

Содержимое страницы «Users/alice/pr3».

Команда cp

Копирует файлы и директории.

Ниже я привожу подробный пример, как работает эта команда. У меня был файл Virus в папке pr3. Я скопировала его в папку credits, поменяв название.

alice@kodomo:~/term1/block1/pr3$ more Virus
Whether non-integrated viral DNAs distribute randomly or target specific positions within the higher-order architecture of mammalian genomes remains largely unknown. Here we use Hi-C and viral DNA capture (CHi-C) in primary human hepatocytes infected by either hepatitis B virus (HBV) or adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) virus to show that they adopt different strategies in their respective positioning at active chromatin. HBV contacts preferentially CpG islands (CGIs) enriched in Cfp1 a factor required for its transcription. These CGIs are often associated with highly expressed genes (HEG) and genes deregulated during infection. Ad5 DNA interacts preferentially with transcription start sites (TSSs) and enhancers of HEG, as well as genes upregulated during infection. These results show that DNA viruses use different strategies to infiltrate genomic 3D networks and target specific regions. This targeting may facilitate the recruitment of transcription factors necessary for their own replication and contribute to the deregulation of cellular gene expression.
alice@kodomo:~/term1/block1/pr3$ cd ..
alice@kodomo:~/term1/block1$ cd credits
alice@kodomo:~/term1/block1/credits$ ls
alice@kodomo:~/term1/block1/credits$ pwd
alice@kodomo:~/term1/block1/credits$ cp /home/students/y19/alice/term1/block1/pr3/Virus /home/students/y19/alice/term1/block1/credits/Lyskova-pr3.1
alice@kodomo:~/term1/block1/credits$ ls
alice@kodomo:~/term1/block1/credits$ more Lyskova-pr3.1
Whether non-integrated viral DNAs distribute randomly or target specific positions within the higher-order architecture of mammalian genomes remains largely unknown. Here we use Hi-C and viral DNA capture (CHi-C) in primary human hepatocytes infected by either hepatitis B virus (HBV) or adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) virus to show that they adopt different strategies in their respective positioning at active chromatin. HBV contacts preferentially CpG islands (CGIs) enriched in Cfp1 a factor required for its transcription. These CGIs are often associated with highly expressed genes (HEG) and genes deregulated during infection. Ad5 DNA interacts preferentially with transcription start sites (TSSs) and enhancers of HEG, as well as genes upregulated during infection. These results show that DNA viruses use different strategies to infiltrate genomic 3D networks and target specific regions. This targeting may facilitate the recruitment of transcription factors necessary for their own replication and contribute to the deregulation of cellular gene expression.

У данной команды есть множество опций. Например,

-i, --interactive - предупреждает перед перезаписью файла. Рассмотрим, как работает эта опция на примере с файлом DNA. Я создала файл DNA_2 в той же папке и скопировала в него файл DNA.

alice@kodomo:~/term1/block1/pr3$ more DNA
DNA contains the instructions needed for organism to develop, survive and reproduce. DNA is made of chemical building blocks called nucleotides. Each DNA sequence that contains insructions to make a protein is known as a gene.
alice@kodomo:~/term1/block1/pr3$ touch DNA_2
alice@kodomo:~/term1/block1/pr3$ ls
alice@kodomo:~/term1/block1/pr3$ echo 'DNA is'>DNA_2
alice@kodomo:~/term1/block1/pr3$ more DNA_2
DNA is
alice@kodomo:~/term1/block1/pr3$ cp -i DNA DNA_2
cp: overwrite `DNA_2'? yes
alice@kodomo:~/term1/block1/pr3$ more DNA_2
DNA contains the instructions needed for organism to develop, survive and reproduce. DNA is made of chemical building blocks called nucleotides. Each DNA sequence that contains insructions to make a protein is known as a gene.

Команда ls

С помощью данной команды можно узнать, какие файлы находятся в папке.

@kodomo:~/term1/block1/pr3$ ls

С помощью опции -a,-all можно посмотреть все файлы, в том числе и скрытые.

alice@kodomo:~/term1/block1/pr3$ ls -all
total 24
drwxr-x---+ 2 alice year-19  28 Sep 23 12:54 . 
drwxr-x---+ 4 alice year-19  30 Sep 22 20:53 ..
-rw-r-----+ 1 alice year-19 227 Sep 22 21:22 DNA
-rw-r-----+ 1 alice year-19 227 Sep 23 12:57 DNA_2
alice@kodomo:~/term1/block1/pr3$ ls -a
.  ..  DNA  DNA_2