Visualization of molecules in JMol

Parameters of H-bonds between backbone atoms in secondary structure

Atoms' namesBond length (angstrom)Angle N-O-C (degrees)
Alpha helix
1. O(PRO88:D) - N(THR91:D)3.06124.3
2. O(LYS87:D) - N(ASP90:D)2.88132.7
3. O(THR28:D) - N(ASN31:D)2.99134.9
4. O(PHE29:D) - N(TYR32:D)3.12124.8
5. O(PRO139:A) - N(LEU142:A)3.08107.6
6. O(ARG138:A) - N(TYR141:A)2.94121.8
Beta strands
1. O(ASP73:D) - N(THR78:D)3.15147.6
2. O(THR78:D) - N(ASP73:D)2.83163.5
3. O(SER71:D) - N(TYR80:D)2.87146.5
4. O(TYR80:D) - N(SER71:D)3.15136.2
5. O(GLN82:D) - N(THR69:D)2.88155.1
6. O(LEU18:D) - N(MET83:D)2.83177.6
7. O(MET83:D) - N(LEU18:D)3.06149.8
8. O(SER7:D) - N(SER21:D)2.93141.8
9. O(SER21:D) - N(SER7:D)2.99151.3
10. O(LEU79:D) - N(CYS22:D)2.82159.9
11. O(CYS22:D) - N(LEU79:D)2.93147.2
12. O(VAL5:D) - N(ALA23:D)2.99143.2
13. O(ALA23:D) - N(VAL5:D)2.97147.9
14. O(GLN3:D) - N(SER25:D)3.03158.9
15. O(SER25:D) - N(GLN3:D)3.01143.6

The average values for h-bond length in alpha-helixes (3.01 angstrom) and for beta strands (2.96 angstrom) are quite close to those in literature sources (2.99 and 2.91 angstrom respectively). It is interesting that, for alpha-helix, residues with h-bonds are at a distance of 3 amino acids from each other, which corresponds to a 4:13 structure of a helix. For beta-strands, such a pattern is not observed, the distance between amino acids who form a bond varies greatly. But in beta-strand a pair of amino acids form two bonds, in which each amino acid is either a donor (-NH) or an acceptor (= O).

Literature sources:

1. PDB page for the protein.
2. Source about h-bonds.

© Belousova Evgenia, 2017