Практикум 4

In [1]:
import numpy
import scipy.special
import scipy.misc
In [6]:
import npy2cube

Определим функцию w: (квантовые числа, объем) -> (сетка значений волновой функции)

In [4]:
from math import factorial

def w(n,l,m,d):
    x,y,z = numpy.mgrid[-d:d:100j,-d:d:100j,-d:d:100j]
    #переход в полярные координаты: выражение r, theta, phi (полярные) через x, y, z (декартовы)
    r = lambda x,y,z: numpy.sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2)
    theta = lambda x,y,z: numpy.arccos(z/r(x,y,z))
    phi = lambda x,y,z: numpy.arctan(y/x)
    a0 = 1.
    # запишем волновую фнкцию в сферических координатах (слайд 12 в лекции)
    # обозначим L -- обобщённый полином Лагерра степени n-l-1
    # обозначим sph -- сферическая гармоника (зависимость волновой функции от направления)
    # R = e^(-ro/2) * ro^l * L
    R = lambda r,n,l: (2*r/n/a0)**l * numpy.exp(-r/n/a0) * scipy.special.genlaguerre(n-l-1,2*l+1)(2*r/n/a0)
    # coeff = (2/(n*a0))**1.5 * ((n-l-1)!/(2n(n+l)!))^0.5
    coeff = lambda n,l: ((factorial(n-l-1)/(2*n*factorial(n+l)))*(2/n/a0)**3) ** 0.5
    # WF = R * sph * coeff
    WF = lambda r,theta,phi,n,l,m: R(r,n,l) * scipy.special.sph_harm(m,l,phi,theta) * coeff(n, l)
    # квадрат модуля волновой функции (плотность вероятности нахождения электрона в точке),
    # в этой функции не нужен
    ##absWF = lambda r,theta,phi,n,l,m: numpy.absolute(WF(r,theta,phi,n,l,m))**2

    return WF(r(x,y,z),theta(x,y,z),phi(x,y,z),n,l,m)

Запишем волновую функцию для всех наборов квантовых чисел (то есть возможные орбитали).

In [7]:
# определите шаг grid при заданном диапозоне от -d до d
d = 30
step= (2 * d + 1) / 100

# Зададим цикл по перебору квантовых чисел

for n in range(0,4):
    for l in range(0,n):
        for m in range(0,l+1,1):
            grid= w(n,l,m,d)
            name='%s-%s-%s' % (n,l,m)
            # для сохранения нужно задать координаты старта grid и шаг по каждому направлению
In [2]:
from IPython.display import HTML
import __main__
__main__.pymol_argv = [ 'pymol', '-x' ]

import pymol
from pymol import cmd,stored

Создадим скрипт PyMOL, отображающий полученные орбитали.

In [8]:
with open('volume_color.pml', 'w') as out:
    # ramp -- отображение (значение WF) -> (цвет в PyMOL)
    # оно задано по точкам в виде пятерок {значение, R, G, B, alpha}
    # (здесь отображение определено в 6 точках, в т. ч. отрицательных)
    out.write('cmd.volume_ramp_new(\'ramp007\', [\
         -0.015, 1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, \
          -0.01,  1.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.20, \
          -0.005, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00, \
          0.005, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00, \
          0.01,  0.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.20, \
          0.015, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00, \

    for n in range(0,4):
        for l in range(0,n):
            for m in range(0,l+1,1):
                name='%s-%s-%s' % (n,l,m)
                cubename = name+'.cube'
                volname = name+'_vol'
                out.write('load {0}, {1}\n'.format(cubename, name))
                out.write('volume {0}, {1}\n'.format(volname, name))
                out.write('volume_color {0}, ramp007\n'.format(volname))
In [16]:
In [3]:

Сделаем картинки полученных орбиталей в PyMOL (вручную) и отобразим их

In [15]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import glob
from os.path import basename, splitext

f, axarr = plt.subplots(5, 2, figsize=(20,20))
curr_row = 0
for n, f in enumerate(sorted(glob.glob('pr4/py/*.png'))):
    # fetch the url as a file type object, then read the image
    a = plt.imread(f)

    col = n % 2
    # plot on relevant subplot
    axarr[curr_row, col].imshow(a)
    axarr[curr_row, col].axis('off')
    axarr[curr_row, col].set_title(basename(f))
    if col == 1:
    # we have finished the current row, so increment row counter
        curr_row += 1

