Analysis Type: PANTHER Overrepresentation Test (Released 20210224) Annotation Version and Release Date: GO Ontology database DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5080993 Released 2021-07-02 Analyzed List: upload_1 (Homo sapiens) Reference List: Homo sapiens (all genes in database) Test Type: FISHER Correction: FDR GO biological process complete Homo sapiens - REFLIST (20595) upload_1 (22) upload_1 (expected) upload_1 (over/under) upload_1 (fold Enrichment) upload_1 (raw P-value) upload_1 (FDR) heme metabolic process (GO:0042168) 41 14 .04 + > 100 4.79E-32 7.54E-28 porphyrin-containing compound metabolic process (GO:0006778) 48 14 .05 + > 100 3.19E-31 2.51E-27 tetrapyrrole metabolic process (GO:0033013) 57 14 .06 + > 100 2.63E-30 1.38E-26 pigment metabolic process (GO:0042440) 73 14 .08 + > 100 5.88E-29 2.31E-25 protoporphyrinogen IX metabolic process (GO:0046501) 11 9 .01 + > 100 4.48E-23 1.18E-19 heme biosynthetic process (GO:0006783) 26 10 .03 + > 100 4.25E-23 1.34E-19 tetrapyrrole biosynthetic process (GO:0033014) 30 10 .03 + > 100 1.41E-22 2.78E-19 porphyrin-containing compound biosynthetic process (GO:0006779) 30 10 .03 + > 100 1.41E-22 3.18E-19 protoporphyrinogen IX biosynthetic process (GO:0006782) 9 8 .01 + > 100 9.56E-21 1.67E-17 pigment biosynthetic process (GO:0046148) 51 10 .05 + > 100 1.49E-20 2.34E-17 iron ion homeostasis (GO:0055072) 82 8 .09 + 91.33 2.92E-14 4.17E-11 cellular iron ion homeostasis (GO:0006879) 64 7 .07 + > 100 6.94E-13 9.10E-10 transition metal ion homeostasis (GO:0055076) 135 8 .14 + 55.47 1.29E-12 1.57E-09 cellular transition metal ion homeostasis (GO:0046916) 111 7 .12 + 59.04 2.67E-11 3.00E-08 heme catabolic process (GO:0042167) 11 4 .01 + > 100 1.32E-09 1.30E-06 pigment catabolic process (GO:0046149) 11 4 .01 + > 100 1.32E-09 1.38E-06 tetrapyrrole catabolic process (GO:0033015) 12 4 .01 + > 100 1.75E-09 1.53E-06 porphyrin-containing compound catabolic process (GO:0006787) 12 4 .01 + > 100 1.75E-09 1.62E-06 heterocycle biosynthetic process (GO:0018130) 809 10 .86 + 11.57 3.88E-09 3.22E-06 aromatic compound biosynthetic process (GO:0019438) 821 10 .88 + 11.40 4.46E-09 3.51E-06 metal ion homeostasis (GO:0055065) 623 9 .67 + 13.52 7.86E-09 5.89E-06 organic cyclic compound biosynthetic process (GO:1901362) 948 10 1.01 + 9.87 1.74E-08 1.24E-05 response to platinum ion (GO:0070541) 3 3 .00 + > 100 2.10E-08 1.38E-05 cation homeostasis (GO:0055080) 696 9 .74 + 12.11 2.03E-08 1.39E-05 inorganic ion homeostasis (GO:0098771) 710 9 .76 + 11.87 2.40E-08 1.51E-05 heterocycle metabolic process (GO:0046483) 2624 14 2.80 + 4.99 3.56E-08 2.16E-05 ion homeostasis (GO:0050801) 759 9 .81 + 11.10 4.24E-08 2.47E-05 cellular aromatic compound metabolic