize on the dynamics of six ruminal bacterial strains (investigated by real-time PCR) compared to the conventional maize silage. Publication Types: Comparative Study Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't PMID: 17933942 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 16: Vet Res Commun. 2007 Aug;31 Suppl 1:385-8. Detection of genetically modified organisms in food: comparison among three different DNA extraction methods. Vodret B, Milia M, Orani MG, Serratrice G, Mancuso MR. Zooprofilattic Institute of Sardinia, Feed Hygiene Unit, Sassari, Italy. PMID: 17682920 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 17: Nat Biotechnol. 2007 Oct;25(10):1065-6. Europe's anti-GM stance to presage animal feed shortage? Mitchell P. Publication Types: News PMID: 17921975 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 18: Food Chem Toxicol. 2007 Nov;45(11):2073-85. Epub 2007 Aug 30. Report of an Expert Panel on the reanalysis by of a 90-day study conducted by Monsanto in support of the safety of a genetically modified corn variety (MON 863). Doull J, Gaylor D, Greim HA, Lovell DP, Lynch B, Munro IC. Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutics, Division of Toxicology, Department of Pharmacology, The University of Kansas Medical Center, 1018A Briedenthal Building, 3901 Rainbow Boulevard, Kansas City, KS 66160-7417, USA. MON 863, a genetically engineered corn variety that contains the gene for modified Bacillus thuringiensis Cry3Bb1 protein to protect against corn rootworm, was tested in a 90-day toxicity study as part of the process to gain regulatory approval. This study was reanalyzed by Séralini et al. who contended that the study showed possible hepatorenal effects of MON 863. An Expert Panel was convened to assess the original study results as analyzed by the Monsanto Company and the reanalysis conducted by Séralini et al. The Expert Panel concludes that the Séralini et al. reanalysis provided no evidence to indicate that MON 863 was associated with adverse effects in the 90-day rat study. In each case, statistical findings reported by both Monsanto and Séralini et al. were considered to be unrelated to treatment or of no biological or clinical importance because they failed to demonstrate a dose-response relationship, reproducibility over time, association with other relevant changes (e.g., histopathology), occurrence in both sexes, difference outside the normal range of variation, or biological plausibility with respect to cause-and-effect. The Séralini et al. reanalysis does not advance any new scientific data to indicate that MON 863 caused adverse effects in the 90-day rat study. Publication Types: Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Review PMID: 17900781 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 19: Nat Biotechnol. 