Гомологичное моделирование комплекса белка с лигандом

Будем работать с лизоцимом LYS_BPPS1

In [1]:
import sys 
import modeller 
import _modeller
import modeller.automodel 
In [2]:
                         MODELLER 9v7, 2009/06/12, r6923


                     Copyright(c) 1989-2009 Andrej Sali
                            All Rights Reserved

                             Written by A. Sali
                               with help from
           B. Webb, M.S. Madhusudhan, M-Y. Shen, M.A. Marti-Renom,
                N. Eswar, F. Alber, M. Topf, B. Oliva, A. Fiser,
                    R. Sanchez, B. Yerkovich, A. Badretdinov,
                      F. Melo, J.P. Overington, E. Feyfant
                 University of California, San Francisco, USA
                    Rockefeller University, New York, USA
                      Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
                   Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London, UK
              Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK

Kind, OS, HostName, Kernel, Processor: 4, Linux kodomo.fbb.msu.ru 3.8-2-amd64 x86_64
Date and time of compilation         : 2009/06/12 12:23:44
MODELLER executable type             : x86_64-intel8
Job starting time (YY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS): 2017/05/25 15:13:43

In [ ]:
Загрузим белок-заготовку и белок, с которым будем работать - LYS_BPPS1
In [3]:
! wget http://www.pdb.org/pdb/files/1lmp.pdb
--2017-05-25 15:13:51--  http://www.pdb.org/pdb/files/1lmp.pdb
Resolving www.pdb.org...
Connecting to www.pdb.org||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
Location: http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/files/1lmp.pdb [following]
--2017-05-25 15:13:51--  http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/files/1lmp.pdb
Resolving www.rcsb.org...
Connecting to www.rcsb.org||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
Location: http://files.rcsb.org/view/1lmp.pdb [following]
--2017-05-25 15:13:52--  http://files.rcsb.org/view/1lmp.pdb
Resolving files.rcsb.org...
Connecting to files.rcsb.org||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/plain]
Saving to: `1lmp.pdb'

    [   <=>                                 ] 131,301      254K/s   in 0.5s    

2017-05-25 15:13:53 (254 KB/s) - `1lmp.pdb' saved [131301]

In [4]:
! wget http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/O80292.fasta
--2017-05-25 15:13:58--  http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/O80292.fasta
Resolving www.uniprot.org...,
Connecting to www.uniprot.org||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 239 [text/plain]
Saving to: `O80292.fasta'

100%[======================================>] 239         --.-K/s   in 0s      

2017-05-25 15:13:58 (21.2 MB/s) - `O80292.fasta' saved [239/239]

Создадим выравнивание целевого белка с заготовкой

In [5]:
In [7]:
alignm2.append(file='O80292.fasta', align_codes='all',alignment_format='FASTA')
## создадим модель
mdl = modeller.model(env, file='1lmp.pdb', model_segment=('FIRST:'+'A', 'LAST:'+'A'))
## и добавим в выравнивание
alignm2.append_model(mdl, atom_files='1lmp.pdb', align_codes='1lmp')
## есть смысл поправить идентификаторы
alignm2[0].code=alignm2[0].code[3:9] #переименовываем идентификатор
In [8]:
alignm2.write(file='all_in_one2.ali', alignment_format='PIR')
SALIGN_____> adding the next group to the alignment; iteration    1

SALIGN_____> adding the next group to the alignment; iteration    2

SALIGN_____> adding the next group to the alignment; iteration    3

Строим модель:

In [9]:
## Выбираем объект для моделирования 
s = alignm2[0]
pdb = alignm2[1]

print s.code, pdb.code
O80292 1lmp
In [10]:
## Создаем объект automodel
a = modeller.automodel.automodel(env, alnfile='all_in_one2.ali', knowns= pdb.code , sequence = s.code )

a.starting_model = 1
a.ending_model = 2
fndatmi_285W> Only      129 residues out of      132 contain atoms of type  CA
              (This is usually caused by non-standard residues, such
              as ligands, or by PDB files with missing atoms.)
fndatmi_285W> Only      129 residues out of      132 contain atoms of type  CA
              (This is usually caused by non-standard residues, such
              as ligands, or by PDB files with missing atoms.)

check_ali___> Checking the sequence-structure alignment. 

Implied target CA(i)-CA(i+1) distances longer than  8.0 angstroms:

read_to_681_> topology.submodel read from topology file:        3

getf_______W> RTF restraint not found in the atoms list:
              residue type, indices:    14   167
              atom names           : C     +N
              atom indices         :  1276     0

getf_______W> RTF restraint not found in the atoms list:
              residue type, indices:    14   167
              atom names           : C     CA    +N    O
              atom indices         :  1276  1270     0  1277
fndatmi_285W> Only      129 residues out of      132 contain atoms of type  CA
              (This is usually caused by non-standard residues, such
              as ligands, or by PDB files with missing atoms.)
transfe_404W> At least one template is aligned with model residue   165:
              but no coordinates could be transferred. This usually
              occurs when your input files do not use the official
              PDBv3 atom names. Please check your templates.
transfe_404W> At least one template is aligned with model residue   166:
              but no coordinates could be transferred. This usually
              occurs when your input files do not use the official
              PDBv3 atom names. Please check your templates.
irestab_402W> ires, irestp:      131       69
irestab_402W> ires, irestp:      132       70
irestab_402W> ires, irestp:      131       69
irestab_402W> ires, irestp:      132       70
irestab_402W> ires, irestp:      131       69
irestab_402W> ires, irestp:      132       70
mdtrsr__446W> A potential that relies on one protein is used, yet you have at
              least one known structure available. MDT, not library, potential is used.
iup2crm_280W> No topology library in memory or assigning a BLK residue.
              Default CHARMM atom type assigned:  C1 -->  CT2
              This message is written only for the first such atom.
0 atoms in HETATM residues constrained
to protein atoms within 2.30 angstroms
and protein CA atoms within 10.00 angstroms
0 atoms in residues without defined topology
constrained to be rigid bodies
condens_443_> Restraints marked for deletion were removed.
              Total number of restraints before, now:    12074    10916
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      167
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1278    1278
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    10916   10916
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):     3010
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 2, NATM x NATM cell sorting
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        0   99999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :    4.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       T       F       F       F
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :        1680.5909

Summary of the restraint violations: 

   NUM     ... number of restraints.
   NUMVI   ... number of restraints with RVIOL > VIOL_REPORT_CUT[i].
   RVIOL   ... relative difference from the best value.
   NUMVP   ... number of restraints with -Ln(pdf) > VIOL_REPORT_CUT2[i].
   RMS_1   ... RMS(feature, minimally_violated_basis_restraint, NUMB).
   RMS_2   ... RMS(feature, best_value, NUMB).
   MOL.PDF ... scaled contribution to -Ln(Molecular pdf).

 #                     RESTRAINT_GROUP      NUM   NUMVI  NUMVP   RMS_1   RMS_2         MOL.PDF     S_i
 1 Bond length potential              :    1300       0      0   0.007   0.007      17.618       1.000
 2 Bond angle potential               :    1756       0      9   2.348   2.348      182.55       1.000
 3 Stereochemical cosine torsion poten:     794       0     33  48.152  48.152      294.76       1.000
 4 Stereochemical improper torsion pot:     515       0      0   1.459   1.459      22.096       1.000
 5 Soft-sphere overlap restraints     :    3010       0      0   0.005   0.005      7.8810       1.000
 6 Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 7 Coulomb point-point electrostatic p:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 8 H-bonding potential                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 9 Distance restraints 1 (CA-CA)      :    2408       2     17   0.829   0.829      239.78       1.000
10 Distance restraints 2 (N-O)        :    2597      11     52   0.993   0.993      498.89       1.000
11 Mainchain Phi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
12 Mainchain Psi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
13 Mainchain Omega dihedral restraints:     166       1      3   5.483   5.483      58.855       1.000
14 Sidechain Chi_1 dihedral restraints:     133       0      0  82.371  82.371      45.796       1.000
15 Sidechain Chi_2 dihedral restraints:      98       0      1  91.149  91.149      47.417       1.000
16 Sidechain Chi_3 dihedral restraints:      45       0      0  81.050  81.050      32.128       1.000
17 Sidechain Chi_4 dihedral restraints:      23       0      0  96.780  96.780      15.480       1.000
18 Disulfide distance restraints      :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
19 Disulfide angle restraints         :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
20 Disulfide dihedral angle restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
21 Lower bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
22 Upper bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
23 Distance restraints 3 (SDCH-MNCH)  :     809       0      0   0.573   0.573      19.431       1.000
24 Sidechain Chi_5 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
25 Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints:     165      55     32  35.309  99.760      174.06       1.000
26 Distance restraints 4 (SDCH-SDCH)  :     107       0      1   1.810   1.810      23.845       1.000
27 Distance restraints 5 (X-Y)        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
28 NMR distance restraints 6 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
29 NMR distance restraints 7 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
30 Minimal distance restraints        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
31 Non-bonded restraints              :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
32 Atomic accessibility restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
33 Atomic density restraints          :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
34 Absolute position restraints       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
35 Dihedral angle difference restraint:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
36 GBSA implicit solvent potential    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
37 EM density fitting potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
38 SAXS restraints                    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
39 Symmetry restraints                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000

# Heavy relative violation of each residue is written to: O80292.V99990001
# The profile is NOT normalized by the number of restraints.
# The profiles are smoothed over a window of residues:    1
# The sum of all numbers in the file:   25644.3027

List of the violated restraints:
   A restraint is violated when the relative difference
   from the best value (RVIOL) is larger than CUTOFF.