Создадим входной файл для Orca:

In [22]:
with open('h.inp', 'w') as f:
    f.write('''! UHF SVP XYZFile
%plots Format Cube
* xyz 0 4
 H 0 0 0

Запустим на kodomo: orca h.inp

                                 * O   R   C   A *

           --- An Ab Initio, DFT and Semiempirical electronic structure package ---

                  #                        -***-                        #
                  #  Department of molecular theory and spectroscopy    #
                  #              Directorship: Frank Neese              #
                  # Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion #
                  #                  D-45470 Muelheim/Ruhr              #
                  #                       Germany                       #
                  #                                                     #
                  #                  All rights reserved                #
                  #                        -***-                        #

                         Program Version 3.0.3 - RELEASE   -

 With contributions from (in alphabetic order):
   Ute Becker             : Parallelization
   Dmytro Bykov           : SCF Hessian
   Dmitry Ganyushin       : Spin-Orbit,Spin-Spin,Magnetic field MRCI
   Andreas Hansen         : Spin unrestricted coupled pair/coupled cluster methods
   Dimitrios Liakos       : Extrapolation schemes; parallel MDCI
   Robert Izsak           : Overlap fitted RIJCOSX, COSX-SCS-MP3
   Christian Kollmar      : KDIIS, OOCD, Brueckner-CCSD(T), CCSD density
   Simone Kossmann        : Meta GGA functionals, TD-DFT gradient, OOMP2, MP2 Hessian
   Taras Petrenko         : DFT Hessian,TD-DFT gradient, ASA and ECA modules, normal mode analysis, Resonance Raman, ABS, FL, XAS/XES, NRVS
   Christoph Reimann      : Effective Core Potentials
   Michael Roemelt        : Restricted open shell CIS
   Christoph Riplinger    : Improved optimizer, TS searches, QM/MM, DLPNO-CCSD
   Barbara Sandhoefer     : DKH picture change effects
   Igor Schapiro          : Molecular dynamics
   Kantharuban Sivalingam : CASSCF convergence, NEVPT2
   Boris Wezisla          : Elementary symmetry handling
   Frank Wennmohs         : Technical directorship

 We gratefully acknowledge several colleagues who have allowed us to
 interface, adapt or use parts of their codes:
   Stefan Grimme, W. Hujo, H. Kruse, T. Risthaus : VdW corrections, initial TS optimization,
                                                   DFT functionals, gCP
   Ed Valeev                                     : LibInt (2-el integral package), F12 methods
   Garnet Chan, S. Sharma, R. Olivares           : DMRG
   Ulf Ekstrom                                   : XCFun DFT Library
   Mihaly Kallay                                 : mrcc  (arbitrary order and MRCC methods)
   Andreas Klamt, Michael Diedenhofen            : otool_cosmo (COSMO solvation model)
   Frank Weinhold                                : gennbo (NPA and NBO analysis)
   Christopher J. Cramer and Donald G. Truhlar   : smd solvation model

 Your calculation uses the libint2 library for the computation of 2-el integrals
 For citations please refer to: http://libint.valeyev.net

 This ORCA versions uses:
   CBLAS   interface :  Fast vector & matrix operations
   LAPACKE interface :  Fast linear algebra routines
   SCALAPACK package :  Parallel linear algebra routines

Your calculation utilizes the basis: Ahlrichs-VDZ
Cite in your paper:
H - Kr: A. Schaefer, H. Horn and R. Ahlrichs, J. Chem. Phys. 97, 2571 (1992).

Your calculation utilizes the basis: Ahlrichs SVPalls1+f
Cite in your paper:
Rb - Xe: A. Schaefer, C. Huber and R. Ahlrichs, J. Chem. Phys. 100, 5829 (1994).

Your calculation utilizes pol. fcns from basis: Ahlrichs polarization
Cite in your paper:
H - Kr: R. Ahlrichs and coworkers, unpublished

                       Please study these warnings very carefully!
Now building the actual basis set

INFO   : the flag for use of LIBINT has been found!

