Sanger sequencing

← Term 3

Last updated: 17-10-2017.

Files to download

[Archive containing .ab1 files from Task 1]

[Archive containing .fasta files from Task 1 (read (1.fasta), reverse read (2.fasta) and alignment (3.fasta))]

[.jvp project from Task 1]     [.ab1 file from Task 2]

Task 1. Сhromatograms

Unreadable parts were found and deleted: in the direct read 1-20 and 675-718, and in the reverse read 1-21 and 673-720 ( (-37) - (-18) and 636-683 by the numbering of a straight chain in alignment). It is strange that the lengths of the initial unreadable sections in the chains are approximately the same as the lengths of the final ones, although everything should vice versa, due to the use of "reverse complement", the beginning of the reverse read is turned out to be the end. Final alignment is presented in Fig.1. Table 1 explains some problems were solved during correcting of reads.

Figure 1. Alignment of direct and reverse reads.

Picture Description
The signal was extremely low and indistinguishable from noise. Reverse read clarified the situation
Situation is the same as previous one (but problem was caused by reverse read)
Guanine caused the problem again!
This situation could be explained as polymorphism, but reverse read brings unambiguity

Table 1. Main parameters of studied DNA forms.

Task 2. Unreadable part of chromatogram

For this task kamp3_18SIII_F_F03_WSBS-Seq-1-08-15.ab1 file was used. It's impossible to read this chromatogram due to blurred peaks, high noise level, peak offset and pollution of the sample. Part of file is presented in Fig. 2

Figure 2. Unreadable part of kamp3_18SIII_F_F03_WSBS-Seq-1-08-15.ab1.

© Simon Galkin, 2016