2007 Sep;25(9):981-7. Comment in: Nat Biotechnol. 2007 Dec;25(12):1351-4; author reply 1359-60. Nat Biotechnol. 2007 Dec;25(12):1354-5; author reply 1359-60. Nat Biotechnol. 2007 Dec;25(12):1355-6; author reply 1359-60. Nat Biotechnol. 2007 Dec;25(12):1355; author reply 1359-60. Nat Biotechnol. 2007 Dec;25(12):1355; author reply 1359-60. Nat Biotechnol. 2007 Dec;25(12):1356-8. Nat Biotechnol. 2007 Dec;25(12):1356; author reply 1359-60. GM soybeans and health safety--a controversy reexamined. Marshall A. PMID: 17846624 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 20: Nature. 2007 Sep 6;449(7158):9. Biotech crop rules get rewrite. Marris E. Publication Types: News PMID: 17805261 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] žfłiżi‹jŸjöm÷müńüńüńęhPM"heUmH sH hPM"hPM"mH sH hPM")*tuĄĮ A B ‘ Ż /  Ļ  < = Q ~ ‰ Š ø ¹ į ā ÷ ų   śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśgdPM"÷mż & / 0 ^ _ … † ” ¢ ¶ · Ė Ł Ś  I J œ Ö × )u«¬÷=>śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśgdPM"Ś*sÅi» Z„÷C•Ż-vČgš›ÉŹ  S„­®śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśgdPM"®ŚŪ(FG™ę0‚Ōh· VØųB”ć.}Źl¾b®śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśgdPM"®ū&';`a·ø O l m Ø © ų )!*!|!Ģ!"f"“"#R#¤#ī#@$śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśgdPM"@$‚$ƒ$—$¼$½$ė$ģ$%%c%q%r%“%”%ß%$&%&s&Å&'g'¹'(W( (š(@)’)Ū)śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśgdPM"Ū)-**Ń*#+q+¼+,Z,©,÷,;-‡-Ö-(.z.Ģ.Ō.Õ.é.//=/>/k/l/¦/§/²/³/śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśgdPM"³/05060…0Ź01l1¾1 2^2©2ō2F3’3ä344†4Ų4*5z5Ź56l6·6 7[7§7ķ7ī7śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśgdPM"ī78 88<8=8b8c8³8¹8ŗ8Ć8Ä8999e9·9:T:£:ń:C;•;å;<<I<J<u<śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśgdPM"u<v<Ā<ū<ü<$=%=w=„=¦=ī=@>>ą>0?‚?Ģ?@i@¶@Ņ@Ó@ē@ņ@ó@!A"AMANA„AśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśgdPM"„A…AŽAAįABBbB²BüBGC™CėC7D‡DŅD EhE·EFYF«FōF@GŠGÕG!HsHĄHIśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśgdPM"I`I²IĒIČIöI÷I"J#JkJˆJ‰J¤J„JōJKKhKµKżKLLžLšL2=>9 H@8DB 0170F0Xi@ó’³X 1KG=0O B01;8F0ö4Ö l4Öaö .k@ō’Į. 5B A?8A:0†e`ņ† PM"!B0=40@B=K9 HTML7 Ę2”(¼ Päx  4 Č#\'š*„.2¬5@9CJOJQJ^JaJ÷e˜’’’’  ’’"&£ ’’"&£ ’’"&£ ’’"&£ ’’"&£ ’’"&£ ’’"&£ ’’"&£ ’’ "&£ ’’ "&£ ’’ "&£Øė='¹0Ž9žD‘OYŸb÷eJPR.. % )*tuĄĮ AB‘Ż/Ļ<=Q~‰Šø¹įā÷ų&/0^_…†”¢¶·ĖŁŚ IJœÖ×)u«¬÷=>Ś*sÅ i » Z „ ÷ C • Ż - v Č  g š › É Ź  S„­®ŚŪ(FG™ę0‚Ōh· VØųB”ć.