                                       INPUT FILE
NAME = h.inp
|  1> ! UHF SVP XYZFile
|  2> %plots Format Cube
|  3>  MO("H-1.cube",1,0);
|  4>  MO("H-2.cube",2,0);
|  5>  MO("H-3.cube",3,0);
|  6>  MO("H-4.cube",4,0);
|  7> end
|  8> * xyz 0 4
|  9>  H 0 0 0
| 10> **                         ****END OF INPUT****

                       * Single Point Calculation *

  H      0.000000    0.000000    0.000000

  NO LB      ZA    FRAG    MASS        X           Y           Z
   0 H     1.0000    0     1.008          0.000000000000000          0.000000000000000          0.000000000000000

 H      0   0   0   0.000000     0.000     0.000

 H      0   0   0   0.000000     0.000     0.000

There are 1 groups of distinct atoms

 Group   1 Type H   : 4s1p contracted to 2s1p pattern {31/1}

Atom   0H    basis set group =>   1

Checking for AutoStart:
The File: h.gbw exists
Trying to determine its content:
     ... Fine, the file contains calculation information
     ... Fine, the calculation information was read
     ... Fine, the file contains a basis set
     ... Fine, the basis set was read
     ... Fine, the file contains a geometry
     ... Fine, the geometry was read
     ... Fine, the file contains a set of orbitals
     ... Fine, the orbitals can be read
     => possible old guess file was deleted
     => GBW file was renamed to GES file
     => GES file is set as startup file
     => Guess is set to MORead
     ... now leaving AutoStart

                           ORCA GTO INTEGRAL CALCULATION


 # of primitive gaussian shells          ...    5
 # of primitive gaussian functions       ...    7
 # of contracted shell                   ...    3
 # of contracted basis functions         ...    5
 Highest angular momentum                ...    1
 Maximum contraction depth               ...    3
 Integral package used                   ... LIBINT
 Integral threshhold            Thresh   ...  1.000e-10
 Primitive cut-off              TCut     ...  1.000e-11

                              INTEGRAL EVALUATION

 One electron integrals                  ... done
 Pre-screening matrix                    ... done
 Shell pair data                         ... done (   0.000 sec)

                                 ORCA SCF

 Ab initio Hamiltonian  Method          .... Hartree-Fock(GTOs)

General Settings:
 Integral files         IntName         .... h
 Hartree-Fock type      HFTyp           .... UHF
 Total Charge           Charge          ....    0
 Multiplicity           Mult            ....    4
 Number of Electrons    NEL             ....    1
 Basis Dimension        Dim             ....    5
 Nuclear Repulsion      ENuc            ....      0.0000000000 Eh

Convergence Acceleration:
 DIIS                   CNVDIIS         .... on
   Start iteration      DIISMaxIt       ....    12
   Startup error        DIISStart       ....  0.200000
   # of expansion vecs  DIISMaxEq       ....     5
   Bias factor          DIISBfac        ....   1.050
   Max. coefficient     DIISMaxC        ....  10.000
 Newton-Raphson         CNVNR           .... off
 SOSCF                  CNVSOSCF        .... off
 Level Shifting         CNVShift        .... on
   Level shift para.    LevelShift      ....    0.2500
   Turn off err/grad.   ShiftErr        ....    0.0010
 Zerner damping         CNVZerner       .... off
 Static damping         CNVDamp         .... on
   Fraction old density DampFac         ....    0.7000
   Max. Damping (<1)    DampMax         ....    0.9800
   Min. Damping (>=0)   DampMin         ....    0.0000
   Turn off err/grad.   DampErr         ....    0.1000
 Fernandez-Rico         CNVRico         .... off

SCF Procedure:
 Maximum # iterations   MaxIter         ....   125
 SCF integral mode      SCFMode         .... Direct
   Integral package                     .... LIBINT
 Reset frequeny         DirectResetFreq ....    20
 Integral Threshold     Thresh          ....  1.000e-10 Eh
 Primitive CutOff       TCut            ....  1.000e-11 Eh

Convergence Tolerance:
 Convergence Check Mode ConvCheckMode   .... Total+1el-Energy
 Energy Change          TolE            ....  1.000e-06 Eh
 1-El. energy change                    ....  1.000e-03 Eh
 DIIS Error             TolErr          ....  1.000e-06

Diagonalization of the overlap matrix:
Smallest eigenvalue                        ... 3.152e-01
Time for diagonalization                   ...    0.000 sec
Threshold for overlap eigenvalues          ... 1.000e-08
Number of eigenvalues below threshold      ... 0
Time for construction of square roots      ...    0.000 sec
Total time needed                          ...    0.001 sec

