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Nucleic Acid Sequence Databases

Assembly quality analysis

Species: Homo sapiens (russian name: человек разумный)

There are 206 assemblies overall.
For the following analysis the assembly called GRCh38.p12 was chosen.
Total sequence length3,257,319,537
Number of contigs1,535
Contig N5056,413,054
Contig L5019
Number of scaffolds874
Scaffold N5059,364,414
Scaffold L5017
Number of annotated proteins119294
Publication containing a description of the projectThere are 3420 publications containing references to this project, but no specific publications describing the project. Therefore, here I provide a link to a webpage on the NCBI website describing the project:
Link to the sequence of one of the contigs in RefSeqI arrived at this sequence by clicking on an ID of a RefSeq sequence in the "Global Protein assembly" section on the webpage of the assembly. Then I switched to the ID of one of the joined bits forming the aforementioned Refseq sequence. Afterwards, I repeated the procedure again two times, and only then I got a normal sequence in the "CONTIG" field. Unfortunately, its page contains a link to another BioProject, but I think it fits the description of the desired sequence from the task, since I arrived at it this way. There is a link to it below:

Feature keys

Below there is a list of feature keys with links to sequence annotations containing them and coordinates of the corresponding features in the corresponding sequences.
Description: region of biological interest identified as a centromere and which has been experimentally characterized.
Description: region of genome that codes for portion of spliced mRNA, rRNA and tRNA; may contain 5'UTR, all CDSs and 3' UTR.
Description: mature peptide or protein coding sequence; coding sequence for the mature or final peptide or protein product following post-translational modification; the location does not include the stop codon (unlike the corresponding CDS).
Description: a segment of DNA that is transcribed, but removed from within the transcript by splicing together the sequences (exons) on either side of it.
Description: signal peptide coding sequence; coding sequence for an N-terminal domain of a secreted protein; this domain is involved in attaching nascent polypeptide to the membrane leader sequence.
Description: any region of sequence that functions in the regulation of transcription, translation, replication or chromatin structure.
Description: messenger RNA; includes 5'untranslated region (5'UTR), coding sequences (CDS, exon) and 3'untranslated region (3'UTR).

Genome project

Name: The 100,000 Genomes Project
Aims: Better understanding of rare genetic diseases and cancer, paving the way for future therapeutic methods.
Launch year: 2012
Link to the webpage: Link
Organisation: Genomics England (in collaboration with NHS)
Country: United Kingdom
Total number of sequenced genomes (as planned): 100 000
Number of currently sequenced genomes: 87 231 (October 1, 2018)
Last publication (link): The latest publication has not been placed on PubMed. Here is the link

Mitochondrial Genes of a cryptomonad

The search was conducted on the ENA website.
Search query text:
tax_tree(3027) AND mol_type="genomic DNA" AND topology="CIRCULAR" AND organelle="mitochondrion" AND dataclass="STD"

There was 8 results in Release and 0 in Update.
The species chosen was Rhodomonas salina, Russian name is "Родомонас солевой".

AC: AF288090
The following table (link below) was obtained by parsing the ENA entry with a Python script .
Table of mitochondrial CDSes of Rhodomonas salina (.xlsx)

© Stanislav Tikhonov, 2018