PMID- 3075131 OWN - NLM STAT- MEDLINE DA - 19890802 DCOM- 19890802 LR - 20131121 IS - 0893-133X (Print) IS - 0006-3223 (Linking) VI - 1 IP - 3 DP - 1988 Sep TI - The current status of the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia. PG - 179-86 AB - The dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia is still almost entirely based on pharmacologic evidence. Even though a disturbed dopamine function has not yet been established beyond doubt in schizophrenia, recent basic research on dopaminergic mechanisms opens up possibilities for the development of more sophisticated pharmacologic tools, capable of discovering subtypes of dopamine receptors, which may turn out to be abnormal in schizophrenia. Such tools may also prove therapeutically useful. Schizophrenia is probably a heterogeneous group of disorders with mixed biopathology. To facilitate the search for nondopaminergic mechanisms of possible pathogenetic importance in subgroups of schizophrenia, a hypothetical model is presented that tries to explain the role of subcortical dopaminergic pathways for mental functions and their interaction with other systems. It is proposed that corticostriatothalamocortical negative feedback loops, also involving the mesencephalic reticular formation, are modulated by mesostriatal dopamine pathways to control a thalamic filter mechanism. The psychotomimetic actions of dopaminergic agents and phencyclidine may be due to interference with these feedback mechanisms. FAU - Carlsson, A AU - Carlsson A AD - Department of Pharmacology, University of Goteborg, Sweden. LA - eng PT - Journal Article PT - Review PL - UNITED STATES TA - Neuropsychopharmacology JT - Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology JID - 8904907 RN - 0 (Receptors, Dopamine) RN - VTD58H1Z2X (Dopamine) SB - IM MH - Animals MH - Brain/physiology/*physiopathology MH - Dopamine/*physiology MH - Feedback MH - Humans MH - Models, Neurological MH - Receptors, Dopamine/*physiology MH - Schizophrenia/etiology/*physiopathology RF - 40 EDAT- 1988/09/01 MHDA- 1988/09/01 00:01 CRDT- 1988/09/01 00:00 AID - 0893-133X(88)90012-7 [pii] PST - ppublish SO - Neuropsychopharmacology. 1988 Sep;1(3):179-86.