Guess MOs are being read from file: h.ges
Input Geometry matches current geometry (good)
Input basis set matches current basis set (good)
MOs were renormalized
MOs were reorthogonalized (Cholesky)
                      INITIAL GUESS DONE (   0.0 sec)
ITER       Energy         Delta-E        Max-DP      RMS-DP      [F,P]     Damp
               ***  Starting incremental Fock matrix formation  ***
  0      0.0728625057   0.000000000000 0.00000000  0.00000000  0.0000000 0.7000
                 **** Energy Check signals convergence ****

               *                     SUCCESS                       *
               *           SCF CONVERGED AFTER   1 CYCLES          *


Total Energy       :            0.07286251 Eh               1.98269 eV

Nuclear Repulsion  :            0.00000000 Eh               0.00000 eV
Electronic Energy  :            0.07286251 Eh               1.98269 eV

One Electron Energy:           -0.31757803 Eh              -8.64174 eV
Two Electron Energy:            0.39044053 Eh              10.62443 eV

Virial components:
Potential Energy   :           -1.57795800 Eh             -42.93842 eV
Kinetic Energy     :            1.65082051 Eh              44.92111 eV
Virial Ratio       :            0.95586285


  Last Energy change         ...    1.6653e-16  Tolerance :   1.0000e-06
  Last MAX-Density change    ...    2.2204e-16  Tolerance :   1.0000e-05
  Last RMS-Density change    ...    4.6693e-17  Tolerance :   1.0000e-06
  Last DIIS Error            ...    7.3388e-16  Tolerance :   1.0000e-06

             **** THE GBW FILE WAS UPDATED (h.gbw) ****
             **** DENSITY FILE WAS UPDATED (h.scfp.tmp) ****
             **** ENERGY FILE WAS UPDATED (h.en.tmp) ****

Expectation value of <S**2>     :     2.000000
Ideal value S*(S+1) for S=1.0   :     2.000000
Deviation                       :     0.000000

                 SPIN UP ORBITALS
  NO   OCC          E(Eh)            E(eV) 
   0   1.0000      -0.108838        -2.9616 
   1   1.0000       0.572141        15.5687 
   2   0.0000       2.100372        57.1540 
   3   0.0000       2.100372        57.1540 
   4   0.0000       2.100372        57.1540 

                 SPIN DOWN ORBITALS
  NO   OCC          E(Eh)            E(eV) 
   0   0.0000       0.487405        13.2630 
   1   0.0000       1.318415        35.8759 
   2   0.0000       2.270122        61.7732 
   3   0.0000       2.270122        61.7732 
   4   0.0000       2.270122        61.7732 

                    * MULLIKEN POPULATION ANALYSIS *

   0 H :   -1.000000    2.000000
Sum of atomic charges         :   -1.0000000
Sum of atomic spin populations:    2.0000000

  0 H s       :     2.000000  s :     2.000000
      pz      :     0.000000  p :     0.000000
      px      :     0.000000
      py      :     0.000000

  0 H s       :     2.000000  s :     2.000000
      pz      :     0.000000  p :     0.000000
      px      :     0.000000
      py      :     0.000000

                     * LOEWDIN POPULATION ANALYSIS *

      **** WARNING: LOEWDIN FINDS    2.0000000 ELECTRONS INSTEAD OF 1 ****
   0 H :   -1.000000    2.000000

  0 H s       :     2.000000  s :     2.000000
      pz      :     0.000000  p :     0.000000
      px      :     0.000000
      py      :     0.000000

  0 H s       :     2.000000  s :     2.000000
      pz      :     0.000000  p :     0.000000
      px      :     0.000000
      py      :     0.000000

                      * MAYER POPULATION ANALYSIS *

  NA   - Mulliken gross atomic population
  ZA   - Total nuclear charge
  QA   - Mulliken gross atomic charge
  VA   - Mayer's total valence
  BVA  - Mayer's bonded valence
  FA   - Mayer's free valence

  ATOM       NA         ZA         QA         VA         BVA        FA
  0 H      2.0000     1.0000    -1.0000     2.0000     0.0000     2.0000