   ICSR   ... index of a restraint in the current set.
   RESNO  ... residue numbers of the first two atoms.
   ATM    ... IUPAC atom names of the first two atoms.
   FEAT   ... the value of the feature in the model.
   restr  ... the mean of the basis restraint with the smallest
              difference from the model (local minimum).
   viol   ... difference from the local minimum.
   rviol  ... relative difference from the local minimum.
   RESTR  ... the best value (global minimum).
   VIOL   ... difference from the best value.
   RVIOL  ... relative difference from the best value.


Feature 10                           : Distance restraints 2 (N-O)             
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       4.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   8363  52T 167Q N   O     355 1277   13.54    8.62    4.92    5.55    8.62    4.92    5.55
    2   8377  53V 167Q N   O     362 1277   14.34    8.17    6.17    8.39    8.17    6.17    8.39
    3   8385  54C 167Q N   O     369 1277   16.97    9.76    7.21    6.40    9.76    7.21    6.40
    4   8394  55Y 167Q N   O     375 1277   17.37   10.84    6.53    6.41   10.84    6.53    6.41
    5   8423  57H 167Q N   O     391 1277   14.64    9.99    4.65    6.11    9.99    4.65    6.11
    6   8447  58T 167Q N   O     401 1277   11.54    8.19    3.35    4.99    8.19    3.35    4.99
    7   8473  59G 167Q N   O     408 1277    9.07    6.08    2.99    5.43    6.08    2.99    5.43
    8   9968 162C 139R N   O    1228 1040   16.32   10.23    6.10    4.93   10.23    6.10    4.93


Feature 13                           : Mainchain Omega dihedral restraints     
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       4.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   4593  63M  63M CA  C     438  443 -143.29 -180.00   36.71    7.34 -180.00   36.71    7.34


Feature 25                           : Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints     
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       6.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   4380  15I  16S C   N     104  106  128.27 -136.60   96.75    3.40  -64.10 -130.89   28.55
    1         16S  16S N   CA    106  107  168.82  151.20                  -35.00
    2   4381  16S  17G C   N     110  112  128.53   82.20   58.40    2.14  -62.40  169.66   29.70
    2         17G  17G N   CA    112  113  -27.05    8.50                  -41.20
    3   4383  18G  19A C   N     118  120   65.88   55.40   17.61    0.75  -62.50  143.87   29.25
    3         19A  19A N   CA    120  121   24.04   38.20                  -40.90
    4   4385  20I  21A C   N     131  133   55.43   55.40    2.32    0.14  -62.50  140.72   28.59
    4         21A  21A N   CA    133  134   35.88   38.20                  -40.90
    5   4386  21A  22I C   N     136  138   33.24  -97.30  133.33    6.43 -120.60  156.78    9.82
    5         22I  22I N   CA    138  139  100.06  127.20                  130.30
    6   4389  24S  25V C   N     155  157  -86.65 -125.40   42.98    2.21  -62.40  157.59   21.41
    6         25V  25V N   CA    157  158  161.89  143.30                  -42.40
    7   4390  25V  26L C   N     162  164 -107.20 -108.50    2.38    0.11  -63.50  177.19   22.50
    7         26L  26L N   CA    164  165  130.51  132.50                  -41.20
    8   4392  27I  28T C   N     178  180 -131.05 -124.80   17.63    0.93  -63.20 -177.78   19.76
    8         28T  28T N   CA    180  181  127.01  143.50                  -42.10
    9   4393  28T  29G C   N     185  187  176.78 -167.20   17.17    0.25   82.20 -163.46   13.79
    9         29G  29G N   CA    187  188 -179.21  174.60                    8.50
   10   4394  29G  30P C   N     189  191  -78.47  -58.70   29.17    1.97  -64.50  156.87   12.46
   10         30P  30P N   CA    191  192   -9.05  -30.50                  147.20
   11   4395  30P  31G C   N     196  198  -94.48  -80.20   39.50    0.96   82.20 -123.26   18.32
   11         31G  31G N   CA    198  199 -149.07  174.10                    8.50
   12   4396  31G  32G C   N     200  202  -68.87  -62.40    6.69    1.25   82.20  159.57   12.13
   12         32G  32G N   CA    202  203  -42.88  -41.20                    8.50
   13   4397  32G  33N C   N     204  206  -58.96 -119.90   65.17    2.14  -63.20  155.06   19.62
   13         33N  33N N   CA    206  207  113.90  137.00                  -41.10
   14   4407  42K  43P C   N     284  286 -115.47  -64.50   51.43    4.96  -58.70 -175.61   19.91
   14         43P  43P N   CA    286  287  154.07  147.20                  -30.50
   15   4408  43P  44Y C   N     291  293  -82.12  -98.40   47.20    4.83  -63.50  128.85   19.52
   15         44Y  44Y N   CA    293  294   84.10  128.40                  -43.40
   16   4425  60K  61D C   N     419  421   95.22   54.50  141.97   13.72  -63.30 -146.44   24.63
   16         61D  61D N   CA    421  422  176.90   40.90                  -40.00
   17   4427  62I  63M C   N     435  437  -90.83  -63.40   67.33    8.43  -63.40   67.33    8.43
   17         63M  63M N   CA    437  438   20.99  -40.50                  -40.50
   18   4428  63M  64P C   N     443  445    0.92  -58.70   87.48    5.95  -64.50  135.17   13.54
   18         64P  64P N   CA    445  446  -94.51  -30.50                  147.20
   19   4429  64P  65G C   N     450  452  103.61   78.70   84.98    1.48  -80.20 -173.40   13.67
   19         65G  65G N   CA    452  453  112.65 -166.10                  174.10
   20   4445  80D  81L C   N     573  575   54.30   60.20   23.61    0.95  -63.50  150.50   27.51
   20         81L  81L N   CA    575  576   52.46   29.60                  -41.20
   21   4447  82I  83T C   N     589  591  -82.62  -78.10   17.88    0.92  -63.20  175.68   21.30
   21         83T  83T N   CA    591  592  132.50  149.80                  -42.10
   22   4448  83T  84V C   N     596  598  -55.95  -62.40   23.50    3.37 -125.40  177.28    6.75
   22         84V  84V N   CA    598  599  -19.81  -42.40                  143.30
   23   4451  86R  87Q C   N     619  621  -32.56  -73.00   40.48    2.92  -63.80  179.95   24.92
   23         87Q  87Q N   CA    621  622  142.48  140.70                  -40.30
   24   4484 119S 120T C   N     880  882  -99.79 -124.80   39.35    1.23  -63.20  159.48   18.27
   24        120T 120T N   CA    882  883  113.12  143.50                  -42.10
   25   4486 121L 122L C   N     895  897 -107.16 -108.50   39.12    2.13  -63.50  153.53   24.01
   25        122L 122L N   CA    897  898  171.60  132.50                  -41.20
   26   4487 122L 123R C   N     903  905 -138.54 -125.20   65.67    2.85  -63.00  136.76   23.48
   26        123R 123R N   CA    905  906 -155.10  140.60                  -41.10
   27   4490 125I 126N C   N     931  933  -91.41  -71.20   22.75    1.36  -63.20  168.04   22.60
   27        126N 126N N   CA    933  934  153.25  142.80                  -41.10
   28   4491 126N 127Q C   N     939  941  -93.75  -73.00   52.78    3.09  -63.80  133.87   21.29
   28        127Q 127Q N   CA    941  942 -170.77  140.70                  -40.30
   29   4492 127Q 128G C   N     948  950  -59.66  -62.40    3.96    0.56   82.20  151.28   11.56
   29        128G 128G N   CA    950  951  -44.05  -41.20                    8.50
   30   4493 128G 129D C   N     952  954  -92.67  -70.90   24.58    1.35  -63.30  161.00   21.74
   30        129D 129D N   CA    954  955  161.71  150.30                  -40.00
   31   4495 130I 131K C   N     968  970 -134.64 -118.00   24.00    0.85  -62.90  177.90   27.40
   31        131K 131K N   CA    970  971  156.41  139.10                  -40.80
   32   4496 131K 132G C   N     977  979 -152.08 -167.20   45.39    1.52   82.20  176.09   13.53
   32        132G 132G N   CA    979  980  131.80  174.60                    8.50
   33   4498 133A 134C C   N     986  988 -135.53  -63.00   74.04   11.46  -63.00   74.04   11.46
   33        134C 134C N   CA    988  989  -26.19  -41.10                  -41.10
   34   4499 134C 135D C   N     992  994  -59.58  -63.30    6.37    0.68  -70.90  164.92    8.69
   34        135D 135D N   CA    994  995  -45.17  -40.00                  150.30
   35   4500 135D 136Q C   N    1000 1002  -64.69  -63.80    4.62    0.73 -121.10 -175.69    9.48
   35        136Q 136Q N   CA   1002 1003  -44.83  -40.30                  139.70
   36   4503 138R 139R C   N    1028 1030 -139.47 -125.20   41.32    2.23  -63.00  162.09   18.38
   36        139R 139R N   CA   1030 1031  101.82  140.60                  -41.10
   37   4509 144G 145G C   N    1081 1083  -70.17  -62.40    9.35    1.39   82.20  158.74   11.94
   37        145G 145G N   CA   1083 1084  -36.00  -41.20                    8.50
   38   4511 146K 147Q C   N    1094 1096  -67.92  -73.00   12.75    0.75  -63.80  169.36   24.69
   38        147Q 147Q N   CA   1096 1097  129.01  140.70                  -40.30
   39   4512 147Q 148W C   N    1103 1105 -144.77 -124.90   50.48    1.94  -63.00  150.20   24.26
   39        148W 148W N   CA   1105 1106 -170.20  143.40                  -44.20
   40   4513 148W 149K C   N    1117 1119  -92.03  -70.20   44.59    2.75  -62.90  142.92   20.26
   40        149K 149K N   CA   1119 1120  179.28  140.40                  -40.80
   41   4514 149K 150G C   N    1126 1128  124.39   78.70   49.61    1.88   82.20  171.35   10.36
   41        150G 150G N   CA   1128 1129  174.57 -166.10                    8.50
   42   4515 150G 151L C   N    1130 1132  -71.71  -70.70    5.45    0.38  -63.50  172.04   24.37
   42        151L 151L N   CA   1132 1133  146.96  141.60                  -41.20
   43   4516 151L 152M C   N    1138 1140  -64.06  -73.00   33.41    2.13  -63.40  151.31   22.54
   43        152M 152M N   CA   1140 1141  110.81  143.00                  -40.50
   44   4517 152M 153T C   N    1146 1148 -156.31 -124.80   56.00    1.73  -63.20  158.36   26.10
   44        153T 153T N   CA   1148 1149 -170.20  143.50                  -42.10
   45   4518 153T 154R C   N    1153 1155  -64.24  -72.10   13.38    1.16  -63.00  166.17   22.53
   45        154R 154R N   CA   1155 1156  152.73  141.90                  -41.10
   46   4519 154R 155R C   N    1164 1166  -65.57  -72.10    7.65    0.51  -63.00  179.03   24.01
   46        155R 155R N   CA   1166 1167  137.92  141.90                  -41.10
   47   4520 155R 156E C   N    1175 1177 -112.87 -117.80    5.10    0.22  -63.60 -174.92   22.35
   47        156E 156E N   CA   1177 1178  138.10  136.80                  -40.30
   48   4521 156E 157V C   N    1184 1186  -63.28  -62.40    2.53    0.37 -125.40 -177.19   10.25
   48        157V 157V N   CA   1186 1187  -44.77  -42.40                  143.30
   49   4522 157V 158E C   N    1191 1193  -63.56  -69.30    8.54    0.78  -63.60  170.88   22.78
   49        158E 158E N   CA   1193 1194  148.82  142.50                  -40.30
   50   4523 158E 159R C   N    1200 1202   67.40   57.30   20.25    1.02  -63.00  144.19   26.20
   50        159R 159R N   CA   1202 1203   20.45   38.00                  -41.10
   51   4524 159R 160D C   N    1211 1213 -112.67  -96.50   19.06    0.78  -63.30  152.33   16.49
   51        160D 160D N   CA   1213 1214  104.11  114.20                  -40.00
   52   4526 161V 162C C   N    1226 1228 -139.46 -117.90   22.51    0.66  -63.00 -172.37   28.62
   52        162C 162C N   CA   1228 1229  147.56  141.10                  -41.10
   53   4527 162C 163L C   N    1232 1234 -174.21 -108.50   70.27    3.67  -63.50 -174.53   23.02
   53        163L 163L N   CA   1234 1235  107.61  132.50                  -41.20
   54   4528 163L 164W C   N    1240 1242  105.56   58.80  119.47    9.78  -63.00 -118.56   28.62
   54        164W 164W N   CA   1242 1243  142.94   33.00                  -44.20
   55   4530 165G 166K C   N    1258 1260 -163.22 -118.00   79.03    3.01  -62.90  152.81   25.66
   55        166K 166K N   CA   1260 1261 -156.08  139.10                  -40.80

