sp|P50866|CLPX_BACSU ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subu... 770 0.0 sp|Q81LB9|CLPX_BACAN ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subu... 676 0.0 sp|Q5KWJ9|CLPX_GEOKA ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subu... 671 0.0 sp|Q8Y7K9|CLPX_LISMO ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subu... 632 0.0 sp|A7X396|CLPX_STAA1 ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subu... 564 0.0 sp|Q8CNY5|CLPX_STAES ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subu... 562 0.0 sp|Q891J8|CLPX_CLOTE ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subu... 555 0.0 sp|A7FYI1|CLPX_CLOB1 ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subu... 549 0.0 sp|Q833M7|CLPX_ENTFA ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subu... 545 0.0 sp|Q8GJP6|CLPX_LACLM ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subu... 524 0.0 tr|B0S2N5|B0S2N5_FINM2 ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding su... 520 0.0 tr|Q5FKR6|Q5FKR6_LACAC ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding su... 515 0.0 sp|P63793|CLPX_STRP1 ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subu... 509 e-179 sp|P63791|CLPX_STRPN ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subu... 502 e-176 tr|Q1GAP8|Q1GAP8_LACDA ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding su... 499 e-175 tr|J7M389|J7M389_STRP1 ATP-dependent protease ATP-binding subuni... 469 e-164 sp|Q5FKD8|HSLU_LACAC ATP-dependent protease ATPase subunit HslU; 104 2e-24 sp|Q834K4|HSLU_ENTFA ATP-dependent protease ATPase subunit HslU; 100 7e-23 sp|Q1G9V4|HSLU_LACDA ATP-dependent protease ATPase subunit HslU; 97 9e-22 sp|Q8Y7J8|HSLU_LISMO ATP-dependent protease ATPase subunit HslU; 96 3e-21 sp|Q81WK6|HSLU_BACAN ATP-dependent protease ATPase subunit HslU; 93 2e-20 sp|A7X1N1|HSLU_STAA1 ATP-dependent protease ATPase subunit HslU; 93 3e-20 sp|Q5L0N1|HSLU_GEOKA ATP-dependent protease ATPase subunit HslU; 92 3e-20 sp|Q8CPH0|HSLU_STAES ATP-dependent protease ATPase subunit HslU; 91 2e-19 sp|P39778|CLPY_BACSU ATP-dependent protease ATPase subunit ClpY; 90 2e-19 C3F5U0_BACAN ATP-dependent protease ATPase subunit HslU 89 6e-19 tr|Q5L436|Q5L436_GEOKA ATP-dependent Clp protease ATPase subunit; 52 6e-07 tr|B0S0E3|B0S0E3_FINM2 ATP-dependent zinc metalloprotease FtsH; 50 1e-06 tr|A7FYT8|A7FYT8_CLOB1 ATP-dependent zinc metalloprotease FtsH; 49 3e-06 tr|Q97N72|Q97N72_STRPN ATP-dependent Clp protease, ATP-binding s... 49 4e-06 tr|Q890L5|Q890L5_CLOTE Negative regulator of genetic competence ... 49 7e-06 sp|P37571|CLPC_BACSU Negative regulator of genetic competence Cl... 49 7e-06 sp|O31673|CLPE_BACSU ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subu... 48 1e-05 B0AY46_BACAN Negative regulator of genetic competence ClpC/MecB 48 1e-05 tr|A2RIW9|A2RIW9_LACLM ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding su... 47 2e-05 tr|A7X6Q9|A7X6Q9_STAA1 ATP-dependent Clp proteinase chain; 46 5e-05 tr|A7WYU0|A7WYU0_STAA1 Endopeptidase; 45 6e-05 tr|J7M6I1|J7M6I1_STRP1 ATP-dependent zinc metalloprotease FtsH; 45 7e-05 tr|Q9A200|Q9A200_STRP1 ATP-dependent zinc metalloprotease FtsH; 45 7e-05 sp|O69076|FTSH_STRPN ATP-dependent zinc metalloprotease FtsH; 45 1e-04 tr|Q899H3|Q899H3_CLOTE ATP-dependent zinc metalloprotease FtsH; 44 1e-04 tr|Q8Y8B1|Q8Y8B1_LISMO ATP-dependent protease; 44 2e-04 tr|Q1GBN8|Q1GBN8_LACDA ATP-dependent zinc metalloprotease FtsH; 44 2e-04 sp|Q8CQ88|CLPC_STAES ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subu... 44 3e-04 tr|A7FZB1|A7FZB1_CLOB1 ATP-dependent zinc metalloprotease FtsH; 43 4e-04 tr|Q891B9|Q891B9_CLOTE ATP-dependent zinc metalloprotease FtsH; 43 4e-04 tr|A7X289|A7X289_STAA1 Uncharacterized protein; 42 6e-04 tr|Q5L3T1|Q5L3T1_GEOKA ATP-dependent zinc metalloprotease FtsH; 42 9e-04