Molecular viewing using JMol

← Term 2

Last updated: 14-02-2017.

GacH receptor of Streptomyces glaucescens GLA.O view

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N-O hydrogen bonds options

Using Table 1 we can calculate mean and standard deviation for hydrogen bond lengths and N-O-C angles. According to the obtained data (mean: 3.0225Å and 150° for alpha helices, 2.858Å and 163.82° for beta strands; standard deviation: 0.15Å and 11.57° for alpha helices, 0.09Å and 3.03° for beta strands) it is not hard to notice, that average N-O-C angle is pretty much closer to 180° in beta strands than in alpha helices. Also, standard deviations show us that hydrogen bond lengths and N-O-C angles are more variable in alpha helices. I suggest, it may be connected with fact that amino acid radicals influence the structure less in beta sheets than in alpha helices because of steric reasons.

# Atom names Bond length (Å) N-O-C angle (°)
Alpha helices
1 N(339PHE)-O(335GLN) 3.05 157.2
2 N(343VAL)-O(339PHE) 2.89 161.3
3 N(340TRP)-O(336MET) 2.89 151.8
4 N(337SER)-O(334PRO) 3.26 131.2
Beta strands
1 N(007LEU)-O(034LYS) 2.93 165.5
2 N(036THR)-O(007LEU) 2.75 162.6
3 N(038GLU)-O(009ILE) 2.78 168.2
4 N(011ILE)-O(038GLU) 3.00 163.7
5 N(009ILE)-O(036THR) 2.83 159.1

Table 1. Hydrogen bonds options betwixt backbone atoms in secondary structure.

© Simon Galkin, 2016