report______> Distribution of short non-bonded contacts:

DISTANCE1:  0.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40
DISTANCE2:  2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50
FREQUENCY:     0    0    0    0    1   12   30  118  120  159  153  177  206  229  225

<< end of ENERGY.
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      167
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1278    1278
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    10916   10916
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):     3048
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 2, NATM x NATM cell sorting
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        0   99999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :    4.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       T       F       F       F
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :        1576.4534

Summary of the restraint violations: 

   NUM     ... number of restraints.
   NUMVI   ... number of restraints with RVIOL > VIOL_REPORT_CUT[i].
   RVIOL   ... relative difference from the best value.
   NUMVP   ... number of restraints with -Ln(pdf) > VIOL_REPORT_CUT2[i].
   RMS_1   ... RMS(feature, minimally_violated_basis_restraint, NUMB).
   RMS_2   ... RMS(feature, best_value, NUMB).
   MOL.PDF ... scaled contribution to -Ln(Molecular pdf).

 #                     RESTRAINT_GROUP      NUM   NUMVI  NUMVP   RMS_1   RMS_2         MOL.PDF     S_i
 1 Bond length potential              :    1300       0      0   0.007   0.007      18.205       1.000
 2 Bond angle potential               :    1756       2      9   2.332   2.332      178.26       1.000
 3 Stereochemical cosine torsion poten:     794       0     38  49.357  49.357      305.13       1.000
 4 Stereochemical improper torsion pot:     515       0      0   1.341   1.341      18.806       1.000
 5 Soft-sphere overlap restraints     :    3048       0      0   0.005   0.005      7.4421       1.000
 6 Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 7 Coulomb point-point electrostatic p:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 8 H-bonding potential                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 9 Distance restraints 1 (CA-CA)      :    2408       3     19   0.881   0.881      238.22       1.000
10 Distance restraints 2 (N-O)        :    2597      12     34   1.012   1.012      425.34       1.000
11 Mainchain Phi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
12 Mainchain Psi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
13 Mainchain Omega dihedral restraints:     166       1      5   5.480   5.480      58.787       1.000
14 Sidechain Chi_1 dihedral restraints:     133       0      0  80.194  80.194      37.146       1.000
15 Sidechain Chi_2 dihedral restraints:      98       0      1  77.300  77.300      36.755       1.000
16 Sidechain Chi_3 dihedral restraints:      45       0      0  82.198  82.198      29.592       1.000
17 Sidechain Chi_4 dihedral restraints:      23       0      0 106.097 106.097      13.842       1.000
18 Disulfide distance restraints      :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
19 Disulfide angle restraints         :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
20 Disulfide dihedral angle restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
21 Lower bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
22 Upper bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
23 Distance restraints 3 (SDCH-MNCH)  :     809       0      0   0.449   0.449      10.789       1.000
24 Sidechain Chi_5 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
25 Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints:     165      52     33  36.867  96.219      180.21       1.000
26 Distance restraints 4 (SDCH-SDCH)  :     107       0      1   1.800   1.800      17.937       1.000
27 Distance restraints 5 (X-Y)        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
28 NMR distance restraints 6 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
29 NMR distance restraints 7 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
30 Minimal distance restraints        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
31 Non-bonded restraints              :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
32 Atomic accessibility restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
33 Atomic density restraints          :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
34 Absolute position restraints       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
35 Dihedral angle difference restraint:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
36 GBSA implicit solvent potential    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
37 EM density fitting potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
38 SAXS restraints                    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
39 Symmetry restraints                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000

# Heavy relative violation of each residue is written to: O80292.V99990002
# The profile is NOT normalized by the number of restraints.
# The profiles are smoothed over a window of residues:    1
# The sum of all numbers in the file:   23982.0918

List of the violated restraints:
   A restraint is violated when the relative difference
   from the best value (RVIOL) is larger than CUTOFF.

   ICSR   ... index of a restraint in the current set.
   RESNO  ... residue numbers of the first two atoms.
   ATM    ... IUPAC atom names of the first two atoms.
   FEAT   ... the value of the feature in the model.
   restr  ... the mean of the basis restraint with the smallest
              difference from the model (local minimum).
   viol   ... difference from the local minimum.
   rviol  ... relative difference from the local minimum.
   RESTR  ... the best value (global minimum).
   VIOL   ... difference from the best value.
   RVIOL  ... relative difference from the best value.


