Excel practice

← Term 1

Last updated: 20-12-2016.

Practice №13-14

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brief genome review in pdf format]

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Practice №12

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Some notes about A*cos (2*π*n*x + φ) formula: changing A parameter stretches the graph along the 'cos' axis (Fig. 1), changing n parameter compresses the graph along the 'x' axis, except the case when n=0 (Fig.2), changing φ moves graph left or right (with period 2π) (Fig.3). Important note: you can scroll figures from left to right and back. Just click on the figure and press → or ← arrows.

Figure 1. 3 graphs: A respectively is 1, 4 or 0.5.

Figure 2. 3 graphs: n respectively is 1, 5 or 0.

Figure 3. 3 graphs: φ respectively is 0, π or 2*π.

© Simon Galkin, 2016