Construction and analysis of a tree containing paralogs

Proteins-homologues have a common origin.
Orthologs are proteins that have dispersed as a result of speciation. Thus, orthologic proteins are found in organisms of different species and, as a rule, perform similar functions.
Paralogues are proteins formed as a result of gene duplication. Consequently, such proteins exist in one organism and evolve almost independently of each other, and therefore can vary greatly in functions.

Task 1:

Search for homologues.

Before the start of work, all bacterial proteomas were downloaded and assembled into a single all.fasta file. The sequence of protein whose homologues have to be found was stored in the file CLPX_ECOLI.fasta.

Then a database was created from the proteomic file for further homologue searching.
Command line: makeblastdb -in proteomes.fasta -dbtype prot

Then the search itself was started using the BLASTP algorithm.
Command line: blastp -query CLPX_ECOLI.fasta -db proteomes.fasta -evalue 0.001 -out blast.out -outfmt 7 -num_alignments 50

From the proteins found, I chose the most reliable homologues (the main selection criterion is E-value). The amino acid sequences of these proteins are collected in a file chosen.fasta.

Next, the alignment of all sequences was constructed.
Command line: muscle -in chosen.fasta -out align.fasta

Building a tree

Then a phylogenetic tree was constructed, based on the obtained file, with the Minimum Evolution method
Area marked blue contains orthologs CLPX and B9JD32. All these proteins are in different organisms, but they perform the same function (ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subunit ClpX). The yellow color corresponds to the group of orthologous proteins HSLU (ATP-dependent protease ATPase subunit HslU). Pairs of paralogs - proteins, having a common ancestor and located in the body of one species, but functionally separated in the course of evolution, are distinguished by small frames of the same color.

© Popov Nikita 2016