Feature  2                           : Bond angle potential                    
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       4.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   3044 166K 167Q C   N    1267 1269  139.91  120.00   19.91    4.53  120.00   19.91    4.53
    2   3047 167Q 167Q N   CA   1269 1270  127.83  107.00   20.83    4.73  107.00   20.83    4.73


Feature 10                           : Distance restraints 2 (N-O)             
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       4.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   8363  52T 167Q N   O     355 1277   13.46    8.62    4.84    5.46    8.62    4.84    5.46
    2   8377  53V 167Q N   O     362 1277   14.31    8.17    6.14    8.34    8.17    6.14    8.34
    3   8385  54C 167Q N   O     369 1277   16.97    9.76    7.21    6.40    9.76    7.21    6.40
    4   8394  55Y 167Q N   O     375 1277   17.75   10.84    6.91    6.78   10.84    6.91    6.78
    5   8423  57H 167Q N   O     391 1277   14.67    9.99    4.69    6.16    9.99    4.69    6.16
    6   8447  58T 167Q N   O     401 1277   11.46    8.19    3.27    4.88    8.19    3.27    4.88
    7   8473  59G 167Q N   O     408 1277    8.97    6.08    2.88    5.24    6.08    2.88    5.24


Feature 13                           : Mainchain Omega dihedral restraints     
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       4.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   4593  63M  63M CA  C     438  443 -143.56 -180.00   36.44    7.29 -180.00   36.44    7.29


Feature 25                           : Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints     
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       6.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   4379  14A  15I C   N      96   98 -105.02 -120.60   72.83    3.57  -63.40  110.87   17.02
    1         15I  15I N   CA     98   99   59.16  130.30                  -43.60
    2   4380  15I  16S C   N     104  106   51.63   56.90    9.62    1.05  -64.10  131.94   17.44
    2         16S  16S N   CA    106  107   28.36   36.40                  -35.00
    3   4383  18G  19A C   N     118  120   64.56   55.40   23.53    0.86  -62.50  139.43   28.32
    3         19A  19A N   CA    120  121   16.52   38.20                  -40.90
    4   4385  20I  21A C   N     131  133   66.27  -68.20  142.93   13.51  -62.50  179.71   27.86
    4         21A  21A N   CA    133  134 -166.26  145.30                  -40.90
    5   4389  24S  25V C   N     155  157 -119.76 -125.40    9.31    0.53  -62.40  176.47   25.87
    5         25V  25V N   CA    157  158  150.71  143.30                  -42.40
    6   4390  25V  26L C   N     162  164 -131.57 -108.50   51.76    2.51  -63.50  155.64   25.82
    6         26L  26L N   CA    164  165  178.84  132.50                  -41.20
    7   4392  27I  28T C   N     178  180 -147.18 -124.80   24.08    1.02  -63.20 -174.40   29.25
    7         28T  28T N   CA    180  181  152.39  143.50                  -42.10
    8   4393  28T  29G C   N     185  187  101.19   78.70   55.20    0.83   82.20  136.32    7.56
    8         29G  29G N   CA    187  188  143.49 -166.10                    8.50
    9   4396  31G  32G C   N     200  202 -151.97 -167.20   16.00    0.43   82.20 -147.71   15.67
    9         32G  32G N   CA    202  203  179.48  174.60                    8.50
   10   4397  32G  33N C   N     204  206   98.08   55.90  102.56   10.31  -63.20 -122.69   38.13
   10         33N  33N N   CA    206  207  132.98   39.50                  -41.10
   11   4398  33N  34D C   N     212  214 -127.76  -63.30   75.01    9.50  -63.30   75.01    9.50
   11         34D  34D N   CA    214  215   -1.63  -40.00                  -40.00
   12   4408  43P  44Y C   N     291  293   63.66   55.90    7.81    0.83  -63.50  151.32   28.63
   12         44Y  44Y N   CA    293  294   38.62   39.50                  -43.40
   13   4419  54C  55Y C   N     373  375 -104.72  -98.40   74.83    7.90  -63.50  105.62   14.95
   13         55Y  55Y N   CA    375  376   53.84  128.40                  -43.40
   14   4425  60K  61D C   N     419  421   71.21  -70.90  152.39   12.71  -63.30  176.77   20.64
   14         61D  61D N   CA    421  422 -154.70  150.30                  -40.00
   15   4428  63M  64P C   N     443  445   10.42  -64.50   95.70    6.56  -64.50   95.70    6.56
   15         64P  64P N   CA    445  446   87.65  147.20                  147.20
   16   4437  72E  73C C   N     512  514 -124.20  -63.00   65.59    9.39  -63.00   65.59    9.39
   16         73C  73C N   CA    514  515  -17.49  -41.10                  -41.10
   17   4444  79K  80D C   N     565  567 -130.88  -96.50   55.21    2.27  -63.30  129.95   13.82
   17         80D  80D N   CA    567  568   71.00  114.20                  -40.00
   18   4445  80D  81L C   N     573  575  -47.93  -70.70   47.30    2.94  -63.50  142.19   20.67
   18         81L  81L N   CA    575  576  100.14  141.60                  -41.20
   19   4448  83T  84V C   N     596  598   62.09   55.90    6.48    0.79 -125.40 -159.64   10.67
   19         84V  84V N   CA    598  599   41.39   39.50                  143.30
   20   4475 110N 111V C   N     817  819  -97.90 -125.40   71.14    2.72  -62.40  125.23   14.16
   20        111V 111V N   CA    819  820   77.69  143.30                  -42.40
   21   4486 121L 122L C   N     895  897  -66.18  -70.70    9.75    0.61  -63.50  174.18   24.03
   21        122L 122L N   CA    897  898  132.96  141.60                  -41.20
   22   4487 122L 123R C   N     903  905 -104.51 -125.20   32.00    1.77  -63.00  159.40   24.40
   22        123R 123R N   CA    905  906  165.00  140.60                  -41.10
   23   4488 123R 124K C   N     914  916  -62.44  -70.20   10.62    0.64  -62.90  173.94   22.61
   23        124K 124K N   CA    916  917  133.14  140.40                  -40.80
   24   4490 125I 126N C   N     931  933  -85.58  -71.20   73.43    5.11  -63.20  114.10   13.15
   24        126N 126N N   CA    933  934   70.79  142.80                  -41.10
   25   4491 126N 127Q C   N     939  941 -136.52 -121.10   29.80    1.56  -63.80  170.76   22.14
   25        127Q 127Q N   CA    941  942  114.20  139.70                  -40.30
   26   4492 127Q 128G C   N     948  950   59.11   78.70   36.29    0.57   82.20  145.90    8.22
   26        128G 128G N   CA    950  951 -135.56 -166.10                    8.50
   27   4493 128G 129D C   N     952  954  -78.07  -70.90   17.20    0.58  -63.30  154.77   20.03
   27        129D 129D N   CA    954  955  165.93  150.30                  -40.00
   28   4495 130I 131K C   N     968  970 -128.83 -118.00   11.59    0.39  -62.90 -172.07   28.34
   28        131K 131K N   CA    970  971  143.21  139.10                  -40.80
   29   4496 131K 132G C   N     977  979  -79.77  -80.20    3.94    0.13   82.20 -131.14    7.17
   29        132G 132G N   CA    979  980  170.19  174.10                    8.50
   30   4498 133A 134C C   N     986  988 -150.92  -63.00   88.68   15.30  -63.00   88.68   15.30
   30        134C 134C N   CA    988  989  -52.75  -41.10                  -41.10
   31   4499 134C 135D C   N     992  994  -59.76  -63.30    3.87    0.52  -70.90  168.50    8.86
   31        135D 135D N   CA    994  995  -41.57  -40.00                  150.30
   32   4500 135D 136Q C   N    1000 1002  -62.41  -63.80    7.47    1.03 -121.10 -177.64    9.40
   32        136Q 136Q N   CA   1002 1003  -47.64  -40.30                  139.70
   33   4503 138R 139R C   N    1028 1030 -129.10 -125.20   37.98    1.91  -63.00  158.37   18.10
   33        139R 139R N   CA   1030 1031  102.82  140.60                  -41.10
   34   4509 144G 145G C   N    1081 1083  -80.89  -80.20   22.77    0.86   82.20 -123.23   18.07
   34        145G 145G N   CA   1083 1084 -163.14  174.10                    8.50
   35   4510 145G 146K C   N    1085 1087  -63.61  -70.20   19.76    1.57  -62.90  160.18   20.84
   35        146K 146K N   CA   1087 1088  159.02  140.40                  -40.80
   36   4511 146K 147Q C   N    1094 1096  -60.95  -73.00   14.76    1.15  -63.80  170.50   24.92
   36        147Q 147Q N   CA   1096 1097  149.23  140.70                  -40.30
   37   4512 147Q 148W C   N    1103 1105 -100.24 -124.90   35.30    1.13  -63.00  166.55   18.97
   37        148W 148W N   CA   1105 1106  118.13  143.40                  -44.20
   38   4513 148W 149K C   N    1117 1119 -166.45 -118.00   49.35    1.72  -62.90 -160.30   32.10
   38        149K 149K N   CA   1119 1120  148.44  139.10                  -40.80
   39   4514 149K 150G C   N    1126 1128   75.89   78.70    8.93    0.37   82.20  177.03    8.28
   39        150G 150G N   CA   1128 1129 -174.58 -166.10                    8.50
   40   4515 150G 151L C   N    1130 1132  -85.02  -70.70   26.08    1.61  -63.50  156.88   23.07
   40        151L 151L N   CA   1132 1133  163.40  141.60                  -41.20
   41   4516 151L 152M C   N    1138 1140  -82.30  -73.00   37.39    2.39  -63.40  141.55   22.64
   41        152M 152M N   CA   1140 1141  179.21  143.00                  -40.50
   42   4517 152M 153T C   N    1146 1148  -73.74  -78.10   35.85    1.68  -63.20  132.93   17.75
   42        153T 153T N   CA   1148 1149 -174.62  149.80                  -42.10
   43   4519 154R 155R C   N    1164 1166 -153.89 -125.20   33.78    1.00  -63.00 -175.57   31.03
   43        155R 155R N   CA   1166 1167  158.43  140.60                  -41.10
   44   4520 155R 156E C   N    1175 1177  -99.83 -117.80   32.32    1.18  -63.60  154.54   18.85
   44        156E 156E N   CA   1177 1178  109.93  136.80                  -40.30
   45   4521 156E 157V C   N    1184 1186  -64.76  -62.40    2.88    0.49 -125.40 -177.00   10.24
   45        157V 157V N   CA   1186 1187  -44.04  -42.40                  143.30
   46   4522 157V 158E C   N    1191 1193 -140.67 -117.80   56.22    2.29  -63.60  152.45   24.58
   46        158E 158E N   CA   1193 1194 -171.84  136.80                  -40.30
   47   4523 158E 159R C   N    1200 1202  -60.34  -72.10   12.28    0.86  -63.00  179.46   24.42
   47        159R 159R N   CA   1202 1203  138.35  141.90                  -41.10
   48   4524 159R 160D C   N    1211 1213  -68.37  -70.90    9.92    0.37  -63.30  179.36   22.45
   48        160D 160D N   CA   1213 1214  140.71  150.30                  -40.00
   49   4526 161V 162C C   N    1226 1228  -99.33 -117.90   80.35    3.41  -63.00  106.04   15.65
   49        162C 162C N   CA   1228 1229 -140.72  141.10                  -41.10
   50   4527 162C 163L C   N    1232 1234  178.00 -108.50   74.93    3.75  -63.50 -161.61   24.63
   50        163L 163L N   CA   1234 1235  117.91  132.50                  -41.20
   51   4528 163L 164W C   N    1240 1242 -154.53 -124.90   65.70    2.43  -63.00  146.01   24.32
   51        164W 164W N   CA   1242 1243 -157.97  143.40                  -44.20
   52   4530 165G 166K C   N    1258 1260 -155.27 -118.00   74.56    2.95  -62.90  147.91   24.60
   52        166K 166K N   CA   1260 1261 -156.32  139.10                  -40.80