  Mayer bond orders larger than 0.1

  NSH[1]   = 3;
  // Basis function for L=s
  (*BG)[ 1][ 0].l    = ((*BS)[ 1][ 0].l=0);
  (*BG)[ 1][ 0].ng   = 4;
  (*BG)[ 1][ 0].a[ 0]=     13.01070100; (*BG)[ 1][ 0].d[ 0]= 0.096096678877;
  (*BG)[ 1][ 0].a[ 1]=      1.96225720; (*BG)[ 1][ 0].d[ 1]= 0.163022191701;
  (*BG)[ 1][ 0].a[ 2]=      0.44453796; (*BG)[ 1][ 0].d[ 2]= 0.185592186247;
  (*BG)[ 1][ 0].a[ 3]=      0.12194962; (*BG)[ 1][ 0].d[ 3]= 0.073701452542;
  // Basis function for L=s
  (*BG)[ 1][ 1].l    = ((*BS)[ 1][ 1].l=0);
  (*BG)[ 1][ 1].ng   = 4;
  (*BG)[ 1][ 1].a[ 0]=     13.01070100; (*BG)[ 1][ 1].d[ 0]= 0.202726593388;
  (*BG)[ 1][ 1].a[ 1]=      1.96225720; (*BG)[ 1][ 1].d[ 1]= 0.343913379281;
  (*BG)[ 1][ 1].a[ 2]=      0.44453796; (*BG)[ 1][ 1].d[ 2]= 0.391527283951;
  (*BG)[ 1][ 1].a[ 3]=      0.12194962; (*BG)[ 1][ 1].d[ 3]=-0.187888280974;
  // Basis function for L=p
  (*BG)[ 1][ 2].l    = ((*BS)[ 1][ 2].l=1);
  (*BG)[ 1][ 2].ng   = 3;
  (*BG)[ 1][ 2].a[ 0]=      0.80000000; (*BG)[ 1][ 2].d[ 0]=-0.441675046686;
  (*BG)[ 1][ 2].a[ 1]=      0.80000000; (*BG)[ 1][ 2].d[ 1]=-0.637945909953;
  (*BG)[ 1][ 2].a[ 2]=      0.80000000; (*BG)[ 1][ 2].d[ 2]= 0.749010191077;
 newgto H 
 S 4
    1         13.010701000000         0.019682160277
    2          1.962257200000         0.137965241943
    3          0.444537960000         0.478319356737
    4          0.121949620000         0.501107169599
 S 4
    1         13.010701000000         0.041521698254
    2          1.962257200000         0.291052966991
    3          0.444537960000         1.009067689709
    4          0.121949620000        -1.277480448918
 P 3
    1          0.800000000000        -0.409543739990
    2          0.800000000000        -0.591536143673
    3          0.800000000000         0.694520637392
   0 :     0.000000     1.965412     0.998557     1.497110     2.972853     7.305452
   1 :     0.000000     2.769720     0.969842     2.227011     6.779696    23.235533
   2 :     1.522453     1.066667     0.951533     1.189416     1.562500     2.230155
   3 :     1.522453     1.066667     0.951533     1.189416     1.562500     2.230155
   4 :     1.522453     1.066667     0.951533     1.189416     1.562500     2.230155

Total SCF time: 0 days 0 hours 0 min 0 sec 

Total time                  ....       0.430 sec
Sum of individual times     ....       0.412 sec  ( 95.8%)

Fock matrix formation       ....       0.373 sec  ( 86.7%)
Diagonalization             ....       0.001 sec  (  0.1%)
Density matrix formation    ....       0.000 sec  (  0.0%)
Population analysis         ....       0.020 sec  (  4.8%)
Initial guess               ....       0.018 sec  (  4.1%)
Orbital Transformation      ....       0.000 sec  (  0.0%)
Orbital Orthonormalization  ....       0.018 sec  (  4.1%)
DIIS solution               ....       0.000 sec  (  0.0%)

-------------------------   --------------------
FINAL SINGLE POINT ENERGY         0.072862505694
-------------------------   --------------------

choosing x-range =    -7.000000 ..     7.000000
choosing y-range =    -7.000000 ..     7.000000
choosing z-range =    -7.000000 ..     7.000000

GBW-File       ... h.gbw
PlotType       ... MO-PLOT
MO/Operator    ... 1 0
Output file    ... H-1.cube
Format         ... Gaussian-Cube
Resolution     ... 40 40 40
Boundaries     ...    -7.000000     7.000000 (x direction)
                      -7.000000     7.000000 (y direction)
                      -7.000000     7.000000 (z direction)
choosing x-range =    -7.000000 ..     7.000000
choosing y-range =    -7.000000 ..     7.000000
choosing z-range =    -7.000000 ..     7.000000

GBW-File       ... h.gbw
PlotType       ... MO-PLOT
MO/Operator    ... 2 0
Output file    ... H-2.cube
Format         ... Gaussian-Cube
Resolution     ... 40 40 40
Boundaries     ...    -7.000000     7.000000 (x direction)
                      -7.000000     7.000000 (y direction)
                      -7.000000     7.000000 (z direction)
choosing x-range =    -7.000000 ..     7.000000
choosing y-range =    -7.000000 ..     7.000000
choosing z-range =    -7.000000 ..     7.000000

GBW-File       ... h.gbw
PlotType       ... MO-PLOT
MO/Operator    ... 3 0
Output file    ... H-3.cube
Format         ... Gaussian-Cube
Resolution     ... 40 40 40
Boundaries     ...    -7.000000     7.000000 (x direction)
                      -7.000000     7.000000 (y direction)
                      -7.000000     7.000000 (z direction)
choosing x-range =    -7.000000 ..     7.000000
choosing y-range =    -7.000000 ..     7.000000
choosing z-range =    -7.000000 ..     7.000000

GBW-File       ... h.gbw
PlotType       ... MO-PLOT
MO/Operator    ... 4 0
Output file    ... H-4.cube
Format         ... Gaussian-Cube
Resolution     ... 40 40 40
Boundaries     ...    -7.000000     7.000000 (x direction)
                      -7.000000     7.000000 (y direction)
                      -7.000000     7.000000 (z direction)

                            *     ORCA property calculations      *

                                    Active property flags
   (+) Dipole Moment


Dipole Moment Calculation                       ... on
Quadrupole Moment Calculation                   ... off
Polarizability Calculation                      ... off
GBWName                                         ... h.gbw
Electron density file                           ... h.scfp.tmp

                                X             Y             Z
Electronic contribution:      0.00000       0.00000       0.00000
Nuclear contribution   :      0.00000       0.00000       0.00000
Total Dipole Moment    :      0.00000       0.00000       0.00000
Magnitude (a.u.)       :      0.00000
Magnitude (Debye)      :      0.00000

Timings for individual modules:

Sum of individual times         ...        1.156 sec (=   0.019 min)
GTO integral calculation        ...        0.329 sec (=   0.005 min)  28.5 %
SCF iterations                  ...        0.468 sec (=   0.008 min)  40.5 %
Orbital/Density plot generation ...        0.359 sec (=   0.006 min)  31.0 %
                             ****ORCA TERMINATED NORMALLY****
TOTAL RUN TIME: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 1 seconds 373 msec

Аналогично визуализируем орбитали:

In [10]:
with open('volume_color_orca.pml', 'w') as out:
    # ramp -- отображение (значение WF) -> (цвет в PyMOL)
    # оно задано по точкам в виде пятерок {значение, R, G, B, alpha}
    # (здесь отображение определено в 6 точках, в т. ч. отрицательных)
    out.write('cmd.volume_ramp_new(\'ramp007\', [\
         -0.015, 1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, \
          -0.01,  1.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.20, \
          -0.005, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00, \
          0.005, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00, \
          0.01,  0.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.20, \
          0.015, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00, \

    for n in sorted(glob.glob('pr4/orca/*.cube')):
        cubename = name+'.cube'
        volname = name+'_vol'
        out.write('load {0}, {1}\n'.format(cubename, name))
        out.write('volume {0}, {1}\n'.format(volname, name))
        out.write('volume_color {0}, ramp007\n'.format(volname))
In [11]:
In [ ]:
In [13]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import glob
from os.path import basename, splitext

f, axarr = plt.subplots(2,2, figsize=(20,20))
curr_row = 0
for n, f in enumerate(sorted(glob.glob('pr4/orca/*.png'))):
    # fetch the url as a file type object, then read the image
    a = plt.imread(f)

    col = n % 2
    # plot on relevant subplot
    axarr[curr_row, col].imshow(a)
    axarr[curr_row, col].axis('off')
    axarr[curr_row, col].set_title(basename(f))
    if col == 1:
    # we have finished the current row, so increment row counter
        curr_row += 1

Результат работы orca -- четыре орбитали, одна аналогична орбитали с квантовыми числами 1-0-0, три другие -- орбитали 2-1-0. При этом разрешение моделирования довольно низкое: в орбиталях 2-1-0 orca нельзя (не только на этих картинках с не очень высоким разрешением, но и в pymol) увидеть, что между "половинками" есть просвет.