process (GO:0006725) 2687 14 2.87 + 4.88 4.83E-08 2.72E-05 response to iron ion (GO:0010039) 32 4 .03 + > 100 5.60E-08 3.04E-05 cellular metal ion homeostasis (GO:0006875) 553 8 .59 + 13.54 6.53E-08 3.43E-05 response to arsenic-containing substance (GO:0046685) 34 4 .04 + > 100 7.01E-08 3.56E-05 response to metal ion (GO:0010038) 380 7 .41 + 17.24 1.04E-07 5.12E-05 organic cyclic compound metabolic process (GO:1901360) 2921 14 3.12 + 4.49 1.41E-07 6.72E-05 cellular cation homeostasis (GO:0030003) 622 8 .66 + 12.04 1.59E-07 7.37E-05 cellular ion homeostasis (GO:0006873) 639 8 .68 + 11.72 1.95E-07 8.78E-05 organonitrogen compound biosynthetic process (GO:1901566) 1249 10 1.33 + 7.50 2.29E-07 1.00E-04 cellular nitrogen compound biosynthetic process (GO:0044271) 1289 10 1.38 + 7.26 3.06E-07 1.30E-04 iron ion transport (GO:0006826) 52 4 .06 + 72.01 3.44E-07 1.43E-04 cellular nitrogen compound metabolic process (GO:0034641) 3192 14 3.41 + 4.11 4.34E-07 1.75E-04 cellular chemical homeostasis (GO:0055082) 742 8 .79 + 10.09 6.01E-07 2.36E-04 chemical homeostasis (GO:0048878) 1114 9 1.19 + 7.56 1.07E-06 4.10E-04 response to inorganic substance (GO:0010035) 554 7 .59 + 11.83 1.27E-06 4.77E-04 cellular homeostasis (GO:0019725) 833 8 .89 + 8.99 1.42E-06 5.21E-04 homeostatic process (GO:0042592) 1556 10 1.66 + 6.02 1.72E-06 6.15E-04 transition metal ion transport (GO:0000041) 100 4 .11 + 37.45 4.17E-06 1.46E-03 heme oxidation (GO:0006788) 2 2 .00 + > 100 6.51E-06 2.23E-03 organonitrogen compound metabolic process (GO:1901564) 4789 15 5.12 + 2.93 9.79E-06 3.28E-03 regulation of succinate dehydrogenase activity (GO:1904229) 3 2 .00 + > 100 1.08E-05 3.35E-03 positive regulation of succinate dehydrogenase activity (GO:1904231) 3 2 .00 + > 100 1.08E-05 3.41E-03 regulation of aconitate hydratase activity (GO:1904232) 3 2 .00 + > 100 1.08E-05 3.48E-03 positive regulation of aconitate hydratase activity (GO:1904234) 3 2 .00 + > 100 1.08E-05 3.56E-03 hemoglobin biosynthetic process (GO:0042541) 6 2 .01 + > 100 3.03E-05 9.00E-03 intracellular sequestering of iron ion (GO:0006880) 6 2 .01 + > 100 3.03E-05 9.18E-03 sequestering of iron ion (GO:0097577) 7 2 .01 + > 100 3.90E-05 1.11E-02 response to methylmercury (GO:0051597) 7 2 .01 + > 100 3.90E-05 1.14E-02 cellular biosynthetic process (GO:0044249) 2293 10 2.45 + 4.08 5.38E-05 1.51E-02 organic substance biosynthetic process (GO:1901576) 2354 10 2.51 + 3.98 6.75E-05 1.86E-02 hemoglobin metabolic process (GO:0020027) 10 2 .01 + > 100 7.13E-05 1.93E-02 biosynthetic process (GO:0009058) 2420 10 2.59 + 3.87 8.56E-05 2.28E-02 sequestering of metal ion (GO:0051238) 12 2 .01 + > 100 9.81E-05 2.57E-02 erythrocyte homeostasis (GO:0034101) 95 3 .10 + 29.56 1.50E-04 3.88E-02