report______> Distribution of short non-bonded contacts:

DISTANCE1:  0.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40
DISTANCE2:  2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50
FREQUENCY:     0    0    0    0    0   19   26  117  112  168  167  165  214  237  214

<< end of ENERGY.

>> Summary of successfully produced models:
Filename                          molpdf
O80292.B99990001.pdb          1680.59094
O80292.B99990002.pdb          1576.45337

In [11]:
import nglview
import ipywidgets
w1 = nglview.show_structure_file('O80292.B99990001.pdb')
In [ ]:
In [12]:
w2 = nglview.show_structure_file('O80292.B99990002.pdb')
In [ ]:

В созданных моделях нет лиганда. Исправим:

In [13]:
for i in alignm2[0].residues:
    seq  =seq + i.code
seql=seq + "..."
print seql
In [22]:
with open('seql.fasta', 'w') as outfilea:
    outfilea.write('>O80292_lig  blabla' +'\n')
In [28]:
In [29]:
alignm3.append(file='seql.fasta', align_codes='all',alignment_format='FASTA')
## создадим модель
mdl = modeller.model(env, file='1lmp.pdb', model_segment=('FIRST:'+'A', 'LAST:'+'A'))
## и добавим в выравнивание
alignm3.append_model(mdl, atom_files='1lmp.pdb', align_codes='1lmp')
## есть смысл поправить идентификаторы
In [30]:
sl = alignm3[0]
pdb = alignm3[1]

print sl.code, pdb.code
O80292_lig 1lmp
In [31]:
alignm3.write(file='all_in_one3.ali', alignment_format='PIR')

b = modeller.automodel.automodel(env, alnfile='all_in_one3.ali', knowns= pdb.code , sequence = sl.code)
b.starting_model = 1
b.ending_model = 2
SALIGN_____> adding the next group to the alignment; iteration    1
automodel__W> Topology and/or parameter libraries already in memory. These will
                be used instead of the automodel defaults. If this is not what you
                want, clear them before creating the automodel object with
                env.libs.topology.clear() and env.libs.parameters.clear()
fndatmi_285W> Only      129 residues out of      132 contain atoms of type  CA
              (This is usually caused by non-standard residues, such
              as ligands, or by PDB files with missing atoms.)
fndatmi_285W> Only      129 residues out of      132 contain atoms of type  CA
              (This is usually caused by non-standard residues, such
              as ligands, or by PDB files with missing atoms.)

check_ali___> Checking the sequence-structure alignment. 

Implied target CA(i)-CA(i+1) distances longer than  8.0 angstroms:


getf_______W> RTF restraint not found in the atoms list:
              residue type, indices:    14   167
              atom names           : C     +N
              atom indices         :  1276     0

getf_______W> RTF restraint not found in the atoms list:
              residue type, indices:    14   167
              atom names           : C     CA    +N    O
              atom indices         :  1276  1270     0  1277
fndatmi_285W> Only      129 residues out of      132 contain atoms of type  CA
              (This is usually caused by non-standard residues, such
              as ligands, or by PDB files with missing atoms.)
mdtrsr__446W> A potential that relies on one protein is used, yet you have at
              least one known structure available. MDT, not library, potential is used.
iup2crm_280W> No topology library in memory or assigning a BLK residue.
              Default CHARMM atom type assigned:  C1 -->  CT2
              This message is written only for the first such atom.
43 atoms in HETATM residues constrained
to protein atoms within 2.30 angstroms
and protein CA atoms within 10.00 angstroms
43 atoms in residues without defined topology
constrained to be rigid bodies
condens_443_> Restraints marked for deletion were removed.
              Total number of restraints before, now:    13455    12297
read_pd_403W> Treating residue type  NAG as a BLK (rigid body)
              even though topology information appears to be at least
              partially available. To treat this residue flexibly
              instead, remove the corresponding 'MODELLER BLK RESIDUE'
              REMARK from the input PDB file.
read_pd_403W> Treating residue type  NAG as a BLK (rigid body)
              even though topology information appears to be at least
              partially available. To treat this residue flexibly
              instead, remove the corresponding 'MODELLER BLK RESIDUE'
              REMARK from the input PDB file.
read_pd_403W> Treating residue type  NDG as a BLK (rigid body)
              even though topology information appears to be at least
              partially available. To treat this residue flexibly
              instead, remove the corresponding 'MODELLER BLK RESIDUE'
              REMARK from the input PDB file.
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      170
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1321    1321
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    12297   12297
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):     3088
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 2, NATM x NATM cell sorting
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        0   99999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :    4.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       T       F       F       F
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :        1248.1348

Summary of the restraint violations: 

   NUM     ... number of restraints.
   NUMVI   ... number of restraints with RVIOL > VIOL_REPORT_CUT[i].
   RVIOL   ... relative difference from the best value.
   NUMVP   ... number of restraints with -Ln(pdf) > VIOL_REPORT_CUT2[i].
   RMS_1   ... RMS(feature, minimally_violated_basis_restraint, NUMB).
   RMS_2   ... RMS(feature, best_value, NUMB).
   MOL.PDF ... scaled contribution to -Ln(Molecular pdf).

 #                     RESTRAINT_GROUP      NUM   NUMVI  NUMVP   RMS_1   RMS_2         MOL.PDF     S_i
 1 Bond length potential              :    1300       0      0   0.006   0.006      11.327       1.000
 2 Bond angle potential               :    1756       2     10   2.932   2.932      204.00       1.000
 3 Stereochemical cosine torsion poten:     794       0     50  51.488  51.488      324.72       1.000
 4 Stereochemical improper torsion pot:     515       0      0   1.505   1.505      23.067       1.000
 5 Soft-sphere overlap restraints     :    3088       1      2   0.008   0.008      22.110       1.000
 6 Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 7 Coulomb point-point electrostatic p:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 8 H-bonding potential                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 9 Distance restraints 1 (CA-CA)      :    2405       0      1   0.331   0.331      82.468       1.000
10 Distance restraints 2 (N-O)        :    2564       0      7   0.498   0.498      162.51       1.000
11 Mainchain Phi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
12 Mainchain Psi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
13 Mainchain Omega dihedral restraints:     166       0      4   4.658   4.658      42.469       1.000
14 Sidechain Chi_1 dihedral restraints:     133       0      2  81.819  81.819      51.198       1.000
15 Sidechain Chi_2 dihedral restraints:      98       0      0  78.859  78.859      41.154       1.000
16 Sidechain Chi_3 dihedral restraints:      45       0      0  67.316  67.316      23.395       1.000
17 Sidechain Chi_4 dihedral restraints:      23       0      0  94.244  94.244      15.854       1.000
18 Disulfide distance restraints      :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
19 Disulfide angle restraints         :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
20 Disulfide dihedral angle restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
21 Lower bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
22 Upper bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
23 Distance restraints 3 (SDCH-MNCH)  :     818       0      0   0.337   0.337      10.667       1.000
24 Sidechain Chi_5 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
25 Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints:     165      47     36  38.453  85.763      206.71       1.000
26 Distance restraints 4 (SDCH-SDCH)  :     114       0      1   1.481   1.481      11.940       1.000
27 Distance restraints 5 (X-Y)        :    1401       0      0   0.035   0.035      14.542       1.000
28 NMR distance restraints 6 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
29 NMR distance restraints 7 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
30 Minimal distance restraints        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
31 Non-bonded restraints              :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
32 Atomic accessibility restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
33 Atomic density restraints          :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
34 Absolute position restraints       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
35 Dihedral angle difference restraint:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
36 GBSA implicit solvent potential    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
37 EM density fitting potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
38 SAXS restraints                    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
39 Symmetry restraints                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000

# Heavy relative violation of each residue is written to: O80292_lig.V99990001
# The profile is NOT normalized by the number of restraints.
# The profiles are smoothed over a window of residues:    1
# The sum of all numbers in the file:   22532.4824

List of the violated restraints:
   A restraint is violated when the relative difference
   from the best value (RVIOL) is larger than CUTOFF.

