← Term 4


AC of chosen protein is P47908. Studied protein is Ribosome hibernation promotion factor. It might modulate transcription and/or translation. Organism containing this protein is Synechococcus sp. (strain ATCC 27264 / PCC 7002 / PR-6) (Agmenellum quadruplicatum). Iteration table is Table 1. Hit list was stabilised after the third iteration. The difference between hits above and below the threshold is sufficient. Almost all found proteins are involved in regulating of translation.

Iteration number Amount of findings above the threshold (0,005) ID of the worst finding above the threshold E-value of this finding ID of the best finding below the threshold >E-value of this finding
1 24 P33987.1 3e-05 P24694.1 0.017
2 28 P9WMA8.1 3e-06 Q0SUG8.2 0.21
3 28 P24694.1 2e-20 Q0SUG8.2 1.3
4 28 P24694.1 2e-20 Q5FQ21.1 0.007

Table 1. Iteration table.


Protein ENO_ECOLI was chosen for pattern search. Found pattern's name is ENOLASE, its sequence is ILIKFNQIGSLTET. According to the pattern appearance and Fig.1 it is impossible to make it more strict. Lucky me :). Information about findings is presented in Table 2.

Figure 1. Pattern.

[Download excel file with results]

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Table 2. Hits results.

© Simon Galkin, 2016