BLAST. Results' characteristics

As it can be seen from Table 1, searching with the standart parameters resulted in 100 finds where all had E-value 0.0. However, after changing parameters the amount of homologous with E-value lower than 0.001 decreased (not all had such low E parameter)

Table 1. Results of BLAST search
Amount of resultsE-value < 0,001max E-valueLimited by
1001000max amount of results
5004975,1max amount of results

From Table 2 it can be seen that after changing word-length from 6 to 2 the amount of finds with E-value lower than 0.001 decreased while the max E-value increased.

Table 2. Results of word-length changing
word-lengthAmount of resultsE-value < 0,001max E-value

After changing bank size, having limited it by 'Proteobacteria' organism, E-value decreased which confermed the hypothesis of reduction E-value with decrease of bank size.

Table 3. Results of bank size changing
IDACOrganismTaxonomyE-valueOrganism searchAmount of resultsE-value after changing parameters
KATG_RHOCA P37743Rhodobacter capsulatusBacteria; Proteobacteria; Alphaproteobacteria; Rhodobacterales; Rhodobacteraceae; Rhodobacter4,00E-158Proteobacteria2501,00E-158