   ICSR   ... index of a restraint in the current set.
   RESNO  ... residue numbers of the first two atoms.
   ATM    ... IUPAC atom names of the first two atoms.
   FEAT   ... the value of the feature in the model.
   restr  ... the mean of the basis restraint with the smallest
              difference from the model (local minimum).
   viol   ... difference from the local minimum.
   rviol  ... relative difference from the local minimum.
   RESTR  ... the best value (global minimum).
   VIOL   ... difference from the best value.
   RVIOL  ... relative difference from the best value.


Feature 25                           : Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints     
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       6.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   4367   2A   3M C   N      12   14  -91.50  -73.00   20.90    1.41  -63.40  169.11   27.49
    1          3M   3M N   CA     14   15  152.74  143.00                  -40.50
    2   4380  15I  16S C   N     104  106   79.11   56.90   24.86    2.16  -64.10  155.37   20.75
    2         16S  16S N   CA    106  107   25.24   36.40                  -35.00
    3   4383  18G  19A C   N     118  120   60.46   55.40   10.07    0.38  -62.50  141.68   28.81
    3         19A  19A N   CA    120  121   29.49   38.20                  -40.90
    4   4385  20I  21A C   N     131  133   50.18   55.40    9.97    0.38  -62.50  142.72   28.86
    4         21A  21A N   CA    133  134   46.69   38.20                  -40.90
    5   4386  21A  22I C   N     136  138   33.19  -97.30  134.19    6.67  -63.40  169.69   31.23
    5         22I  22I N   CA    138  139   95.92  127.20                  -43.60
    6   4389  24S  25V C   N     155  157 -171.30 -125.40   98.04    3.48  -62.40  139.80   23.69
    6         25V  25V N   CA    157  158 -130.07  143.30                  -42.40
    7   4390  25V  26L C   N     162  164  -23.63  -70.70   74.13    4.63  -63.50  131.71   20.75
    7         26L  26L N   CA    164  165   84.33  141.60                  -41.20
    8   4392  27I  28T C   N     178  180 -112.81 -124.80   64.72    3.13  -63.20  121.40   18.82
    8         28T  28T N   CA    180  181 -152.90  143.50                  -42.10
    9   4395  30P  31G C   N     196  198 -143.76 -167.20   29.56    0.56   82.20 -160.27   15.16
    9         31G  31G N   CA    198  199  156.58  174.60                    8.50
   10   4396  31G  32G C   N     200  202  155.60 -167.20   46.91    1.65   82.20  155.88   10.88
   10         32G  32G N   CA    202  203  146.02  174.60                    8.50
   11   4397  32G  33N C   N     204  206 -150.61 -119.90   38.23    1.11  -63.20 -178.44   27.59
   11         33N  33N N   CA    206  207  159.76  137.00                  -41.10
   12   4398  33N  34D C   N     212  214  -69.93  -70.90    6.69    0.38  -63.30  163.22   20.55
   12         34D  34D N   CA    214  215  156.91  150.30                  -40.00
   13   4399  34D  35G C   N     220  222 -125.88 -167.20   45.29    0.68   82.20 -148.22   16.28
   13         35G  35G N   CA    222  223  156.06  174.60                    8.50
   14   4400  35G  36L C   N     224  226  -90.46  -70.70   32.35    2.01  -63.50  153.96   23.01
   14         36L  36L N   CA    226  227  167.21  141.60                  -41.20
   15   4401  36L  37E C   N     232  234  -60.25  -69.30    9.34    0.62  -63.60  179.52   23.76
   15         37E  37E N   CA    234  235  140.21  142.50                  -40.30
   16   4402  37E  38G C   N     241  243  160.94 -167.20   31.99    0.55   82.20 -173.57   12.67
   16         38G  38G N   CA    243  244  177.50  174.60                    8.50
   17   4404  39V  40R C   N     252  254 -155.40 -125.20   38.49    1.14  -63.00  179.98   30.50
   17         40R  40R N   CA    254  255  164.46  140.60                  -41.10
   18   4405  40R  41Y C   N     263  265 -122.25 -124.30    9.45    0.59  -63.50 -178.27   31.80
   18         41Y  41Y N   CA    265  266  144.63  135.40                  -43.40
   19   4406  41Y  42K C   N     275  277   50.91   56.60   10.67    0.56  -62.90  144.12   24.94
   19         42K  42K N   CA    277  278   47.62   38.60                  -40.80
   20   4409  44Y  45K C   N     303  305  -91.88  -70.20   26.78    2.23  -62.90  168.01   20.41
   20         45K  45K N   CA    305  306  124.69  140.40                  -40.80
   21   4410  45K  46D C   N     312  314  -76.89  -70.90   11.57    0.86  -63.30 -179.88   23.07
   21         46D  46D N   CA    314  315  140.40  150.30                  -40.00
   22   4413  48V  49G C   N     334  336  -62.92  -62.40    4.77    0.69   82.20  151.93   11.47
   22         49G  49G N   CA    336  337  -36.46  -41.20                    8.50
   23   4415  50V  51L C   N     345  347  -49.95  -70.70   25.14    2.53  -63.50  163.57   21.97
   23         51L  51L N   CA    347  348  155.79  141.60                  -41.20
   24   4419  54C  55Y C   N     373  375 -145.71 -124.30   35.61    1.45  -63.50  173.46   31.50
   24         55Y  55Y N   CA    375  376  163.86  135.40                  -43.40
   25   4420  55Y  56G C   N     385  387   83.97   78.70    5.27    0.27   82.20  174.56    8.39
   25         56G  56G N   CA    387  388 -166.05 -166.10                    8.50
   26   4421  56G  57H C   N     389  391  -96.68  -63.20   43.16    7.34  -63.20   43.16    7.34
   26         57H  57H N   CA    391  392  -69.53  -42.30                  -42.30
   27   4422  57H  58T C   N     399  401  -82.90  -78.10    5.07    0.33  -63.20  170.86   23.22
   27         58T  58T N   CA    401  402  148.18  149.80                  -42.10
   28   4425  60K  61D C   N     419  421 -130.61  -70.90   71.74    3.55  -63.30  146.33   22.39
   28         61D  61D N   CA    421  422 -169.93  150.30                  -40.00
   29   4427  62I  63M C   N     435  437 -127.83 -125.60   43.72    2.14  -63.40  151.70   18.91
   29         63M  63M N   CA    437  438   96.84  140.50                  -40.50
   30   4429  64P  65G C   N     450  452   99.88   82.20   71.14    2.57  -62.40  163.41   28.35
   30         65G  65G N   CA    452  453  -60.41    8.50                  -41.20
   31   4438  73C  74K C   N     518  520 -147.99  -62.90  103.96   13.51  -62.90  103.96   13.51
   31         74K  74K N   CA    520  521   18.92  -40.80                  -40.80
   32   4439  74K  75A C   N     527  529   53.34   55.40    4.63    0.17  -62.50  142.65   28.92
   32         75A  75A N   CA    529  530   42.35   38.20                  -40.90
   33   4440  75A  76L C   N     532  534   68.40   60.20   14.62    0.58  -63.50  144.37   26.59
   33         76L  76L N   CA    534  535   17.50   29.60                  -41.20
   34   4443  78N  79K C   N     556  558  -98.82  -62.90   76.29    8.76  -62.90   76.29    8.76
   34         79K  79K N   CA    558  559   26.50  -40.80                  -40.80
   35   4449  84V  85A C   N     603  605  -87.06  -68.20   70.08    6.28  -62.50  121.22   18.82
   35         85A  85A N   CA    605  606   77.81  145.30                  -40.90
   36   4450  85A  86R C   N     608  610 -173.35  -63.00  123.15   16.85  -63.00  123.15   16.85
   36         86R  86R N   CA    610  611   13.58  -41.10                  -41.10
   37   4451  86R  87Q C   N     619  621   59.71   55.10    7.90    0.41  -63.80  144.08   26.15
   37         87Q  87Q N   CA    621  622   33.88   40.30                  -40.30
   38   4456  91Y  92I C   N     663  665   65.60  -97.30  170.97    8.14 -120.60 -179.47   10.76
   38         92I  92I N   CA    665  666  179.11  127.20                  130.30
   39   4464  99T 100T C   N     726  728 -115.05  -63.20   52.72    8.68  -63.20   52.72    8.68
   39        100T 100T N   CA    728  729  -51.62  -42.10                  -42.10
   40   4469 104L 105Y C   N     761  763   73.93   55.90   24.51    1.53  -63.50  152.59   28.64
   40        105Y 105Y N   CA    763  764   22.89   39.50                  -43.40
   41   4470 105Y 106S C   N     773  775 -135.47  -64.10   81.66    8.23  -64.10   81.66    8.23
   41        106S 106S N   CA    775  776    4.67  -35.00                  -35.00
   42   4473 108V 109Y C   N     797  799   61.32   55.90    7.90    0.93 -124.30 -163.69   16.31
   42        109Y 109Y N   CA    799  800   45.24   39.50                  135.40
   43   4506 141T 142Y C   N    1060 1062   71.99   55.90  163.34   12.64 -124.30  176.75   10.70
   43        142Y 142Y N   CA   1062 1063 -157.95   39.50                  135.40
   44   4508 143A 144G C   N    1077 1079  -55.86  -62.40   20.85    3.46   82.20  141.26   10.40
   44        144G 144G N   CA   1079 1080  -21.40  -41.20                    8.50
   45   4526 161V 162C C   N    1226 1228 -108.62  -63.00   81.60    8.61  -63.00   81.60    8.61
   45        162C 162C N   CA   1228 1229   26.56  -41.10                  -41.10
   46   4528 163L 164W C   N    1240 1242   72.60   58.80   28.62    0.76  -63.00  145.27   25.68
   46        164W 164W N   CA   1242 1243    7.92   33.00                  -44.20
   47   4529 164W 165G C   N    1254 1256 -118.16  -80.20   74.63    4.74   82.20 -170.91   14.77
   47        165G 165G N   CA   1256 1257  109.84  174.10                    8.50

