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KEGG Pathway

General Information on Inositol Phosphate Metabolism

This map was obtained from the KEGG database, the indentifier is map00562: link
Interconnections with other metabolic pathways are highlighted with red circles. The reaction chosen for the last task is highlighted in blue.

Inositol comprises six-membered saturated ring with a hydroxyl group on each carbon atom, hence there are six sites for phosporylation in this molecule. Different phosphorylation derivatives of inositol participate in regulation of calcium channels, chromatin remodeling, and signalling (they can function as second messengers) in animals, phosphorus storage in plants (hexaphosphate), and assembly and maturation of HIV. In mammals, inositol phosphates either ingested or, according to the map, synthesized from phosphatidylinositol phosphates, which in their turn have been implicated in a plethora of various regulatory pathways and are membrane components (glycophospholipids). The products of inositol phosphate metabolism are acetyl CoA, glyceraldehyde phosphate, and different carbohydrates (and their phosphates).

Inositol Phosphate metabolism in different domains of life

The three selected organisms are presented below:
  1. Thermococcus gammatolerans

    Domain: Archaea
    Phylum: Euryarchaeota
    Class: Thermococci
    The map of inositol phosphate metabolism in the this organism:

    The enzymes the organism has are highlighted in green. It is clear from the map that these enzymes can act sequentially on one substrate. The sequences of reactions they catalyze lead to glyceraldehyde phosphate and a carbohydrate phosphate, which are also the final products on the general map. But, this sequence starts at different starting materials (different from those on the general map). Overall, the organism is able to carry out some elements of the inositol phosphate pathway, but not all of them.
  2. Escherichia coli

    Domain: Bacteria
    Phylum: Proteobacteria
    Class: Gammaproteobacteria

    The map of inositol phosphate metabolism in the this organism:

    The enzymes the organism has are highlighted in green. The organism does not have enzymes in this pathway that would act sequentially on one substrate. There is one product here that also belongs to the final products of the reference metabolism map: glyceraldehyde phosphate, but no starting materials from that map. Overall, the organism is able to carry out some elements of the inositol phosphate pathway, but by far not all of them.
  3. Homo sapiens

    Domain: Eukaryota
    Phylum: Chordata
    Class: Mammalia
  4. The map of inositol phosphate metabolism in the this organism:

    The enzymes the organism has are highlighted in green. It is clear from the map that these enzymes can act sequentially on one substrate. The sequences of reactions they catalyze start from the starting materials from the general map and lead to almost all of the final products on the general map. Overall, the organism is able to carry out many reactions from the reference map, approximately 60-65%.

Oxidation of Malonic Semialdehyde into CO2 and Acetyl-CoA in KEGG Database

This reaction was highlighted in blue on the reference map and has the indentifier R00705: link
Reaction scheme:

© Stanislav Tikhonov, 2018