≈≈set echo top left restrict protein cartoon on wireframe off cpk off color chains echo "Protein structure with colored chains" pause resume color structure echo "Protein structure with colored alpha-helixes and beta-strands" pause resume select zn or mes or edo; cpk 30%; wireframe 50%; color cpk echo "Protein structure with ligands" pause resume select protein; cartoon off; cpk on; color cpk select zn or mes or edo; cpk off; wireframe off echo "Protein structure with colored elements" pause resume zoom 300 center 839:b restrict 829-850:b and backbone; wireframe 70%; color cpk; cartoon off; cpk off hbonds calculate echo "Alpha-helix with calculated hydrogen bonds" pause resume zoom 150 hbonds delete restrict a restrict 714-725 and backbone; wireframe 70%; color cpk; cartoon off hbonds calculate echo "Beta-strand with calculated hydrogen bonds" pause resume load =5pxl