report______> Distribution of short non-bonded contacts:

DISTANCE1:  0.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40
DISTANCE2:  2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50
FREQUENCY:     0    0    0    0    0   15   18  130  117  175  182  184  219  200  223

<< end of ENERGY.
read_pd_403W> Treating residue type  NAG as a BLK (rigid body)
              even though topology information appears to be at least
              partially available. To treat this residue flexibly
              instead, remove the corresponding 'MODELLER BLK RESIDUE'
              REMARK from the input PDB file.
read_pd_403W> Treating residue type  NAG as a BLK (rigid body)
              even though topology information appears to be at least
              partially available. To treat this residue flexibly
              instead, remove the corresponding 'MODELLER BLK RESIDUE'
              REMARK from the input PDB file.
read_pd_403W> Treating residue type  NDG as a BLK (rigid body)
              even though topology information appears to be at least
              partially available. To treat this residue flexibly
              instead, remove the corresponding 'MODELLER BLK RESIDUE'
              REMARK from the input PDB file.
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.

>> ENERGY; Differences between the model's features and restraints:
Number of all residues in MODEL                   :      170
Number of all, selected real atoms                :     1321    1321
Number of all, selected pseudo atoms              :        0       0
Number of all static, selected restraints         :    12297   12297
COVALENT_CYS                                      :        F
NONBONDED_SEL_ATOMS                               :        1
Number of non-bonded pairs (excluding 1-2,1-3,1-4):     3148
Dynamic pairs routine                             : 2, NATM x NATM cell sorting
Atomic shift for contacts update (UPDATE_DYNAMIC) :    0.390
LENNARD_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
COULOMB_JONES_SWITCH                              :    6.500   7.500
RESIDUE_SPAN_RANGE                                :        0   99999
NLOGN_USE                                         :       15
CONTACT_SHELL                                     :    4.000
DYNAMIC_PAIRS,_SPHERE,_COULOMB,_LENNARD,_MODELLER :        T       T       F       F       F
SPHERE_STDV                                       :    0.050
RADII_FACTOR                                      :    0.820
Current energy                                    :        1423.5087

Summary of the restraint violations: 

   NUM     ... number of restraints.
   NUMVI   ... number of restraints with RVIOL > VIOL_REPORT_CUT[i].
   RVIOL   ... relative difference from the best value.
   NUMVP   ... number of restraints with -Ln(pdf) > VIOL_REPORT_CUT2[i].
   RMS_1   ... RMS(feature, minimally_violated_basis_restraint, NUMB).
   RMS_2   ... RMS(feature, best_value, NUMB).
   MOL.PDF ... scaled contribution to -Ln(Molecular pdf).

 #                     RESTRAINT_GROUP      NUM   NUMVI  NUMVP   RMS_1   RMS_2         MOL.PDF     S_i
 1 Bond length potential              :    1300       0      0   0.006   0.006      12.963       1.000
 2 Bond angle potential               :    1756       4     17   3.615   3.615      263.04       1.000
 3 Stereochemical cosine torsion poten:     794       0     42  51.014  51.014      319.61       1.000
 4 Stereochemical improper torsion pot:     515       0      1   1.550   1.550      24.724       1.000
 5 Soft-sphere overlap restraints     :    3148       1      3   0.009   0.009      26.881       1.000
 6 Lennard-Jones 6-12 potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 7 Coulomb point-point electrostatic p:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 8 H-bonding potential                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
 9 Distance restraints 1 (CA-CA)      :    2405       0      3   0.369   0.369      109.25       1.000
10 Distance restraints 2 (N-O)        :    2564       0     21   0.564   0.564      238.38       1.000
11 Mainchain Phi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
12 Mainchain Psi dihedral restraints  :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
13 Mainchain Omega dihedral restraints:     166       0      5   4.923   4.923      47.451       1.000
14 Sidechain Chi_1 dihedral restraints:     133       0      7  80.577  80.577      57.573       1.000
15 Sidechain Chi_2 dihedral restraints:      98       0      0  83.261  83.261      38.818       1.000
16 Sidechain Chi_3 dihedral restraints:      45       0      0  71.935  71.935      26.976       1.000
17 Sidechain Chi_4 dihedral restraints:      23       0      0  93.167  93.167      15.265       1.000
18 Disulfide distance restraints      :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
19 Disulfide angle restraints         :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
20 Disulfide dihedral angle restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
21 Lower bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
22 Upper bound distance restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
23 Distance restraints 3 (SDCH-MNCH)  :     818       0      0   0.384   0.384      10.287       1.000
24 Sidechain Chi_5 dihedral restraints:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
25 Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints:     165      49     34  38.090  93.368      201.99       1.000
26 Distance restraints 4 (SDCH-SDCH)  :     114       0      0   1.474   1.474      7.7375       1.000
27 Distance restraints 5 (X-Y)        :    1401       0      0   0.045   0.045      22.567       1.000
28 NMR distance restraints 6 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
29 NMR distance restraints 7 (X-Y)    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
30 Minimal distance restraints        :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
31 Non-bonded restraints              :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
32 Atomic accessibility restraints    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
33 Atomic density restraints          :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
34 Absolute position restraints       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
35 Dihedral angle difference restraint:       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
36 GBSA implicit solvent potential    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
37 EM density fitting potential       :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
38 SAXS restraints                    :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000
39 Symmetry restraints                :       0       0      0   0.000   0.000      0.0000       1.000

# Heavy relative violation of each residue is written to: O80292_lig.V99990002
# The profile is NOT normalized by the number of restraints.
# The profiles are smoothed over a window of residues:    1
# The sum of all numbers in the file:   23494.4512

List of the violated restraints:
   A restraint is violated when the relative difference
   from the best value (RVIOL) is larger than CUTOFF.

   ICSR   ... index of a restraint in the current set.
   RESNO  ... residue numbers of the first two atoms.
   ATM    ... IUPAC atom names of the first two atoms.
   FEAT   ... the value of the feature in the model.
   restr  ... the mean of the basis restraint with the smallest
              difference from the model (local minimum).
   viol   ... difference from the local minimum.
   rviol  ... relative difference from the local minimum.
   RESTR  ... the best value (global minimum).
   VIOL   ... difference from the best value.
   RVIOL  ... relative difference from the best value.


Feature  2                           : Bond angle potential                    
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       4.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   2594 126N 126N ND2 CG    938  936  139.12  122.50   16.63    4.63  122.50   16.63    4.63


Feature 25                           : Phi/Psi pair of dihedral restraints     
List of the RVIOL violations larger than   :       6.5000

