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De novo genome assembly

Reads preparation

First, the .fastq.gz was unzipped with gunzip, which yielded a 1808 Mb file, and the adapters were concatenated:
cat /P/y16/term3/block3/adapters/*.fa adapters.fasta
Then, the adapters were deleted from the reads set using trimmomatic:
java -jar /nfs/srv/databases/ngs/suvorova/trimmomatic/trimmomatic-0.30.jar SE -phred33 reads14.fastq reads14_na.fastq ILLUMINACLIP:adapters.fasta:2:7:7
The result was this (and a 1807 Mb file):
Input Reads: 17756177 Surviving: 17750402 (99,97%) Dropped: 5775 (0,03%)
Afterwards, trimmomatic was employed again to delete bad quality (lower than 20) ends of the reads and delete overly short ones (less than 30 nt):
java -jar /nfs/srv/databases/ngs/suvorova/trimmomatic/trimmomatic-0.30.jar SE -phred33 reads14_na.fastq reads14_na_trimmed.fastq TRAILING:20 MINLEN:30
This is the result (and a 1173 Mb file):
Input Reads: 17750402 Surviving: 11913544 (67,12%) Dropped: 5836858 (32,88%)


Velveth is a program for preparation of kmers needed to assemble the genome (we are dealing with Buchnera aphidicola's genome). This is how it was used
velveth kmers_velveth 29 -short -fastq reads14_na_trimmed.fastq
It returns a directory (kmers_velveth in this case) containing the output files.


Velvetg is a program for assembly of the genome based on velveth's output (kmers). This is how it was launched:
velvetg kmers_velveth
N50 of the assembly was 13439 (as presented in velvetg's Log file). The three longest contigs:
Contig IDLength (nt)Coverage*

* The coverage presented is from the short1_cov column
Sequence of contig 1
Sequence of contig 13
Sequence of contig 8
The median coverage was 39.0269 , and there were 5 contigs with anomalous coverages: three had extremely low ones (2.7, 2.9, and 4.0) and two had high ones (269.2 and 274.6). It is worth noticing that all five were among the shortest contigs returned by the program.
All results here were obtained via MS Excel.

Megablast and analysis

Contig IDCoordinates in the genomeMismatch countGap count*
1534264-594099 (8 fragments)7876946
1335124-78277 (9 fragments)6435818
8273345-303252 (7 fragments)5086719

* This is actually the count of gap openings.
The information was obtained from the corresponding hit tables using MS Excel.
Here are the dot matrix views for all the alignments:
Contig 1:

Contig 13:

Contig 8:

Overall, the genome that the contigs were aligned to (GenBank/EMBL AC — CP009253) contained plenty of indels compared to the strain of Buchnera aphidicola that had been sequenced.

© Stanislav Tikhonov, 2018