}Źl¾b®ū&';`a·øOlmØ©ų)*|Ģf“R¤ī@‚ƒ—¼½ėģcqr“”ß$%sÅg¹ W   š @!’!Ū!-""Ń"##q#¼#$Z$©$÷$;%‡%Ö%(&z&Ģ&Ō&Õ&é&''='>'k'l'¦'§'²'³'(5(6(…(Ź()l)¾) *^*©*ō*F+’+ä+4,†,Ų,*-z-Ź-.l.·. /[/§/ķ/ī/0 00<0=0b0c0³0¹0ŗ0Ć0Ä0111e1·12T2£2ń2C3•3å344I4J4u4v4Ā4ū4ü4$5%5w5„5¦5ī5@66ą607‚7Ģ78i8¶8Ņ8Ó8ē8ņ8ó8!9"9M9N9„9…9Ž99į9::b:²:ü:G;™;ė;7<‡<Ņ< =h=·=>Y>«>ō>@?Š?Õ?!@s@Ą@A`A²AĒAČAöA÷A"B#BkBˆB‰B¤B„BōBCChCµCżCLDžDšDŚ*sÅ i » Z „ ÷ C • Ż - v Č  g š › É Ź  S„­®ŚŪ(FG™ę0‚Ōh· VØųB”ć.}Źl¾b®ū&';`a·øOlmØ©ų)*|Ģf“R¤ī@‚ƒ—¼½ėģcqr“”ß$%sÅg¹ W   š @!’!Ū!-""Ń"##q#¼#$Z$©$÷$;%‡%Ö%(&z&Ģ&Ō&Õ&é&''='>'k'l'¦'§'²'³'(5(6(…(Ź()l)¾) *^*©*ō*F+’+ä+4,†,Ų,*-z-Ź-.l.·. /[/§/ķ/ī/0 00<0=0b0c0³0¹0ŗ0Ć0Ä0111e1·12T2£2ń2C3•3å344I4J4u4v4Ā4ū4ü4$5%5w5„5¦5ī5@66ą607‚7Ģ78i8¶8Ņ8Ó8ē8ņ8ó8!9"9M9N9„9…9Ž99į9::b:²:ü:G;™;ė;7<‡<Ņ< =h=·=>Y>«>ō>@?Š?Õ?!@s@Ą@A`A²AĒAČAöA÷A"B#BkBˆB‰B¤B„BōBCChCµCżCLDžDšDŚ*sÅ i » Z „ ÷ C • Ż - v Č  g š › É Ź  S„­®ŚŪ(FG™ę0‚Ōh· VØųB”ć.}Źl¾b®ū&';`a·øOlmØ©ų)*|Ģf“R¤ī@‚ƒ—¼½ėģcqr“”ß$%sÅg¹ W   š @!’!Ū!-""Ń"##q#¼#$Z$©$÷$;%‡%Ö%(&z&Ģ&Ō&Õ&é&''='>'k'l'¦'§'²'³'(5(6(…(Ź()l)¾) *^*©*ō*F+’+ä+4,†,Ų,*-z-Ź-.l.·. /[/§/ķ/ī/0 00<0=0b0c0³0¹0ŗ0Ć0Ä0111e1·12T2£2ń2C3•3å344I4J4u4v4Ā4ū4ü4$5%5w5„5¦5ī5@66ą607‚7Ģ78i8¶8Ņ8Ó8ē8ņ8ó8!9"9M9N9„9…9Ž99į9::b:²:ü:G;™;ė;7<‡<Ņ< =h=·=>Y>«>ō>@?Š?Õ?!@s@Ą@A`A²AĒAČAöA÷A"B#BkBˆB‰B¤B„BōBCChCµCżCLDžDšD?@ABCDEFGHIJK÷m9*78BCEFQRZ[`bfglmru|‡‹’—›Ÿ¦Ŗ°µø¹¼ĮĖĢĪĻÓŌŪŽčźōõ÷ų  EJKOPUV_`bcjkopwy‚‰Š‘”•žØ©«¬³“¼½ĒÉĻŠŲŁÜŻćäéźšńö÷łśüż "#+,./9:?ACDGHNOQRZ[dehimnvx„…ˆ‰Ž˜™žŸ¦§©Ŗ³“ĮĀĘĒČÉĪĻŁŚßįēčīļóōž’  #$()./15:=HINU]^elqs|‚ˆš £Ŗ«®¼ĀÉĢāźėīļõųž #*.@FIPQTbhor†–—Ÿ£„¦­®“·ĀĆČĻŲźšóśūž "7;ADJNOYZ\]abeflmquxy~‚ƒŽšž¦§¬­Æ°“µ·øŗ»ČÉŌ׎āõł #)04<@EIPT`dhlqu}„‰“”§¬³“½¾ĮĀĘĒŃÓŚįéźģķö÷’"$+-<@FGIJNOXYcdghqrtuyz~‚ƒ‰ŠŽ“•˜šž¦§±²·øĀĆÅĘÉŹÓŌÖףŚāćķīšńõöųł’   !"$%)*./34>?ABFüażabbb b b bbbbb b!b(b)b,b-b0b1b;bxEZJ¢SÕxSTBT§%V YYÜ|YŗBZŗMZ™T] ay'bĄqd 9fā?@ABCDEFGHIJKLž’’’NOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ”¢£¤„¦§Ø©Ŗ«ž’’’­®Æ°±²³ž’’’µ¶·ø¹ŗ»ž’’’ż’’’ż’’’æž’’’ž’’’ž’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’Root Entry’’’’’’’’ ĄFšå’š÷uČĮ€1Table’’’’’’’’M;½WordDocument’’’’’’’’.˜SummaryInformation(’’’’¬DocumentSummaryInformation8’’’’’’’’’’’’“CompObj’’’’’’’’’’’’q’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ž’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ž’ ’’’’ ĄFÄīźóģåķņ Microsoft Office Word MSWordDocWord.Document.8ō9²q