    #   ICSR  RESNO1/2 ATM1/2   INDATM1/2    FEAT   restr    viol   rviol   RESTR    VIOL   RVIOL
    1   4367   2A   3M C   N      12   14 -100.51 -125.60   26.53    1.26  -63.40  174.35   29.00
    1          3M   3M N   CA     14   15  149.15  140.50                  -40.50
    2   4380  15I  16S C   N     104  106  121.07 -136.60  104.32    3.64  -64.10 -127.31   29.27
    2         16S  16S N   CA    106  107  171.44  151.20                  -35.00
    3   4381  16S  17G C   N     110  112  121.33   82.20   46.58    1.88  -62.40  177.95   30.70
    3         17G  17G N   CA    112  113  -16.77    8.50                  -41.20
    4   4382  17G  18G C   N     114  116  -59.24  -62.40    5.39    0.74 -167.20  176.66    6.92
    4         18G  18G N   CA    116  117  -45.57  -41.20                  174.60
    5   4383  18G  19A C   N     118  120 -138.57 -134.00   67.57    3.93  -62.50  142.48   21.38
    5         19A  19A N   CA    120  121   79.58  147.00                  -40.90
    6   4385  20I  21A C   N     131  133   54.89   55.40    1.76    0.07  -62.50  142.50   28.92
    6         21A  21A N   CA    133  134   39.89   38.20                  -40.90
    7   4386  21A  22I C   N     136  138   32.33  -97.30  133.31    6.63  -63.40  169.37   31.15
    7         22I  22I N   CA    138  139   96.11  127.20                  -43.60
    8   4389  24S  25V C   N     155  157  178.38 -125.40   95.29    2.99  -62.40  153.92   26.07
    8         25V  25V N   CA    157  158 -139.76  143.30                  -42.40
    9   4390  25V  26L C   N     162  164   14.65  -70.70   89.20    7.15  -63.50  175.25   29.16
    9         26L  26L N   CA    164  165  115.66  141.60                  -41.20
   10   4392  27I  28T C   N     178  180 -102.38 -124.80   34.10    1.07  -63.20  164.64   18.79
   10         28T  28T N   CA    180  181  117.81  143.50                  -42.10
   11   4393  28T  29G C   N     185  187  105.90   78.70   73.51    1.14   82.20  119.48    6.96
   11         29G  29G N   CA    187  188  125.61 -166.10                    8.50
   12   4395  30P  31G C   N     196  198 -128.61 -167.20   50.15    1.00   82.20 -159.43   15.51
   12         31G  31G N   CA    198  199  142.56  174.60                    8.50
   13   4396  31G  32G C   N     200  202  165.89 -167.20   27.05    0.45   82.20 -171.48   12.97
   13         32G  32G N   CA    202  203  177.43  174.60                    8.50
   14   4397  32G  33N C   N     204  206 -116.15 -119.90    4.24    0.22  -63.20 -172.45   26.46
   14         33N  33N N   CA    206  207  138.98  137.00                  -41.10
   15   4398  33N  34D C   N     212  214 -125.31  -70.90   59.84    3.44  -63.30  157.54   23.45
   15         34D  34D N   CA    214  215  175.18  150.30                  -40.00
   16   4399  34D  35G C   N     220  222   94.15   78.70   18.62    0.56   82.20  175.41    9.11
   16         35G  35G N   CA    222  223 -176.49 -166.10                    8.50
   17   4400  35G  36L C   N     224  226  -71.19  -70.70   19.18    1.43  -63.50  158.21   22.42
   17         36L  36L N   CA    226  227  160.78  141.60                  -41.20
   18   4401  36L  37E C   N     232  234  -60.80  -69.30   11.10    1.02  -63.60  170.09   22.53
   18         37E  37E N   CA    234  235  149.64  142.50                  -40.30
   19   4402  37E  38G C   N     241  243 -134.25 -167.20   33.46    0.52   82.20 -144.87   16.31
   19         38G  38G N   CA    243  244  168.74  174.60                    8.50
   20   4404  39V  40R C   N     252  254 -150.60 -125.20   35.61    1.08  -63.00  176.60   29.75
   20         40R  40R N   CA    254  255  165.55  140.60                  -41.10
   21   4405  40R  41Y C   N     263  265 -113.28  -98.40   17.09    1.00  -63.50  170.80   24.77
   21         41Y  41Y N   CA    265  266  119.98  128.40                  -43.40
   22   4406  41Y  42K C   N     275  277  141.94 -118.00  101.25    4.10  -62.90 -133.94   27.22
   22         42K  42K N   CA    277  278  123.60  139.10                  -40.80
   23   4408  43P  44Y C   N     291  293 -153.06 -124.30   54.42    2.15  -63.50  162.01   29.90
   23         44Y  44Y N   CA    293  294 -178.40  135.40                  -43.40
   24   4410  45K  46D C   N     312  314  -57.73  -70.90   18.10    0.75  -63.30  177.97   22.31
   24         46D  46D N   CA    314  315  137.88  150.30                  -40.00
   25   4413  48V  49G C   N     334  336   83.72   78.70   21.60    0.82   82.20  153.60    7.38
   25         49G  49G N   CA    336  337 -145.09 -166.10                    8.50
   26   4416  51L  52T C   N     353  355  -96.61  -78.10   39.88    2.32  -63.20  160.11   18.51
   26         52T  52T N   CA    355  356  114.48  149.80                  -42.10
   27   4420  55Y  56G C   N     385  387  135.55 -167.20   58.55    1.43   82.20  162.84   10.43
   27         56G  56G N   CA    387  388  162.35  174.60                    8.50
   28   4421  56G  57H C   N     389  391   56.61   56.30    2.08    0.16  -63.20  144.65   24.79
   28         57H  57H N   CA    391  392   38.75   40.80                  -42.30
   29   4422  57H  58T C   N     399  401  -63.26  -78.10   15.25    0.99  -63.20  164.59   21.11
   29         58T  58T N   CA    401  402  153.31  149.80                  -42.10
   30   4424  59G  60K C   N     410  412  -55.54  -70.20   21.73    1.30  -62.90  165.33   21.88
   30         60K  60K N   CA    412  413  124.36  140.40                  -40.80
   31   4425  60K  61D C   N     419  421  -97.09  -70.90   47.69    1.63  -63.30  134.18   18.73
   31         61D  61D N   CA    421  422 -169.85  150.30                  -40.00
   32   4427  62I  63M C   N     435  437 -154.80 -125.60   40.23    2.16  -63.40  178.50   22.04
   32         63M  63M N   CA    437  438  112.83  140.50                  -40.50
   33   4428  63M  64P C   N     443  445  -71.62  -64.50    7.12    0.73  -58.70  178.09   13.69
   33         64P  64P N   CA    445  446  147.13  147.20                  -30.50
   34   4438  73C  74K C   N     518  520 -120.68  -62.90   64.13    8.94  -62.90   64.13    8.94
   34         74K  74K N   CA    520  521  -12.98  -40.80                  -40.80
   35   4439  74K  75A C   N     527  529   58.70   55.40    4.49    0.25  -62.50  143.09   29.08
   35         75A  75A N   CA    529  530   35.16   38.20                  -40.90
   36   4440  75A  76L C   N     532  534   73.82   60.20   24.27    0.96  -63.50  146.39   26.85
   36         76L  76L N   CA    534  535    9.51   29.60                  -41.20
   37   4443  78N  79K C   N     556  558  -96.58  -62.90   80.59    9.27  -62.90   80.59    9.27
   37         79K  79K N   CA    558  559   32.42  -40.80                  -40.80
   38   4451  86R  87Q C   N     619  621   80.62   55.10   29.71    2.48  -63.80  158.54   28.59
   38         87Q  87Q N   CA    621  622   25.09   40.30                  -40.30
   39   4456  91Y  92I C   N     663  665   87.07 -120.60  158.02    9.45 -120.60  158.02    9.45
   39         92I  92I N   CA    665  666  172.35  130.30                  130.30
   40   4469 104L 105Y C   N     761  763  162.01  -63.50  137.14   24.79  -63.50  137.14   24.79
   40        105Y 105Y N   CA    763  764  -70.24  -43.40                  -43.40
   41   4472 107F 108V C   N     790  792  -57.80  -62.40   32.73    3.89 -125.40  157.18    8.95
   41        108V 108V N   CA    792  793  -74.80  -42.40                  143.30
   42   4506 141T 142Y C   N    1060 1062   70.44   55.90  159.95   12.28 -124.30  177.01   10.87
   42        142Y 142Y N   CA   1062 1063 -161.21   39.50                  135.40
   43   4508 143A 144G C   N    1077 1079  -59.29  -80.20   31.25    2.17   82.20 -137.91   16.67
   43        144G 144G N   CA   1079 1080 -162.68  174.10                    8.50
   44   4509 144G 145G C   N    1081 1083   91.79   82.20   51.56    2.02  -62.40  154.19   27.51
   44        145G 145G N   CA   1083 1084  -42.16    8.50                  -41.20
   45   4524 159R 160D C   N    1211 1213  -80.26  -63.30   68.86    7.63  -63.30   68.86    7.63
   45        160D 160D N   CA   1213 1214   26.74  -40.00                  -40.00
   46   4526 161V 162C C   N    1226 1228 -151.47 -117.90   84.16    3.69  -63.00  137.33   15.02
   46        162C 162C N   CA   1228 1229   63.93  141.10                  -41.10
   47   4527 162C 163L C   N    1232 1234  -65.19  -63.50    3.40    0.42  -70.70  179.94   13.42
   47        163L 163L N   CA   1234 1235  -38.25  -41.20                  141.60
   48   4529 164W 165G C   N    1254 1256  -96.14  -80.20   62.82    3.27   82.20 -153.13    8.80
   48        165G 165G N   CA   1256 1257  113.34  174.10                    8.50
   49   4530 165G 166K C   N    1258 1260  -63.19  -70.20   20.61    1.33  -62.90  161.81   21.00
   49        166K 166K N   CA   1260 1261  121.01  140.40                  -40.80

report______> Distribution of short non-bonded contacts:

DISTANCE1:  0.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40
DISTANCE2:  2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50
FREQUENCY:     0    0    0    0    0   14   21  133  107  177  168  180  199  197  240

<< end of ENERGY.

>> Summary of successfully produced models:
Filename                          molpdf
O80292_lig.B99990001.pdb      1248.13477
O80292_lig.B99990002.pdb      1423.50867

In [32]:
w3 = nglview.show_structure_file('O80292_lig.B99990002.pdb')
In [ ]:
Атомы лиганда показаны шариками.
In [ ]: