GO database

GO database

Retrieved information about COG

For the task I used BAC73082.1 putative globin-like protein [1] from my first term.

GO visualization

Using COGNAT [3] with Neighborhood size 11, Taxonomy NO (default) and 10% Occurence Threshold (default 20% for OT and 9 for NS were changed because there weren't any COGs around COG2346), I was able to visualize genomic environment of COG2346. Part of it is pictured below. Full-size (PDF) can be downloaded.

Pic. 1. Part of COG2346 environment. Each arrow represents one gene (11 as in Neighborhood size)

All in all, I doubt that this environment can be called conservative.

Putative globin-like protein of Streptomyces avermitilis in terms of GO

Using AmiGO BLAST[4], I found the most similar result to my protein. It's uncharacterised protein.

Pic. 2. BLAST Match result

Table 1. Associated with my protein GO terms
Aspect GO id GO term Evidence code
biological process GO:0008150 biological_process ND
cellular component GO:0005575 cellular_component ND
cellular component GO:0005575 cellular_component ND

Table 2. Evidence codes
Evidence code Definition Explanation
ND No Data Code for situation when no biological data is available.

From the tables above we can conclude that with the enough amount of data it could be possible that this particular uncharacterised protein is similar to mine. I decided to choose uncharacterised protein because among all other results there wasn't any from the same organism. However, it is posiible that there are some with the simialar functions.
