Селифонов (slfn) учебный сайт; Обо мне

Тематические анекдоты

В рамках развлекательной программы, входящей в состав практикума №11, Вам предлагается ознакомиться с нижележащим списком тематических анекдотов. Так как чувство юмора у меня отсутствует, все они сгенерированы нейросетью. По той же причине я не могу сказать, насколько хорошо у нее получилось. В общем, вот:

Why did the gene annotation team feel lonely? Because they were always working on their own.

How do you keep a bioinformatician busy? Give them a GOrilla and watch them climb!

What did the metabolic pathway say to the other metabolic pathway? "I think we're going in circles."

Why did the chicken use the Human Protein Atlas? To find out which genes make it taste the best.

How many bioinformaticians does it take to change a light bulb? None, they just run an enrichment analysis on the darkness!

What did the GO term say when it got rejected by the enrichment analysis? "I guess I'm just not significant enough!"

Why did the metabolic pathway feel tired? Because it had been working overtime.

How do bioinformaticians go on vacation? They just run a clustering analysis on the beach!

Why did the bioinformatician cross the road twice? Once for the forward direction and once for the reverse complement!

Why did the enzyme feel lonely? Because it had no other enzymes to bond with.

Did you hear about the gene that was always late for work? It had a promoter mutation.

What did the gene say to the other gene at the party? "Let's get transcribed!"

Why did the KEGG database go to the therapist? Because it had a pathway disorder!

Why did the bioinformatician break up with their laptop? It was taking up too much space on their desk.

Why couldn't the gene expression analysis find its keys? Because it was in a state of differential expression.